import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS8 import GLua.Position (LineColPos (..), Region (..)) import qualified GLuaFixer.Interface as GLua import GLuaFixer.LintMessage ( Issue (..), LintMessage (..), Severity (..), ) import GLuaFixer.LintSettings (LintSettings, defaultLintSettings) import Test.Tasty (TestTree, defaultMain, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.HUnit (testCase, (@=?)) main :: IO () main = defaultMain tests tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Unit tests" [ testQuotedStringWarningPosition , testEmptyIfWarningPosition ] -- | Regression test for testQuotedStringWarningPosition :: TestTree testQuotedStringWarningPosition = testCase "The syntax inconsistency warning is thrown and in the right region" $ let input = "bar = a or b\nfoo = \"\" and \"\" and \"dddd\" || \"[]\"" expectedRegion1 = Region (LineColPos 0 8 8) (LineColPos 0 10 10) warning1 = SyntaxInconsistency "||" "or" msg1 = LintMessage LintWarning expectedRegion1 warning1 testFilePath expectedRegion2 = Region (LineColPos 1 27 40) (LineColPos 1 29 42) warning2 = SyntaxInconsistency "||" "or" msg2 = LintMessage LintWarning expectedRegion2 warning2 testFilePath in [msg1, msg2] @=? lintString input -- | Regression test for testEmptyIfWarningPosition :: TestTree testEmptyIfWarningPosition = do testCase "The empty-if-statement is thrown and in the right region for if-statements" $ let inputEmptyIf = "if true then end" inputWithElse = "if true then\nelse print(1) end" expectedRegionEmptyIf = Region (LineColPos 0 0 0) (LineColPos 0 16 16) expectedRegionWithElse = Region (LineColPos 0 0 0) (LineColPos 1 0 13) warning = EmptyIf msgEmptyIf = LintMessage LintWarning expectedRegionEmptyIf warning testFilePath msgWithElse = LintMessage LintWarning expectedRegionWithElse warning testFilePath in do lintString inputEmptyIf @=? [msgEmptyIf] lintString inputWithElse @=? [msgWithElse] -- | Helper to lint a string lintString :: String -> [LintMessage] lintString input = let settings = defaultLintSettings in case GLua.lex settings testFilePath input of Left errs -> errs Right mTokens -> case GLua.parse settings testFilePath mTokens of Left errs -> errs Right ast -> GLua.lexiconLint testFilePath settings mTokens <> GLua.astLint testFilePath settings ast testFilePath :: String testFilePath = "test input"