{-  Copyright 2010 Dominique Devriese

    This file is part of the grammar-combinators library.

    The grammar-combinators library is free software: you can
    redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
    Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
    Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
    your option) any later version.

    Foobar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
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{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module Text.GrammarCombinators.Parser.Packrat (
  Result (Parsed, NoParse),
  ) where

import Text.GrammarCombinators.Base
data Result phi r t v = Parsed v (Derivs phi r t) |
instance (Show v) => Show (Result phi r t v) where
  show (Parsed v _) = "Parsed " ++ show v ++ " _"
  show NoParse = "NoParse"

instance Functor (Result phi r t) where
  fmap f (Parsed v d) = Parsed (f v) d
  fmap _ NoParse = NoParse

data PRPrimTokenIx
data PREndOfInputIx
data PRBaseIx ix

data PackratDomain phi ix where 
  PackratDomainBase :: phi ix -> PackratDomain phi (PRBaseIx ix)
  PackratDomainPrimToken :: PackratDomain phi PRPrimTokenIx
  PackratDomainEndOfInput :: PackratDomain phi PREndOfInputIx
instance DomainMap (PackratDomain phi) phi PRBaseIx where
  supIx = PackratDomainBase
  subIx (PackratDomainBase idx) = idx

instance (MemoFam phi) => MemoFam (PackratDomain phi) where
  data Memo (PackratDomain phi) v = PRMemo (v PRPrimTokenIx, v PREndOfInputIx, Memo phi (SubVal PRBaseIx v))
  toMemo f = PRMemo (f PackratDomainPrimToken, f PackratDomainEndOfInput, toMemo $ \idx -> MkSubVal $ f $ PackratDomainBase idx)
  fromMemo (PRMemo (_, _, bm)) (PackratDomainBase idx) = unSubVal $ fromMemo bm idx
  fromMemo (PRMemo (v, _, _)) (PackratDomainPrimToken) = v
  fromMemo (PRMemo (_, v, _)) (PackratDomainEndOfInput) = v

data PackratValue phi t r ix where
  PRPrimTokenValue :: ConcreteToken t -> PackratValue phi t r PRPrimTokenIx
  PREndOfInputValue :: PackratValue phi t r PREndOfInputIx
  PRBaseValue :: r ix -> PackratValue phi t r (PRBaseIx ix)

unPRPrimTokenValue :: PackratValue phi t r PRPrimTokenIx -> ConcreteToken t
unPRPrimTokenValue (PRPrimTokenValue c) = c

newtype PRResult phi r t ix = PRResult {
  unPRResult :: Result phi r t (PackratValue phi t r ix)

newtype Derivs phi r t = Derivs {
  unDerivs :: forall ix. PackratDomain phi ix -> PRResult phi r t ix

buildDerivs :: forall phi r t. (Token t, MemoFam phi) => (forall ix. PackratDomain phi ix -> PRResult phi r t ix) -> Derivs phi r t
buildDerivs f = Derivs memoizedF where
  memoizedF :: forall ix. PackratDomain phi ix -> PRResult phi r t ix
  memoizedF = memoFamily f

type InternalPRRule phi r t v = Derivs phi r t -> Result phi r t v
type InternalGrammar phi r t = forall ix. phi ix -> InternalPRRule phi r t (r ix)
data PackratRule phitop rtop phi ixT r t v =
  PackratRule {
    runParse :: InternalGrammar phitop rtop t ->
                (forall ix. phi ix -> rtop (ApplyIxMap ixT ix) -> r ix) -> 
                (forall ix. phi ix -> phitop (ApplyIxMap ixT ix)) ->
                InternalPRRule phitop rtop t v
type PackratGrammar phitop rtop phi ixT rr r t = forall ix. phi ix -> PackratRule phitop rtop phi ixT rr t (r ix)

instance ProductionRule (PackratRule phitop rtop phi ixT r t) where
  a >>> b = PackratRule $ \g rd si d0 -> 
    case runParse a g rd si d0 of 
      Parsed f d1 -> case runParse b g rd si d1 of
        Parsed x d2 -> Parsed (f x) d2
        _ -> NoParse
      _ -> NoParse
  -- TODO : parameterise disambiguation (keeping only 1st match or all)?
  a ||| b = PackratRule $ \g rd si d ->
    case runParse a g rd si d of
      Parsed v1 d1 -> Parsed v1 d1
      _ -> case runParse b g rd si d of
        Parsed v2 d2 -> Parsed v2 d2
        _ -> NoParse
  die = PackratRule $ \_ _ _ _ -> NoParse
  endOfInput = PackratRule $ \_ _ _ d -> 
    case unPRResult $ unDerivs d PackratDomainEndOfInput of
      Parsed _ d' -> Parsed () d'
      _ -> NoParse

instance EpsProductionRule (PackratRule phitop rtop phi ixT r t) where
  epsilon v = PackratRule $ \_ _ _ -> Parsed v

instance LiftableProductionRule (PackratRule phitop rtop phi ixT r t) where
  epsilonL v _ = epsilon v

instance (Token t) => TokenProductionRule (PackratRule phitop rtop phi ixT r t) t where
  token c = PackratRule $ \_ _ _ d -> 
    case unPRResult$ unDerivs d PackratDomainPrimToken of
      Parsed v' d' | classify (unPRPrimTokenValue v') == c -> Parsed (unPRPrimTokenValue v') d'
      _ -> NoParse

instance RecProductionRule (PackratRule phitop rtop phi ixT r t) phi r where
  ref (idx :: phi ix) =
    PackratRule $ \grammar rd si d ->
      fmap (rd idx) $ grammar (si idx) d

toInternalGrammar :: PackratGrammar phi r phi IxMapId r r t -> InternalGrammar phi r t
toInternalGrammar g idx =
    runParse (g idx) (toInternalGrammar g) (\_ -> id) id

parsePackratAll :: forall phi r t. (Token t, MemoFam phi) => InternalGrammar phi r t -> [ConcreteToken t] -> Derivs phi r t
parsePackratAll grammar s =
    derivs :: forall ix. PackratDomain phi ix -> PRResult phi r t ix
    derivs (PackratDomainPrimToken) = case s of 
      (c:s') -> PRResult $ Parsed (PRPrimTokenValue c) (parsePackratAll grammar s')
      _ -> PRResult NoParse
    derivs (PackratDomainBase ruleId) = PRResult $ fmap PRBaseValue $ grammar ruleId (buildDerivs derivs)
    derivs (PackratDomainEndOfInput) = case s of 
      [] -> PRResult $ Parsed PREndOfInputValue $ Derivs $ const $ PRResult NoParse
      _ -> PRResult NoParse
  in buildDerivs derivs

instance SuperProductionRule (PackratRule phitop rtop) where
  subref = prSubRef

prSubRef :: forall phitop phi phi' rtop r ixT t ix supIxT . (DomainEmbedding phi phi' supIxT, HFunctor phi (PF phi)) =>
            (forall ix'. phi' ix' -> PackratRule phitop rtop phi' (IxMapSeq ixT supIxT) (SubVal supIxT r) t (PF phi' (SubVal supIxT r) ix')) ->
            phi' ix -> phi (supIxT ix) -> 
            PackratRule phitop rtop phi ixT r t (PF phi r (supIxT ix))
prSubRef subgram idxb idx = PackratRule $ \outgram rd supIxTop ->
    subrule :: PackratRule phitop rtop phi' (IxMapSeq ixT supIxT) (SubVal supIxT r) t (PF phi' (SubVal supIxT r) ix)
    subrule = subgram idxb
    rd' :: forall ix' . phi' ix' -> rtop (ApplyIxMap ixT (supIxT ix')) -> SubVal supIxT r ix'
    rd' idx' v = MkSubVal $ rd (supIx idx') v
    supIx' :: forall ix' . phi' ix' -> phitop (ApplyIxMap ixT (supIxT ix'))
    supIx' idx' = supIxTop (supIx idx' :: phi (supIxT ix'))
    oprrule :: InternalPRRule phitop rtop t (PF phi' (SubVal supIxT r) ix)
    oprrule = runParse subrule outgram rd' supIx'
    nprrule :: InternalPRRule phitop rtop t (PF phi r (supIxT ix))
    nprrule = fmap (supPF idxb idx) . oprrule 
  in nprrule 

instance LoopProductionRule (PackratRule phitop rtop phi ixT r t) phi r where
  manyRef = manyInf . ref

-- | Parse a given string according to a given grammar, starting from a given start non-terminal,
-- with a backtracking Packrat parser algorithm (like backtracking recursive descent, but with 
-- linear performance in the length of the input).
parsePackrat :: forall phi r ix t. (Token t, MemoFam phi) =>
                ProcessingContextFreeGrammar phi t r ->
                phi ix -> [ConcreteToken t] -> Result phi r t (r ix)
parsePackrat usergram ruleId s = 
    grammar :: forall ix'. phi ix' -> Derivs phi r t -> Result phi r t (r ix')
    grammar = toInternalGrammar usergram
    result :: Result phi r t (PackratValue phi t r (PRBaseIx ix))
    result = unPRResult $ unDerivs (parsePackratAll grammar s) (PackratDomainBase ruleId) 
  in case result of
    Parsed (PRBaseValue v) d -> Parsed v d
    _ -> NoParse