{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, RecordWildCards, CPP #-} -- | This module provides functions to generate the auxiliary structures for the user data type module Database.Groundhog.TH ( -- * Settings format -- $settingsDoc mkPersist , groundhog , groundhogFile -- * Settings for code generation , CodegenConfig(..) , defaultCodegenConfig , defaultMkEntityDecs , defaultMkEmbeddedDecs , defaultMkPrimitiveDecs -- $namingStylesDoc , NamingStyle(..) , suffixNamingStyle , persistentNamingStyle , conciseNamingStyle , lowerCaseSuffixNamingStyle , toUnderscore , firstChar -- * Utility functions , mkTHEntityDef , mkTHEmbeddedDef , mkTHPrimitiveDef , applyEntitySettings , applyEmbeddedSettings , applyPrimitiveSettings -- * Helpers , showReadConverter , enumConverter ) where import Database.Groundhog.Core (delim, UniqueType(..)) import Database.Groundhog.Generic import Database.Groundhog.TH.CodeGen import Database.Groundhog.TH.Settings import Language.Haskell.TH import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (StrictType, VarStrictType, Lift(..)) import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad (forM, forM_, when, unless, liftM2) import Data.Char (isUpper, isLower, isSpace, isDigit, toUpper, toLower) import Data.List (nub, (\\)) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing) import Data.String import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8) import Data.Yaml as Y (decodeHelper, ParseException(..)) import qualified Text.Libyaml as Y data CodegenConfig = CodegenConfig { -- | Naming style that is applied for all definitions namingStyle :: NamingStyle -- | Codegenerator will create a function with this name that will run 'migrate' for each non-polymorphic entity in definition , migrationFunction :: Maybe String -- | Functions that produce Haskell code for the entities. In most cases when overriding, the default functions that produce mappings are not replaced but kept along with custom code. Example: @['defaultMkEntityDecs', mkMyDecs]@. , mkEntityDecs :: [[THEntityDef] -> Q [Dec]] , mkEmbeddedDecs :: [[THEmbeddedDef] -> Q [Dec]] , mkPrimitiveDecs :: [[THPrimitiveDef] -> Q [Dec]] } defaultCodegenConfig :: CodegenConfig defaultCodegenConfig = CodegenConfig suffixNamingStyle Nothing [defaultMkEntityDecs] [defaultMkEmbeddedDecs] [defaultMkPrimitiveDecs] -- $namingStylesDoc -- When describing a datatype you can omit the most of the declarations. -- In this case the omitted parts of description will be automatically generated using the default names created by naming style. -- Any default name can be overridden by setting its value explicitly. -- | Defines how the names are created. The mk* functions correspond to the set* functions. -- Functions mkNormal* define names of non-record constructor Field data NamingStyle = NamingStyle { -- | Create name of the table for the datatype. Parameters: data name. mkDbEntityName :: String -> String -- | Create name of the backend-specific key constructor for the datatype. Parameters: data name. , mkEntityKeyName :: String -> String -- | Create name for phantom constructor used to parametrise 'Field'. Parameters: data name, constructor name, constructor position. , mkPhantomName :: String -> String -> Int -> String -- | Create name for phantom unique key used to parametrise 'Key'. Parameters: data name, constructor name, unique constraint name. , mkUniqueKeyPhantomName :: String -> String -> String -> String -- | Create name of constructor for the unique key. Parameters: data name, constructor name, unique constraint name. , mkUniqueKeyConstrName :: String -> String -> String -> String -- | Create name used by 'persistName' for the unique key. Parameters: data name, constructor name, unique constraint name. , mkUniqueKeyDbName :: String -> String -> String -> String -- | Create name of the constructor specific table. Parameters: data name, constructor name, constructor position. , mkDbConstrName :: String -> String -> Int -> String -- | Create name of the db field for autokey. Parameters: data name, constructor name, constructor position. , mkDbConstrAutoKeyName :: String -> String -> Int -> String -- | Create name of the field column in a database. Parameters: data name, constructor name, constructor position, field record name, field position. , mkDbFieldName :: String -> String -> Int -> String -> Int -> String -- | Create name of field constructor used in expressions. Parameters: data name, constructor name, constructor position, field record name, field position. , mkExprFieldName :: String -> String -> Int -> String -> Int -> String -- | Create name of selector (see 'Embedded') constructor used in expressions. Parameters: data name, constructor name, field record name, field position. , mkExprSelectorName :: String -> String -> String -> Int -> String -- | Create field name used to refer to the it in settings for non-record constructors. Parameters: data name, constructor name, constructor position, field position. , mkNormalFieldName :: String -> String -> Int -> Int -> String -- | Create name of the field column in a database. Parameters: data name, constructor name, constructor position, field position. , mkNormalDbFieldName :: String -> String -> Int -> Int -> String -- | Create name of field constructor used in expressions. Parameters: data name, constructor name, constructor position, field position. , mkNormalExprFieldName :: String -> String -> Int -> Int -> String -- | Create name of selector (see 'Embedded') constructor used in expressions. Parameters: data name, constructor name, field position. , mkNormalExprSelectorName :: String -> String -> Int -> String } -- | Default style. Adds \"Field\" to each record field name. -- -- Example: -- -- > data SomeData a = Normal Int | Record { bar :: Maybe String, asc :: a} -- > -- Generated code -- > data NormalConstructor -- > data RecordConstructor -- > instance PersistEntity where -- > data Field (SomeData a) where -- > Normal0Field :: Field NormalConstructor Int -- > BarField :: Field RecordConstructor (Maybe String) -- > AscField :: Field RecordConstructor a -- > ... suffixNamingStyle :: NamingStyle suffixNamingStyle = NamingStyle { mkDbEntityName = \dName -> dName , mkEntityKeyName = \dName -> dName ++ "Key" , mkPhantomName = \_ cName _ -> cName ++ "Constructor" , mkUniqueKeyPhantomName = \_ _ uName -> firstChar toUpper uName , mkUniqueKeyConstrName = \_ _ uName -> firstChar toUpper uName ++ "Key" , mkUniqueKeyDbName = \_ _ uName -> "Key" ++ [delim] ++ firstChar toUpper uName , mkDbConstrName = \_ cName _ -> cName , mkDbConstrAutoKeyName = \_ _ _ -> "id" , mkDbFieldName = \_ _ _ fName _ -> fName , mkExprFieldName = \_ _ _ fName _ -> firstChar toUpper fName ++ "Field" , mkExprSelectorName = \_ _ fName _ -> firstChar toUpper fName ++ "Selector" , mkNormalFieldName = \_ cName _ fNum -> firstChar toLower cName ++ show fNum , mkNormalDbFieldName = \_ cName _ fNum -> firstChar toLower cName ++ show fNum , mkNormalExprFieldName = \_ cName _ fNum -> cName ++ show fNum ++ "Field" , mkNormalExprSelectorName = \_ cName fNum -> cName ++ show fNum ++ "Selector" } -- | Creates field names in Persistent fashion prepending constructor names to the fields. -- -- Example: -- -- > data SomeData a = Normal Int | Record { bar :: Maybe String, asc :: a} -- > -- Generated code -- > data NormalConstructor -- > data RecordConstructor -- > instance PersistEntity where -- > data Field (SomeData a) where -- > Normal0 :: Field NormalConstructor Int -- > RecordBar :: Field RecordConstructor (Maybe String) -- > RecordAsc :: Field RecordConstructor a -- > ... persistentNamingStyle :: NamingStyle persistentNamingStyle = suffixNamingStyle { mkExprFieldName = \_ cName _ fName _ -> cName ++ firstChar toUpper fName , mkExprSelectorName = \_ cName fName _ -> cName ++ firstChar toUpper fName , mkNormalExprFieldName = \_ cName _ fNum -> cName ++ show fNum , mkNormalExprSelectorName = \_ cName fNum -> cName ++ show fNum } -- | Creates the shortest field names. It is more likely to lead in name conflicts than other naming styles. -- -- Example: -- -- > data SomeData a = Normal Int | Record { bar :: Maybe String, asc :: a} -- > -- Generated code -- > data NormalConstructor -- > data RecordConstructor -- > instance PersistEntity where -- > data Field (SomeData a) where -- > Normal0 :: Field NormalConstructor Int -- > Bar :: Field RecordConstructor (Maybe String) -- > Asc :: Field RecordConstructor a -- > ... conciseNamingStyle :: NamingStyle conciseNamingStyle = suffixNamingStyle { mkExprFieldName = \_ _ _ fName _ -> firstChar toUpper fName , mkExprSelectorName = \_ _ fName _ -> firstChar toUpper fName , mkNormalExprFieldName = \_ cName _ fNum -> cName ++ show fNum , mkNormalExprSelectorName = \_ cName fNum -> cName ++ show fNum } -- | The generated Haskell names of phantom types (constructors, fields, etc.) are the same as with suffixNamingStyle. But the table names and columns are converted from camelCase to underscore_lower_case with `toUnderscore`. lowerCaseSuffixNamingStyle :: NamingStyle lowerCaseSuffixNamingStyle = suffixNamingStyle { mkDbEntityName = \dName -> toUnderscore dName , mkDbConstrName = \_ cName _ -> toUnderscore cName , mkDbFieldName = \_ _ _ fName _ -> toUnderscore fName , mkNormalDbFieldName = \_ cName _ fNum -> toUnderscore $ cName ++ show fNum } -- | Creates the auxiliary structures. -- Particularly, it creates GADT 'Field' data instance for referring to the fields in expressions and phantom types for data constructors. -- The default names of auxiliary datatypes and names used in database are generated using the naming style and can be changed via configuration. -- The datatypes and their generation options are defined via YAML configuration parsed by quasiquoter 'groundhog'. mkPersist :: CodegenConfig -> PersistDefinitions -> Q [Dec] mkPersist CodegenConfig{..} PersistDefinitions{..} = do let duplicates = notUniqueBy id $ map psDataName psEntities ++ map psEmbeddedName psEmbeddeds ++ map psPrimitiveName psPrimitives unless (null duplicates) $ fail $ "All definitions must be unique. Found duplicates: " ++ show duplicates let getDecl name = do info <- reify $ mkName name return $ case info of TyConI d -> d _ -> error $ "Only datatypes can be processed: " ++ name entities <- forM psEntities $ \e -> either error id . validateEntity . applyEntitySettings namingStyle e . mkTHEntityDef namingStyle <$> getDecl (psDataName e) embeddeds <- forM psEmbeddeds $ \e -> either error id . validateEmbedded . applyEmbeddedSettings e . mkTHEmbeddedDef namingStyle <$> getDecl (psEmbeddedName e) primitives <- forM psPrimitives $ \e -> applyPrimitiveSettings e . mkTHPrimitiveDef namingStyle <$> getDecl (psPrimitiveName e) let mkEntityDecs' = maybe id (\name -> (mkMigrateFunction name:)) migrationFunction $ mkEntityDecs fmap concat $ sequence $ map ($ entities) mkEntityDecs' ++ map ($ embeddeds) mkEmbeddedDecs ++ map ($ primitives) mkPrimitiveDecs applyEntitySettings :: NamingStyle -> PSEntityDef -> THEntityDef -> THEntityDef applyEntitySettings style PSEntityDef{..} def@(THEntityDef{..}) = def { thDbEntityName = fromMaybe thDbEntityName psDbEntityName , thEntitySchema = psEntitySchema , thAutoKey = thAutoKey' , thUniqueKeys = maybe thUniqueKeys (map mkUniqueKey') psUniqueKeys , thConstructors = thConstructors' } where thAutoKey' = maybe thAutoKey (liftM2 applyAutoKeySettings thAutoKey) psAutoKey thConstructors' = maybe thConstructors'' (f thConstructors'') $ psConstructors where thConstructors'' = map checkAutoKey thConstructors checkAutoKey cDef@(THConstructorDef{..}) = cDef {thDbAutoKeyName = thAutoKey' >> thDbAutoKeyName} mkUniqueKey' = mkUniqueKey style (nameBase thDataName) (head thConstructors') f = foldr $ replaceOne "constructor" psConstrName (nameBase . thConstrName) applyConstructorSettings mkUniqueKey :: NamingStyle -> String -> THConstructorDef -> PSUniqueKeyDef -> THUniqueKeyDef mkUniqueKey style@NamingStyle{..} dName cDef@THConstructorDef{..} PSUniqueKeyDef{..} = key where key = THUniqueKeyDef { thUniqueKeyName = psUniqueKeyName , thUniqueKeyPhantomName = fromMaybe (mkUniqueKeyPhantomName dName (nameBase thConstrName) psUniqueKeyName) psUniqueKeyPhantomName , thUniqueKeyConstrName = fromMaybe (mkUniqueKeyConstrName dName (nameBase thConstrName) psUniqueKeyName) psUniqueKeyConstrName , thUniqueKeyDbName = fromMaybe (mkUniqueKeyDbName dName (nameBase thConstrName) psUniqueKeyName) psUniqueKeyDbName , thUniqueKeyFields = maybe uniqueFields (f uniqueFields) psUniqueKeyFields , thUniqueKeyMakeEmbedded = fromMaybe False psUniqueKeyMakeEmbedded , thUniqueKeyIsDef = fromMaybe False psUniqueKeyIsDef } f = foldr $ replaceOne "unique field" psFieldName thFieldName applyFieldSettings uniqueFields = mkFieldsForUniqueKey style dName key cDef applyAutoKeySettings :: THAutoKeyDef -> PSAutoKeyDef -> THAutoKeyDef applyAutoKeySettings def@(THAutoKeyDef{..}) PSAutoKeyDef{..} = def { thAutoKeyConstrName = fromMaybe thAutoKeyConstrName psAutoKeyConstrName , thAutoKeyIsDef = fromMaybe thAutoKeyIsDef psAutoKeyIsDef } applyConstructorSettings :: PSConstructorDef -> THConstructorDef -> THConstructorDef applyConstructorSettings PSConstructorDef{..} def@(THConstructorDef{..}) = def { thPhantomConstrName = fromMaybe thPhantomConstrName psPhantomConstrName , thDbConstrName = fromMaybe thDbConstrName psDbConstrName , thDbAutoKeyName = psDbAutoKeyName <|> thDbAutoKeyName , thConstrFields = maybe thConstrFields (f thConstrFields) psConstrFields , thConstrUniques = maybe thConstrUniques (map convertUnique) psConstrUniques } where f = foldr $ replaceOne "field" psFieldName thFieldName applyFieldSettings convertUnique (PSUniqueDef uName uType uFields) = THUniqueDef uName (fromMaybe UniqueConstraint uType) uFields applyFieldSettings :: PSFieldDef String -> THFieldDef -> THFieldDef applyFieldSettings PSFieldDef{..} def@(THFieldDef{..}) = def { thDbFieldName = fromMaybe thDbFieldName psDbFieldName , thExprName = fromMaybe thExprName psExprName , thDbTypeName = psDbTypeName , thEmbeddedDef = psEmbeddedDef , thDefaultValue = psDefaultValue , thReferenceParent = psReferenceParent , thFieldConverter = fmap mkName psFieldConverter } applyEmbeddedSettings :: PSEmbeddedDef -> THEmbeddedDef -> THEmbeddedDef applyEmbeddedSettings PSEmbeddedDef{..} def@(THEmbeddedDef{..}) = def { thDbEmbeddedName = fromMaybe thDbEmbeddedName psDbEmbeddedName , thEmbeddedFields = maybe thEmbeddedFields (f thEmbeddedFields) psEmbeddedFields } where f = foldr $ replaceOne "field" psFieldName thFieldName applyFieldSettings applyPrimitiveSettings :: PSPrimitiveDef -> THPrimitiveDef -> THPrimitiveDef applyPrimitiveSettings PSPrimitiveDef{..} def@(THPrimitiveDef{..}) = def { thPrimitiveDbName = fromMaybe thPrimitiveDbName psPrimitiveDbName , thPrimitiveConverter = mkName psPrimitiveConverter } mkFieldsForUniqueKey :: NamingStyle -> String -> THUniqueKeyDef -> THConstructorDef -> [THFieldDef] mkFieldsForUniqueKey style dName uniqueKey cDef = zipWith (setSelector . findField) (thUniqueFields uniqueDef) [0..] where findField (Left name) = findOne "field" thFieldName name $ thConstrFields cDef findField (Right expr) = error $ "A unique key may not contain expressions: " ++ expr uniqueDef = findOne "unique" thUniqueName (thUniqueKeyName uniqueKey) $ thConstrUniques cDef setSelector f i = f {thExprName = mkExprSelectorName style dName (thUniqueKeyConstrName uniqueKey) (thFieldName f) i} notUniqueBy :: Eq b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] notUniqueBy f xs = let xs' = map f xs in nub $ xs' \\ nub xs' assertUnique :: (Monad m, Eq b, Show b) => (a -> b) -> [a] -> String -> m () assertUnique f xs what = case notUniqueBy f xs of [] -> return () ys -> fail $ "All " ++ what ++ " must be unique: " ++ show ys -- we need to validate datatype names because TH just creates unusable fields with spaces assertSpaceFree :: Monad m => String -> String -> m () assertSpaceFree s what = when (any isSpace s) $ fail $ "Spaces in " ++ what ++ " are not allowed: " ++ show s validateEntity :: THEntityDef -> Either String THEntityDef validateEntity def = do let constrs = thConstructors def assertUnique thPhantomConstrName constrs "constructor phantom name" assertUnique thDbConstrName constrs "constructor db name" forM_ constrs $ \cdef -> do let fields = thConstrFields cdef assertSpaceFree (thPhantomConstrName cdef) "constructor phantom name" assertUnique thExprName fields "expr field name in a constructor" assertUnique thDbFieldName fields "db field name in a constructor" mapM_ validateField fields case filter (\(THUniqueDef _ _ uFields) -> null uFields) $ thConstrUniques cdef of [] -> return () ys -> fail $ "Constraints must have at least one field: " ++ show ys when (isNothing (thDbAutoKeyName cdef) /= isNothing (thAutoKey def)) $ fail $ "Presence of autokey definitions should be the same in entity and constructors definitions " ++ show (thDataName def) ++ ": " ++ show (thDbAutoKeyName cdef) ++ " - " ++ show (thAutoKey def) -- check that unique keys = [] for multiple constructor datatype if length constrs > 1 && not (null $ thUniqueKeys def) then fail $ "Unique keys may exist only for datatypes with single constructor: " ++ show (thDataName def) else -- check that all unique keys reference existing uniques let uniqueNames = map thUniqueName $ thConstrUniques $ head constrs in forM_ (thUniqueKeys def) $ \cKey -> unless (thUniqueKeyName cKey `elem` uniqueNames) $ fail $ "Unique key mentions unknown unique: " ++ thUniqueKeyName cKey ++ " in datatype " ++ show (thDataName def) let isPrimary x = case x of UniquePrimary _ -> True _ -> False primaryConstraints = length $ filter (isPrimary . thUniqueType) $ concatMap thConstrUniques constrs if length constrs > 1 then when (primaryConstraints > 0) $ fail $ "Custom primary keys may exist only for datatypes with single constructor: " ++ show (thDataName def) else when (primaryConstraints + maybe 0 (const 1) (thAutoKey def) > 1) $ fail $ "A datatype cannot have more than one primary key constraint: " ++ show (thDataName def) -- check that only one of the keys is default let keyDefaults = maybe id ((:) . thAutoKeyIsDef) (thAutoKey def) $ map thUniqueKeyIsDef (thUniqueKeys def) when (not (null keyDefaults) && length (filter id keyDefaults) /= 1) $ fail $ "A datatype with keys must have one default key: " ++ show (thDataName def) return def validateField :: THFieldDef -> Either String () validateField fDef = do assertSpaceFree (thExprName fDef) "field expr name" when (isJust (thDbTypeName fDef) && isJust (thEmbeddedDef fDef)) $ fail $ "A field may not have both type and embeddedType: " ++ show (thFieldName fDef) validateEmbedded :: THEmbeddedDef -> Either String THEmbeddedDef validateEmbedded def = do let fields = thEmbeddedFields def assertUnique thExprName fields "expr field name in an embedded datatype" assertUnique thDbFieldName fields "db field name in an embedded datatype" mapM_ validateField fields return def mkTHEntityDef :: NamingStyle -> Dec -> THEntityDef mkTHEntityDef NamingStyle{..} dec = THEntityDef dName (mkDbEntityName dName') Nothing autokey [] typeVars constrs where (dName, typeVars, cons) = fromDataD dec constrs = zipWith mkConstr [0..] cons dName' = nameBase dName autokey = Just $ THAutoKeyDef (mkEntityKeyName dName') True mkConstr cNum c = case c of NormalC name params -> mkConstr' name $ zipWith (mkField (nameBase name)) params [0..] RecC name params -> mkConstr' name $ zipWith (mkVarField (nameBase name)) params [0..] InfixC{} -> error $ "Types with infix constructors are not supported" ++ show dName ForallC{} -> error $ "Types with existential quantification are not supported" ++ show dName where mkConstr' name params = THConstructorDef name (apply mkPhantomName) (apply mkDbConstrName) (Just $ apply mkDbConstrAutoKeyName) params [] where apply f = f dName' (nameBase name) cNum mkField :: String -> StrictType -> Int -> THFieldDef mkField cName (_, t) fNum = THFieldDef (apply mkNormalFieldName) (apply mkNormalDbFieldName) Nothing (apply mkNormalExprFieldName) t Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing where apply f = f dName' cName cNum fNum mkVarField :: String -> VarStrictType -> Int -> THFieldDef mkVarField cName (fName, _, t) fNum = THFieldDef fName' (apply mkDbFieldName) Nothing (apply mkExprFieldName) t Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing where apply f = f dName' cName cNum fName' fNum fName' = nameBase fName mkTHEmbeddedDef :: NamingStyle -> Dec -> THEmbeddedDef mkTHEmbeddedDef (NamingStyle{..}) dec = THEmbeddedDef dName cName (mkDbEntityName dName') typeVars fields where (dName, typeVars, cons) = fromDataD dec dName' = nameBase dName (cName, fields) = case cons of [cons'] -> case cons' of NormalC name params -> (name, zipWith (mkField (nameBase name)) params [0..]) RecC name params -> (name, zipWith (mkVarField (nameBase name)) params [0..]) InfixC{} -> error $ "Types with infix constructors are not supported" ++ show dName ForallC{} -> error $ "Types with existential quantification are not supported" ++ show dName _ -> error $ "An embedded datatype must have exactly one constructor: " ++ show dName mkField :: String -> StrictType -> Int -> THFieldDef mkField cName' (_, t) fNum = THFieldDef (apply mkNormalFieldName) (apply mkNormalDbFieldName) Nothing (mkNormalExprSelectorName dName' cName' fNum) t Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing where apply f = f dName' cName' 0 fNum mkVarField :: String -> VarStrictType -> Int -> THFieldDef mkVarField cName' (fName, _, t) fNum = THFieldDef fName' (apply mkDbFieldName) Nothing (mkExprSelectorName dName' cName' fName' fNum) t Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing where apply f = f dName' cName' 0 fName' fNum fName' = nameBase fName mkTHPrimitiveDef :: NamingStyle -> Dec -> THPrimitiveDef mkTHPrimitiveDef (NamingStyle{..}) dec = THPrimitiveDef dName (mkDbEntityName dName') 'showReadConverter where dName = case dec of #if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2, 11, 0) DataD _ dName _ _ _ _ -> dName NewtypeD _ dName _ _ _ _ -> dName #else DataD _ dName _ _ _ -> dName NewtypeD _ dName _ _ _ -> dName #endif _ -> error $ "Only datatypes and newtypes can be declared as primitive: " ++ show dec dName' = nameBase dName showReadConverter :: (Show a, Read a) => (a -> String, String -> a) showReadConverter = (show, read) enumConverter :: Enum a => (a -> Int, Int -> a) enumConverter = (fromEnum, toEnum) firstChar :: (Char -> Char) -> String -> String firstChar f s = f (head s):tail s -- | Transforms string from camelCase to lower_case_underscore naming convention. -- ColumnName -> column_name, parseURL -> parse_url, FieldIEEE754Floating -> field_ieee754_floating toUnderscore :: String -> String toUnderscore = map toLower . go where go (x:y:z:xs) | isUpper x && isUpper y && isLower z = x:'_':y:go (z:xs) go (x:y:xs) | (isLower x || isDigit x) && isUpper y = x:'_':y:go xs go (x:xs) = x:go xs go "" = "" -- $settingsDoc -- Groundhog needs to analyze the datatypes and create the auxiliary definitions before it can work with them. -- We use YAML-based settings to list the datatypes and adjust the result of their introspection. -- -- A datatype can be treated as entity or embedded. An entity is stored in its own table, can be referenced in fields of other data, etc. It is a first-class value. -- An embedded type can only be a field of an entity or another embedded type. For example, the tuples are embedded. -- You can create your own embedded types and adjust the fields names of an existing embedded type individually for any place where it is used. -- -- Unless the property is marked as mandatory, it can be omitted. In this case value created by the NamingStyle will be used. -- -- @ --data Settable = First {foo :: String, bar :: Int, next :: Maybe (Key Settable BackendSpecific)} deriving (Eq, Show) -- -- \-- The declaration with defaulted names -- --mkPersist defaultCodegenConfig [groundhog| --entity: Settable # If we did not have a constraint, this line would be enough --keys: -- - name: someconstraint --constructors: -- - name: First -- uniques: -- - name: someconstraint -- fields: [foo, bar] -- |] -- @ -- -- Which is equivalent to the example below that has all properties set explicitly. -- -- @ --mkPersist defaultCodegenConfig [groundhog| --definitions: # First level key whose value is a list of definitions. It can be considered an optional header. -- # The list elements start with hyphen+space. Keys are separated from values by a colon+space. See full definition at http://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html. -- - entity: Settable # Mandatory. Entity datatype name -- dbName: Settable # Name of the main table -- \# schema: public # Name of the schema to which the table belongs -- autoKey: # Description of the autoincremented key for data family Key instance -- constrName: SettableKey # Name of constructor -- default: true # The default key is used when entity is referenced without key wrapper. E.g., \"field :: SomeData\" instead of \"field :: Key SomeData keytype\" -- keys: # List of the unique keys. An entity may have unique keys only if it has one constructor -- - name: someconstraint # This name references names from uniques field of constructor -- keyPhantom: Someconstraint # Name of phantom datatype that corresponds for each unique key -- constrName: SomeconstraintKey # Name of data family Key instance constructor for this unique key -- dbName: Key\#Someconstraint # It is used for function \"persistName\" of \"PersistField (Key Settable (Unique Someconstraint))\" -- fields: [] # Set fields that comprise this unique constraint. It works like setting fields in constructors -- mkEmbedded: false # Defines if instance of \"Embedded (Key Settable (Unique Someconstraint))\" will be created. The \"Selector\" constructor names are defined by properties of key fields. -- default: false # Defines if this unique key is used as default -- constructors: # List of constructors. The constructors you don't change can be omitted -- - name: First # Mandatory. Constructor name -- phantomName: FooBarConstructor # Constructor phantom type name used to guarantee type safety -- dbName: First # Name of constructor table which is created only for datatypes with multiple constructors -- keyDbName: id # Name for the primary key column -- fields: # List of constructor fields. If you don't change a field, you can omit it -- - name: foo # The name as in constructor record. If constructor is not a record, the name is created by 'mkNormalFieldName'. For example, the fields in constructor SomeConstr would have names someConstr0 and someConstr1 by default. -- dbName: foo # Column name -- exprName: FooField # Name of a field used in expressions -- \# type: varchar # This would result in having field type DbOther \"varchar\" instead of DbString. Value of this attribute will be used by DB backend for migration -- \# default: foo_value # The default value for column in the clause -- \# reference: # This is explicit reference to a parent table not mapped by Groundhog -- \# schema: myschema # Optional schema -- \# table: mytable # Name of the parent table -- \# columns: [mytable_id] # Parent columns. If the current field is embedded, e.g., a tuple, it will be a composite key -- \# onDelete: cascade # Defines ON DELETE clause of references. It can have values: no action, restrict, cascade, set null, set default -- \# onUpdate: restrict # Defines ON UPDATE -- \# onDelete: cascade # Clauses onDelete and onUpdate can be set outside of reference too. This is deprecated and kept for compatibility -- \# If onDelete or onUpdate are omitted, the database will choose the action automatically. Note that it may differ across databases. -- \# For example, MySQL has \"restrict\" by default, but in PostgreSQL it is \"no action\". -- - name: bar -- dbName: bar -- exprName: BarField -- # For some databases \"type: integer\" would be appropriate -- - name: next -- dbName: next -- exprName: NextField -- uniques: -- - name: someconstraint -- type: constraint # The type can be be \"constraint\", \"index\", or \"primary\" -- fields: [foo, bar] # List of constructor parameter names. Not column names. -- # This is example for databases which support expression indexes. -- # Note that for checking index during migration expression should be written in exactly the same form as database returns. -- # - name: myuniqueindex -- # type: index -- # fields: [foo, {expr: "(bar + 1)" }] -- |] -- @ -- -- This is an example of embedded datatype usage. -- -- @ --data Company = Company {name :: String, headquarter :: Address, dataCentre :: Address, salesOffice :: Address} deriving (Eq, Show) --data Address = Address {city :: String, zipCode :: String, street :: String} deriving (Eq, Show) -- --mkPersist defaultCodegenConfig [groundhog| --definitions: -- - entity: Company -- constructors: -- - name: Company -- fields: -- # Property embeddedType of headquarter field is not mentioned, so the corresponding table columns will have names prefixed with headquarter (headquarter$city, headquarter$zip_code, headquarter$street) -- - name: dataCentre -- embeddedType: # If a field has an embedded type you can access its subfields. If you do it, the database columns will match with the embedded dbNames (no prefixing). -- - name: city # Just a regular list of fields. However, note that you should use default dbNames of embedded -- dbName: dc_city -- - name: zip_code # Here we use embedded dbName (zip_code) which differs from the name used in Address definition (zipCode) for accessing the field. -- dbName: dc_zipcode -- - name: street -- dbName: dc_street -- - name: salesOffice -- embeddedType: # Similar declaration, but using another syntax for YAML objects -- - {name: city, dbName: sales_city} -- - {name: zip_code, dbName: sales_zipcode} -- - {name: street, dbName: sales_street} -- - embedded: Address -- fields: # The syntax is the same as for constructor fields. Nested embedded types are allowed. -- - name: city # This line does nothing and can be omitted. Default settings for city are not changed. -- - name: zipCode -- dbName: zip_code # Change column name. -- # Street is not mentioned so it will have default settings. -- |] -- @ -- -- We can also make our types instances of `PrimitivePersistField` to store them in one column. -- -- @ --data WeekDay = Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday -- deriving (Eq, Show, Enum) --data Point = Point Int Int -- deriving (Eq, Show, Read) -- --mkPersist defaultCodegenConfig [groundhog| --definitions: -- - primitive: WeekDay -- converter: enumConverter # Its column will have integer type. The conversion will use Enum instance. -- - primitive: Point -- converter: showReadConverter # Its column will have string type. The conversion will use Show/Read instances. If representation is omitted, showread will be used by default. -- |] -- @ -- | Converts quasiquoted settings into the datatype used by mkPersist. groundhog :: QuasiQuoter groundhog = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = parseDefinitions , quotePat = error "groundhog: pattern quasiquoter" , quoteType = error "groundhog: type quasiquoter" , quoteDec = error "groundhog: declaration quasiquoter" } -- | Parses configuration stored in the file -- -- > mkPersist defaultCodegenConfig [groundhogFile|../groundhog.yaml|] groundhogFile :: QuasiQuoter groundhogFile = quoteFile groundhog parseDefinitions :: String -> Q Exp parseDefinitions s = do result <- runIO $ decodeHelper (Y.decode $ encodeUtf8 $ fromString s) case result of Left err -> case err of InvalidYaml (Just (Y.YamlParseException problem context mark)) -> fail $ unlines [ "YAML parse error: " ++ problem , "Context: " ++ context , "At line: " ++ show (Y.yamlLine mark) , lines s !! Y.yamlLine mark , replicate (Y.yamlColumn mark) ' ' ++ "^" ] _ -> fail $ show err Right (Left err) -> fail err Right (Right result') -> lift (result' :: PersistDefinitions) defaultMkEntityDecs :: [THEntityDef] -> Q [Dec] defaultMkEntityDecs = fmap concat . mapM (\def -> do --runIO (print def) decs <- fmap concat $ sequence $ map ($ def) [ mkEntityPhantomConstructors , mkEntityPhantomConstructorInstances , mkAutoKeyPersistFieldInstance , mkAutoKeyPrimitivePersistFieldInstance , mkEntityUniqueKeysPhantoms , mkUniqueKeysIsUniqueInstances , mkUniqueKeysEmbeddedInstances , mkUniqueKeysPersistFieldInstances , mkUniqueKeysPrimitiveOrPurePersistFieldInstances , mkKeyEqShowInstances , mkEntityPersistFieldInstance , mkEntitySinglePersistFieldInstance , mkPersistEntityInstance , mkEntityNeverNullInstance ] --runIO $ putStrLn $ pprint decs return decs) defaultMkEmbeddedDecs :: [THEmbeddedDef] -> Q [Dec] defaultMkEmbeddedDecs = fmap concat . mapM (\def -> do --runIO (print def) decs <- fmap concat $ sequence $ map ($ def) [ mkEmbeddedPersistFieldInstance , mkEmbeddedPurePersistFieldInstance , mkEmbeddedInstance ] -- runIO $ putStrLn $ pprint decs return decs) defaultMkPrimitiveDecs :: [THPrimitiveDef] -> Q [Dec] defaultMkPrimitiveDecs = fmap concat . mapM (\def -> do --runIO (print def) decs <- fmap concat $ sequence $ map ($ def) [ mkPrimitivePersistFieldInstance , mkPrimitivePrimitivePersistFieldInstance ] -- runIO $ putStrLn $ pprint decs return decs) fromDataD :: InstanceDec -> (Name, [TyVarBndr], [Con]) fromDataD d = case d of #if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2, 11, 0) (DataD _ dName typeVars _ constrs _) -> (dName, typeVars, constrs) #else (DataD _ dName typeVars constrs _) -> (dName, typeVars, constrs) #endif d -> error $ "Only datatypes can be processed: " ++ show d