{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {- | Module : Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete Description : Definition of the Graphviz attributes. Copyright : (c) Matthew Sackman, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic License : 3-Clause BSD-style Maintainer : Ivan.Miljenovic@gmail.com If you are just using graphviz to create basic Dot graphs, then you probably want to use "Data.GraphViz.Attributes" rather than this module. This module defines the various attributes that different parts of a Graphviz graph can have. These attributes are based on the documentation found at: For more information on usage, etc. please see that document. A summary of known current constraints\/limitations\/differences: * Note that for an edge, in /Dot/ parlance if the edge goes from /A/ to /B/, then /A/ is the tail node and /B/ is the head node (since /A/ is at the tail end of the arrow). * @ColorList@, @DoubleList@ and @PointfList@ are defined as actual lists (@'LayerList'@ needs a newtype for other reasons). All of these are assumed to be non-empty lists. * For the various @*Color@ attributes that take in a list of 'Color' values, usually only one color is used. The @Color@ attribute for edges allows multiple values; for other attributes, two values are supported for gradient fills in Graphviz >= 2.29.0. * Style is implemented as a list of 'StyleItem' values; note that empty lists are not allowed. * A lot of values have a possible value of @none@. These now have custom constructors. In fact, most constructors have been expanded upon to give an idea of what they represent rather than using generic terms. * 'Rect' uses two 'Point' values to denote the lower-left and top-right corners. * The two 'LabelLoc' attributes have been combined. * @SplineType@ has been replaced with @['Spline']@. * Only polygon-based 'Shape's are available. * Not every 'Attribute' is fully documented/described. However, all those which have specific allowed values should be covered. * Deprecated 'Overlap' algorithms are not defined. Furthermore, the ability to specify an integer prefix for use with the fdp layout is /not/ supported. * The global @Orientation@ attribute is not defined, as it is difficult to distinguish from the node-based 'Orientation' 'Attribute'; also, its behaviour is duplicated by 'Rotate'. * The @charset@ attribute is not available, as graphviz only supports UTF-8 encoding (as it is not currently feasible nor needed to also support Latin1 encoding). * In Graphviz, when a node or edge has a list of attributes, the colorscheme which is used to identify a color can be set /after/ that color (e.g. @[colorscheme=x11,color=grey,colorscheme=svg]@ uses the svg colorscheme's definition of grey, which is different from the x11 one. Instead, graphviz parses them in order. -} module Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete ( -- * The actual /Dot/ attributes. -- $attributes Attribute(..) , Attributes , sameAttribute , defaultAttributeValue , rmUnwantedAttributes -- ** Validity functions on @Attribute@ values. , usedByGraphs , usedBySubGraphs , usedByClusters , usedByNodes , usedByEdges , validUnknown -- ** Custom attributes. , AttributeName , CustomAttribute , customAttribute , isCustom , isSpecifiedCustom , customValue , customName , findCustoms , findSpecifiedCustom , deleteCustomAttributes , deleteSpecifiedCustom -- * Value types for @Attribute@s. , module Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Colors -- ** Generic types , Number (..) -- ** Labels , EscString , Label(..) , VerticalPlacement(..) , LabelScheme(..) , SVGFontNames(..) -- *** Types representing the Dot grammar for records. , RecordFields , RecordField(..) , Rect(..) , Justification(..) -- ** Nodes , Shape(..) , Paths(..) , ScaleType(..) , NodeSize(..) -- ** Edges , DirType(..) , EdgeType(..) -- *** Modifying where edges point , PortName(..) , PortPos(..) , CompassPoint(..) -- *** Arrows , ArrowType(..) , ArrowShape(..) , ArrowModifier(..) , ArrowFill(..) , ArrowSide(..) -- **** @ArrowModifier@ values , noMods , openMod -- ** Positioning , Point(..) , createPoint , Pos(..) , Spline(..) , DPoint(..) , Normalized (..) -- ** Layout , GraphvizCommand(..) , GraphSize(..) , ClusterMode(..) , Model(..) , Overlap(..) , Root(..) , Order(..) , OutputMode(..) , Pack(..) , PackMode(..) , PageDir(..) , QuadType(..) , RankType(..) , RankDir(..) , StartType(..) , ViewPort(..) , FocusType(..) , Ratios(..) -- ** Modes , ModeType(..) , DEConstraints(..) -- ** Layers , LayerSep(..) , LayerListSep(..) , LayerRange , LayerRangeElem(..) , LayerID(..) , LayerList(..) -- ** Stylistic , SmoothType(..) , STStyle(..) , StyleItem(..) , StyleName(..) ) where import Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Arrows import Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Colors import Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Colors.X11 (X11Color(Black)) import Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Internal import Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values import Data.GraphViz.Commands.Available import Data.GraphViz.Exception (GraphvizException(NotCustomAttr), throw) import Data.GraphViz.Internal.State (getsGS, parseStrictly) import Data.GraphViz.Internal.Util (bool, isIDString, keywords, restIDString) import Data.GraphViz.Parsing import Data.GraphViz.Printing import Data.List (partition) import Data.Maybe (isNothing) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.Text.Lazy (Text) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T import Data.Version (Version(..)) import Data.Word (Word16) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- $attributes These attributes have been implemented in a /permissive/ manner: that is, rather than split them up based on which type of value they are allowed, they have all been included in the one data type, with functions to determine if they are indeed valid for what they're being applied to. To interpret the /Valid for/ listings: [@G@] Valid for Graphs. [@C@] Valid for Clusters. [@S@] Valid for Sub-Graphs (and also Clusters). [@N@] Valid for Nodes. [@E@] Valid for Edges. The /Default/ listings are those that the various Graphviz commands use if that 'Attribute' isn't specified (in cases where this is /none/, this is equivalent to a 'Nothing' value; that is, no value is used). The /Parsing Default/ listings represent what value is used (i.e. corresponds to 'True') when the 'Attribute' name is listed on its own in /Dot/ source code. Please note that the 'UnknownAttribute' 'Attribute' is defined primarily for backwards-compatibility purposes. It is possible to use it directly for custom purposes; for more information, please see 'CustomAttribute'. The 'deleteCustomAttributes' can be used to delete these values. -} -- | Attributes are used to customise the layout and design of Dot -- graphs. Care must be taken to ensure that the attribute you use -- is valid, as not all attributes can be used everywhere. data Attribute = Damping Double -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @0.99@; /Minimum/: @0.0@; /Notes/: 'Neato' only | K Double -- ^ /Valid for/: GC; /Default/: @0.3@; /Minimum/: @0@; /Notes/: 'Sfdp', 'Fdp' only | URL EscString -- ^ /Valid for/: ENGC; /Default/: none; /Notes/: svg, postscript, map only | Area Double -- ^ /Valid for/: NC; /Default/: @1.0@; /Minimum/: @>0@; /Notes/: 'Patchwork' only, requires Graphviz >= 2.30.0 | ArrowHead ArrowType -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @'normal'@ | ArrowSize Double -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @1.0@; /Minimum/: @0.0@ | ArrowTail ArrowType -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @'normal'@ | Background Text -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: none; /Notes/: xdot only | BoundingBox Rect -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Notes/: write only | BgColor ColorList -- ^ /Valid for/: GC; /Default/: @[]@ | Center Bool -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'False'@; /Parsing Default/: 'True' | ClusterRank ClusterMode -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'Local'@; /Notes/: 'Dot' only | Color ColorList -- ^ /Valid for/: ENC; /Default/: @['WC' ('X11Color' 'Black') Nothing]@ | ColorScheme ColorScheme -- ^ /Valid for/: ENCG; /Default/: @'X11'@ | Comment Text -- ^ /Valid for/: ENG; /Default/: @\"\"@ | Compound Bool -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'False'@; /Parsing Default/: 'True'; /Notes/: 'Dot' only | Concentrate Bool -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'False'@; /Parsing Default/: 'True' | Constraint Bool -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @'True'@; /Parsing Default/: 'True'; /Notes/: 'Dot' only | Decorate Bool -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @'False'@; /Parsing Default/: 'True' | DefaultDist Double -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @1+(avg. len)*sqrt(abs(V))@ (unable to statically define); /Minimum/: The value of 'Epsilon'.; /Notes/: 'Neato' only, only if @'Pack' 'DontPack'@ | Dim Int -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @2@; /Minimum/: @2@; /Notes/: maximum of @10@; 'Sfdp', 'Fdp', 'Neato' only | Dimen Int -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @2@; /Minimum/: @2@; /Notes/: maximum of @10@; 'Sfdp', 'Fdp', 'Neato' only | Dir DirType -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @'Forward'@ (directed), @'NoDir'@ (undirected) | DirEdgeConstraints DEConstraints -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'NoConstraints'@; /Parsing Default/: 'EdgeConstraints'; /Notes/: 'Neato' only | Distortion Double -- ^ /Valid for/: N; /Default/: @0.0@; /Minimum/: @-100.0@ | DPI Double -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @96.0@, @0.0@; /Notes/: svg, bitmap output only; \"resolution\" is a synonym | EdgeURL EscString -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @\"\"@; /Notes/: svg, map only | EdgeTarget EscString -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: none; /Notes/: svg, map only | EdgeTooltip EscString -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @\"\"@; /Notes/: svg, cmap only | Epsilon Double -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @.0001 * # nodes@ (@mode == 'KK'@), @.0001@ (@mode == 'Major'@); /Notes/: 'Neato' only | ESep DPoint -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'DVal' 3@; /Notes/: not 'Dot' | FillColor ColorList -- ^ /Valid for/: NEC; /Default/: @['WC' ('X11Color' 'LightGray') Nothing]@ (nodes), @['WC' ('X11Color' 'Black') Nothing]@ (clusters) | FixedSize NodeSize -- ^ /Valid for/: N; /Default/: @'GrowAsNeeded'@; /Parsing Default/: 'SetNodeSize' | FontColor Color -- ^ /Valid for/: ENGC; /Default/: @'X11Color' 'Black'@ | FontName Text -- ^ /Valid for/: ENGC; /Default/: @\"Times-Roman\"@ | FontNames SVGFontNames -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'SvgNames'@; /Notes/: svg only | FontPath Paths -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: system dependent | FontSize Double -- ^ /Valid for/: ENGC; /Default/: @14.0@; /Minimum/: @1.0@ | ForceLabels Bool -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'True'@; /Parsing Default/: 'True'; /Notes/: only for 'XLabel' attributes, requires Graphviz >= 2.29.0 | GradientAngle Int -- ^ /Valid for/: NCG; /Default/: 0; /Notes/: requires Graphviz >= 2.29.0 | Group Text -- ^ /Valid for/: N; /Default/: @\"\"@; /Notes/: 'Dot' only | HeadURL EscString -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @\"\"@; /Notes/: svg, map only | Head_LP Point -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Notes/: write only, requires Graphviz >= 2.30.0 | HeadClip Bool -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @'True'@; /Parsing Default/: 'True' | HeadLabel Label -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @'StrLabel' \"\"@ | HeadPort PortPos -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @'CompassPoint' 'CenterPoint'@ | HeadTarget EscString -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: none; /Notes/: svg, map only | HeadTooltip EscString -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @\"\"@; /Notes/: svg, cmap only | Height Double -- ^ /Valid for/: N; /Default/: @0.5@; /Minimum/: @0.02@ | ID EscString -- ^ /Valid for/: GNE; /Default/: @\"\"@; /Notes/: svg, postscript, map only | Image Text -- ^ /Valid for/: N; /Default/: @\"\"@ | ImagePath Paths -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'Paths' []@; /Notes/: Printing and parsing is OS-specific, requires Graphviz >= 2.29.0 | ImageScale ScaleType -- ^ /Valid for/: N; /Default/: @'NoScale'@; /Parsing Default/: 'UniformScale' | InputScale Double -- ^ /Valid for/: N; /Default/: none; /Notes/: 'Fdp', 'Neato' only, a value of @0@ is equivalent to being @72@, requires Graphviz >= 2.36.0 | Label Label -- ^ /Valid for/: ENGC; /Default/: @'StrLabel' \"\\N\"@ (nodes), @'StrLabel' \"\"@ (otherwise) | LabelURL EscString -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @\"\"@; /Notes/: svg, map only | LabelScheme LabelScheme -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'NotEdgeLabel'@; /Notes/: 'Sfdp' only, requires Graphviz >= 2.28.0 | LabelAngle Double -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @-25.0@; /Minimum/: @-180.0@ | LabelDistance Double -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @1.0@; /Minimum/: @0.0@ | LabelFloat Bool -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @'False'@; /Parsing Default/: 'True' | LabelFontColor Color -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @'X11Color' 'Black'@ | LabelFontName Text -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @\"Times-Roman\"@ | LabelFontSize Double -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @14.0@; /Minimum/: @1.0@ | LabelJust Justification -- ^ /Valid for/: GC; /Default/: @'JCenter'@ | LabelLoc VerticalPlacement -- ^ /Valid for/: GCN; /Default/: @'VTop'@ (clusters), @'VBottom'@ (root graphs), @'VCenter'@ (nodes) | LabelTarget EscString -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: none; /Notes/: svg, map only | LabelTooltip EscString -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @\"\"@; /Notes/: svg, cmap only | Landscape Bool -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'False'@; /Parsing Default/: 'True' | Layer LayerRange -- ^ /Valid for/: ENC; /Default/: @[]@ | LayerListSep LayerListSep -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'LLSep' \",\"@; /Notes/: requires Graphviz >= 2.30.0 | Layers LayerList -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'LL' []@ | LayerSelect LayerRange -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @[]@ | LayerSep LayerSep -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'LSep' \" :\t\"@ | Layout GraphvizCommand -- ^ /Valid for/: G | Len Double -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @1.0@ ('Neato'), @0.3@ ('Fdp'); /Notes/: 'Fdp', 'Neato' only | Levels Int -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'maxBound'@; /Minimum/: @0@; /Notes/: 'Sfdp' only | LevelsGap Double -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @0.0@; /Notes/: 'Neato' only | LHead Text -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @\"\"@; /Notes/: 'Dot' only | LHeight Double -- ^ /Valid for/: GC; /Notes/: write only, requires Graphviz >= 2.28.0 | LPos Point -- ^ /Valid for/: EGC; /Notes/: write only | LTail Text -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @\"\"@; /Notes/: 'Dot' only | LWidth Double -- ^ /Valid for/: GC; /Notes/: write only, requires Graphviz >= 2.28.0 | Margin DPoint -- ^ /Valid for/: NGC; /Default/: device dependent | MaxIter Int -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @100 * # nodes@ (@mode == 'KK'@), @200@ (@mode == 'Major'@), @600@ ('Fdp'); /Notes/: 'Fdp', 'Neato' only | MCLimit Double -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @1.0@; /Notes/: 'Dot' only | MinDist Double -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @1.0@; /Minimum/: @0.0@; /Notes/: 'Circo' only | MinLen Int -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @1@; /Minimum/: @0@; /Notes/: 'Dot' only | Mode ModeType -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'Major'@ (actually @'Spring'@ for 'Sfdp', but this isn't used as a default in this library); /Notes/: 'Neato', 'Sfdp' only | Model Model -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'ShortPath'@; /Notes/: 'Neato' only | Mosek Bool -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'False'@; /Parsing Default/: 'True'; /Notes/: 'Neato' only; requires the Mosek software | NodeSep Double -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @0.25@; /Minimum/: @0.02@ | NoJustify Bool -- ^ /Valid for/: GCNE; /Default/: @'False'@; /Parsing Default/: 'True' | Normalize Normalized -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'NotNormalized'@; /Parsing Default/: 'IsNormalized'; /Notes/: not 'Dot' | NoTranslate Bool -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'False'@; /Parsing Default/: 'True'; /Notes/: 'Neato' only, requires Graphviz >= 2.38.0 | Nslimit Double -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Notes/: 'Dot' only | Nslimit1 Double -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Notes/: 'Dot' only | Ordering Order -- ^ /Valid for/: GN; /Default/: none; /Notes/: 'Dot' only | Orientation Double -- ^ /Valid for/: N; /Default/: @0.0@; /Minimum/: @360.0@ | OutputOrder OutputMode -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'BreadthFirst'@ | Overlap Overlap -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'KeepOverlaps'@; /Parsing Default/: 'KeepOverlaps'; /Notes/: not 'Dot' | OverlapScaling Double -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @-4@; /Minimum/: @-1.0e10@; /Notes/: 'PrismOverlap' only | OverlapShrink Bool -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'True'@; /Parsing Default/: 'True'; /Notes/: 'PrismOverlap' only, requires Graphviz >= 2.36.0 | Pack Pack -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'DontPack'@; /Parsing Default/: 'DoPack' | PackMode PackMode -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'PackNode'@ | Pad DPoint -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'DVal' 0.0555@ (4 points) | Page Point -- ^ /Valid for/: G | PageDir PageDir -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'Bl'@ | PenColor Color -- ^ /Valid for/: C; /Default/: @'X11Color' 'Black'@ | PenWidth Double -- ^ /Valid for/: CNE; /Default/: @1.0@; /Minimum/: @0.0@ | Peripheries Int -- ^ /Valid for/: NC; /Default/: shape default (nodes), @1@ (clusters); /Minimum/: 0 | Pin Bool -- ^ /Valid for/: N; /Default/: @'False'@; /Parsing Default/: 'True'; /Notes/: 'Fdp', 'Neato' only | Pos Pos -- ^ /Valid for/: EN | QuadTree QuadType -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'NormalQT'@; /Parsing Default/: 'NormalQT'; /Notes/: 'Sfdp' only | Quantum Double -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @0.0@; /Minimum/: @0.0@ | Rank RankType -- ^ /Valid for/: S; /Notes/: 'Dot' only | RankDir RankDir -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'FromTop'@; /Notes/: 'Dot' only | RankSep [Double] -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @[0.5]@ ('Dot'), @[1.0]@ ('Twopi'); /Minimum/: @[0.02]@; /Notes/: 'Twopi', 'Dot' only | Ratio Ratios -- ^ /Valid for/: G | Rects [Rect] -- ^ /Valid for/: N; /Notes/: write only | Regular Bool -- ^ /Valid for/: N; /Default/: @'False'@; /Parsing Default/: 'True' | ReMinCross Bool -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'False'@; /Parsing Default/: 'True'; /Notes/: 'Dot' only | RepulsiveForce Double -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @1.0@; /Minimum/: @0.0@; /Notes/: 'Sfdp' only | Root Root -- ^ /Valid for/: GN; /Default/: @'NodeName' \"\"@ (graphs), @'NotCentral'@ (nodes); /Parsing Default/: 'IsCentral'; /Notes/: 'Circo', 'Twopi' only | Rotate Int -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @0@ | Rotation Double -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @0@; /Notes/: 'Sfdp' only, requires Graphviz >= 2.28.0 | SameHead Text -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @\"\"@; /Notes/: 'Dot' only | SameTail Text -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @\"\"@; /Notes/: 'Dot' only | SamplePoints Int -- ^ /Valid for/: N; /Default/: @8@ (output), @20@ (overlap and image maps) | Scale DPoint -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Notes/: Not 'Dot', requires Graphviz >= 2.28.0 (>= 2.38.0 for anything except 'TwoPi') | SearchSize Int -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @30@; /Notes/: 'Dot' only | Sep DPoint -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'DVal' 4@; /Notes/: not 'Dot' | Shape Shape -- ^ /Valid for/: N; /Default/: @'Ellipse'@ | ShowBoxes Int -- ^ /Valid for/: ENG; /Default/: @0@; /Minimum/: @0@; /Notes/: 'Dot' only; used for debugging by printing PostScript guide boxes | Sides Int -- ^ /Valid for/: N; /Default/: @4@; /Minimum/: @0@ | Size GraphSize -- ^ /Valid for/: G | Skew Double -- ^ /Valid for/: N; /Default/: @0.0@; /Minimum/: @-100.0@ | Smoothing SmoothType -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'NoSmooth'@; /Notes/: 'Sfdp' only | SortV Word16 -- ^ /Valid for/: GCN; /Default/: @0@; /Minimum/: @0@ | Splines EdgeType -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'SplineEdges'@ ('Dot'), @'LineEdges'@ (other); /Parsing Default/: 'SplineEdges' | Start StartType -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @'StartStyleSeed' 'RandomStyle' seed@ for some unknown fixed seed.; /Notes/: 'Fdp', 'Neato' only | Style [StyleItem] -- ^ /Valid for/: ENCG | StyleSheet Text -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @\"\"@; /Notes/: svg only | TailURL EscString -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @\"\"@; /Notes/: svg, map only | Tail_LP Point -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Notes/: write only, requires Graphviz >= 2.30.0 | TailClip Bool -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @'True'@; /Parsing Default/: 'True' | TailLabel Label -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @'StrLabel' \"\"@ | TailPort PortPos -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @'CompassPoint' 'CenterPoint'@ | TailTarget EscString -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: none; /Notes/: svg, map only | TailTooltip EscString -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @\"\"@; /Notes/: svg, cmap only | Target EscString -- ^ /Valid for/: ENGC; /Default/: none; /Notes/: svg, map only | Tooltip EscString -- ^ /Valid for/: NEC; /Default/: @\"\"@; /Notes/: svg, cmap only | TrueColor Bool -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Parsing Default/: 'True'; /Notes/: bitmap output only | Vertices [Point] -- ^ /Valid for/: N; /Notes/: write only | ViewPort ViewPort -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: none | VoroMargin Double -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Default/: @0.05@; /Minimum/: @0.0@; /Notes/: not 'Dot' | Weight Number -- ^ /Valid for/: E; /Default/: @'Int' 1@; /Minimum/: @'Int' 0@ ('Dot'), @'Int' 1@ ('Neato','Fdp','Sfdp'); /Notes/: as of Graphviz 2.30: weights for dot need to be 'Int's | Width Double -- ^ /Valid for/: N; /Default/: @0.75@; /Minimum/: @0.01@ | XDotVersion Version -- ^ /Valid for/: G; /Notes/: xdot only, requires Graphviz >= 2.34.0, equivalent to specifying version of xdot to be used | XLabel Label -- ^ /Valid for/: EN; /Default/: @'StrLabel' \"\"@; /Notes/: requires Graphviz >= 2.29.0 | XLP Point -- ^ /Valid for/: EN; /Notes/: write only, requires Graphviz >= 2.29.0 | UnknownAttribute AttributeName Text -- ^ /Valid for/: Assumed valid for all; the fields are 'Attribute' name and value respectively. deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) type Attributes = [Attribute] -- | The name for an UnknownAttribute; must satisfy 'validUnknown'. type AttributeName = Text instance PrintDot Attribute where unqtDot (Damping v) = printField "Damping" v unqtDot (K v) = printField "K" v unqtDot (URL v) = printField "URL" v unqtDot (Area v) = printField "area" v unqtDot (ArrowHead v) = printField "arrowhead" v unqtDot (ArrowSize v) = printField "arrowsize" v unqtDot (ArrowTail v) = printField "arrowtail" v unqtDot (Background v) = printField "_background" v unqtDot (BoundingBox v) = printField "bb" v unqtDot (BgColor v) = printField "bgcolor" v unqtDot (Center v) = printField "center" v unqtDot (ClusterRank v) = printField "clusterrank" v unqtDot (Color v) = printField "color" v unqtDot (ColorScheme v) = printField "colorscheme" v unqtDot (Comment v) = printField "comment" v unqtDot (Compound v) = printField "compound" v unqtDot (Concentrate v) = printField "concentrate" v unqtDot (Constraint v) = printField "constraint" v unqtDot (Decorate v) = printField "decorate" v unqtDot (DefaultDist v) = printField "defaultdist" v unqtDot (Dim v) = printField "dim" v unqtDot (Dimen v) = printField "dimen" v unqtDot (Dir v) = printField "dir" v unqtDot (DirEdgeConstraints v) = printField "diredgeconstraints" v unqtDot (Distortion v) = printField "distortion" v unqtDot (DPI v) = printField "dpi" v unqtDot (EdgeURL v) = printField "edgeURL" v unqtDot (EdgeTarget v) = printField "edgetarget" v unqtDot (EdgeTooltip v) = printField "edgetooltip" v unqtDot (Epsilon v) = printField "epsilon" v unqtDot (ESep v) = printField "esep" v unqtDot (FillColor v) = printField "fillcolor" v unqtDot (FixedSize v) = printField "fixedsize" v unqtDot (FontColor v) = printField "fontcolor" v unqtDot (FontName v) = printField "fontname" v unqtDot (FontNames v) = printField "fontnames" v unqtDot (FontPath v) = printField "fontpath" v unqtDot (FontSize v) = printField "fontsize" v unqtDot (ForceLabels v) = printField "forcelabels" v unqtDot (GradientAngle v) = printField "gradientangle" v unqtDot (Group v) = printField "group" v unqtDot (HeadURL v) = printField "headURL" v unqtDot (Head_LP v) = printField "head_lp" v unqtDot (HeadClip v) = printField "headclip" v unqtDot (HeadLabel v) = printField "headlabel" v unqtDot (HeadPort v) = printField "headport" v unqtDot (HeadTarget v) = printField "headtarget" v unqtDot (HeadTooltip v) = printField "headtooltip" v unqtDot (Height v) = printField "height" v unqtDot (ID v) = printField "id" v unqtDot (Image v) = printField "image" v unqtDot (ImagePath v) = printField "imagepath" v unqtDot (ImageScale v) = printField "imagescale" v unqtDot (InputScale v) = printField "inputscale" v unqtDot (Label v) = printField "label" v unqtDot (LabelURL v) = printField "labelURL" v unqtDot (LabelScheme v) = printField "label_scheme" v unqtDot (LabelAngle v) = printField "labelangle" v unqtDot (LabelDistance v) = printField "labeldistance" v unqtDot (LabelFloat v) = printField "labelfloat" v unqtDot (LabelFontColor v) = printField "labelfontcolor" v unqtDot (LabelFontName v) = printField "labelfontname" v unqtDot (LabelFontSize v) = printField "labelfontsize" v unqtDot (LabelJust v) = printField "labeljust" v unqtDot (LabelLoc v) = printField "labelloc" v unqtDot (LabelTarget v) = printField "labeltarget" v unqtDot (LabelTooltip v) = printField "labeltooltip" v unqtDot (Landscape v) = printField "landscape" v unqtDot (Layer v) = printField "layer" v unqtDot (LayerListSep v) = printField "layerlistsep" v unqtDot (Layers v) = printField "layers" v unqtDot (LayerSelect v) = printField "layerselect" v unqtDot (LayerSep v) = printField "layersep" v unqtDot (Layout v) = printField "layout" v unqtDot (Len v) = printField "len" v unqtDot (Levels v) = printField "levels" v unqtDot (LevelsGap v) = printField "levelsgap" v unqtDot (LHead v) = printField "lhead" v unqtDot (LHeight v) = printField "LHeight" v unqtDot (LPos v) = printField "lp" v unqtDot (LTail v) = printField "ltail" v unqtDot (LWidth v) = printField "lwidth" v unqtDot (Margin v) = printField "margin" v unqtDot (MaxIter v) = printField "maxiter" v unqtDot (MCLimit v) = printField "mclimit" v unqtDot (MinDist v) = printField "mindist" v unqtDot (MinLen v) = printField "minlen" v unqtDot (Mode v) = printField "mode" v unqtDot (Model v) = printField "model" v unqtDot (Mosek v) = printField "mosek" v unqtDot (NodeSep v) = printField "nodesep" v unqtDot (NoJustify v) = printField "nojustify" v unqtDot (Normalize v) = printField "normalize" v unqtDot (NoTranslate v) = printField "notranslate" v unqtDot (Nslimit v) = printField "nslimit" v unqtDot (Nslimit1 v) = printField "nslimit1" v unqtDot (Ordering v) = printField "ordering" v unqtDot (Orientation v) = printField "orientation" v unqtDot (OutputOrder v) = printField "outputorder" v unqtDot (Overlap v) = printField "overlap" v unqtDot (OverlapScaling v) = printField "overlap_scaling" v unqtDot (OverlapShrink v) = printField "overlap_shrink" v unqtDot (Pack v) = printField "pack" v unqtDot (PackMode v) = printField "packmode" v unqtDot (Pad v) = printField "pad" v unqtDot (Page v) = printField "page" v unqtDot (PageDir v) = printField "pagedir" v unqtDot (PenColor v) = printField "pencolor" v unqtDot (PenWidth v) = printField "penwidth" v unqtDot (Peripheries v) = printField "peripheries" v unqtDot (Pin v) = printField "pin" v unqtDot (Pos v) = printField "pos" v unqtDot (QuadTree v) = printField "quadtree" v unqtDot (Quantum v) = printField "quantum" v unqtDot (Rank v) = printField "rank" v unqtDot (RankDir v) = printField "rankdir" v unqtDot (RankSep v) = printField "ranksep" v unqtDot (Ratio v) = printField "ratio" v unqtDot (Rects v) = printField "rects" v unqtDot (Regular v) = printField "regular" v unqtDot (ReMinCross v) = printField "remincross" v unqtDot (RepulsiveForce v) = printField "repulsiveforce" v unqtDot (Root v) = printField "root" v unqtDot (Rotate v) = printField "rotate" v unqtDot (Rotation v) = printField "rotation" v unqtDot (SameHead v) = printField "samehead" v unqtDot (SameTail v) = printField "sametail" v unqtDot (SamplePoints v) = printField "samplepoints" v unqtDot (Scale v) = printField "scale" v unqtDot (SearchSize v) = printField "searchsize" v unqtDot (Sep v) = printField "sep" v unqtDot (Shape v) = printField "shape" v unqtDot (ShowBoxes v) = printField "showboxes" v unqtDot (Sides v) = printField "sides" v unqtDot (Size v) = printField "size" v unqtDot (Skew v) = printField "skew" v unqtDot (Smoothing v) = printField "smoothing" v unqtDot (SortV v) = printField "sortv" v unqtDot (Splines v) = printField "splines" v unqtDot (Start v) = printField "start" v unqtDot (Style v) = printField "style" v unqtDot (StyleSheet v) = printField "stylesheet" v unqtDot (TailURL v) = printField "tailURL" v unqtDot (Tail_LP v) = printField "tail_lp" v unqtDot (TailClip v) = printField "tailclip" v unqtDot (TailLabel v) = printField "taillabel" v unqtDot (TailPort v) = printField "tailport" v unqtDot (TailTarget v) = printField "tailtarget" v unqtDot (TailTooltip v) = printField "tailtooltip" v unqtDot (Target v) = printField "target" v unqtDot (Tooltip v) = printField "tooltip" v unqtDot (TrueColor v) = printField "truecolor" v unqtDot (Vertices v) = printField "vertices" v unqtDot (ViewPort v) = printField "viewport" v unqtDot (VoroMargin v) = printField "voro_margin" v unqtDot (Weight v) = printField "weight" v unqtDot (Width v) = printField "width" v unqtDot (XDotVersion v) = printField "xdotversion" v unqtDot (XLabel v) = printField "xlabel" v unqtDot (XLP v) = printField "xlp" v unqtDot (UnknownAttribute a v) = toDot a <> equals <> toDot v listToDot = unqtListToDot instance ParseDot Attribute where parseUnqt = stringParse (concat [ parseField Damping "Damping" , parseField K "K" , parseFields URL ["URL", "href"] , parseField Area "area" , parseField ArrowHead "arrowhead" , parseField ArrowSize "arrowsize" , parseField ArrowTail "arrowtail" , parseField Background "_background" , parseField BoundingBox "bb" , parseField BgColor "bgcolor" , parseFieldBool Center "center" , parseField ClusterRank "clusterrank" , parseField Color "color" , parseField ColorScheme "colorscheme" , parseField Comment "comment" , parseFieldBool Compound "compound" , parseFieldBool Concentrate "concentrate" , parseFieldBool Constraint "constraint" , parseFieldBool Decorate "decorate" , parseField DefaultDist "defaultdist" , parseField Dim "dim" , parseField Dimen "dimen" , parseField Dir "dir" , parseFieldDef DirEdgeConstraints EdgeConstraints "diredgeconstraints" , parseField Distortion "distortion" , parseFields DPI ["dpi", "resolution"] , parseFields EdgeURL ["edgeURL", "edgehref"] , parseField EdgeTarget "edgetarget" , parseField EdgeTooltip "edgetooltip" , parseField Epsilon "epsilon" , parseField ESep "esep" , parseField FillColor "fillcolor" , parseFieldDef FixedSize SetNodeSize "fixedsize" , parseField FontColor "fontcolor" , parseField FontName "fontname" , parseField FontNames "fontnames" , parseField FontPath "fontpath" , parseField FontSize "fontsize" , parseFieldBool ForceLabels "forcelabels" , parseField GradientAngle "gradientangle" , parseField Group "group" , parseFields HeadURL ["headURL", "headhref"] , parseField Head_LP "head_lp" , parseFieldBool HeadClip "headclip" , parseField HeadLabel "headlabel" , parseField HeadPort "headport" , parseField HeadTarget "headtarget" , parseField HeadTooltip "headtooltip" , parseField Height "height" , parseField ID "id" , parseField Image "image" , parseField ImagePath "imagepath" , parseFieldDef ImageScale UniformScale "imagescale" , parseField InputScale "inputscale" , parseField Label "label" , parseFields LabelURL ["labelURL", "labelhref"] , parseField LabelScheme "label_scheme" , parseField LabelAngle "labelangle" , parseField LabelDistance "labeldistance" , parseFieldBool LabelFloat "labelfloat" , parseField LabelFontColor "labelfontcolor" , parseField LabelFontName "labelfontname" , parseField LabelFontSize "labelfontsize" , parseField LabelJust "labeljust" , parseField LabelLoc "labelloc" , parseField LabelTarget "labeltarget" , parseField LabelTooltip "labeltooltip" , parseFieldBool Landscape "landscape" , parseField Layer "layer" , parseField LayerListSep "layerlistsep" , parseField Layers "layers" , parseField LayerSelect "layerselect" , parseField LayerSep "layersep" , parseField Layout "layout" , parseField Len "len" , parseField Levels "levels" , parseField LevelsGap "levelsgap" , parseField LHead "lhead" , parseField LHeight "LHeight" , parseField LPos "lp" , parseField LTail "ltail" , parseField LWidth "lwidth" , parseField Margin "margin" , parseField MaxIter "maxiter" , parseField MCLimit "mclimit" , parseField MinDist "mindist" , parseField MinLen "minlen" , parseField Mode "mode" , parseField Model "model" , parseFieldBool Mosek "mosek" , parseField NodeSep "nodesep" , parseFieldBool NoJustify "nojustify" , parseFieldDef Normalize IsNormalized "normalize" , parseFieldBool NoTranslate "notranslate" , parseField Nslimit "nslimit" , parseField Nslimit1 "nslimit1" , parseField Ordering "ordering" , parseField Orientation "orientation" , parseField OutputOrder "outputorder" , parseFieldDef Overlap KeepOverlaps "overlap" , parseField OverlapScaling "overlap_scaling" , parseFieldBool OverlapShrink "overlap_shrink" , parseFieldDef Pack DoPack "pack" , parseField PackMode "packmode" , parseField Pad "pad" , parseField Page "page" , parseField PageDir "pagedir" , parseField PenColor "pencolor" , parseField PenWidth "penwidth" , parseField Peripheries "peripheries" , parseFieldBool Pin "pin" , parseField Pos "pos" , parseFieldDef QuadTree NormalQT "quadtree" , parseField Quantum "quantum" , parseField Rank "rank" , parseField RankDir "rankdir" , parseField RankSep "ranksep" , parseField Ratio "ratio" , parseField Rects "rects" , parseFieldBool Regular "regular" , parseFieldBool ReMinCross "remincross" , parseField RepulsiveForce "repulsiveforce" , parseFieldDef Root IsCentral "root" , parseField Rotate "rotate" , parseField Rotation "rotation" , parseField SameHead "samehead" , parseField SameTail "sametail" , parseField SamplePoints "samplepoints" , parseField Scale "scale" , parseField SearchSize "searchsize" , parseField Sep "sep" , parseField Shape "shape" , parseField ShowBoxes "showboxes" , parseField Sides "sides" , parseField Size "size" , parseField Skew "skew" , parseField Smoothing "smoothing" , parseField SortV "sortv" , parseFieldDef Splines SplineEdges "splines" , parseField Start "start" , parseField Style "style" , parseField StyleSheet "stylesheet" , parseFields TailURL ["tailURL", "tailhref"] , parseField Tail_LP "tail_lp" , parseFieldBool TailClip "tailclip" , parseField TailLabel "taillabel" , parseField TailPort "tailport" , parseField TailTarget "tailtarget" , parseField TailTooltip "tailtooltip" , parseField Target "target" , parseField Tooltip "tooltip" , parseFieldBool TrueColor "truecolor" , parseField Vertices "vertices" , parseField ViewPort "viewport" , parseField VoroMargin "voro_margin" , parseField Weight "weight" , parseField Width "width" , parseField XDotVersion "xdotversion" , parseField XLabel "xlabel" , parseField XLP "xlp" ]) `onFail` do attrName <- stringBlock liftEqParse ("UnknownAttribute (" ++ T.unpack attrName ++ ")") (UnknownAttribute attrName) parse = parseUnqt parseList = parseUnqtList -- | Determine if this 'Attribute' is valid for use with Graphs. usedByGraphs :: Attribute -> Bool usedByGraphs Damping{} = True usedByGraphs K{} = True usedByGraphs URL{} = True usedByGraphs Background{} = True usedByGraphs BoundingBox{} = True usedByGraphs BgColor{} = True usedByGraphs Center{} = True usedByGraphs ClusterRank{} = True usedByGraphs ColorScheme{} = True usedByGraphs Comment{} = True usedByGraphs Compound{} = True usedByGraphs Concentrate{} = True usedByGraphs DefaultDist{} = True usedByGraphs Dim{} = True usedByGraphs Dimen{} = True usedByGraphs DirEdgeConstraints{} = True usedByGraphs DPI{} = True usedByGraphs Epsilon{} = True usedByGraphs ESep{} = True usedByGraphs FontColor{} = True usedByGraphs FontName{} = True usedByGraphs FontNames{} = True usedByGraphs FontPath{} = True usedByGraphs FontSize{} = True usedByGraphs ForceLabels{} = True usedByGraphs GradientAngle{} = True usedByGraphs ID{} = True usedByGraphs ImagePath{} = True usedByGraphs Label{} = True usedByGraphs LabelScheme{} = True usedByGraphs LabelJust{} = True usedByGraphs LabelLoc{} = True usedByGraphs Landscape{} = True usedByGraphs LayerListSep{} = True usedByGraphs Layers{} = True usedByGraphs LayerSelect{} = True usedByGraphs LayerSep{} = True usedByGraphs Layout{} = True usedByGraphs Levels{} = True usedByGraphs LevelsGap{} = True usedByGraphs LHeight{} = True usedByGraphs LPos{} = True usedByGraphs LWidth{} = True usedByGraphs Margin{} = True usedByGraphs MaxIter{} = True usedByGraphs MCLimit{} = True usedByGraphs MinDist{} = True usedByGraphs Mode{} = True usedByGraphs Model{} = True usedByGraphs Mosek{} = True usedByGraphs NodeSep{} = True usedByGraphs NoJustify{} = True usedByGraphs Normalize{} = True usedByGraphs NoTranslate{} = True usedByGraphs Nslimit{} = True usedByGraphs Nslimit1{} = True usedByGraphs Ordering{} = True usedByGraphs OutputOrder{} = True usedByGraphs Overlap{} = True usedByGraphs OverlapScaling{} = True usedByGraphs OverlapShrink{} = True usedByGraphs Pack{} = True usedByGraphs PackMode{} = True usedByGraphs Pad{} = True usedByGraphs Page{} = True usedByGraphs PageDir{} = True usedByGraphs QuadTree{} = True usedByGraphs Quantum{} = True usedByGraphs RankDir{} = True usedByGraphs RankSep{} = True usedByGraphs Ratio{} = True usedByGraphs ReMinCross{} = True usedByGraphs RepulsiveForce{} = True usedByGraphs Root{} = True usedByGraphs Rotate{} = True usedByGraphs Rotation{} = True usedByGraphs Scale{} = True usedByGraphs SearchSize{} = True usedByGraphs Sep{} = True usedByGraphs ShowBoxes{} = True usedByGraphs Size{} = True usedByGraphs Smoothing{} = True usedByGraphs SortV{} = True usedByGraphs Splines{} = True usedByGraphs Start{} = True usedByGraphs Style{} = True usedByGraphs StyleSheet{} = True usedByGraphs Target{} = True usedByGraphs TrueColor{} = True usedByGraphs ViewPort{} = True usedByGraphs VoroMargin{} = True usedByGraphs XDotVersion{} = True usedByGraphs UnknownAttribute{} = True usedByGraphs _ = False -- | Determine if this 'Attribute' is valid for use with Clusters. usedByClusters :: Attribute -> Bool usedByClusters K{} = True usedByClusters URL{} = True usedByClusters Area{} = True usedByClusters BgColor{} = True usedByClusters Color{} = True usedByClusters ColorScheme{} = True usedByClusters FillColor{} = True usedByClusters FontColor{} = True usedByClusters FontName{} = True usedByClusters FontSize{} = True usedByClusters GradientAngle{} = True usedByClusters Label{} = True usedByClusters LabelJust{} = True usedByClusters LabelLoc{} = True usedByClusters Layer{} = True usedByClusters LHeight{} = True usedByClusters LPos{} = True usedByClusters LWidth{} = True usedByClusters Margin{} = True usedByClusters NoJustify{} = True usedByClusters PenColor{} = True usedByClusters PenWidth{} = True usedByClusters Peripheries{} = True usedByClusters Rank{} = True usedByClusters SortV{} = True usedByClusters Style{} = True usedByClusters Target{} = True usedByClusters Tooltip{} = True usedByClusters UnknownAttribute{} = True usedByClusters _ = False -- | Determine if this 'Attribute' is valid for use with SubGraphs. usedBySubGraphs :: Attribute -> Bool usedBySubGraphs Rank{} = True usedBySubGraphs UnknownAttribute{} = True usedBySubGraphs _ = False -- | Determine if this 'Attribute' is valid for use with Nodes. usedByNodes :: Attribute -> Bool usedByNodes URL{} = True usedByNodes Area{} = True usedByNodes Color{} = True usedByNodes ColorScheme{} = True usedByNodes Comment{} = True usedByNodes Distortion{} = True usedByNodes FillColor{} = True usedByNodes FixedSize{} = True usedByNodes FontColor{} = True usedByNodes FontName{} = True usedByNodes FontSize{} = True usedByNodes GradientAngle{} = True usedByNodes Group{} = True usedByNodes Height{} = True usedByNodes ID{} = True usedByNodes Image{} = True usedByNodes ImageScale{} = True usedByNodes InputScale{} = True usedByNodes Label{} = True usedByNodes LabelLoc{} = True usedByNodes Layer{} = True usedByNodes Margin{} = True usedByNodes NoJustify{} = True usedByNodes Ordering{} = True usedByNodes Orientation{} = True usedByNodes PenWidth{} = True usedByNodes Peripheries{} = True usedByNodes Pin{} = True usedByNodes Pos{} = True usedByNodes Rects{} = True usedByNodes Regular{} = True usedByNodes Root{} = True usedByNodes SamplePoints{} = True usedByNodes Shape{} = True usedByNodes ShowBoxes{} = True usedByNodes Sides{} = True usedByNodes Skew{} = True usedByNodes SortV{} = True usedByNodes Style{} = True usedByNodes Target{} = True usedByNodes Tooltip{} = True usedByNodes Vertices{} = True usedByNodes Width{} = True usedByNodes XLabel{} = True usedByNodes XLP{} = True usedByNodes UnknownAttribute{} = True usedByNodes _ = False -- | Determine if this 'Attribute' is valid for use with Edges. usedByEdges :: Attribute -> Bool usedByEdges URL{} = True usedByEdges ArrowHead{} = True usedByEdges ArrowSize{} = True usedByEdges ArrowTail{} = True usedByEdges Color{} = True usedByEdges ColorScheme{} = True usedByEdges Comment{} = True usedByEdges Constraint{} = True usedByEdges Decorate{} = True usedByEdges Dir{} = True usedByEdges EdgeURL{} = True usedByEdges EdgeTarget{} = True usedByEdges EdgeTooltip{} = True usedByEdges FillColor{} = True usedByEdges FontColor{} = True usedByEdges FontName{} = True usedByEdges FontSize{} = True usedByEdges HeadURL{} = True usedByEdges Head_LP{} = True usedByEdges HeadClip{} = True usedByEdges HeadLabel{} = True usedByEdges HeadPort{} = True usedByEdges HeadTarget{} = True usedByEdges HeadTooltip{} = True usedByEdges ID{} = True usedByEdges Label{} = True usedByEdges LabelURL{} = True usedByEdges LabelAngle{} = True usedByEdges LabelDistance{} = True usedByEdges LabelFloat{} = True usedByEdges LabelFontColor{} = True usedByEdges LabelFontName{} = True usedByEdges LabelFontSize{} = True usedByEdges LabelTarget{} = True usedByEdges LabelTooltip{} = True usedByEdges Layer{} = True usedByEdges Len{} = True usedByEdges LHead{} = True usedByEdges LPos{} = True usedByEdges LTail{} = True usedByEdges MinLen{} = True usedByEdges NoJustify{} = True usedByEdges PenWidth{} = True usedByEdges Pos{} = True usedByEdges SameHead{} = True usedByEdges SameTail{} = True usedByEdges ShowBoxes{} = True usedByEdges Style{} = True usedByEdges TailURL{} = True usedByEdges Tail_LP{} = True usedByEdges TailClip{} = True usedByEdges TailLabel{} = True usedByEdges TailPort{} = True usedByEdges TailTarget{} = True usedByEdges TailTooltip{} = True usedByEdges Target{} = True usedByEdges Tooltip{} = True usedByEdges Weight{} = True usedByEdges XLabel{} = True usedByEdges XLP{} = True usedByEdges UnknownAttribute{} = True usedByEdges _ = False -- | Determine if two 'Attributes' are the same type of 'Attribute'. sameAttribute :: Attribute -> Attribute -> Bool sameAttribute Damping{} Damping{} = True sameAttribute K{} K{} = True sameAttribute URL{} URL{} = True sameAttribute Area{} Area{} = True sameAttribute ArrowHead{} ArrowHead{} = True sameAttribute ArrowSize{} ArrowSize{} = True sameAttribute ArrowTail{} ArrowTail{} = True sameAttribute Background{} Background{} = True sameAttribute BoundingBox{} BoundingBox{} = True sameAttribute BgColor{} BgColor{} = True sameAttribute Center{} Center{} = True sameAttribute ClusterRank{} ClusterRank{} = True sameAttribute Color{} Color{} = True sameAttribute ColorScheme{} ColorScheme{} = True sameAttribute Comment{} Comment{} = True sameAttribute Compound{} Compound{} = True sameAttribute Concentrate{} Concentrate{} = True sameAttribute Constraint{} Constraint{} = True sameAttribute Decorate{} Decorate{} = True sameAttribute DefaultDist{} DefaultDist{} = True sameAttribute Dim{} Dim{} = True sameAttribute Dimen{} Dimen{} = True sameAttribute Dir{} Dir{} = True sameAttribute DirEdgeConstraints{} DirEdgeConstraints{} = True sameAttribute Distortion{} Distortion{} = True sameAttribute DPI{} DPI{} = True sameAttribute EdgeURL{} EdgeURL{} = True sameAttribute EdgeTarget{} EdgeTarget{} = True sameAttribute EdgeTooltip{} EdgeTooltip{} = True sameAttribute Epsilon{} Epsilon{} = True sameAttribute ESep{} ESep{} = True sameAttribute FillColor{} FillColor{} = True sameAttribute FixedSize{} FixedSize{} = True sameAttribute FontColor{} FontColor{} = True sameAttribute FontName{} FontName{} = True sameAttribute FontNames{} FontNames{} = True sameAttribute FontPath{} FontPath{} = True sameAttribute FontSize{} FontSize{} = True sameAttribute ForceLabels{} ForceLabels{} = True sameAttribute GradientAngle{} GradientAngle{} = True sameAttribute Group{} Group{} = True sameAttribute HeadURL{} HeadURL{} = True sameAttribute Head_LP{} Head_LP{} = True sameAttribute HeadClip{} HeadClip{} = True sameAttribute HeadLabel{} HeadLabel{} = True sameAttribute HeadPort{} HeadPort{} = True sameAttribute HeadTarget{} HeadTarget{} = True sameAttribute HeadTooltip{} HeadTooltip{} = True sameAttribute Height{} Height{} = True sameAttribute ID{} ID{} = True sameAttribute Image{} Image{} = True sameAttribute ImagePath{} ImagePath{} = True sameAttribute ImageScale{} ImageScale{} = True sameAttribute InputScale{} InputScale{} = True sameAttribute Label{} Label{} = True sameAttribute LabelURL{} LabelURL{} = True sameAttribute LabelScheme{} LabelScheme{} = True sameAttribute LabelAngle{} LabelAngle{} = True sameAttribute LabelDistance{} LabelDistance{} = True sameAttribute LabelFloat{} LabelFloat{} = True sameAttribute LabelFontColor{} LabelFontColor{} = True sameAttribute LabelFontName{} LabelFontName{} = True sameAttribute LabelFontSize{} LabelFontSize{} = True sameAttribute LabelJust{} LabelJust{} = True sameAttribute LabelLoc{} LabelLoc{} = True sameAttribute LabelTarget{} LabelTarget{} = True sameAttribute LabelTooltip{} LabelTooltip{} = True sameAttribute Landscape{} Landscape{} = True sameAttribute Layer{} Layer{} = True sameAttribute LayerListSep{} LayerListSep{} = True sameAttribute Layers{} Layers{} = True sameAttribute LayerSelect{} LayerSelect{} = True sameAttribute LayerSep{} LayerSep{} = True sameAttribute Layout{} Layout{} = True sameAttribute Len{} Len{} = True sameAttribute Levels{} Levels{} = True sameAttribute LevelsGap{} LevelsGap{} = True sameAttribute LHead{} LHead{} = True sameAttribute LHeight{} LHeight{} = True sameAttribute LPos{} LPos{} = True sameAttribute LTail{} LTail{} = True sameAttribute LWidth{} LWidth{} = True sameAttribute Margin{} Margin{} = True sameAttribute MaxIter{} MaxIter{} = True sameAttribute MCLimit{} MCLimit{} = True sameAttribute MinDist{} MinDist{} = True sameAttribute MinLen{} MinLen{} = True sameAttribute Mode{} Mode{} = True sameAttribute Model{} Model{} = True sameAttribute Mosek{} Mosek{} = True sameAttribute NodeSep{} NodeSep{} = True sameAttribute NoJustify{} NoJustify{} = True sameAttribute Normalize{} Normalize{} = True sameAttribute NoTranslate{} NoTranslate{} = True sameAttribute Nslimit{} Nslimit{} = True sameAttribute Nslimit1{} Nslimit1{} = True sameAttribute Ordering{} Ordering{} = True sameAttribute Orientation{} Orientation{} = True sameAttribute OutputOrder{} OutputOrder{} = True sameAttribute Overlap{} Overlap{} = True sameAttribute OverlapScaling{} OverlapScaling{} = True sameAttribute OverlapShrink{} OverlapShrink{} = True sameAttribute Pack{} Pack{} = True sameAttribute PackMode{} PackMode{} = True sameAttribute Pad{} Pad{} = True sameAttribute Page{} Page{} = True sameAttribute PageDir{} PageDir{} = True sameAttribute PenColor{} PenColor{} = True sameAttribute PenWidth{} PenWidth{} = True sameAttribute Peripheries{} Peripheries{} = True sameAttribute Pin{} Pin{} = True sameAttribute Pos{} Pos{} = True sameAttribute QuadTree{} QuadTree{} = True sameAttribute Quantum{} Quantum{} = True sameAttribute Rank{} Rank{} = True sameAttribute RankDir{} RankDir{} = True sameAttribute RankSep{} RankSep{} = True sameAttribute Ratio{} Ratio{} = True sameAttribute Rects{} Rects{} = True sameAttribute Regular{} Regular{} = True sameAttribute ReMinCross{} ReMinCross{} = True sameAttribute RepulsiveForce{} RepulsiveForce{} = True sameAttribute Root{} Root{} = True sameAttribute Rotate{} Rotate{} = True sameAttribute Rotation{} Rotation{} = True sameAttribute SameHead{} SameHead{} = True sameAttribute SameTail{} SameTail{} = True sameAttribute SamplePoints{} SamplePoints{} = True sameAttribute Scale{} Scale{} = True sameAttribute SearchSize{} SearchSize{} = True sameAttribute Sep{} Sep{} = True sameAttribute Shape{} Shape{} = True sameAttribute ShowBoxes{} ShowBoxes{} = True sameAttribute Sides{} Sides{} = True sameAttribute Size{} Size{} = True sameAttribute Skew{} Skew{} = True sameAttribute Smoothing{} Smoothing{} = True sameAttribute SortV{} SortV{} = True sameAttribute Splines{} Splines{} = True sameAttribute Start{} Start{} = True sameAttribute Style{} Style{} = True sameAttribute StyleSheet{} StyleSheet{} = True sameAttribute TailURL{} TailURL{} = True sameAttribute Tail_LP{} Tail_LP{} = True sameAttribute TailClip{} TailClip{} = True sameAttribute TailLabel{} TailLabel{} = True sameAttribute TailPort{} TailPort{} = True sameAttribute TailTarget{} TailTarget{} = True sameAttribute TailTooltip{} TailTooltip{} = True sameAttribute Target{} Target{} = True sameAttribute Tooltip{} Tooltip{} = True sameAttribute TrueColor{} TrueColor{} = True sameAttribute Vertices{} Vertices{} = True sameAttribute ViewPort{} ViewPort{} = True sameAttribute VoroMargin{} VoroMargin{} = True sameAttribute Weight{} Weight{} = True sameAttribute Width{} Width{} = True sameAttribute XDotVersion{} XDotVersion{} = True sameAttribute XLabel{} XLabel{} = True sameAttribute XLP{} XLP{} = True sameAttribute (UnknownAttribute a1 _) (UnknownAttribute a2 _) = a1 == a2 sameAttribute _ _ = False -- | Return the default value for a specific 'Attribute' if possible; graph/cluster values are preferred over node/edge values. defaultAttributeValue :: Attribute -> Maybe Attribute defaultAttributeValue Damping{} = Just $ Damping 0.99 defaultAttributeValue K{} = Just $ K 0.3 defaultAttributeValue URL{} = Just $ URL "" defaultAttributeValue Area{} = Just $ Area 1.0 defaultAttributeValue ArrowHead{} = Just $ ArrowHead normal defaultAttributeValue ArrowSize{} = Just $ ArrowSize 1.0 defaultAttributeValue ArrowTail{} = Just $ ArrowTail normal defaultAttributeValue Background{} = Just $ Background "" defaultAttributeValue BgColor{} = Just $ BgColor [] defaultAttributeValue Center{} = Just $ Center False defaultAttributeValue ClusterRank{} = Just $ ClusterRank Local defaultAttributeValue Color{} = Just $ Color [toWColor Black] defaultAttributeValue ColorScheme{} = Just $ ColorScheme X11 defaultAttributeValue Comment{} = Just $ Comment "" defaultAttributeValue Compound{} = Just $ Compound False defaultAttributeValue Concentrate{} = Just $ Concentrate False defaultAttributeValue Constraint{} = Just $ Constraint True defaultAttributeValue Decorate{} = Just $ Decorate False defaultAttributeValue Dim{} = Just $ Dim 2 defaultAttributeValue Dimen{} = Just $ Dimen 2 defaultAttributeValue DirEdgeConstraints{} = Just $ DirEdgeConstraints NoConstraints defaultAttributeValue Distortion{} = Just $ Distortion 0.0 defaultAttributeValue DPI{} = Just $ DPI 96.0 defaultAttributeValue EdgeURL{} = Just $ EdgeURL "" defaultAttributeValue EdgeTooltip{} = Just $ EdgeTooltip "" defaultAttributeValue ESep{} = Just $ ESep (DVal 3) defaultAttributeValue FillColor{} = Just $ FillColor [toWColor Black] defaultAttributeValue FixedSize{} = Just $ FixedSize GrowAsNeeded defaultAttributeValue FontColor{} = Just $ FontColor (X11Color Black) defaultAttributeValue FontName{} = Just $ FontName "Times-Roman" defaultAttributeValue FontNames{} = Just $ FontNames SvgNames defaultAttributeValue FontSize{} = Just $ FontSize 14.0 defaultAttributeValue ForceLabels{} = Just $ ForceLabels True defaultAttributeValue GradientAngle{} = Just $ GradientAngle 0 defaultAttributeValue Group{} = Just $ Group "" defaultAttributeValue HeadURL{} = Just $ HeadURL "" defaultAttributeValue HeadClip{} = Just $ HeadClip True defaultAttributeValue HeadLabel{} = Just $ HeadLabel (StrLabel "") defaultAttributeValue HeadPort{} = Just $ HeadPort (CompassPoint CenterPoint) defaultAttributeValue HeadTarget{} = Just $ HeadTarget "" defaultAttributeValue HeadTooltip{} = Just $ HeadTooltip "" defaultAttributeValue Height{} = Just $ Height 0.5 defaultAttributeValue ID{} = Just $ ID "" defaultAttributeValue Image{} = Just $ Image "" defaultAttributeValue ImagePath{} = Just $ ImagePath (Paths []) defaultAttributeValue ImageScale{} = Just $ ImageScale NoScale defaultAttributeValue Label{} = Just $ Label (StrLabel "") defaultAttributeValue LabelURL{} = Just $ LabelURL "" defaultAttributeValue LabelScheme{} = Just $ LabelScheme NotEdgeLabel defaultAttributeValue LabelAngle{} = Just $ LabelAngle (-25.0) defaultAttributeValue LabelDistance{} = Just $ LabelDistance 1.0 defaultAttributeValue LabelFloat{} = Just $ LabelFloat False defaultAttributeValue LabelFontColor{} = Just $ LabelFontColor (X11Color Black) defaultAttributeValue LabelFontName{} = Just $ LabelFontName "Times-Roman" defaultAttributeValue LabelFontSize{} = Just $ LabelFontSize 14.0 defaultAttributeValue LabelJust{} = Just $ LabelJust JCenter defaultAttributeValue LabelLoc{} = Just $ LabelLoc VTop defaultAttributeValue LabelTarget{} = Just $ LabelTarget "" defaultAttributeValue LabelTooltip{} = Just $ LabelTooltip "" defaultAttributeValue Landscape{} = Just $ Landscape False defaultAttributeValue Layer{} = Just $ Layer [] defaultAttributeValue LayerListSep{} = Just $ LayerListSep (LLSep ",") defaultAttributeValue Layers{} = Just $ Layers (LL []) defaultAttributeValue LayerSelect{} = Just $ LayerSelect [] defaultAttributeValue LayerSep{} = Just $ LayerSep (LSep " :\t") defaultAttributeValue Levels{} = Just $ Levels maxBound defaultAttributeValue LevelsGap{} = Just $ LevelsGap 0.0 defaultAttributeValue LHead{} = Just $ LHead "" defaultAttributeValue LTail{} = Just $ LTail "" defaultAttributeValue MCLimit{} = Just $ MCLimit 1.0 defaultAttributeValue MinDist{} = Just $ MinDist 1.0 defaultAttributeValue MinLen{} = Just $ MinLen 1 defaultAttributeValue Mode{} = Just $ Mode Major defaultAttributeValue Model{} = Just $ Model ShortPath defaultAttributeValue Mosek{} = Just $ Mosek False defaultAttributeValue NodeSep{} = Just $ NodeSep 0.25 defaultAttributeValue NoJustify{} = Just $ NoJustify False defaultAttributeValue Normalize{} = Just $ Normalize NotNormalized defaultAttributeValue NoTranslate{} = Just $ NoTranslate False defaultAttributeValue Orientation{} = Just $ Orientation 0.0 defaultAttributeValue OutputOrder{} = Just $ OutputOrder BreadthFirst defaultAttributeValue Overlap{} = Just $ Overlap KeepOverlaps defaultAttributeValue OverlapScaling{} = Just $ OverlapScaling (-4) defaultAttributeValue OverlapShrink{} = Just $ OverlapShrink True defaultAttributeValue Pack{} = Just $ Pack DontPack defaultAttributeValue PackMode{} = Just $ PackMode PackNode defaultAttributeValue Pad{} = Just $ Pad (DVal 0.0555) defaultAttributeValue PageDir{} = Just $ PageDir Bl defaultAttributeValue PenColor{} = Just $ PenColor (X11Color Black) defaultAttributeValue PenWidth{} = Just $ PenWidth 1.0 defaultAttributeValue Peripheries{} = Just $ Peripheries 1 defaultAttributeValue Pin{} = Just $ Pin False defaultAttributeValue QuadTree{} = Just $ QuadTree NormalQT defaultAttributeValue Quantum{} = Just $ Quantum 0 defaultAttributeValue RankDir{} = Just $ RankDir FromTop defaultAttributeValue Regular{} = Just $ Regular False defaultAttributeValue ReMinCross{} = Just $ ReMinCross False defaultAttributeValue RepulsiveForce{} = Just $ RepulsiveForce 1.0 defaultAttributeValue Root{} = Just $ Root (NodeName "") defaultAttributeValue Rotate{} = Just $ Rotate 0 defaultAttributeValue Rotation{} = Just $ Rotation 0 defaultAttributeValue SameHead{} = Just $ SameHead "" defaultAttributeValue SameTail{} = Just $ SameTail "" defaultAttributeValue SearchSize{} = Just $ SearchSize 30 defaultAttributeValue Sep{} = Just $ Sep (DVal 4) defaultAttributeValue Shape{} = Just $ Shape Ellipse defaultAttributeValue ShowBoxes{} = Just $ ShowBoxes 0 defaultAttributeValue Sides{} = Just $ Sides 4 defaultAttributeValue Skew{} = Just $ Skew 0.0 defaultAttributeValue Smoothing{} = Just $ Smoothing NoSmooth defaultAttributeValue SortV{} = Just $ SortV 0 defaultAttributeValue StyleSheet{} = Just $ StyleSheet "" defaultAttributeValue TailURL{} = Just $ TailURL "" defaultAttributeValue TailClip{} = Just $ TailClip True defaultAttributeValue TailLabel{} = Just $ TailLabel (StrLabel "") defaultAttributeValue TailPort{} = Just $ TailPort (CompassPoint CenterPoint) defaultAttributeValue TailTarget{} = Just $ TailTarget "" defaultAttributeValue TailTooltip{} = Just $ TailTooltip "" defaultAttributeValue Target{} = Just $ Target "" defaultAttributeValue Tooltip{} = Just $ Tooltip "" defaultAttributeValue VoroMargin{} = Just $ VoroMargin 0.05 defaultAttributeValue Weight{} = Just $ Weight (Int 1) defaultAttributeValue Width{} = Just $ Width 0.75 defaultAttributeValue XLabel{} = Just $ XLabel (StrLabel "") defaultAttributeValue _ = Nothing -- | Determine if the provided 'Text' value is a valid name for an 'UnknownAttribute'. validUnknown :: AttributeName -> Bool validUnknown txt = T.toLower txt `S.notMember` names && isIDString txt where names = (S.fromList . map T.toLower $ [ "Damping" , "K" , "URL" , "href" , "area" , "arrowhead" , "arrowsize" , "arrowtail" , "_background" , "bb" , "bgcolor" , "center" , "clusterrank" , "color" , "colorscheme" , "comment" , "compound" , "concentrate" , "constraint" , "decorate" , "defaultdist" , "dim" , "dimen" , "dir" , "diredgeconstraints" , "distortion" , "dpi" , "resolution" , "edgeURL" , "edgehref" , "edgetarget" , "edgetooltip" , "epsilon" , "esep" , "fillcolor" , "fixedsize" , "fontcolor" , "fontname" , "fontnames" , "fontpath" , "fontsize" , "forcelabels" , "gradientangle" , "group" , "headURL" , "headhref" , "head_lp" , "headclip" , "headlabel" , "headport" , "headtarget" , "headtooltip" , "height" , "id" , "image" , "imagepath" , "imagescale" , "inputscale" , "label" , "labelURL" , "labelhref" , "label_scheme" , "labelangle" , "labeldistance" , "labelfloat" , "labelfontcolor" , "labelfontname" , "labelfontsize" , "labeljust" , "labelloc" , "labeltarget" , "labeltooltip" , "landscape" , "layer" , "layerlistsep" , "layers" , "layerselect" , "layersep" , "layout" , "len" , "levels" , "levelsgap" , "lhead" , "LHeight" , "lp" , "ltail" , "lwidth" , "margin" , "maxiter" , "mclimit" , "mindist" , "minlen" , "mode" , "model" , "mosek" , "nodesep" , "nojustify" , "normalize" , "notranslate" , "nslimit" , "nslimit1" , "ordering" , "orientation" , "outputorder" , "overlap" , "overlap_scaling" , "overlap_shrink" , "pack" , "packmode" , "pad" , "page" , "pagedir" , "pencolor" , "penwidth" , "peripheries" , "pin" , "pos" , "quadtree" , "quantum" , "rank" , "rankdir" , "ranksep" , "ratio" , "rects" , "regular" , "remincross" , "repulsiveforce" , "root" , "rotate" , "rotation" , "samehead" , "sametail" , "samplepoints" , "scale" , "searchsize" , "sep" , "shape" , "showboxes" , "sides" , "size" , "skew" , "smoothing" , "sortv" , "splines" , "start" , "style" , "stylesheet" , "tailURL" , "tailhref" , "tail_lp" , "tailclip" , "taillabel" , "tailport" , "tailtarget" , "tailtooltip" , "target" , "tooltip" , "truecolor" , "vertices" , "viewport" , "voro_margin" , "weight" , "width" , "xdotversion" , "xlabel" , "xlp" , "charset" -- Defined upstream, just not used here. ]) `S.union` keywords {- Delete to here -} -- | Remove attributes that we don't want to consider: -- -- * Those that are defaults -- * colorscheme (as the colors embed it anyway) rmUnwantedAttributes :: Attributes -> Attributes rmUnwantedAttributes = filter (not . (`any` tests) . flip ($)) where tests = [isDefault, isColorScheme] isDefault a = maybe False (a==) $ defaultAttributeValue a isColorScheme ColorScheme{} = True isColorScheme _ = False -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- These parsing combinators are defined here for customisation purposes. parseField :: (ParseDot a) => (a -> Attribute) -> String -> [(String, Parse Attribute)] parseField c fld = [(fld, liftEqParse fld c)] parseFields :: (ParseDot a) => (a -> Attribute) -> [String] -> [(String, Parse Attribute)] parseFields c = concatMap (parseField c) parseFieldBool :: (Bool -> Attribute) -> String -> [(String, Parse Attribute)] parseFieldBool = (`parseFieldDef` True) -- | For 'Bool'-like data structures where the presence of the field -- name without a value implies a default value. parseFieldDef :: (ParseDot a) => (a -> Attribute) -> a -> String -> [(String, Parse Attribute)] parseFieldDef c d fld = [(fld, p)] where p = liftEqParse fld c `onFail` do nxt <- optional $ satisfy restIDString bool (fail "Not actually the field you were after") (return $ c d) (isNothing nxt) -- | Attempt to parse the @\"=value\"@ part of a @key=value@ pair. If -- there is an equal sign but the @value@ part doesn't parse, throw -- an un-recoverable error. liftEqParse :: (ParseDot a) => String -> (a -> Attribute) -> Parse Attribute liftEqParse k c = do pStrict <- getsGS parseStrictly let adjErr = bool adjustErr adjustErrBad pStrict parseEq *> ( hasDef (fmap c parse) `adjErr` (("Unable to parse key=value with key of " ++ k ++ "\n\t") ++) ) where hasDef p = maybe p (onFail p . (`stringRep` "\"\"")) . defaultAttributeValue $ c undefined -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | If performing any custom pre-/post-processing on Dot code, you may wish to utilise some custom 'Attributes'. These are wrappers around the 'UnknownAttribute' constructor (and thus 'CustomAttribute' is just an alias for 'Attribute'). You should ensure that 'validUnknown' is 'True' for any potential custom attribute name. -} type CustomAttribute = Attribute -- | Create a custom attribute. customAttribute :: AttributeName -> Text -> CustomAttribute customAttribute = UnknownAttribute -- | Determines whether or not this is a custom attribute. isCustom :: Attribute -> Bool isCustom UnknownAttribute{} = True isCustom _ = False isSpecifiedCustom :: AttributeName -> Attribute -> Bool isSpecifiedCustom nm (UnknownAttribute nm' _) = nm == nm' isSpecifiedCustom _ _ = False -- | The value of a custom attribute. Will throw a -- 'GraphvizException' if the provided 'Attribute' isn't a custom -- one. customValue :: CustomAttribute -> Text customValue (UnknownAttribute _ v) = v customValue attr = throw . NotCustomAttr . T.unpack $ printIt attr -- | The name of a custom attribute. Will throw a -- 'GraphvizException' if the provided 'Attribute' isn't a custom -- one. customName :: CustomAttribute -> AttributeName customName (UnknownAttribute nm _) = nm customName attr = throw . NotCustomAttr . T.unpack $ printIt attr -- | Returns all custom attributes and the list of non-custom Attributes. findCustoms :: Attributes -> ([CustomAttribute], Attributes) findCustoms = partition isCustom -- | Find the (first instance of the) specified custom attribute and -- returns it along with all other Attributes. findSpecifiedCustom :: AttributeName -> Attributes -> Maybe (CustomAttribute, Attributes) findSpecifiedCustom nm attrs = case break (isSpecifiedCustom nm) attrs of (bf,cust:aft) -> Just (cust, bf ++ aft) _ -> Nothing -- | Delete all custom attributes (actually, this will delete all -- 'UnknownAttribute' values; as such it can also be used to remove -- legacy attributes). deleteCustomAttributes :: Attributes -> Attributes deleteCustomAttributes = filter (not . isCustom) -- | Removes all instances of the specified custom attribute. deleteSpecifiedCustom :: AttributeName -> Attributes -> Attributes deleteSpecifiedCustom nm = filter (not . isSpecifiedCustom nm)