-- | Collection of parsing algorithms with a common interface, operating on grammars represented as records with rank-2 -- field types. {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, KindSignatures, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Text.Grampa ( -- * Parsing methods MultiParsing(..), simply, -- * Types Grammar, GrammarBuilder, ParseResults, ParseFailure(..), -- * Parser combinators and primitives GrammarParsing(..), MonoidParsing(..), module Text.Parser.Char, module Text.Parser.Combinators, module Text.Parser.LookAhead) where import Text.Parser.Char (CharParsing(char, notChar, anyChar)) import Text.Parser.Combinators (Parsing((), notFollowedBy, skipMany, skipSome, unexpected)) import Text.Parser.LookAhead (LookAheadParsing(lookAhead)) import qualified Rank2 import Text.Grampa.Class (MultiParsing(..), GrammarParsing(..), MonoidParsing(..), ParseResults, ParseFailure(..)) -- | A type synonym for a fixed grammar record type @g@ with a given parser type @p@ on input streams of type @s@ type Grammar (g :: (* -> *) -> *) p s = g (p g s) -- | A type synonym for an endomorphic function on a grammar record type @g@, whose parsers of type @p@ build grammars -- of type @g'@, parsing input streams of type @s@ type GrammarBuilder (g :: (* -> *) -> *) (g' :: (* -> *) -> *) (p :: ((* -> *) -> *) -> * -> * -> *) (s :: *) = g (p g' s) -> g (p g' s) -- | Apply the given 'parse' function to the given grammar-free parser and its input. simply :: (Rank2.Only r (p (Rank2.Only r) s) -> s -> Rank2.Only r f) -> p (Rank2.Only r) s r -> s -> f r simply parseGrammar p input = Rank2.fromOnly (parseGrammar (Rank2.Only p) input)