module Data.Graph.Inductive.Query.Matchings
(isMatching, isMaximalMatching, isMaximumMatching, maximalMatchings, maximumMatching) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Basic
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.List (nub, (\\))
type Matching = Map Node Node
insertList :: Ord a => [a] -> Set a -> Set a
insertList xs s = S.union s (S.fromList xs)
updateList :: Ord k => [k] -> v -> Map k v -> Map k v
updateList ks v m = M.union (M.fromList [(k,v) | k <- ks]) m
lookup' :: Ord k => k -> Map k v -> [v]
lookup' k m = maybe [] (\x -> [x]) (M.lookup k m)
isMatching :: Graph gr => gr a b -> [Edge] -> Bool
isMatching g m = null (m \\ edges g) && distinct (concatMap (\(a,b) -> [a,b]) m)
where distinct xs = nub xs == xs
isMaximalMatching :: Graph gr => gr a b -> [Edge] -> Bool
isMaximalMatching g m = isMatching g m && and [a `elem` ns || b `elem` ns | (a,b) <- edges g]
where ns = nub $ concatMap (\(a,b) -> [a,b]) m
maximalMatchings :: Graph gr => gr a b -> [[Edge]]
maximalMatchings g = f [([], edges g)] []
f :: [([Edge], [Edge])] -> [([Edge], [Edge])] -> [[Edge]]
f [] [] = []
f [] ms' = f ms' []
f ((m,[]):ms) ms' = if isMaximalMatching g m then m : f ms ms' else f ms ms'
f ((m,es):ms) ms' = f ms (m' ++ ms')
where m' = do ((a,b), es') <- suffixes es
return ((a,b):m, [(c,d) | (c,d) <- es', a /= c, b /= c, a /= d, b /= d])
suffixes :: [c] -> [(c, [c])]
suffixes [] = []
suffixes (x:xs) = (x,xs) : suffixes xs
isMaximumMatching :: Graph gr => gr a b -> [Edge] -> Bool
isMaximumMatching g m = isMatching g m && length m == length (maximumMatching g)
maximumMatching :: Graph gr => gr a b -> [Edge]
maximumMatching g = [if (v,w) `S.member` edgeSet then (v,w) else (w,v)
| v <- nodes g, w <- lookup' v matching, v <= w]
where edgeSet = S.fromList (edges g)
matching = foldl (matchNode g) M.empty (nodes g)
matchNode :: Graph gr => gr a b -> Matching -> Node -> Matching
matchNode g matching root
| root `M.member` matching = matching
| otherwise = constructMatching $
matchNode' ([root], S.singleton root, M.empty, M.fromList [(i,i) | i <- nodes g])
where constructMatching :: (Matching, Maybe Node) -> Matching
constructMatching (p, v) =
let constructMatching' matching Nothing = matching
constructMatching' matching (Just v) =
let w = fromJust (M.lookup v p)
in constructMatching' (M.insert w v (M.insert v w matching)) (M.lookup w matching)
in constructMatching' matching v
matchNode' :: ([Node], Set Node, Map Node Node, Map Node Node) -> (Map Node Node, Maybe Node)
matchNode' (q, used, p, base) =
case q of
[] -> (p, Nothing)
v:q' -> either id matchNode' (foldM (go v) (q',used,p,base) (neighbors g v))
go :: Node -> ([Node], Set Node, Map Node Node, Map Node Node) -> Node ->
Either (Map Node Node, Maybe Node) ([Node], Set Node, Map Node Node, Map Node Node)
go v (q, used, p, base) w
| M.lookup v base == M.lookup w base = Right (q, used, p, base)
| M.lookup v matching == Just w = Right (q, used, p, base)
| w == root || maybe False (`M.member` p) (M.lookup w matching) =
let curBase = lca base p v w
(blossom, p') = markPath base w curBase v (markPath base v curBase w (S.empty, p))
xs = [x | x <- nodes g, y <- lookup' x base, y `S.member` blossom]
xs' = [x | x <- xs, x `S.notMember` used]
in Right (xs' ++ q, insertList xs' used, p', updateList xs curBase base)
| w `M.notMember` p =
let p' = M.insert w v p
in case M.lookup w matching of
Nothing -> Left (p', Just w)
Just w' -> Right (w':q, S.insert w' used, p', base)
| otherwise = Right (q, used, p, base)
markPath :: Map Node Node -> Node -> Node -> Node -> (Set Node, Map Node Node) ->
(Set Node, Map Node Node)
markPath base v b c (blossom, p)
| M.lookup v base == Just b = (blossom, p)
| otherwise =
let w = fromJust $ M.lookup v matching
bv = fromJust $ M.lookup v base
bw = fromJust $ M.lookup w base
v' = fromJust $ M.lookup w p
in markPath base v' b w (S.insert bw (S.insert bv blossom), M.insert v c p)
lca :: Map Node Node -> Map Node Node -> Node -> Node -> Node
lca base p a b = g b
where f seen x =
let x' = fromJust $ M.lookup x base
seen' = S.insert x' seen
in case M.lookup x' matching of
Nothing -> seen'
Just y -> f seen' (fromJust (M.lookup y p))
seen = f S.empty a
g x =
let x' = fromJust $ M.lookup x base
in if x' `S.member` seen then
g (fromJust (M.lookup (fromJust (M.lookup x' matching)) p))