-- This file is part of Goatee.
-- Copyright 2014 Bryan Gardiner
-- Goatee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- Goatee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-- along with Goatee.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


-- | SGF data structures modelling the hierarchical game tree.
module Game.Goatee.Lib.Tree (
  Collection(..), CollectionWithDeepEquality(..),
  Node(..), NodeWithDeepEquality(..),
  emptyNode, rootNode,
  findProperty, findProperty', findPropertyValue, findPropertyValue',
  addProperty, addChild, addChildAt, deleteChildAt,
  ) where

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (forM_, unless, when)
import Control.Monad.Writer (Writer, execWriter, tell)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (find, groupBy, intercalate, nub, sortBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Game.Goatee.App (applicationName)
import Game.Goatee.Common
import Game.Goatee.Lib.Property
import Game.Goatee.Lib.Types
import Paths_goatee (version)

-- | An SGF collection of game trees.
data Collection = Collection
  { collectionTrees :: [Node]
  } deriving (Show)

-- | See 'NodeWithDeepEquality'.
newtype CollectionWithDeepEquality = CollectionWithDeepEquality
  { collectionWithDeepEquality :: Collection
  } deriving (Show)

instance Eq CollectionWithDeepEquality where
  (==) = (==) `on` map NodeWithDeepEquality . collectionTrees . collectionWithDeepEquality

-- | An SGF game tree node.  Unlike in the SGF spec, we represent a game tree
-- with nodes uniformly, rather than having the separation between sequences and
-- nodes.
data Node = Node
  { nodeProperties :: [Property]
  , nodeChildren :: [Node]
  } deriving (Show)

-- | A wrapper around 'Node' with an 'Eq' instance that considers two nodes
-- equal iff they contain the same properties (not necessarily in the same
-- order), and if they contain children (in the same order) whose nodes are
-- recursively equal.
-- This instance is not on 'Node' directly because it is not the only obvious
-- sense of equality (only comparing properties would be another one), and it's
-- also potentially expensive.
newtype NodeWithDeepEquality = NodeWithDeepEquality { nodeWithDeepEquality :: Node }

instance Eq NodeWithDeepEquality where
  node1 == node2 =
    let n1 = nodeWithDeepEquality node1
        n2 = nodeWithDeepEquality node2
    in propertiesSorted n1 == propertiesSorted n2 &&
       deepChildren n1 == deepChildren n2
    where propertiesSorted = sortBy (comparing show) . nodeProperties
          deepChildren = map NodeWithDeepEquality . nodeChildren

-- | A node with no properties and no children.
emptyNode :: Node
emptyNode = Node { nodeProperties = [], nodeChildren = [] }

-- | Returns a fresh root 'Node' with 'AP' set to Goatee and optionally with a
-- board size set via 'SZ'.
rootNode :: Maybe (Int, Int) -> Node
rootNode maybeSize =
  let props = FF 4 :
              GM 1 :
              AP (toSimpleText applicationName)
                 (toSimpleText $ showVersion version) :
              maybe [] ((:[]) . uncurry SZ) maybeSize
  in Node { nodeProperties = props
          , nodeChildren = []

-- | Searches for a matching property in a node's property list.
findProperty :: Descriptor a => a -> Node -> Maybe Property
findProperty descriptor node = findProperty' descriptor $ nodeProperties node

-- | Searches for a matching property in a property list.
findProperty' :: Descriptor a => a -> [Property] -> Maybe Property
findProperty' = find . propertyPredicate

-- | Retrieves the value of a property in a node's property list.
findPropertyValue :: ValuedDescriptor v a => a -> Node -> Maybe v
findPropertyValue descriptor node = propertyValue descriptor <$> findProperty descriptor node

-- | Retrieves the value of a property in a property list.
findPropertyValue' :: ValuedDescriptor v a => a -> [Property] -> Maybe v
findPropertyValue' descriptor properties =
  propertyValue descriptor <$> findProperty' descriptor properties

-- | Appends a property to a node's property list.
addProperty :: Property -> Node -> Node
addProperty prop node = node { nodeProperties = nodeProperties node ++ [prop] }

-- | @addChild child parent@ appends a child node to a node's child list.
addChild :: Node -> Node -> Node
addChild child node = node { nodeChildren = nodeChildren node ++ [child] }

-- | @addChildAt index child parent@ inserts a child node into a node's child
-- list at the given index, shifting all nodes at or after the given index to
-- the right.  If the position is less than 0 or greater than the length of the
-- list, then the index is clamped to this range.
addChildAt :: Int -> Node -> Node -> Node
addChildAt index child node =
  let (before, after) = splitAt index $ nodeChildren node
  in node { nodeChildren = before ++ child:after }

-- | @deleteChildAt index node@ deletes the child at the given index from the
-- node.  If the index is invalid, @node@ is returned.
deleteChildAt :: Int -> Node -> Node
deleteChildAt index node =
  let children = nodeChildren node
  in if index < 0 || index > length children
     then node
     else node { nodeChildren = listDeleteAt index children }

-- | Returns a list of validation errors for the current node, an
-- empty list if no errors are detected.
validateNode :: Bool -> Bool -> Node -> [String]
validateNode isRoot _{-seenGameNode-} node = execWriter $ do
  let props = nodeProperties node
  let propTypes = nub $ map propertyType $ nodeProperties node

  -- Check for move and setup properties in a single node.
  when (MoveProperty `elem` propTypes && SetupProperty `elem` propTypes) $
    tell ["Node contains move and setup properties."]

  -- Check for root properties in non-root nodes.
  let rootProps = filter ((RootProperty ==) . propertyType) props
  when (not isRoot && not (null rootProps)) $
    tell $ map (\p -> "Root property found on non-root node: " ++
                      show p ++ ".")

  -- TODO Check for game-info properties.

  -- Check for coordinates marked multiple times.
  validateNodeDuplicates props getMarkedCoords $ \group ->
    tell ["Coordinate " ++ show (fst $ head group) ++
          " is specified multiple times in properties " ++
          intercalate ", " (map snd group) ++ "."]

  -- TODO Validate recursively.

  where getMarkedCoords (CR cs) = tagMarkedCoords cs "CR"
        getMarkedCoords (MA cs) = tagMarkedCoords cs "MA"
        getMarkedCoords (SL cs) = tagMarkedCoords cs "SL"
        getMarkedCoords (SQ cs) = tagMarkedCoords cs "SQ"
        getMarkedCoords (TR cs) = tagMarkedCoords cs "TR"
        getMarkedCoords _ = []

        tagMarkedCoords cs tag = map (\x -> (x, tag)) $ expandCoordList cs

validateNodeDuplicates :: (Eq v, Ord v)
                          => [Property]
                          -> (Property -> [(v, t)])
                          -> ([(v, t)] -> Writer [String] ())
                          -> Writer [String] ()
validateNodeDuplicates props getTaggedElts errAction =
  let groups = groupBy ((==) `on` fst) $
               sortBy (comparing fst) $
               concatMap getTaggedElts props
  in forM_ groups $ \group ->
       unless (null $ tail group) $
         errAction group