module Graphics.UI.Gtk.ModelView.TreeStore (
) where
import Data.Bits
import Data.Word (Word32)
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe, isJust )
import Data.Tree
import Control.Monad ( when )
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Data.IORef
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.ModelView.Types
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Types (GObjectClass(..))
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.ModelView.CustomStore
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.ModelView.TreeModel
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.ModelView.TreeDrag
import Control.Monad.Trans ( liftIO )
newtype TreeStore a = TreeStore (CustomStore (IORef (Store a)) a)
instance TypedTreeModelClass TreeStore
instance TreeModelClass (TreeStore a)
instance GObjectClass (TreeStore a) where
toGObject (TreeStore tm) = toGObject tm
unsafeCastGObject = TreeStore . unsafeCastGObject
type Depth = [Int]
data Store a = Store {
depth :: Depth,
content :: Cache a
treeStoreNew :: Forest a -> IO (TreeStore a)
treeStoreNew forest = treeStoreNewDND forest
(Just treeStoreDefaultDragSourceIface)
(Just treeStoreDefaultDragDestIface)
treeStoreNewDND :: Forest a
-> Maybe (DragSourceIface TreeStore a)
-> Maybe (DragDestIface TreeStore a)
-> IO (TreeStore a)
treeStoreNewDND forest mDSource mDDest = do
storeRef <- newIORef Store {
depth = calcForestDepth forest,
content = storeToCache forest
let withStore f = readIORef storeRef >>= return . f
withStoreUpdateCache f = do
store <- readIORef storeRef
let (result, cache') = f store
writeIORef storeRef store { content = cache' }
return result
customStoreNew storeRef TreeStore TreeModelIface {
treeModelIfaceGetFlags = return [],
treeModelIfaceGetIter = \path -> withStore $
\Store { depth = d } -> fromPath d path,
treeModelIfaceGetPath = \iter -> withStore $
\Store { depth = d } -> toPath d iter,
treeModelIfaceGetRow = \iter -> withStoreUpdateCache $
\Store { depth = d, content = cache } ->
case checkSuccess d iter cache of
(True, cache'@((_, (Node { rootLabel = val }:_)):_)) ->
(val, cache')
_ -> error "TreeStore.getRow: iter does not refer to a valid entry",
treeModelIfaceIterNext = \iter -> withStoreUpdateCache $
\Store { depth = d, content = cache } -> iterNext d iter cache,
treeModelIfaceIterChildren = \mIter -> withStoreUpdateCache $
\Store { depth = d, content = cache } ->
let iter = fromMaybe invalidIter mIter
in iterNthChild d 0 iter cache,
treeModelIfaceIterHasChild = \iter -> withStoreUpdateCache $
\Store { depth = d, content = cache } ->
let (mIter, cache') = iterNthChild d 0 iter cache
in (isJust mIter, cache'),
treeModelIfaceIterNChildren = \mIter -> withStoreUpdateCache $
\Store { depth = d, content = cache } ->
let iter = fromMaybe invalidIter mIter
in iterNChildren d iter cache,
treeModelIfaceIterNthChild = \mIter idx -> withStoreUpdateCache $
\Store { depth = d, content = cache } ->
let iter = fromMaybe invalidIter mIter
in iterNthChild d idx iter cache,
treeModelIfaceIterParent = \iter -> withStore $
\Store { depth = d } -> iterParent d iter,
treeModelIfaceRefNode = \_ -> return (),
treeModelIfaceUnrefNode = \_ -> return ()
} mDSource mDDest
treeStoreDefaultDragSourceIface :: DragSourceIface TreeStore row
treeStoreDefaultDragSourceIface = DragSourceIface {
treeDragSourceRowDraggable = \_ _-> return True,
treeDragSourceDragDataGet = treeSetRowDragData,
treeDragSourceDragDataDelete = \model dest@(_:_) -> do
liftIO $ treeStoreRemove model dest
return True
treeStoreDefaultDragDestIface :: DragDestIface TreeStore row
treeStoreDefaultDragDestIface = DragDestIface {
treeDragDestRowDropPossible = \model dest -> do
mModelPath <- treeGetRowDragData
case mModelPath of
Nothing -> return False
Just (model', source) -> return (toTreeModel model==toTreeModel model'),
treeDragDestDragDataReceived = \model dest@(_:_) -> do
mModelPath <- treeGetRowDragData
case mModelPath of
Nothing -> return False
Just (model', source@(_:_)) ->
if toTreeModel model/=toTreeModel model' then return False
else liftIO $ do
row <- treeStoreGetTree model source
treeStoreInsertTree model (init dest) (last dest) row
return True
bitsNeeded :: Word32 -> Int
bitsNeeded n = bitsNeeded' 0 n
where bitsNeeded' b 0 = b
bitsNeeded' b n = bitsNeeded' (b+1) (n `shiftR` 1)
getBitSlice :: TreeIter -> Int -> Int -> Word32
getBitSlice (TreeIter _ a b c) off count =
getBitSliceWord a off count
.|. getBitSliceWord b (off32) count
.|. getBitSliceWord c (off64) count
where getBitSliceWord :: Word32 -> Int -> Int -> Word32
getBitSliceWord word off count =
word `shift` (off) .&. (1 `shiftL` count 1)
setBitSlice :: TreeIter -> Int -> Int -> Word32 -> TreeIter
setBitSlice (TreeIter stamp a b c) off count value =
assert (value < 1 `shiftL` count) $
TreeIter stamp
(setBitSliceWord a off count value)
(setBitSliceWord b (off32) count value)
(setBitSliceWord c (off64) count value)
where setBitSliceWord :: Word32 -> Int -> Int -> Word32 -> Word32
setBitSliceWord word off count value =
let mask = (1 `shiftL` count 1) `shift` off
in (word .&. complement mask) .|. (value `shift` off)
invalidIter :: TreeIter
invalidIter = TreeIter 0 0 0 0
calcForestDepth :: Forest a -> Depth
calcForestDepth f = map bitsNeeded $
takeWhile (/=0) $
foldr calcTreeDepth (repeat 0) f
calcTreeDepth Node { subForest = f } (d:ds) =
(d+1): zipWith max ds (foldr calcTreeDepth (repeat 0) f)
toPath :: Depth -> TreeIter -> TreePath
toPath d iter = gP 0 d
gP pos [] = []
gP pos (d:ds) = let idx = getBitSlice iter pos d in
if idx==0 then [] else fromIntegral (idx1) : gP (pos+d) ds
fromPath :: Depth -> TreePath -> Maybe TreeIter
fromPath = fP 0 invalidIter
fP pos ti _ [] = Just ti
fP pos ti [] _ = Nothing
fP pos ti (d:ds) (p:ps) = let idx = fromIntegral (p+1) in
if idx >= bit d then Nothing else
fP (pos+d) (setBitSlice ti pos d idx) ds ps
type Cache a = [(TreeIter, Forest a)]
storeToCache :: Forest a -> Cache a
storeToCache [] = []
storeToCache forest = [(invalidIter, [Node root forest])]
root = error "TreeStore.storeToCache: accessed non-exitent root of tree"
cacheToStore :: Cache a -> Forest a
cacheToStore [] = []
cacheToStore cache = case last cache of (_, [Node _ forest]) -> forest
advanceCache :: Depth -> TreeIter -> Cache a -> Cache a
advanceCache depth goal [] = []
advanceCache depth goal cache@((rootIter,_):_) =
moveToSameLevel 0 depth
moveToSameLevel pos [] = cache
moveToSameLevel pos (d:ds) =
goalIdx = getBitSlice goal pos d
curIdx = getBitSlice rootIter pos d
isNonZero pos d (ti,_) = getBitSlice ti pos d/=0
if goalIdx==curIdx then moveToSameLevel (pos+d) ds else
if goalIdx==0 then dropWhile (isNonZero pos d) cache else
if curIdx==0 then moveToChild pos (d:ds) cache else
if goalIdx<curIdx then
moveToChild pos (d:ds) (dropWhile (isNonZero pos d) cache)
else let
moveWithinLevel pos d ((ti,forest):parents) = let
diff = fromIntegral (goalIdxcurIdx)
(dropped, remain) = splitAt diff forest
advance = length dropped
ti' = setBitSlice ti pos d (curIdx+fromIntegral advance)
if advance==diff then moveToChild (pos+d) ds ((ti',remain):parents)
else (ti',remain):parents
in moveWithinLevel pos d $ case ds of
[] -> cache
(d':_) -> dropWhile (isNonZero (pos+d) d') cache
moveToChild :: Int -> Depth -> Cache a -> Cache a
moveToChild pos [] cache = cache
moveToChild pos (d:ds) cache@((ti,forest):parents)
| getBitSlice goal pos d == 0 = cache
| otherwise = case forest of
[] -> cache
Node { subForest = children }:_ ->
childIdx :: Int
childIdx = fromIntegral (getBitSlice goal pos d)1
(dropped, remain) = splitAt childIdx children
advanced = length dropped
ti' = setBitSlice ti pos d (fromIntegral advanced+1)
in if advanced<childIdx then ((ti',remain):cache) else
moveToChild (pos+d) ds ((ti',remain):cache)
checkSuccess :: Depth -> TreeIter -> Cache a -> (Bool, Cache a)
checkSuccess depth iter cache = case advanceCache depth iter cache of
cache'@((cur,sibs):_) -> (cmp cur iter && not (null sibs), cache')
[] -> (False, [])
cmp (TreeIter _ a1 b1 c1) (TreeIter _ a2 b2 c2) =
a1==a2 && b1==b2 && c2==c2
getTreeIterLeaf :: Depth -> TreeIter -> (Int, Int, Int)
getTreeIterLeaf ds ti = gTIL 0 0 ds
gTIL pos dCur (dNext:ds)
| getBitSlice ti (pos+dCur) dNext==0 = (pos,dCur,dNext)
| otherwise = gTIL (pos+dCur) dNext ds
gTIL pos d [] = (pos, d, 0)
iterNext :: Depth -> TreeIter -> Cache a -> (Maybe TreeIter, Cache a)
iterNext depth iter cache = let
(pos,leaf,_child) = getTreeIterLeaf depth iter
curIdx = getBitSlice iter pos leaf
nextIdx = curIdx+1
nextIter = setBitSlice iter pos leaf nextIdx
if nextIdx==bit leaf then (Nothing, cache) else
case checkSuccess depth nextIter cache of
(True, cache) -> (Just nextIter, cache)
(False, cache) -> (Nothing, cache)
iterNthChild :: Depth -> Int -> TreeIter -> Cache a ->
(Maybe TreeIter, Cache a)
iterNthChild depth childIdx_ iter cache = let
(pos,leaf,child) = getTreeIterLeaf depth iter
childIdx = fromIntegral childIdx_+1
nextIter = setBitSlice iter (pos+leaf) child childIdx
if childIdx>=bit child then (Nothing, cache) else
case checkSuccess depth nextIter cache of
(True, cache) -> (Just nextIter, cache)
(False, cache) -> (Nothing, cache)
iterNChildren :: Depth -> TreeIter -> Cache a -> (Int, Cache a)
iterNChildren depth iter cache = case checkSuccess depth iter cache of
(True, cache@((_,Node { subForest = forest}:_):_)) -> (length forest, cache)
(_, cache) -> (0, cache)
iterParent :: Depth -> TreeIter -> Maybe TreeIter
iterParent depth iter = let
(pos,leaf,_child) = getTreeIterLeaf depth iter
in if pos==0 then Nothing else
if getBitSlice iter pos leaf==0 then Nothing else
Just (setBitSlice iter pos leaf 0)
treeStoreInsertForest ::
TreeStore a
-> TreePath
-> Int
-> Forest a
-> IO ()
treeStoreInsertForest (TreeStore model) path pos nodes = do
customStoreInvalidateIters model
(idx, toggle) <- atomicModifyIORef (customStoreGetPrivate model) $
\store@Store { depth = d, content = cache } ->
case insertIntoForest (cacheToStore cache) nodes path pos of
Nothing -> error ("treeStoreInsertForest: path does not exist " ++ show path)
Just (newForest, idx, toggle) ->
let depth = calcForestDepth newForest
in (Store { depth = depth,
content = storeToCache newForest },
(idx, toggle))
Store { depth = depth } <- readIORef (customStoreGetPrivate model)
let rpath = reverse path
stamp <- customStoreGetStamp model
sequence_ [ let p' = reverse p
Just iter = fromPath depth p'
in treeModelRowInserted model p' (treeIterSetStamp iter stamp)
| (i, node) <- zip [idx..] nodes
, p <- paths (i : rpath) node ]
let Just iter = fromPath depth path
when toggle $ treeModelRowHasChildToggled model path
(treeIterSetStamp iter stamp)
where paths :: TreePath -> Tree a -> [TreePath]
paths path Node { subForest = ts } =
path : concat [ paths (n:path) t | (n, t) <- zip [0..] ts ]
treeStoreInsertTree ::
TreeStore a
-> TreePath
-> Int
-> Tree a
-> IO ()
treeStoreInsertTree store path pos node =
treeStoreInsertForest store path pos [node]
treeStoreInsert ::
TreeStore a
-> TreePath
-> Int
-> a
-> IO ()
treeStoreInsert store path pos node =
treeStoreInsertForest store path pos [Node node []]
insertIntoForest :: Forest a -> Forest a -> TreePath -> Int ->
Maybe (Forest a, Int, Bool)
insertIntoForest forest nodes [] pos
| pos<0 = Just (forest++nodes, length forest, null forest)
| otherwise = Just (prev++nodes++next, length prev, null forest)
where (prev, next) = splitAt pos forest
insertIntoForest forest nodes (p:ps) pos = case splitAt p forest of
(prev, []) -> Nothing
(prev, Node { rootLabel = val,
subForest = for}:next) ->
case insertIntoForest for nodes ps pos of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (for, pos, toggle) -> Just (prev++Node { rootLabel = val,
subForest = for }:next,
pos, toggle)
treeStoreRemove :: TreeStore a -> TreePath -> IO Bool
treeStoreRemove (TreeStore model) [] = return False
treeStoreRemove (TreeStore model) path = do
customStoreInvalidateIters model
(found, toggle) <- atomicModifyIORef (customStoreGetPrivate model) $
\store@Store { depth = d, content = cache } ->
if null cache then (store, (False, False)) else
case deleteFromForest (cacheToStore cache) path of
Nothing -> (store, (False, False))
Just (newForest, toggle) ->
(Store { depth = d,
content = storeToCache newForest }, (True, toggle))
when found $ do
when (toggle && not (null path)) $ do
Store { depth = depth } <- readIORef (customStoreGetPrivate model)
let parent = init path
Just iter = fromPath depth parent
treeModelRowHasChildToggled model parent iter
treeModelRowDeleted model path
return found
treeStoreClear :: TreeStore a -> IO ()
treeStoreClear (TreeStore model) = do
customStoreInvalidateIters model
Store { content = cache } <- readIORef (customStoreGetPrivate model)
let forest = cacheToStore cache
writeIORef (customStoreGetPrivate model) Store {
depth = calcForestDepth [],
content = storeToCache []
let loop (1) = return ()
loop n = treeModelRowDeleted model [n] >> loop (n1)
loop (length forest 1)
deleteFromForest :: Forest a -> TreePath -> Maybe (Forest a, Bool)
deleteFromForest forest [] = Just ([], False)
deleteFromForest forest (p:ps) =
case splitAt p forest of
(prev, kill@Node { rootLabel = val,
subForest = for}:next) ->
if null ps then Just (prev++next, null prev && null next) else
case deleteFromForest for ps of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (for,toggle) -> Just (prev++Node {rootLabel = val,
subForest = for }:next, toggle)
(prev, []) -> Nothing
treeStoreSetValue :: TreeStore a -> TreePath -> a -> IO ()
treeStoreSetValue store path value = treeStoreChangeM store path (\_ -> return value)
>> return ()
treeStoreChange :: TreeStore a -> TreePath -> (a -> a) -> IO Bool
treeStoreChange store path func = treeStoreChangeM store path (return . func)
treeStoreChangeM :: TreeStore a -> TreePath -> (a -> IO a) -> IO Bool
treeStoreChangeM (TreeStore model) path act = do
customStoreInvalidateIters model
store@Store { depth = d, content = cache } <-
readIORef (customStoreGetPrivate model)
(store'@Store { depth = d, content = cache }, found) <- do
mRes <- changeForest (cacheToStore cache) act path
return $ case mRes of
Nothing -> (store, False)
Just newForest -> (Store { depth = d,
content = storeToCache newForest }, True)
writeIORef (customStoreGetPrivate model) store'
let Just iter = fromPath d path
stamp <- customStoreGetStamp model
when found $ treeModelRowChanged model path (treeIterSetStamp iter stamp)
return found
changeForest :: Forest a -> (a -> IO a) -> TreePath -> IO (Maybe (Forest a))
changeForest forest act [] = return Nothing
changeForest forest act (p:ps) = case splitAt p forest of
(prev, []) -> return Nothing
(prev, Node { rootLabel = val,
subForest = for}:next) ->
if null ps then do
val' <- act val
return (Just (prev++Node { rootLabel = val',
subForest = for }:next))
else do
mFor <- changeForest for act ps
case mFor of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just for -> return $ Just (prev++Node { rootLabel = val,
subForest = for }:next)
treeStoreGetValue :: TreeStore a -> TreePath -> IO a
treeStoreGetValue model path = fmap rootLabel (treeStoreGetTree model path)
treeStoreGetTree :: TreeStore a -> TreePath -> IO (Tree a)
treeStoreGetTree (TreeStore model) path = do
store@Store { depth = d, content = cache } <-
readIORef (customStoreGetPrivate model)
case fromPath d path of
(Just iter) -> do
let (res, cache') = checkSuccess d iter cache
writeIORef (customStoreGetPrivate model) store { content = cache' }
case cache' of
((_,node:_):_) | res -> return node
_ -> fail ("treeStoreGetTree: path does not exist " ++ show path)
_ -> fail ("treeStoreGetTree: path does not exist " ++ show path)
treeStoreLookup :: TreeStore a -> TreePath -> IO (Maybe (Tree a))
treeStoreLookup (TreeStore model) path = do
store@Store { depth = d, content = cache } <-
readIORef (customStoreGetPrivate model)
case fromPath d path of
(Just iter) -> do
let (res, cache') = checkSuccess d iter cache
writeIORef (customStoreGetPrivate model) store { content = cache' }
case cache' of
((_,node:_):_) | res -> return (Just node)
_ -> return Nothing
_ -> return Nothing