module Data.LinearProgram.Spec (Constraint(..), VarTypes, ObjectiveFunc, VarBounds, LP(..),
mapVars, mapVals, allVars) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Functor
import Data.Map hiding (map, foldl)
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
import Data.Algebra
import Data.LinearProgram.Types
data Constraint v c = Constr (Maybe String)
(LinFunc v c)
(Bounds c) deriving (Functor)
type VarTypes v = Map v VarKind
type ObjectiveFunc = LinFunc
type VarBounds v c = Map v (Bounds c)
data LP v c = LP {direction :: Direction, objective :: ObjectiveFunc v c, constraints :: [Constraint v c],
varBounds :: VarBounds v c, varTypes :: VarTypes v} deriving (Read, Show, Functor)
allVars :: Ord v => LP v c -> Map v ()
allVars LP{..} = foldl union ((() <$ objective) `union` (() <$ varBounds) `union` (() <$ varTypes))
[() <$ f | Constr _ f _ <- constraints]
showBds :: Show c => String -> Bounds c -> String
showBds expr bds = case bds of
Free -> expr ++ " free"
Equ x -> expr ++ " = " ++ show x
LBound x -> expr ++ " >= " ++ show x
UBound x -> expr ++ " <= " ++ show x
Bound l u -> show l ++ " <= " ++ expr ++ " <= " ++ show u
showFunc :: (Show v, Num c, Ord c, Show c) => LinFunc v c -> String
showFunc func = case assocs func of
[] -> "0"
((v,c):vcs) ->
show c ++ " " ++ map replaceSpace (show v) ++
concatMap showTerm vcs
where showTerm (v, c) = case compare c 0 of
EQ -> ""
GT -> " + " ++ show c ++ " " ++ show v
LT -> " - " ++ show (negate c) ++ " " ++ show v
replaceSpace :: Char -> Char
replaceSpace c
| isSpace c = '_'
| otherwise = c
instance (Show v, Num c, Ord c, Show c) => Show (Constraint v c) where
show (Constr lab func bds) = maybe "" (++ ": ") lab ++
showBds (showFunc func) bds
instance (Read v, Ord v, Read c, Ord c, Num c) => Read (Constraint v c) where
readsPrec _= readP_to_S $ liftM toConstr (lab <++ nolab) where
toConstr (l, f, bds) = Constr l (fromList f) bds
lab = do skipSpaces
label <- manyTill get (skipSpaces >> char ':')
(_, f, bds) <- nolab
return (Just label, f, bds)
nolab = liftM (\ (f, bds) -> (Nothing, f, bds)) $ readBds readConst readFunc
readFunc = (do c <- readCoef readConst
v <- readVar
liftM ((v, c):) readFunc) <++ return []
readConst = readS_to_P reads
readVar = readS_to_P reads
readCoef :: Num c => ReadP c -> ReadP c
readCoef readC = between skipSpaces skipSpaces $
(do char '+'
readC') <++
(do char '-'
negate <$> readC') <++ readC'
where readC' = readC <++ return 1
optMaybe :: ReadP a -> ReadP (Maybe a)
optMaybe p = fmap Just p <++ return Nothing
readBds :: Ord c => ReadP c -> ReadP a -> ReadP (a, Bounds c)
readBds cst expr = do
left <- optMaybe (do lb <- cst
rel <- readRelation
return (lb, rel))
f <- expr
right <- optMaybe (do rel <- readRelation
ub <- cst
return (ub, revOrd rel))
return (f, getBd left `mappend` getBd right)
where revOrd :: Ordering -> Ordering
revOrd GT = LT
revOrd LT = GT
revOrd EQ = EQ
getBd :: Maybe (c, Ordering) -> Bounds c
getBd Nothing = Free
getBd (Just (x, cmp)) = case cmp of
EQ -> Equ x
GT -> LBound x
LT -> UBound x
readRelation = choice [char '<' >> optional (char '=') >> return LT,
char '=' >> return EQ,
char '>' >> optional (char '=') >> return GT]
mapVars :: (Ord v', Ord c, Group c) => (v -> v') -> LP v c -> LP v' c
mapVars f LP{..} =
LP{objective = mapKeysWith (^+^) f objective,
constraints = [Constr lab (mapKeysWith (^+^) f func) bd | Constr lab func bd <- constraints],
varBounds = mapKeysWith mappend f varBounds,
varTypes = mapKeysWith mappend f varTypes, ..}
mapVals :: (c -> c') -> LP v c -> LP v c'
mapVals = fmap
instance (NFData v, NFData c) => NFData (Constraint v c) where
rnf (Constr lab f b) = lab `deepseq` f `deepseq` rnf b
instance (NFData v, NFData c) => NFData (LP v c) where
rnf LP{..} = direction `deepseq` objective `deepseq` constraints `deepseq`
varBounds `deepseq` rnf varTypes
instance NFData VarKind
instance NFData Direction
instance NFData c => NFData (Bounds c) where
rnf Free = ()
rnf (Equ c) = rnf c
rnf (LBound c) = rnf c
rnf (UBound c) = rnf c
rnf (Bound l u) = l `deepseq` rnf u