{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, OverloadedStrings, UndecidableInstances, OverlappingInstances, BangPatterns #-}

-- | See detailed documentation for PostgreSQL arrays at http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/static/arrays.html and http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/static/functions-array.html
module Database.Groundhog.Postgresql.Array
  , (!)
  , (!:)
  , append
  , prepend
  , arrayCat
  , arrayDims
  , arrayNDims
  , arrayLower
  , arrayUpper
  , arrayLength
  , arrayToString
  , stringToArray
  , any
  , all
  , (@>)
  , (<@)
  , overlaps
  ) where

import Database.Groundhog.Core
import Database.Groundhog.Expression
import Database.Groundhog.Generic
import Database.Groundhog.Generic.Sql hiding (append)
import Database.Groundhog.Postgresql hiding (append)

import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (fromByteString, toByteString)
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Word (fromWord8)
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Attoparsec.Char8
import qualified Data.Attoparsec as A
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Zepto as Z
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Word
import Prelude hiding (all, any)

-- | Represents PostgreSQL arrays
newtype Array a = Array [a] deriving (Eq, Show)

instance (ArrayElem a, PersistField a) => PersistField (Array a) where
  persistName a = "Array" ++ delim : persistName ((undefined :: Array a -> a) a)
  toPersistValues = primToPersistValue
  fromPersistValues = primFromPersistValue
  dbType a = DbOther $ OtherTypeDef $ \f -> f elemType ++ "[]" where
    elemType = dbType ((undefined :: Array a -> a) a)

class ArrayElem a where
  -- this function is added to avoid GHC bug 7126 which appears when PrimitivePersistField is added as class constraint
  toElem :: DbDescriptor db => Proxy db -> a -> PersistValue
  parseElem :: DbDescriptor db => Proxy db -> Parser a

instance ArrayElem a => ArrayElem (Array a) where
  toElem p (Array xs) = PersistCustom ("ARRAY[" <> query <> fromChar ']') (vals []) where
    RenderS query vals = commasJoin $ map (renderPersistValue . toElem p) xs
  parseElem = parseArr

instance PrimitivePersistField a => ArrayElem a where
  toElem = toPrimitivePersistValue
  parseElem p = parseString >>= (return . fromPrimitivePersistValue p . PersistByteString)

instance (ArrayElem a, PersistField a) => PrimitivePersistField (Array a) where
  toPrimitivePersistValue = toElem
  fromPrimitivePersistValue p a = parseHelper parser a where
    dimensions = char '[' *> takeWhile1 (/= '=') *> char '='
    parser = optional dimensions *> parseArr p

instance (ArrayElem a, PersistField a) => SinglePersistField (Array a) where
  toSinglePersistValue = primToSinglePersistValue
  fromSinglePersistValue = primFromSinglePersistValue

instance (ArrayElem a, PersistField a) => PurePersistField (Array a) where
  toPurePersistValues = primToPurePersistValues
  fromPurePersistValues = primFromPurePersistValues

parseString :: Parser ByteString
parseString = (char '"' *> jstring_)
          <|> takeWhile1 (\c -> c /= ',' && c /= '}')
-- Borrowed from aeson
jstring_ :: Parser ByteString
jstring_ = {-# SCC "jstring_" #-} do
  s <- A.scan False $ \s c -> if s then Just False
                                   else if c == doubleQuote
                                        then Nothing
                                        else Just (c == backslash)
  _ <- A.word8 doubleQuote
  if backslash `B.elem` s
    then case Z.parse unescape s of
           Right r  -> return r
           Left err -> fail err
    else return s
{-# INLINE jstring_ #-}

-- Borrowed from aeson
unescape :: Z.Parser ByteString
unescape = toByteString <$> go mempty where
  go acc = do
    h <- Z.takeWhile (/=backslash)
    let rest = do
          start <- Z.take 2
          let !slash = B.unsafeHead start
              !t = B.unsafeIndex start 1
              escape = if t == doubleQuote || t == backslash
                then t
                else 255
          if slash /= backslash || escape == 255
            then fail "invalid array escape sequence"
            else do
            let cont m = go (acc `mappend` fromByteString h `mappend` m)
                {-# INLINE cont #-}
            cont (fromWord8 escape)
    done <- Z.atEnd
    if done
      then return (acc `mappend` fromByteString h)
      else rest

doubleQuote, backslash :: Word8
doubleQuote = 34
backslash = 92
parseArr :: (DbDescriptor db, ArrayElem a) => Proxy db -> Parser (Array a)
parseArr p = Array <$> (char '{' *> parseElem p `sepBy` char ',' <* char '}')

(!) :: (ExpressionOf Postgresql r a (Array elem), ExpressionOf Postgresql r b Int) => a -> b -> Expr Postgresql r elem
(!) arr i = Expr $ Snippet $ \esc _ -> [renderExpr esc (toExpr arr) <> "[" <> renderExpr esc (toExpr i) <> "]"]

(!:) :: (ExpressionOf Postgresql r a (Array elem), ExpressionOf Postgresql r i1 Int, ExpressionOf Postgresql r i2 Int) => a -> (i1, i2) -> Expr Postgresql r (Array elem)
(!:) arr (i1, i2) = Expr $ Snippet $ \esc _ -> [renderExpr esc (toExpr arr) <> "[" <> renderExpr esc (toExpr i1) <> ":" <> renderExpr esc (toExpr i2) <> "]"]

prepend :: (ExpressionOf Postgresql r a elem, ExpressionOf Postgresql r b (Array elem)) => a -> b -> Expr Postgresql r (Array elem)
prepend a b = Expr $ operator 50 "||" a b

append :: (ExpressionOf Postgresql r a (Array elem), ExpressionOf Postgresql r b elem) => a -> b -> Expr Postgresql r (Array elem)
append a b = Expr $ operator 50 "||" a b

arrayCat :: (ExpressionOf Postgresql r a (Array elem), ExpressionOf Postgresql r b (Array elem)) => a -> b -> Expr Postgresql r (Array elem)
arrayCat a b = Expr $ operator 50 "||" a b

arrayDims :: (ExpressionOf Postgresql r a (Array elem)) => a -> Expr Postgresql r String
arrayDims arr = Expr $ function "array_dims" [toExpr arr]

arrayNDims :: (ExpressionOf Postgresql r a (Array elem)) => a -> Expr Postgresql r Int
arrayNDims arr = Expr $ function "array_ndims" [toExpr arr]

arrayLower :: (ExpressionOf Postgresql r a (Array elem)) => a -> Int -> Expr Postgresql r Int
arrayLower arr dim = Expr $ function "array_lower" [toExpr arr, toExpr dim]

arrayUpper :: (ExpressionOf Postgresql r a (Array elem)) => a -> Int -> Expr Postgresql r Int
arrayUpper arr dim = Expr $ function "array_upper" [toExpr arr, toExpr dim]

arrayLength :: (ExpressionOf Postgresql r a (Array elem)) => a -> Int -> Expr Postgresql r Int
arrayLength arr dim = Expr $ function "array_length" [toExpr arr, toExpr dim]

-- | Concatenates array elements using supplied delimiter. array_to_string(ARRAY[1, 2, 3], '~^~') = 1~^~2~^~3
arrayToString :: (ExpressionOf Postgresql r a (Array elem)) => a -> String -> Expr Postgresql r String
arrayToString arr sep = Expr $ function "array_to_string" [toExpr arr, toExpr sep]

-- | Splits string into array elements using supplied delimiter. string_to_array('xx~^~yy~^~zz', '~^~') = {xx,yy,zz}
stringToArray :: (ExpressionOf Postgresql r a String) => a -> String -> Expr Postgresql r (Array String)
stringToArray arr sep = Expr $ function "string_to_array" [toExpr arr, toExpr sep]

any :: (ExpressionOf Postgresql r a elem, ExpressionOf Postgresql r b (Array elem)) => a -> b -> Cond Postgresql r
any a arr = CondRaw $ Snippet $ \esc _ -> [renderExprPriority esc 37 (toExpr a) <> "=ANY" <> fromChar '(' <> renderExpr esc (toExpr arr) <> fromChar ')']

all :: (ExpressionOf Postgresql r a elem, ExpressionOf Postgresql r b (Array elem)) => a -> b -> Cond Postgresql r
all a arr = CondRaw $ Snippet $ \esc _ -> [renderExprPriority esc 37 (toExpr a) <> "=ALL" <> fromChar '(' <> renderExpr esc (toExpr arr) <> fromChar ')']

-- | Contains. ARRAY[1,4,3] @> ARRAY[3,1] = t
(@>) :: (ExpressionOf Postgresql r a (Array elem), ExpressionOf Postgresql r b (Array elem)) => a -> b -> Cond Postgresql r
(@>) a b = CondRaw $ operator 50 "@>" a b

-- | Is contained by. ARRAY[2,7] <@ ARRAY[1,7,4,2,6] = t
(<@) :: (ExpressionOf Postgresql r a (Array elem), ExpressionOf Postgresql r b (Array elem)) => a -> b -> Cond Postgresql r
(<@) a b = CondRaw $ operator 50 "<@" a b

-- | Overlap (have elements in common). ARRAY[1,4,3] && ARRAY[2,1] = t
overlaps :: (ExpressionOf Postgresql r a (Array elem), ExpressionOf Postgresql r b (Array elem)) => a -> b -> Cond Postgresql r
overlaps a b = CondRaw $ operator 50 "&&" a b

parseHelper :: Parser a -> PersistValue -> a
parseHelper p (PersistByteString bs) = either error id $ parseOnly p bs
parseHelper _ a = error $ "parseHelper: expected PersistByteString, got " ++ show a