{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

{-# LINE 2 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Gdk/Drawable.chs" #-}
-- -*-haskell-*-
-- GIMP Toolkit (GTK) Drawable
-- Author : Axel Simon
-- Created: 22 September 2002
-- Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Axel Simon
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- Lesser General Public License for more details.
-- if gdk_visuals are implemented, do: get_visual
-- if gdk_colormaps are implemented, do: set_colormap, get_colormap
-- |
-- Maintainer : gtk2hs-users@lists.sourceforge.net
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : portable (depends on GHC)
-- Drawing primitives.
-- This module defines drawing primitives that can operate on 'DrawWindow's
-- and 'Pixmap's.
-- This module is empty when built with Gtk3 because GTKDrawable has been
-- removed.
module Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Drawable (

  castToDrawable, gTypeDrawable,



) where

import Control.Monad (liftM)

import System.Glib.FFI
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.General.Structs (Point, drawableGetID)
import Graphics.Rendering.Pango.Structs
import Graphics.Rendering.Pango.Types
{-# LINE 79 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Gdk/Drawable.chs" #-}
import Graphics.Rendering.Pango.BasicTypes
{-# LINE 80 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Gdk/Drawable.chs" #-}
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Types
{-# LINE 81 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Gdk/Drawable.chs" #-}

import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Region (Region, makeNewRegion)

import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Enums (Dither(..))

{-# LINE 87 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Gdk/Drawable.chs" #-}

-- methods

-- | Get the size of pixels.
-- * Returns the number of bits which are use to store information on each
-- pixels in this 'Drawable'.
drawableGetDepth :: DrawableClass d => d -> IO Int
drawableGetDepth d = liftM fromIntegral $
                     (\(Drawable arg1) -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->gdk_drawable_get_depth argPtr1) (toDrawable d)

-- | Retrieve the size of the 'Drawable'.
-- * The result might not be up-to-date if there are still resizing messages
-- to be processed.
drawableGetSize :: DrawableClass d => d -> IO (Int, Int)
drawableGetSize d = alloca $ \wPtr -> alloca $ \hPtr -> do
  (\(Drawable arg1) arg2 arg3 -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->gdk_drawable_get_size argPtr1 arg2 arg3) (toDrawable d) wPtr hPtr
  (w::(CInt)) <- peek wPtr
  (h::(CInt)) <- peek hPtr
  return (fromIntegral w, fromIntegral h)

-- | Determine where not to draw.
-- * Computes the region of a drawable that potentially can be written
-- to by drawing primitives. This region will not take into account the
-- clip region for the GC, and may also not take into account other
-- factors such as if the window is obscured by other windows, but no
-- area outside of this region will be affected by drawing primitives.
drawableGetClipRegion :: DrawableClass d => d -> IO Region
drawableGetClipRegion d = do
  rPtr <- (\(Drawable arg1) -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->gdk_drawable_get_clip_region argPtr1) (toDrawable d)
  makeNewRegion rPtr

-- | Determine what not to redraw.
-- * Computes the region of a drawable that is potentially visible.
-- This does not necessarily take into account if the window is obscured
-- by other windows, but no area outside of this region is visible.
drawableGetVisibleRegion :: DrawableClass d => d -> IO Region
drawableGetVisibleRegion d = do
  rPtr <- (\(Drawable arg1) -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->gdk_drawable_get_visible_region argPtr1) (toDrawable d)
  makeNewRegion rPtr

-- | Draw a point into a 'Drawable'.
drawPoint :: DrawableClass d => d -> GC -> Point -> IO ()
drawPoint d gc (x,y) = (\(Drawable arg1) (GC arg2) arg3 arg4 -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->withForeignPtr arg2 $ \argPtr2 ->gdk_draw_point argPtr1 argPtr2 arg3 arg4) (toDrawable d)
  (toGC gc) (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)

-- | Draw several points into a 'Drawable'.
-- * This function is more efficient than calling 'drawPoint' on
-- several points.
drawPoints :: DrawableClass d => d -> GC -> [Point] -> IO ()
drawPoints d gc [] = return ()
drawPoints d gc points =
  withArray (concatMap (\(x,y) -> [fromIntegral x, fromIntegral y]) points) $
  \(aPtr :: Ptr (CInt)) -> (\(Drawable arg1) (GC arg2) arg3 arg4 -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->withForeignPtr arg2 $ \argPtr2 ->gdk_draw_points argPtr1 argPtr2 arg3 arg4) (toDrawable d)
    (toGC gc) (castPtr aPtr) (fromIntegral (length points))

-- | Draw a line into a 'Drawable'.
-- * The parameters are x1, y1, x2, y2.
-- * Drawing several separate lines can be done more efficiently by
-- 'drawSegments'.
drawLine :: DrawableClass d => d -> GC -> Point -> Point -> IO ()
drawLine d gc (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = (\(Drawable arg1) (GC arg2) arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->withForeignPtr arg2 $ \argPtr2 ->gdk_draw_line argPtr1 argPtr2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6) (toDrawable d)
  (toGC gc) (fromIntegral x1) (fromIntegral y1) (fromIntegral x2)
  (fromIntegral y2)

-- | Draw several lines.
-- * The function uses the current line width, dashing and especially the
-- joining specification in the graphics context (in contrast to
-- 'drawSegments'.
drawLines :: DrawableClass d => d -> GC -> [Point] -> IO ()
drawLines d gc [] = return ()
drawLines d gc points =
  withArray (concatMap (\(x,y) -> [fromIntegral x, fromIntegral y]) points) $
  \(aPtr :: Ptr (CInt)) -> (\(Drawable arg1) (GC arg2) arg3 arg4 -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->withForeignPtr arg2 $ \argPtr2 ->gdk_draw_lines argPtr1 argPtr2 arg3 arg4) (toDrawable d)
    (toGC gc) (castPtr aPtr) (fromIntegral (length points))

-- | Render a 'Pixbuf'.
-- * Usage:
-- @drawPixbuf d gc pb srcX srcY destX destY srcWidth srcHeight dither xDither yDither@
-- Renders a rectangular portion of a 'Pixbuf' to a
-- 'Drawable'. The @srcX@, @srcY@,
-- @srcWidth@ and @srcHeight@ specify what part of the
-- 'Pixbuf' should be rendered. The latter two values may be
-- @-1@ in which case the width and height are taken from
-- @pb@. The image is placed at @destX@, @destY@.
-- If you render parts of an image at a time, set @ditherX@ and
-- @ditherY@ to the origin of the image you are rendering.
-- * Since 2.2.
drawPixbuf :: DrawableClass d => d -> GC -> Pixbuf -> Int -> Int ->
                                 Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Dither ->
                                 Int -> Int -> IO ()
drawPixbuf d gc pb srcX srcY destX destY srcWidth srcHeight dither
  xDither yDither = (\(Drawable arg1) (GC arg2) (Pixbuf arg3) arg4 arg5 arg6 arg7 arg8 arg9 arg10 arg11 arg12 -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->withForeignPtr arg2 $ \argPtr2 ->withForeignPtr arg3 $ \argPtr3 ->gdk_draw_pixbuf argPtr1 argPtr2 argPtr3 arg4 arg5 arg6 arg7 arg8 arg9 arg10 arg11 arg12) (toDrawable d)
    gc pb (fromIntegral srcX) (fromIntegral srcY) (fromIntegral destX)
    (fromIntegral destY) (fromIntegral srcWidth) (fromIntegral srcHeight)
    ((fromIntegral . fromEnum) dither) (fromIntegral xDither)
    (fromIntegral yDither)

-- | Draw several unconnected lines.
-- * This method draws several unrelated lines.
drawSegments :: DrawableClass d => d -> GC -> [(Point,Point)] -> IO ()
drawSegments d gc [] = return ()
drawSegments d gc pps = withArray (concatMap (\((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) ->
  [fromIntegral x1, fromIntegral y1, fromIntegral x2, fromIntegral y2])
  pps) $ \(aPtr :: Ptr (CInt)) ->
    (\(Drawable arg1) (GC arg2) arg3 arg4 -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->withForeignPtr arg2 $ \argPtr2 ->gdk_draw_segments argPtr1 argPtr2 arg3 arg4) (toDrawable d) (toGC gc)
    (castPtr aPtr) (fromIntegral (length pps))

-- | Draw a rectangular object.
-- * Draws a rectangular outline or filled rectangle, using the
-- foreground color and other attributes of the 'GC'.
-- * A rectangle drawn filled is 1 pixel smaller in both dimensions
-- than a rectangle outlined. Calling 'drawRectangle' w gc
-- True 0 0 20 20 results in a filled rectangle 20 pixels wide and 20
-- pixels high. Calling 'drawRectangle' d gc False 0 0 20 20
-- results in an outlined rectangle with corners at (0, 0), (0, 20), (20,
-- 20), and (20, 0), which makes it 21 pixels wide and 21 pixels high.
drawRectangle :: DrawableClass d => d -- ^ drawable
  -> GC -- ^ graphics context
  -> Bool -- ^ filled
  -> Int -- ^ x
  -> Int -- ^ y
  -> Int -- ^ width
  -> Int -- ^ height
  -> IO ()
drawRectangle d gc filled x y width height = (\(Drawable arg1) (GC arg2) arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 arg7 -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->withForeignPtr arg2 $ \argPtr2 ->gdk_draw_rectangle argPtr1 argPtr2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 arg7)
{-# LINE 240 "./Graphics/UI/Gtk/Gdk/Drawable.chs" #-}
  (toDrawable d) (toGC gc) (fromBool filled) (fromIntegral x)
  (fromIntegral y) (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height)

-- | Draws an arc or a filled 'pie slice'.
-- * The arc is defined by the bounding rectangle of the entire
-- ellipse, and the start and end angles of the part of the ellipse to be
-- drawn.
-- * The starting angle @aStart@ is relative to the 3 o'clock
-- position, counter-clockwise, in 1\/64ths of a degree. @aEnd@
-- is measured similarly, but relative to @aStart@.
drawArc :: DrawableClass d => d -> GC -> Bool -> Int -> Int ->
                                 Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
drawArc d gc filled x y width height aStart aEnd =
  (\(Drawable arg1) (GC arg2) arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 arg7 arg8 arg9 -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->withForeignPtr arg2 $ \argPtr2 ->gdk_draw_arc argPtr1 argPtr2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 arg7 arg8 arg9) (toDrawable d) (toGC gc) (fromBool filled)
  (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height)
  (fromIntegral aStart) (fromIntegral aEnd)

-- | Draws an outlined or filled polygon.
-- * The polygon is closed automatically, connecting the last point to
-- the first point if necessary.
drawPolygon :: DrawableClass d => d -> GC -> Bool -> [Point] -> IO ()
drawPolygon _ _ _ [] = return ()
drawPolygon d gc filled points =
  withArray (concatMap (\(x,y) -> [fromIntegral x, fromIntegral y]) points) $
  \(aPtr::Ptr (CInt)) -> (\(Drawable arg1) (GC arg2) arg3 arg4 arg5 -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->withForeignPtr arg2 $ \argPtr2 ->gdk_draw_polygon argPtr1 argPtr2 arg3 arg4 arg5) (toDrawable d)
  (toGC gc) (fromBool filled) (castPtr aPtr) (fromIntegral (length points))

-- | Draw a segment of text.
-- * This function draws a segment of text. These segements are the result
-- of itemizing a string into segments with the same characteristics
-- (font, text direction, etc.) using
-- 'Graphics.Rendering.Pango.Rendering.itemize'. Each item is then turned
-- into a shapes by calling 'Graphics.Rendering.Pango.Rendering.shape'.
-- These shapes can then be drawn onto screen using this function.
-- A simpler interface, that also takes care of breaking a paragraph
-- into several lines is a 'Graphics.Rendering.Pango.Layout.LayoutLine'.
drawGlyphs :: DrawableClass d => d -> GC -> Int -> Int -> GlyphItem -> IO ()
drawGlyphs d gc x y (GlyphItem pi gs) = do
  font <- pangoItemGetFont pi
  (\(Drawable arg1) (GC arg2) (Font arg3) arg4 arg5 (GlyphStringRaw arg6) -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->withForeignPtr arg2 $ \argPtr2 ->withForeignPtr arg3 $ \argPtr3 ->withForeignPtr arg6 $ \argPtr6 ->gdk_draw_glyphs argPtr1 argPtr2 argPtr3 arg4 arg5 argPtr6) (toDrawable d) (toGC gc) font
    (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) gs

-- | Draw a single line of text.
-- * The @x@ coordinate specifies the start of the string,
-- the @y@ coordinate specifies the base line.
drawLayoutLine :: DrawableClass d => d -> GC -> Int -> Int -> LayoutLine ->
                                     IO ()
drawLayoutLine d gc x y (LayoutLine _ ll) =
  (\(Drawable arg1) (GC arg2) arg3 arg4 (LayoutLineRaw arg5) -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->withForeignPtr arg2 $ \argPtr2 ->withForeignPtr arg5 $ \argPtr5 ->gdk_draw_layout_line argPtr1 argPtr2 arg3 arg4 argPtr5) (toDrawable d) (toGC gc)
    (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) ll

-- | Draw a single line of text.
-- * The @x@ coordinate specifies the start of the string,
-- the @y@ coordinate specifies the base line.
-- * If both colors are @Nothing@ this function will behave like
-- 'drawLayoutLine' in that it uses the default colors from
-- the graphics context.
drawLayoutLineWithColors :: DrawableClass d => d -> GC -> Int -> Int ->
                            LayoutLine -> Maybe Color -> Maybe Color -> IO ()
drawLayoutLineWithColors d gc x y (LayoutLine _ ll) foreground background = let
    withMB :: Storable a => Maybe a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
    withMB Nothing f = f nullPtr
    withMB (Just x) f = with x f
    withMB foreground $ \fPtr -> withMB background $ \bPtr ->
    (\(Drawable arg1) (GC arg2) arg3 arg4 (LayoutLineRaw arg5) arg6 arg7 -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->withForeignPtr arg2 $ \argPtr2 ->withForeignPtr arg5 $ \argPtr5 ->gdk_draw_layout_line_with_colors argPtr1 argPtr2 arg3 arg4 argPtr5 arg6 arg7) (toDrawable d) (toGC gc)
      (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) ll (castPtr fPtr) (castPtr bPtr)

-- | Draw a paragraph of text.
-- * The @x@ and @y@ values specify the upper left
-- point of the layout.
drawLayout :: DrawableClass d => d -> GC -> Int -> Int -> PangoLayout -> IO ()
drawLayout d gc x y (PangoLayout _ pl) =
  (\(Drawable arg1) (GC arg2) arg3 arg4 (PangoLayoutRaw arg5) -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->withForeignPtr arg2 $ \argPtr2 ->withForeignPtr arg5 $ \argPtr5 ->gdk_draw_layout argPtr1 argPtr2 arg3 arg4 argPtr5) (toDrawable d) (toGC gc)
    (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) pl

-- | Draw a paragraph of text.
-- * The @x@ and @y@ values specify the upper left
-- point of the layout.
-- * If both colors are @Nothing@ this function will behave like
-- 'drawLayout' in that it uses the default colors from
-- the graphics context.
drawLayoutWithColors :: DrawableClass d => d -> GC -> Int -> Int ->
                        PangoLayout -> Maybe Color -> Maybe Color -> IO ()
drawLayoutWithColors d gc x y (PangoLayout _ pl) foreground background = let
    withMB :: Storable a => Maybe a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
    withMB Nothing f = f nullPtr
    withMB (Just x) f = with x f
    withMB foreground $ \fPtr -> withMB background $ \bPtr ->
    (\(Drawable arg1) (GC arg2) arg3 arg4 (PangoLayoutRaw arg5) arg6 arg7 -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->withForeignPtr arg2 $ \argPtr2 ->withForeignPtr arg5 $ \argPtr5 ->gdk_draw_layout_with_colors argPtr1 argPtr2 arg3 arg4 argPtr5 arg6 arg7) (toDrawable d) (toGC gc)
      (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) pl (castPtr fPtr) (castPtr bPtr)

-- | Copies another 'Drawable'.
-- * Copies the (width,height) region of the @src@ at coordinates
-- (@xSrc@, @ySrc@) to coordinates (@xDest@,
-- @yDest@) in the @dest@. The @width@ and\/or
-- @height@ may be given as -1, in which case the entire source
-- drawable will be copied.
-- * Most fields in @gc@ are not used for this operation, but
-- notably the clip mask or clip region will be honored. The source and
-- destination drawables must have the same visual and colormap, or
-- errors will result. (On X11, failure to match visual\/colormap results
-- in a BadMatch error from the X server.) A common cause of this
-- problem is an attempt to draw a bitmap to a color drawable. The way to
-- draw a bitmap is to set the bitmap as a clip mask on your
-- 'GC', then use 'drawRectangle' to draw a
-- rectangle clipped to the bitmap.
drawDrawable :: (DrawableClass src, DrawableClass dest)
  => dest -- ^ destination drawable
  -> GC -- ^ graphics context
  -> src -- ^ source drawable
  -> Int -- ^ @xSrc@
  -> Int -- ^ @ySrc@
  -> Int -- ^ @xDest@
  -> Int -- ^ @yDest@
  -> Int -- ^ @width@
  -> Int -- ^ @height@
  -> IO ()
drawDrawable dest gc src xSrc ySrc xDest yDest width height =
  (\(Drawable arg1) (GC arg2) (Drawable arg3) arg4 arg5 arg6 arg7 arg8 arg9 -> withForeignPtr arg1 $ \argPtr1 ->withForeignPtr arg2 $ \argPtr2 ->withForeignPtr arg3 $ \argPtr3 ->gdk_draw_drawable argPtr1 argPtr2 argPtr3 arg4 arg5 arg6 arg7 arg8 arg9) (toDrawable dest) (toGC gc)
  (toDrawable src)
  (fromIntegral xSrc) (fromIntegral ySrc) (fromIntegral xDest)
  (fromIntegral yDest) (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height)

foreign import ccall unsafe "gdk_drawable_get_depth"
  gdk_drawable_get_depth :: ((Ptr Drawable) -> (IO CInt))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gdk_drawable_get_size"
  gdk_drawable_get_size :: ((Ptr Drawable) -> ((Ptr CInt) -> ((Ptr CInt) -> (IO ()))))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gdk_drawable_get_clip_region"
  gdk_drawable_get_clip_region :: ((Ptr Drawable) -> (IO (Ptr Region)))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gdk_drawable_get_visible_region"
  gdk_drawable_get_visible_region :: ((Ptr Drawable) -> (IO (Ptr Region)))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gdk_draw_point"
  gdk_draw_point :: ((Ptr Drawable) -> ((Ptr GC) -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (IO ())))))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gdk_draw_points"
  gdk_draw_points :: ((Ptr Drawable) -> ((Ptr GC) -> ((Ptr ()) -> (CInt -> (IO ())))))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gdk_draw_line"
  gdk_draw_line :: ((Ptr Drawable) -> ((Ptr GC) -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (IO ())))))))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gdk_draw_lines"
  gdk_draw_lines :: ((Ptr Drawable) -> ((Ptr GC) -> ((Ptr ()) -> (CInt -> (IO ())))))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gdk_draw_pixbuf"
  gdk_draw_pixbuf :: ((Ptr Drawable) -> ((Ptr GC) -> ((Ptr Pixbuf) -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (IO ())))))))))))))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gdk_draw_segments"
  gdk_draw_segments :: ((Ptr Drawable) -> ((Ptr GC) -> ((Ptr ()) -> (CInt -> (IO ())))))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gdk_draw_rectangle"
  gdk_draw_rectangle :: ((Ptr Drawable) -> ((Ptr GC) -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (IO ()))))))))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gdk_draw_arc"
  gdk_draw_arc :: ((Ptr Drawable) -> ((Ptr GC) -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (IO ()))))))))))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gdk_draw_polygon"
  gdk_draw_polygon :: ((Ptr Drawable) -> ((Ptr GC) -> (CInt -> ((Ptr ()) -> (CInt -> (IO ()))))))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gdk_draw_glyphs"
  gdk_draw_glyphs :: ((Ptr Drawable) -> ((Ptr GC) -> ((Ptr Font) -> (CInt -> (CInt -> ((Ptr GlyphStringRaw) -> (IO ())))))))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gdk_draw_layout_line"
  gdk_draw_layout_line :: ((Ptr Drawable) -> ((Ptr GC) -> (CInt -> (CInt -> ((Ptr LayoutLineRaw) -> (IO ()))))))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gdk_draw_layout_line_with_colors"
  gdk_draw_layout_line_with_colors :: ((Ptr Drawable) -> ((Ptr GC) -> (CInt -> (CInt -> ((Ptr LayoutLineRaw) -> ((Ptr ()) -> ((Ptr ()) -> (IO ()))))))))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gdk_draw_layout"
  gdk_draw_layout :: ((Ptr Drawable) -> ((Ptr GC) -> (CInt -> (CInt -> ((Ptr PangoLayoutRaw) -> (IO ()))))))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gdk_draw_layout_with_colors"
  gdk_draw_layout_with_colors :: ((Ptr Drawable) -> ((Ptr GC) -> (CInt -> (CInt -> ((Ptr PangoLayoutRaw) -> ((Ptr ()) -> ((Ptr ()) -> (IO ()))))))))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gdk_draw_drawable"
  gdk_draw_drawable :: ((Ptr Drawable) -> ((Ptr GC) -> ((Ptr Drawable) -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (CInt -> (IO ()))))))))))