{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-duplicate-exports #-} -- | -- Module : Network.Google.Testing -- Copyright : (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Allows developers to run automated tests for their mobile applications -- on Google infrastructure. -- -- /See:/ module Network.Google.Testing ( -- * Service Configuration testingService -- * OAuth Scopes , cloudPlatformReadOnlyScope , cloudPlatformScope -- * API Declaration , TestingAPI -- * Resources -- ** testing.applicationDetailService.getApkDetails , module Network.Google.Resource.Testing.ApplicationDetailService.GetAPKDetails -- ** testing.projects.testMatrices.cancel , module Network.Google.Resource.Testing.Projects.TestMatrices.Cancel -- ** testing.projects.testMatrices.create , module Network.Google.Resource.Testing.Projects.TestMatrices.Create -- ** testing.projects.testMatrices.get , module Network.Google.Resource.Testing.Projects.TestMatrices.Get -- ** testing.testEnvironmentCatalog.get , module Network.Google.Resource.Testing.TestEnvironmentCatalog.Get -- * Types -- ** TestDetails , TestDetails , testDetails , tdProgressMessages , tdErrorMessage -- ** IntentFilter , IntentFilter , intentFilter , ifActionNames , ifMimeType , ifCategoryNames -- ** IosTestSetup , IosTestSetup , iosTestSetup , itsNetworkProFile -- ** TestExecution , TestExecution , testExecution , teTestDetails , teState , teEnvironment , teTestSpecification , teMatrixId , teId , teProjectId , teToolResultsStep , teTimestamp -- ** IosVersion , IosVersion , iosVersion , ivMinorVersion , ivMajorVersion , ivSupportedXcodeVersionIds , ivId , ivTags -- ** IosDeviceList , IosDeviceList , iosDeviceList , idlIosDevices -- ** RoboDirective , RoboDirective , roboDirective , rdResourceName , rdInputText , rdActionType -- ** AndroidRuntimeConfiguration , AndroidRuntimeConfiguration , androidRuntimeConfiguration , arcOrientations , arcLocales -- ** XcodeVersion , XcodeVersion , xcodeVersion , xvVersion , xvTags -- ** Distribution , Distribution , distribution , dMeasurementTime , dMarketShare -- ** TestMatrixState , TestMatrixState (..) -- ** IosModel , IosModel , iosModel , imFormFactor , imName , imSupportedVersionIds , imId , imDeviceCapabilities , imTags -- ** APK , APK , aPK , aPackageName , aLocation -- ** NetworkConfigurationCatalog , NetworkConfigurationCatalog , networkConfigurationCatalog , nccConfigurations -- ** TestMatrixInvalidMatrixDetails , TestMatrixInvalidMatrixDetails (..) -- ** IosDevice , IosDevice , iosDevice , idLocale , idIosModelId , idIosVersionId , idOrientation -- ** GetAPKDetailsResponse , GetAPKDetailsResponse , getAPKDetailsResponse , gapkdrAPKDetail -- ** AndroidRoboTest , AndroidRoboTest , androidRoboTest , artRoboDirectives , artRoboScript , artStartingIntents , artAppInitialActivity , artMaxSteps , artAppPackageId , artAppBundle , artAppAPK , artMaxDepth -- ** FileReference , FileReference , fileReference , frGcsPath -- ** Environment , Environment , environment , eIosDevice , eAndroidDevice -- ** ToolResultsHistory , ToolResultsHistory , toolResultsHistory , trhHistoryId , trhProjectId -- ** TestEnvironmentCatalog , TestEnvironmentCatalog , testEnvironmentCatalog , tecSoftwareCatalog , tecNetworkConfigurationCatalog , tecAndroidDeviceCatalog , tecIosDeviceCatalog -- ** Locale , Locale , locale , lName , lId , lRegion , lTags -- ** AndroidDeviceCatalog , AndroidDeviceCatalog , androidDeviceCatalog , adcVersions , adcModels , adcRuntimeConfiguration -- ** AndroidInstrumentationTestOrchestratorOption , AndroidInstrumentationTestOrchestratorOption (..) -- ** TestExecutionState , TestExecutionState (..) -- ** TestSpecification , TestSpecification , testSpecification , tsIosTestSetup , tsTestTimeout , tsAndroidRoboTest , tsAutoGoogleLogin , tsDisableVideoRecording , tsAndroidInstrumentationTest , tsIosXcTest , tsDisablePerformanceMetrics , tsTestSetup , tsAndroidTestLoop -- ** ProvidedSoftwareCatalog , ProvidedSoftwareCatalog , providedSoftwareCatalog , pscOrchestratorVersion -- ** TrafficRule , TrafficRule , trafficRule , trPacketLossRatio , trPacketDuplicationRatio , trBandwidth , trBurst , trDelay -- ** IosDeviceCatalog , IosDeviceCatalog , iosDeviceCatalog , idcXcodeVersions , idcVersions , idcModels , idcRuntimeConfiguration -- ** GoogleAuto , GoogleAuto , googleAuto -- ** CancelTestMatrixResponseTestState , CancelTestMatrixResponseTestState (..) -- ** Account , Account , account , aGoogleAuto -- ** RoboDirectiveActionType , RoboDirectiveActionType (..) -- ** StartActivityIntent , StartActivityIntent , startActivityIntent , saiURI , saiCategories , saiAction -- ** IosModelFormFactor , IosModelFormFactor (..) -- ** RoboStartingIntent , RoboStartingIntent , roboStartingIntent , rsiLauncherActivity , rsiStartActivity -- ** Date , Date , date , dDay , dYear , dMonth -- ** RegularFile , RegularFile , regularFile , rfDevicePath , rfContent -- ** AndroidModel , AndroidModel , androidModel , amSupportedAbis , amManufacturer , amCodename , amLowFpsVideoRecording , amFormFactor , amBrand , amScreenX , amScreenDensity , amName , amSupportedVersionIds , amScreenY , amId , amForm , amTags -- ** ClientInfo , ClientInfo , clientInfo , ciName , ciClientInfoDetails -- ** AndroidModelFormFactor , AndroidModelFormFactor (..) -- ** AndroidModelForm , AndroidModelForm (..) -- ** Xgafv , Xgafv (..) -- ** APKManifest , APKManifest , aPKManifest , apkmApplicationLabel , apkmMinSdkVersion , apkmPackageName , apkmIntentFilters , apkmMaxSdkVersion -- ** AppBundle , AppBundle , appBundle , abBundleLocation -- ** AndroidInstrumentationTest , AndroidInstrumentationTest , androidInstrumentationTest , aitTestTargets , aitTestRunnerClass , aitAppPackageId , aitTestAPK , aitOrchestratorOption , aitAppBundle , aitAppAPK , aitTestPackageId -- ** TestMatrix , TestMatrix , testMatrix , tmState , tmTestMatrixId , tmTestSpecification , tmFlakyTestAttempts , tmClientInfo , tmTestExecutions , tmResultStorage , tmInvalidMatrixDetails , tmProjectId , tmEnvironmentMatrix , tmTimestamp -- ** CancelTestMatrixResponse , CancelTestMatrixResponse , cancelTestMatrixResponse , ctmrTestState -- ** ToolResultsExecution , ToolResultsExecution , toolResultsExecution , treExecutionId , treHistoryId , treProjectId -- ** IosXcTest , IosXcTest , iosXcTest , ixtXctestrun , ixtXcodeVersion , ixtAppBundleId , ixtTestsZip -- ** ResultStorage , ResultStorage , resultStorage , rsToolResultsHistory , rsToolResultsExecution , rsGoogleCloudStorage -- ** AndroidMatrix , AndroidMatrix , androidMatrix , amAndroidModelIds , amAndroidVersionIds , amOrientations , amLocales -- ** ToolResultsStep , ToolResultsStep , toolResultsStep , trsExecutionId , trsStepId , trsHistoryId , trsProjectId -- ** LauncherActivityIntent , LauncherActivityIntent , launcherActivityIntent -- ** APKDetail , APKDetail , aPKDetail , apkdAPKManifest -- ** AndroidDevice , AndroidDevice , androidDevice , adAndroidVersionId , adLocale , adAndroidModelId , adOrientation -- ** EnvironmentVariable , EnvironmentVariable , environmentVariable , evValue , evKey -- ** Orientation , Orientation , orientation , oName , oId , oTags -- ** EnvironmentMatrix , EnvironmentMatrix , environmentMatrix , emIosDeviceList , emAndroidMatrix , emAndroidDeviceList -- ** DeviceFile , DeviceFile , deviceFile , dfRegularFile , dfObbFile -- ** ClientInfoDetail , ClientInfoDetail , clientInfoDetail , cidValue , cidKey -- ** NetworkConfiguration , NetworkConfiguration , networkConfiguration , ncDownRule , ncId , ncUpRule -- ** IosRuntimeConfiguration , IosRuntimeConfiguration , iosRuntimeConfiguration , ircOrientations , ircLocales -- ** GoogleCloudStorage , GoogleCloudStorage , googleCloudStorage , gcsGcsPath -- ** AndroidVersion , AndroidVersion , androidVersion , avCodeName , avDistribution , avAPILevel , avVersionString , avId , avReleaseDate , avTags -- ** ObbFile , ObbFile , obbFile , ofObb , ofObbFileName -- ** AndroidTestLoop , AndroidTestLoop , androidTestLoop , atlScenarios , atlScenarioLabels , atlAppPackageId , atlAppBundle , atlAppAPK -- ** AndroidDeviceList , AndroidDeviceList , androidDeviceList , adlAndroidDevices -- ** TestSetup , TestSetup , testSetup , tsAccount , tsNetworkProFile , tsEnvironmentVariables , tsAdditionalAPKs , tsFilesToPush , tsDirectoriesToPull ) where import Network.Google.Prelude import Network.Google.Resource.Testing.ApplicationDetailService.GetAPKDetails import Network.Google.Resource.Testing.Projects.TestMatrices.Cancel import Network.Google.Resource.Testing.Projects.TestMatrices.Create import Network.Google.Resource.Testing.Projects.TestMatrices.Get import Network.Google.Resource.Testing.TestEnvironmentCatalog.Get import Network.Google.Testing.Types {- $resources TODO -} -- | Represents the entirety of the methods and resources available for the Cloud Testing API service. type TestingAPI = TestEnvironmentCatalogGetResource :<|> ApplicationDetailServiceGetAPKDetailsResource :<|> ProjectsTestMatricesGetResource :<|> ProjectsTestMatricesCreateResource :<|> ProjectsTestMatricesCancelResource