{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses #-} module Database.Groundhog.Postgresql.Geometry ( Point(..) , Line(..) , Lseg(..) , Box(..) , Path(..) , Polygon(..) , Circle(..) , (+.) , (-.) , (*.) , (/.) , (#) , (##) , (<->) , (&&) , (<<) , (>>) , (&<) , (&>) , (<<|) , (|>>) , (&<|) , (|&>) , (<^) , (>^) , (?#) , (?-) , (?|) , (?-|) , (?||) , (@>) , (<@) , (~=) ) where import Prelude hiding ((&&), (>>)) import Database.Groundhog.Core import Database.Groundhog.Expression import Database.Groundhog.Generic import Database.Groundhog.Generic.Sql import Database.Groundhog.Instances () import Control.Applicative import Data.Attoparsec.Char8 data Point = Point Double Double deriving (Eq, Show) -- | It is not fully implemented in PostgreSQL yet. It is kept just to match all geometric types. data Line = Line Point Point deriving (Eq, Show) data Lseg = Lseg Point Point deriving (Eq, Show) data Box = Box Point Point deriving (Eq, Show) data Path = ClosedPath [Point] | OpenPath [Point] deriving (Eq, Show) data Polygon = Polygon [Point] deriving (Eq, Show) data Circle = Circle Point Double deriving (Eq, Show) -- select o.oprname, o.oprkind, tl.typname as oprleft, tr.typname as oprright, tres.typname as oprresult, o.oprcode, ocom.oprname as oprcom, oneg.oprname as oprnegate from pg_operator o inner join pg_type tl on o.oprleft = tl.oid inner join pg_type tr on o.oprright = tr.oid inner join pg_type tres on o.oprresult = tres.oid left join pg_operator ocom on o.oprcom = ocom.oid left join pg_operator oneg on o.oprnegate = oneg.oid where tl.typname in ('point', 'line', 'lseg', 'box', 'path', 'polygon', 'circle') order by o.oprname, oprleft; parseHelper :: Parser a -> PersistValue -> a parseHelper p (PersistByteString bs) = either error id $ parseOnly p bs parseHelper _ a = error $ "parseHelper: expected PersistByteString, got " ++ show a pair :: (a -> a -> b) -> Char -> Char -> Parser a -> Parser b pair f open close p = f <$> (char open *> p <* char ',') <*> p <* char close point :: Parser Point point = pair Point '(' ')' double points :: Parser [Point] points = point `sepBy1` char ',' instance PrimitivePersistField Point where toPrimitivePersistValue _ (Point x y) = PersistString $ show (x, y) fromPrimitivePersistValue _ = parseHelper point instance PersistField Point where persistName _ = "Point" toPersistValues = primToPersistValue fromPersistValues = primFromPersistValue dbType _ = DbTypePrimitive (DbOther $ OtherTypeDef $ const "point") False Nothing Nothing instance PrimitivePersistField Line where toPrimitivePersistValue _ (Line (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2)) = PersistString $ show ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) fromPrimitivePersistValue _ = error "fromPrimitivePersistValue Line is not supported yet" instance PersistField Line where persistName _ = "Line" toPersistValues = primToPersistValue fromPersistValues = primFromPersistValue dbType _ = DbTypePrimitive (DbOther $ OtherTypeDef $ const "line") False Nothing Nothing instance PrimitivePersistField Lseg where toPrimitivePersistValue _ (Lseg (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2)) = PersistString $ show ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) fromPrimitivePersistValue _ = parseHelper $ pair Lseg '[' ']' point instance PersistField Lseg where persistName _ = "Lseg" toPersistValues = primToPersistValue fromPersistValues = primFromPersistValue dbType _ = DbTypePrimitive (DbOther $ OtherTypeDef $ const "lseg") False Nothing Nothing instance PrimitivePersistField Box where toPrimitivePersistValue _ (Box (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2)) = PersistString $ show ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) fromPrimitivePersistValue _ = parseHelper $ Box <$> (point <* char ',') <*> point instance PersistField Box where persistName _ = "Box" toPersistValues = primToPersistValue fromPersistValues = primFromPersistValue dbType _ = DbTypePrimitive (DbOther $ OtherTypeDef $ const "box") False Nothing Nothing showPath :: Char -> Char -> [Point] -> ShowS showPath open close [] s = open : close : s showPath open close (x:xs) s = open : showPoint x (showl xs) where showl [] = close : s showl (y:ys) = ',' : showPoint y (showl ys) showPoint :: Point -> ShowS showPoint (Point x y) = shows (x, y) instance PrimitivePersistField Path where toPrimitivePersistValue _ path = PersistString $ case path of ClosedPath ps -> showPath '(' ')' ps "" OpenPath ps -> showPath '[' ']' ps "" fromPrimitivePersistValue _ = parseHelper $ path' ClosedPath '(' ')' <|> path' OpenPath '[' ']' where path' f open close = f <$> (char open *> points <* char close) instance PersistField Path where persistName _ = "Path" toPersistValues = primToPersistValue fromPersistValues = primFromPersistValue dbType _ = DbTypePrimitive (DbOther $ OtherTypeDef $ const "path") False Nothing Nothing instance PrimitivePersistField Polygon where toPrimitivePersistValue _ (Polygon ps) = PersistString $ showPath '(' ')' ps "" fromPrimitivePersistValue _ = parseHelper $ Polygon <$> (char '(' *> points <* char ')') instance PersistField Polygon where persistName _ = "Polygon" toPersistValues = primToPersistValue fromPersistValues = primFromPersistValue dbType _ = DbTypePrimitive (DbOther $ OtherTypeDef $ const "polygon") False Nothing Nothing instance PrimitivePersistField Circle where toPrimitivePersistValue _ (Circle (Point x1 y1) r) = PersistString $ show ((x1, y1), r) fromPrimitivePersistValue _ = parseHelper $ Circle <$> (char '<' *> point) <* char ',' <*> double <* char '>' instance PersistField Circle where persistName _ = "Circle" toPersistValues = primToPersistValue fromPersistValues = primFromPersistValue dbType _ = DbTypePrimitive (DbOther $ OtherTypeDef $ const "circle") False Nothing Nothing class BoxLineLseg a instance BoxLineLseg Box instance BoxLineLseg Line instance BoxLineLseg Lseg class BoxCirclePolygon a instance BoxCirclePolygon Box instance BoxCirclePolygon Circle instance BoxCirclePolygon Polygon class BoxCirclePathPoint a instance BoxCirclePathPoint Box instance BoxCirclePathPoint Circle instance BoxCirclePathPoint Path instance BoxCirclePathPoint Point class BoxCirclePointPolygon a instance BoxCirclePointPolygon Box instance BoxCirclePointPolygon Circle instance BoxCirclePointPolygon Point instance BoxCirclePointPolygon Polygon class BoxPoint a instance BoxPoint Box instance BoxPoint Point class LineLseg a instance LineLseg Line instance LineLseg Lseg class Plus a b instance Plus Box Point instance Plus Circle Point instance Plus Path Point instance Plus Path Path instance Plus Point Point class Distance a b instance Distance Box Box instance Distance Circle Circle instance Distance Circle Polygon instance Distance Line Line instance Distance Line Box instance Distance Lseg Line instance Distance Lseg Lseg instance Distance Lseg Box instance Distance Path Path instance Distance Point Path instance Distance Point Point instance Distance Point Circle instance Distance Point Line instance Distance Point Box instance Distance Point Lseg instance Distance Polygon Polygon class Contains a b instance Contains Box Box instance Contains Box Point instance Contains Circle Circle instance Contains Circle Point instance Contains Path Point instance Contains Polygon Polygon instance Contains Polygon Point class Contained a b instance Contained Box Box instance Contained Circle Circle instance Contained Lseg Box instance Contained Lseg Line instance Contained Point Lseg instance Contained Point Box instance Contained Point Line instance Contained Point Path instance Contained Point Polygon instance Contained Point Circle instance Contained Polygon Polygon class Closest a b instance Closest Line Box instance Closest Line Lseg instance Closest Lseg Box instance Closest Lseg Line instance Closest Lseg Lseg instance Closest Point Line instance Closest Point Box instance Closest Point Lseg class Intersects a b instance Intersects Box Box instance Intersects Line Line instance Intersects Line Box instance Intersects Lseg Box instance Intersects Lseg Line instance Intersects Lseg Lseg instance Intersects Path Path psqlOperatorExpr :: (SqlDb db, Expression db r a, Expression db r b) => String -> a -> b -> Expr db r c psqlOperatorExpr op x y = mkExpr $ operator 50 op x y psqlOperatorCond :: (SqlDb db, Expression db r a, Expression db r b) => String -> a -> b -> Cond db r psqlOperatorCond op x y = CondRaw $ operator 50 op x y infixl 6 +. infixl 6 -. infixl 7 *. infixl 7 /. -- | Translation -- -- @box '((0,0),(1,1))' + point '(2.0,0)' = box '(3,1),(2,0)'@ (+.) :: (SqlDb db, Plus a b, ExpressionOf db r x a, ExpressionOf db r y b) => x -> y -> Expr db r a x +. y = mkExpr $ operator 60 "+" x y -- | Translation -- -- @box '((0,0),(1,1))' - point '(2.0,0)' = box '(-1,1),(-2,0)'@ (-.) :: (SqlDb db, BoxCirclePathPoint a, ExpressionOf db r x a, ExpressionOf db r y Point) => x -> y -> Expr db r a x -. y = mkExpr $ operator 60 "-" x y -- | Scaling/rotation -- -- @box '((0,0),(1,1))' * point '(2.0,0)' = box '(2,2),(0,0)'@ (*.) :: (SqlDb db, BoxCirclePathPoint a, ExpressionOf db r x a, ExpressionOf db r y Point) => x -> y -> Expr db r a x *. y = mkExpr $ operator 70 "*" x y -- | Scaling/rotation -- -- @box '((0,0),(2,2))' / point '(2.0,0)' = box '(1,1),(0,0)'@ (/.) :: (SqlDb db, BoxCirclePathPoint a, ExpressionOf db r x a, ExpressionOf db r y Point) => x -> y -> Expr db r a x /. y = mkExpr $ operator 70 "/" x y -- | Point or box of intersection -- -- @lseg '((1,-1),(-1,1))' # '((1,1),(-1,-1))' = point '(0,0)'@ -- -- @box '((1,-1),(-1,1))' # '((1,1),(-1,-1))' = box '(1,1),(-1,-1)'@ (#) :: (SqlDb db, BoxLineLseg a, ExpressionOf db r x a, ExpressionOf db r y a) => x -> y -> Expr db r a (#) = psqlOperatorExpr "#" -- | Closest point to first operand on second operand -- -- @point '(0,0)' ## lseg '((2,0),(0,2))' = point '(1,1)'@ (##) :: (SqlDb db, Closest a b, ExpressionOf db r x a, ExpressionOf db r y b) => x -> y -> Expr db r Point (##) = psqlOperatorExpr "##" -- | Distance between -- -- @circle '((0,0),1)' <-> circle '((5,0),1)' = 3@ (<->) :: (SqlDb db, Distance a b, ExpressionOf db r x a, ExpressionOf db r y b) => x -> y -> Expr db r Double (<->) = psqlOperatorExpr "<->" -- | Overlaps? -- -- @box '((0,0),(1,1))' && box '((0,0),(2,2))' = true@ (&&) :: (SqlDb db, BoxCirclePolygon a, ExpressionOf db r x a, ExpressionOf db r y a) => x -> y -> Cond db r (&&) = psqlOperatorCond "&&" -- | Is strictly left of? -- -- @circle '((0,0),1)' << circle '((5,0),1)' = true@ (<<) :: (SqlDb db, BoxCirclePointPolygon a, ExpressionOf db r x a, ExpressionOf db r y a) => x -> y -> Cond db r (<<) = psqlOperatorCond "<<" -- | Is strictly right of? -- -- @circle '((5,0),1)' >> circle '((0,0),1)' = true@ (>>) :: (SqlDb db, BoxCirclePointPolygon a, ExpressionOf db r x a, ExpressionOf db r y a) => x -> y -> Cond db r (>>) = psqlOperatorCond ">>" -- | Does not extend to the right of? box '((0,0),(1,1))' &< box '((0,0),(2,2))' = t (&<) :: (SqlDb db, BoxCirclePolygon a, ExpressionOf db r x a, ExpressionOf db r y a) => x -> y -> Cond db r (&<) = psqlOperatorCond "&<" -- | Does not extend to the left of? -- -- @box '((0,0),(3,3))' &> box '((0,0),(2,2))' = true@ (&>) :: (SqlDb db, BoxCirclePolygon a, ExpressionOf db r x a, ExpressionOf db r y a) => x -> y -> Cond db r (&>) = psqlOperatorCond "&>" -- | Is strictly below? -- -- @box '((0,0),(3,3))' <<| box '((3,4),(5,5))' = true@ (<<|) :: (SqlDb db, BoxCirclePolygon a, ExpressionOf db r x a, ExpressionOf db r y a) => x -> y -> Cond db r (<<|) = psqlOperatorCond "<<|" -- | Is strictly above? -- -- @box '((3,4),(5,5))' |>> box '((0,0),(3,3))'@ (|>>):: (SqlDb db, BoxCirclePolygon a, ExpressionOf db r x a, ExpressionOf db r y a) => x -> y -> Cond db r (|>>) = psqlOperatorCond "|>>" -- | Does not extend above? -- -- @box '((0,0),(1,1))' &<| box '((0,0),(2,2))' = true@ (&<|):: (SqlDb db, BoxCirclePolygon a, ExpressionOf db r x a, ExpressionOf db r y a) => x -> y -> Cond db r (&<|) = psqlOperatorCond "&<|" -- | Does not extend below? -- -- @box '((0,0),(3,3))' |&> box '((0,0),(2,2))' = true@ (|&>) :: (SqlDb db, BoxCirclePolygon a, ExpressionOf db r x a, ExpressionOf db r y a) => x -> y -> Cond db r (|&>) = psqlOperatorCond "|&>" -- | Is below (allows touching)? -- -- @circle '((0,0),1)' <^ circle '((0,5),1)' = true@ (<^) :: (SqlDb db, BoxPoint a, ExpressionOf db r x a, ExpressionOf db r y a) => x -> y -> Cond db r (<^) = psqlOperatorCond "<^" -- | Is above (allows touching)? -- -- @circle '((0,5),1)' >^ circle '((0,0),1)' = true@ (>^) :: (SqlDb db, BoxPoint a, ExpressionOf db r x a, ExpressionOf db r y a) => x -> y -> Cond db r (>^) = psqlOperatorCond ">^" -- | Intersects? -- -- @lseg '((-1,0),(1,0))' ?# box '((-2,-2),(2,2))' = true@ (?#) :: (SqlDb db, Intersects a b, ExpressionOf db r x a, ExpressionOf db r y b) => x -> y -> Cond db r (?#) = psqlOperatorCond "?#" -- | Are horizontally aligned? -- -- @point '(1,0)' ?- point '(0,0)' = true@ (?-) :: (SqlDb db, ExpressionOf db r x Point, ExpressionOf db r y Point) => x -> y -> Cond db r (?-) = psqlOperatorCond "?-" -- | Are vertically aligned? -- -- @point '(0,1)' ?| point '(0,0)' = true@ (?|) :: (SqlDb db, ExpressionOf db r x Point, ExpressionOf db r y Point) => x -> y -> Cond db r (?|) = psqlOperatorCond "?|" -- | Is perpendicular? -- -- @lseg '((0,0),(0,1))' ?-| lseg '((0,0),(1,0))' = true@ (?-|) :: (SqlDb db, LineLseg a, ExpressionOf db r x a, ExpressionOf db r y a) => x -> y -> Cond db r (?-|) = psqlOperatorCond "?-|" -- | Are parallel? -- -- @lseg '((-1,0),(1,0))' ?|| lseg '((-1,2),(1,2))' = true@ (?||) :: (SqlDb db, LineLseg a, ExpressionOf db r x a, ExpressionOf db r y a) => x -> y -> Cond db r (?||) = psqlOperatorCond "?||" -- | Contains? -- -- @circle '((0,0),2)' \@> point '(1,1)' = true@ (@>) :: (SqlDb db, Contains a b, ExpressionOf db r x a, ExpressionOf db r y b) => x -> y -> Cond db r (@>) = psqlOperatorCond "@>" -- | Contained in or on? -- -- @point '(1,1)' <\@ circle '((0,0),2)' = true@ (<@) :: (SqlDb db, Contained a b, ExpressionOf db r x a, ExpressionOf db r y b) => x -> y -> Cond db r (<@) = psqlOperatorCond "<@" -- | Same as? -- -- @polygon '((0,0),(1,1))' ~= polygon '((1,1),(0,0))' = true@ (~=) :: (SqlDb db, BoxCirclePointPolygon a, ExpressionOf db r x a, ExpressionOf db r y a) => x -> y -> Cond db r (~=) = psqlOperatorCond "~="