module Generics.GPAH.Utils where import Generics.GPAH.Conf import System.FilePath import System.Directory import Data.List import Control.Monad (filterM, liftM) import Data.Char (isSpace) import Language.Haskell.Exts import Language.Haskell.Exts.Comments import Network.HTTP import Network.URI import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import System.IO import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B -- Cabal-related imports import Distribution.PackageDescription import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse (readPackageDescription) import Distribution.Verbosity (silent) import Distribution.Package import qualified Distribution.Compiler as Compiler (CompilerFlavor (GHC)) type ClassName = String type DataName = String type LineNumber = Int type ModuleFileName = String fromBool :: Bool -> Int fromBool True = 1 fromBool False = 0 toBool :: Int -> Bool toBool 1 = True toBool 0 = False -- returns the package directory relative to the hackage archive -- e.g. hackage/syb/0.3.6/ACTUAL_PKG_DIR pkgDir :: String -> String -> FilePath pkgDir pkg vsn = hackageDirOpt conf pkg vsn pkg ++ "-" ++ vsn pkgCabal :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath pkgCabal pkg vsn = pkgDir pkg vsn pkg ++ ".cabal" -- ignore package hsc3, because of error: -- gpanalysis.exe: In file hackage\hsc3\0.14\hsc3-0.14\Help\UGen\Panner\ at line 1: program line before comment line. -- getHackagePkgsNames :: IO [String] getHackagePkgsNames = liftM (delete "hsc3") $ getSubDirs (hackageDirOpt conf) getPkgVersion :: String -> IO String getPkgVersion pkgName = liftM head $ getSubDirs (hackageDirOpt conf pkgName) getSubDirs fp = do ls <- getDirectoryContents fp let clean_ls = ls \\ [".",".."] subdirs <- filterM (doesDirectoryExist . (fp )) clean_ls return subdirs getSrcDirs :: GenericPackageDescription -> [FilePath] getSrcDirs (GenericPackageDescription {condLibrary = l, condExecutables = es, condTestSuites = ts}) = let getSrcDirsLib = hsSourceDirs . libBuildInfo getSrcDirsExec = hsSourceDirs . buildInfo getSrcDirsTest = hsSourceDirs . testBuildInfo pkgSrcDirs = nub $ concat $ maybe [[]] ((: []) . getSrcDirsLib . condTreeData) l ++ map (getSrcDirsExec . condTreeData . snd) es ++ map (getSrcDirsTest . condTreeData . snd) ts in if null pkgSrcDirs then [""] -- the srcdir of the package is its home dir else pkgSrcDirs -- if using Data.Text, this function is provided -- and is more efficient strip :: String -> String strip = f . f where f = reverse . dropWhile isSpace ghcOpts :: GenericPackageDescription -> String ghcOpts (GenericPackageDescription {condLibrary = l, condExecutables = es, condTestSuites = ts}) = unwords [libGhcOptions, exesGhcOptions, testsGhcOptions] where libGhcOptions = maybe "" (ghcOptionsBI . libBuildInfo . condTreeData) l exesGhcOptions = unwords $ map (ghcOptionsBI . buildInfo . condTreeData . snd) es testsGhcOptions = unwords $ map (ghcOptionsBI . testBuildInfo . condTreeData . snd) ts ghcOptionsBI :: BuildInfo -> String ghcOptionsBI (BuildInfo {options = opts}) = maybe "" unwords $ lookup Compiler.GHC opts cppOpts :: GenericPackageDescription -> String cppOpts (GenericPackageDescription {condLibrary = l, condExecutables = es, condTestSuites = ts}) = (strip . unwords) [libCppOptions, exesCppOptions, testsCppOptions, libIncludeDirs, exesIncludeDirs, testsIncludeDirs] where libCppOptions = maybe "" (cppOptionsBI . libBuildInfo . condTreeData) l exesCppOptions = unwords $ map (cppOptionsBI . buildInfo . condTreeData . snd) es testsCppOptions = unwords $ map (cppOptionsBI . testBuildInfo . condTreeData . snd) ts cppOptionsBI :: BuildInfo -> String cppOptionsBI (BuildInfo {cppOptions = opts}) = unwords opts libIncludeDirs = maybe "" (includeDirsBI . libBuildInfo . condTreeData) l exesIncludeDirs = unwords $ map (includeDirsBI . buildInfo . condTreeData . snd) es testsIncludeDirs = unwords $ map (includeDirsBI . testBuildInfo . condTreeData . snd) ts includeDirsBI :: BuildInfo -> String includeDirsBI (BuildInfo {includeDirs = opts}) = unwords $ map ("-I" ++) opts parseCabalSrcDirs :: FilePath -> IO [String] parseCabalSrcDirs fp = do gpkgdesc <- readPackageDescription silent fp return (getSrcDirs gpkgdesc) getHaskellSrcs :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath] getHaskellSrcs fp = do existsDir <- doesDirectoryExist fp -- it's possible that the srcdir is not there if existsDir then do ls <- getDirectoryContents fp -- filter hs, lhs and not Setup.hs and Setup.lhs and no hidden let hs_lhs = filter (\ l -> (".hs" `isSuffixOf` l || ".lhs" `isSuffixOf` l) && not ("." `isPrefixOf` l) && (l /= "Setup.hs") && (l /= "Setup.lhs")) ls -- It prefers the ".hspp" version of the source file, over the ".hs" or ".lhs" version of it hs_lhs_hspp <- mapM (\ hsOrlhsFile -> do let hsppFile = addExtension (dropExtension hsOrlhsFile) ".hspp" p <- doesFileExist (fp hsppFile) return $ if p then hsppFile else hsOrlhsFile) hs_lhs subDirs <- getSubDirs fp if null subDirs then do return $ map (fp ) hs_lhs_hspp else do hs_lhs_hspp' <- mapM getHaskellSrcs (map (fp ) subDirs) return $ map (fp ) hs_lhs_hspp ++ (concat hs_lhs_hspp') else do return [] parseModuleFile :: FilePath -> IO (ParseResult (Module, [Comment])) parseModuleFile fp = do h <- openFile fp ReadMode te <- mkTextEncoding "UTF-8//IGNORE" hSetEncoding h te contents <- return . B.unpack =<< B.hGetContents h hClose h -- remove pragmas let clearedContents = removePragmas contents -- set parsing mode let parseMode = defaultParseMode { parseFilename = fp , extensions = knownExtensions -- support extensions , fixities = Nothing } -- no infix operators return $ parseFileContentsWithComments parseMode clearedContents removePragmas :: String -> String removePragmas s = unlines $ map removePragma (lines s) where removePragma ('#':xs) = "" removePragma xs = xs downloadURL :: String -> IO (Either String String) downloadURL url = do resp <- simpleHTTP request case resp of Left x -> return $ Left ("Error connecting: " ++ show x) Right r -> case rspCode r of (2,_,_) -> return $ Right (rspBody r) (3,_,_) -> -- A HTTP redirect case findHeader HdrLocation r of Nothing -> return $ Left (show r) Just url -> downloadURL url _ -> return $ Left (show r) where request = Request {rqURI = uri, rqMethod = GET, rqHeaders = [], rqBody = ""} uri = fromJust $ parseURI url -- Libraries under the "Generics" , "Generic" categories of HackageDB + "syb-with-class" + "derive" + "DrIFT-cabalized" libsGP = ["HsTools", "syb-extras", "algebraic-classes", "alloy", "alloy-proxy-fd", "Annotations", "compdata", "derive-IG", "emgm", "fixplate", "functorm", "gdiff-ig", "gdiff-th", "generic-binary", "generic-deepseq", "generic-deriving", "GenericPretty", "geniplate", "guarded-rewriting", "instant-generics", "instant-zipper", "ligd", "ListLike", "listlike-instances", "multifocal", "multiplate", "multiplate-simplified", "multirec", "multirec-alt-deriver", "multirec-binary", "one-liner", "pointless-haskell", "pointless-lenses", "pointless-rewrite", "putlenses", "regular", "regular-extras", "regular-web", "RepLib", "rewriting", "special-functors", "spine", "Strafunski-StrategyLib", "StrategyLib", "syb", "syz", "TYB", "unbound", "unfoldable", "uniplate", "xformat", "yoko", "zipper", "syb-with-class", "derive", "DrIFT-cabalized" ]