Module      : Game.GoreAndAsh.Core
Description : Engine Core that controls modules execution
Copyright   : (c) Anton Gushcha, 2015-2016
                  Oganyan Levon, 2016
License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : ncrashed@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX

The core of all engine. It contains generic arrow operations and helpers,
definition of core module system, game session declaration and utilities
to control main loop of application.
module Game.GoreAndAsh.Core(
  -- * Reexports of used time types
  , GameSession
  , NominalDiffTime
  -- * Game loop control
  , GameState
  , stepGame
  , newGameState
  , newGameStateM
  , cleanupGameState
  -- * Core module definition
  , GameMonadT
  , GameModule(..)
  , ModuleStack
  -- * Arrow combinators and helpers
  , GameWire
  -- ** Lifting monad to arrow
  , liftGameMonad
  , liftGameMonad1
  , liftGameMonad2
  , liftGameMonad3
  , liftGameMonad4
  , liftGameMonadOnce
  , liftGameMonad1Once
  , liftGameMonad2Once
  , liftGameMonad3Once
  , liftGameMonad4Once
  -- ** Event functions
  , once'
  , mapE
  , filterE
  , filterEG
  , filterEGM
  , filterJustE
  , filterJustLE
  , liftGameMonadEvent1
  , changes
  -- ** Helpers
  , stateWire
  , chainWires
  , dispense
  , dDispense
  -- ** Time utilities
  , deltaTime
  ) where

import Game.GoreAndAsh.Core.Arrow as X
import Game.GoreAndAsh.Core.Monad as X
import Game.GoreAndAsh.Core.Session as X
import Game.GoreAndAsh.Core.State as X