module Graphics.UI.Gtk.ModelView.CustomStore (
) where
import Control.Monad (liftM, when)
import Control.Monad.Reader (runReaderT)
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import System.Glib.FFI hiding (maybeNull)
import System.Glib.Flags (Flags, fromFlags)
import System.Glib.GObject (GObjectClass(..), GObject(..), unGObject,
makeNewGObject, objectUnref)
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Types
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.ModelView.Types
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.General.DNDTypes (SelectionDataM, SelectionData)
import System.Glib.StoreValue (TMType(..), GenericValue(..), valueSetGenericValue)
import System.Glib.GValue (GValue(GValue), allocaGValue)
import System.Glib.GType (GType)
import System.Glib.GValueTypes (valueSetString)
import qualified System.Glib.GTypeConstants as GConst
import System.Glib.GValueTypes
import System.Glib.GValue (valueInit)
data TreeModelFlags = TreeModelItersPersist
| TreeModelListOnly
deriving (Bounded)
instance Enum TreeModelFlags where
fromEnum TreeModelItersPersist = 1
fromEnum TreeModelListOnly = 2
toEnum 1 = TreeModelItersPersist
toEnum 2 = TreeModelListOnly
toEnum unmatched = error ("TreeModelFlags.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)
succ TreeModelItersPersist = TreeModelListOnly
succ _ = undefined
pred TreeModelListOnly = TreeModelItersPersist
pred _ = undefined
enumFromTo x y | fromEnum x == fromEnum y = [ y ]
| otherwise = x : enumFromTo (succ x) y
enumFrom x = enumFromTo x TreeModelListOnly
enumFromThen _ _ = error "Enum TreeModelFlags: enumFromThen not implemented"
enumFromThenTo _ _ _ = error "Enum TreeModelFlags: enumFromThenTo not implemented"
instance Flags TreeModelFlags
newtype CustomStore private row = CustomStore (ForeignPtr (CustomStore private row))
instance TreeModelClass (CustomStore private row)
instance GObjectClass (CustomStore private row) where
toGObject (CustomStore tm) = GObject (castForeignPtr tm)
unsafeCastGObject = CustomStore . castForeignPtr . unGObject
type ColumnMap row = IORef [ColumnAccess row]
columnMapNew :: IO (ColumnMap row)
columnMapNew = newIORef []
customStoreSetColumn :: TypedTreeModelClass model
=> model row
-> (ColumnId row ty)
-> (row -> ty)
-> IO ()
customStoreSetColumn model (ColumnId _ setter colId) acc | colId<0 = return ()
| otherwise =
case toTypedTreeModel model of
TypedTreeModel model -> do
ptr <- withForeignPtr model gtk2hs_store_get_impl
impl <- deRefStablePtr ptr
let cMap = customStoreColumns impl
cols <- readIORef cMap
let l = length cols
if colId>=l then do
let fillers = replicate (colIdl) CAInvalid
writeIORef cMap (cols++fillers++[setter acc])
else do
let (beg,_:end) = splitAt colId cols
writeIORef cMap (beg++setter acc:end)
treeModelSetColumn :: TypedTreeModelClass model
=> model row
-> (ColumnId row ty)
-> (row -> ty)
-> IO ()
treeModelSetColumn = customStoreSetColumn
data CustomStoreImplementation model row = CustomStoreImplementation {
customStoreColumns :: ColumnMap row,
customStoreIface :: TreeModelIface row,
customTreeDragSourceIface :: DragSourceIface model row,
customTreeDragDestIface :: DragDestIface model row
data TreeModelIface row = TreeModelIface {
treeModelIfaceGetFlags :: IO [TreeModelFlags],
treeModelIfaceGetIter :: TreePath -> IO (Maybe TreeIter),
treeModelIfaceGetPath :: TreeIter -> IO TreePath,
treeModelIfaceGetRow :: TreeIter -> IO row,
treeModelIfaceIterNext :: TreeIter -> IO (Maybe TreeIter),
treeModelIfaceIterChildren :: Maybe TreeIter -> IO (Maybe TreeIter),
treeModelIfaceIterHasChild :: TreeIter -> IO Bool,
treeModelIfaceIterNChildren :: Maybe TreeIter -> IO Int,
treeModelIfaceIterNthChild :: Maybe TreeIter -> Int -> IO (Maybe TreeIter),
treeModelIfaceIterParent :: TreeIter -> IO (Maybe TreeIter),
treeModelIfaceRefNode :: TreeIter -> IO (),
treeModelIfaceUnrefNode :: TreeIter -> IO ()
data DragSourceIface model row = DragSourceIface {
treeDragSourceRowDraggable :: model row -> TreePath -> IO Bool,
treeDragSourceDragDataGet :: model row -> TreePath -> SelectionDataM Bool,
treeDragSourceDragDataDelete:: model row -> TreePath -> IO Bool
data DragDestIface model row = DragDestIface {
treeDragDestRowDropPossible :: model row -> TreePath -> SelectionDataM Bool,
treeDragDestDragDataReceived:: model row -> TreePath -> SelectionDataM Bool
customStoreNew :: (TreeModelClass (model row), TypedTreeModelClass model) =>
-> ((CustomStore private row) -> model row)
-> TreeModelIface row
-> Maybe (DragSourceIface model row)
-> Maybe (DragDestIface model row)
-> IO (model row)
customStoreNew priv con tmIface mDragSource mDragDest = do
cMap <- columnMapNew
let dummyDragSource = DragSourceIface { treeDragSourceRowDraggable = \_ _ -> return False,
treeDragSourceDragDataGet = \_ _ -> return False,
treeDragSourceDragDataDelete = \_ _ -> return False }
let dummyDragDest = DragDestIface { treeDragDestRowDropPossible = \_ _ -> return False,
treeDragDestDragDataReceived = \_ _ -> return False }
implPtr <- newStablePtr CustomStoreImplementation {
customStoreColumns = cMap,
customStoreIface = tmIface,
customTreeDragSourceIface = fromMaybe dummyDragSource mDragSource,
customTreeDragDestIface = fromMaybe dummyDragDest mDragDest }
privPtr <- newStablePtr priv
liftM con $ wrapNewGObject (CustomStore, objectUnref) $
gtk2hs_store_new implPtr privPtr
foreign import ccall unsafe "Gtk2HsStore.h gtk2hs_store_new"
gtk2hs_store_new :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row)
-> StablePtr private
-> IO (Ptr (CustomStore private row))
customStoreGetRow :: TypedTreeModelClass model => model row -> TreeIter -> IO row
customStoreGetRow model iter =
case toTypedTreeModel model of
TypedTreeModel model -> do
impl <- withForeignPtr model gtk2hs_store_get_impl >>= deRefStablePtr
treeModelIfaceGetRow (customStoreIface impl) iter
treeModelGetRow :: TypedTreeModelClass model => model row -> TreeIter -> IO row
treeModelGetRow = customStoreGetRow
foreign import ccall unsafe "Gtk2HsStore.h gtk2hs_store_get_impl"
gtk2hs_store_get_impl :: Ptr (TypedTreeModel row) -> IO (StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row))
customStoreGetPrivate :: CustomStore private row -> private
customStoreGetPrivate (CustomStore model) =
unsafePerformIO $
withForeignPtr model gtk2hs_store_get_priv >>= deRefStablePtr
foreign import ccall unsafe "Gtk2HsStore.h gtk2hs_store_get_priv"
gtk2hs_store_get_priv :: Ptr (CustomStore private row) -> IO (StablePtr private)
customStoreGetStamp :: CustomStore private row -> IO CInt
customStoreGetStamp (CustomStore model) =
withForeignPtr model gtk2hs_store_get_stamp
foreign import ccall unsafe "Gtk2HsStore.h gtk2hs_store_get_stamp"
gtk2hs_store_get_stamp :: Ptr (CustomStore private row) -> IO CInt
customStoreInvalidateIters :: CustomStore private row -> IO ()
customStoreInvalidateIters (CustomStore model) =
withForeignPtr model gtk2hs_store_increment_stamp
foreign import ccall unsafe "Gtk2HsStore.h gtk2hs_store_increment_stamp"
gtk2hs_store_increment_stamp :: Ptr (CustomStore private row) -> IO ()
treeModelIfaceGetNColumns_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> IO CInt
treeModelIfaceGetNColumns_static storePtr = do
store <- deRefStablePtr storePtr
cmap <- readIORef (customStoreColumns store)
return (fromIntegral (length cmap))
foreign export ccall "gtk2hs_store_get_n_columns_impl"
treeModelIfaceGetNColumns_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> IO CInt
caToGType :: ColumnAccess row -> GType
caToGType (CAInt _) =
caToGType (CABool _) = GConst.bool
caToGType (CAString _) = GConst.string
caToGType (CAPixbuf _) = gdk_pixbuf_get_type
caToGType CAInvalid =
treeModelIfaceGetColumnType_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> CInt -> IO GType
treeModelIfaceGetColumnType_static storePtr column = do
store <- deRefStablePtr storePtr
cols <- readIORef (customStoreColumns store)
case drop (fromIntegral column) cols of
[] -> return GConst.invalid
(ca:_) -> return (caToGType ca)
foreign export ccall "gtk2hs_store_get_column_type_impl"
treeModelIfaceGetColumnType_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> CInt -> IO GType
treeModelIfaceGetFlags_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> IO CInt
treeModelIfaceGetFlags_static storePtr = do
store <- liftM customStoreIface $ deRefStablePtr storePtr
liftM (fromIntegral . fromFlags) $ treeModelIfaceGetFlags store
foreign export ccall "gtk2hs_store_get_flags_impl"
treeModelIfaceGetFlags_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> IO CInt
treeModelIfaceGetIter_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr TreeIter -> Ptr NativeTreePath -> IO CInt
treeModelIfaceGetIter_static storePtr iterPtr pathPtr = do
store <- liftM customStoreIface $ deRefStablePtr storePtr
path <- peekTreePath pathPtr
iter <- treeModelIfaceGetIter store path
case iter of
Nothing -> return (fromBool False)
Just iter -> do poke iterPtr iter
return (fromBool True)
foreign export ccall "gtk2hs_store_get_iter_impl"
treeModelIfaceGetIter_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr TreeIter -> Ptr NativeTreePath -> IO CInt
treeModelIfaceGetPath_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr TreeIter -> IO (Ptr NativeTreePath)
treeModelIfaceGetPath_static storePtr iterPtr = do
store <- liftM customStoreIface $ deRefStablePtr storePtr
iter <- peek iterPtr
path <- treeModelIfaceGetPath store iter
NativeTreePath pathPtr <- newTreePath path
return pathPtr
foreign export ccall "gtk2hs_store_get_path_impl"
treeModelIfaceGetPath_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr TreeIter -> IO (Ptr NativeTreePath)
treeModelIfaceGetValue_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr TreeIter -> CInt -> Ptr GValue -> IO ()
treeModelIfaceGetValue_static storePtr iterPtr column gvaluePtr = do
store <- deRefStablePtr storePtr
iter <- peek iterPtr
row <- treeModelIfaceGetRow (customStoreIface store) iter
cols <- readIORef (customStoreColumns store)
let gVal = (GValue gvaluePtr)
0 <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 0 ::IO CUInt}) gvaluePtr
case drop (fromIntegral column) cols of
[] -> valueInit gVal GConst.invalid
(acc:_) -> case acc of
(CAInt ca) -> valueInit gVal >> valueSetInt gVal (ca row)
(CABool ca) -> valueInit gVal GConst.bool >> valueSetBool gVal (ca row)
(CAString ca) -> valueInit gVal GConst.string >> valueSetString gVal (ca row)
(CAPixbuf ca) -> valueInit gVal gdk_pixbuf_get_type >>
valueSetGObject gVal (ca row)
CAInvalid -> valueInit gVal >> valueSetInt gVal 0
foreign export ccall "gtk2hs_store_get_value_impl"
treeModelIfaceGetValue_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr TreeIter -> CInt -> Ptr GValue -> IO ()
treeModelIfaceIterNext_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr TreeIter -> IO CInt
treeModelIfaceIterNext_static storePtr iterPtr = do
store <- liftM customStoreIface $ deRefStablePtr storePtr
iter <- peek iterPtr
iter' <- treeModelIfaceIterNext store iter
case iter' of
Nothing -> return (fromBool False)
Just iter' -> do poke iterPtr iter'
return (fromBool True)
foreign export ccall "gtk2hs_store_iter_next_impl"
treeModelIfaceIterNext_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr TreeIter -> IO CInt
treeModelIfaceIterChildren_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr TreeIter -> Ptr TreeIter -> IO CInt
treeModelIfaceIterChildren_static storePtr iterPtr parentIterPtr = do
store <- liftM customStoreIface $ deRefStablePtr storePtr
parentIter <- maybeNull peek parentIterPtr
iter <- treeModelIfaceIterChildren store parentIter
case iter of
Nothing -> return (fromBool False)
Just iter -> do poke iterPtr iter
return (fromBool True)
foreign export ccall "gtk2hs_store_iter_children_impl"
treeModelIfaceIterChildren_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr TreeIter -> Ptr TreeIter -> IO CInt
treeModelIfaceIterHasChild_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr TreeIter -> IO CInt
treeModelIfaceIterHasChild_static storePtr iterPtr = do
store <- liftM customStoreIface $ deRefStablePtr storePtr
iter <- peek iterPtr
liftM fromBool $ treeModelIfaceIterHasChild store iter
foreign export ccall "gtk2hs_store_iter_has_child_impl"
treeModelIfaceIterHasChild_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr TreeIter -> IO CInt
treeModelIfaceIterNChildren_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr TreeIter -> IO CInt
treeModelIfaceIterNChildren_static storePtr iterPtr = do
store <- liftM customStoreIface $ deRefStablePtr storePtr
iter <- maybeNull peek iterPtr
liftM fromIntegral $ treeModelIfaceIterNChildren store iter
foreign export ccall "gtk2hs_store_iter_n_children_impl"
treeModelIfaceIterNChildren_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr TreeIter -> IO CInt
treeModelIfaceIterNthChild_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr TreeIter -> Ptr TreeIter -> CInt -> IO CInt
treeModelIfaceIterNthChild_static storePtr iterPtr parentIterPtr n = do
store <- liftM customStoreIface $ deRefStablePtr storePtr
parentIter <- maybeNull peek parentIterPtr
iter <- treeModelIfaceIterNthChild store parentIter (fromIntegral n)
case iter of
Nothing -> return (fromBool False)
Just iter -> do poke iterPtr iter
return (fromBool True)
foreign export ccall "gtk2hs_store_iter_nth_child_impl"
treeModelIfaceIterNthChild_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr TreeIter -> Ptr TreeIter -> CInt -> IO CInt
treeModelIfaceIterParent_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr TreeIter -> Ptr TreeIter -> IO CInt
treeModelIfaceIterParent_static storePtr iterPtr childIterPtr = do
store <- liftM customStoreIface $ deRefStablePtr storePtr
childIter <- peek childIterPtr
iter <- treeModelIfaceIterParent store childIter
case iter of
Nothing -> return (fromBool False)
Just iter -> do poke iterPtr iter
return (fromBool True)
foreign export ccall "gtk2hs_store_iter_parent_impl"
treeModelIfaceIterParent_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr TreeIter -> Ptr TreeIter -> IO CInt
treeModelIfaceRefNode_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr TreeIter -> IO ()
treeModelIfaceRefNode_static storePtr iterPtr = do
store <- liftM customStoreIface $ deRefStablePtr storePtr
iter <- peek iterPtr
treeModelIfaceRefNode store iter
foreign export ccall "gtk2hs_store_ref_node_impl"
treeModelIfaceRefNode_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr TreeIter -> IO ()
treeModelIfaceUnrefNode_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr TreeIter -> IO ()
treeModelIfaceUnrefNode_static storePtr iterPtr = do
store <- liftM customStoreIface $ deRefStablePtr storePtr
iter <- peek iterPtr
treeModelIfaceUnrefNode store iter
foreign export ccall "gtk2hs_store_unref_node_impl"
treeModelIfaceUnrefNode_static :: StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr TreeIter -> IO ()
treeDragSourceRowDraggable_static :: Ptr TreeModel -> StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr NativeTreePath -> IO CInt
treeDragSourceRowDraggable_static mPtr storePtr pathPtr = do
model <- makeNewGObject mkTreeModel (return mPtr)
store <- liftM customTreeDragSourceIface $ deRefStablePtr storePtr
path <- peekTreePath pathPtr
liftM fromBool $ treeDragSourceRowDraggable store (unsafeTreeModelToGeneric model) path
foreign export ccall "gtk2hs_store_row_draggable_impl"
treeDragSourceRowDraggable_static :: Ptr TreeModel -> StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr NativeTreePath -> IO CInt
treeDragSourceDragDataGet_static :: Ptr TreeModel -> StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr NativeTreePath -> SelectionData -> IO CInt
treeDragSourceDragDataGet_static mPtr storePtr pathPtr selectionPtr = do
model <- makeNewGObject mkTreeModel (return mPtr)
store <- liftM customTreeDragSourceIface $ deRefStablePtr storePtr
path <- peekTreePath pathPtr
liftM fromBool $ runReaderT (treeDragSourceDragDataGet store (unsafeTreeModelToGeneric model) path) selectionPtr
foreign export ccall "gtk2hs_store_drag_data_get_impl"
treeDragSourceDragDataGet_static :: Ptr TreeModel -> StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr NativeTreePath -> SelectionData -> IO CInt
treeDragSourceDragDataDelete_static :: Ptr TreeModel -> StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr NativeTreePath -> IO CInt
treeDragSourceDragDataDelete_static mPtr storePtr pathPtr = do
model <- makeNewGObject mkTreeModel (return mPtr)
store <- liftM customTreeDragSourceIface $ deRefStablePtr storePtr
path <- peekTreePath pathPtr
liftM fromBool $ treeDragSourceDragDataDelete store (unsafeTreeModelToGeneric model) path
foreign export ccall "gtk2hs_store_drag_data_delete_impl"
treeDragSourceDragDataDelete_static :: Ptr TreeModel -> StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr NativeTreePath -> IO CInt
treeDragDestDragDataReceived_static :: Ptr TreeModel -> StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr NativeTreePath -> SelectionData -> IO CInt
treeDragDestDragDataReceived_static mPtr storePtr pathPtr selectionPtr = do
model <- makeNewGObject mkTreeModel (return mPtr)
store <- liftM customTreeDragDestIface $ deRefStablePtr storePtr
path <- peekTreePath pathPtr
liftM fromBool $ runReaderT (treeDragDestDragDataReceived store (unsafeTreeModelToGeneric model) path) selectionPtr
foreign export ccall "gtk2hs_store_drag_data_received_impl"
treeDragDestDragDataReceived_static :: Ptr TreeModel -> StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr NativeTreePath -> SelectionData -> IO CInt
treeDragDestRowDropPossible_static :: Ptr TreeModel -> StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr NativeTreePath -> SelectionData -> IO CInt
treeDragDestRowDropPossible_static mPtr storePtr pathPtr selectionPtr = do
model <- makeNewGObject mkTreeModel (return mPtr)
store <- liftM customTreeDragDestIface $ deRefStablePtr storePtr
path <- peekTreePath pathPtr
liftM fromBool $ runReaderT (treeDragDestRowDropPossible store (unsafeTreeModelToGeneric model) path) selectionPtr
foreign export ccall "gtk2hs_store_row_drop_possible_impl"
treeDragDestRowDropPossible_static :: Ptr TreeModel -> StablePtr (CustomStoreImplementation model row) -> Ptr NativeTreePath -> SelectionData -> IO CInt
maybeNull :: (Ptr a -> IO b) -> Ptr a -> IO (Maybe b)
maybeNull marshal ptr
| ptr == nullPtr = return Nothing
| otherwise = liftM Just (marshal ptr)
iterSetStamp :: CInt -> TreeIter -> TreeIter
iterSetStamp t (TreeIter _ a b c) = (TreeIter t a b c)
foreign import ccall unsafe "gdk_pixbuf_get_type"
gdk_pixbuf_get_type :: CUInt