gloss-algorithms- Data structures and algorithms for working with 2D graphics.

Safe HaskellNone



Various ray casting algorithms.



castSegIntoCellularQuadTree Source #


:: Point

(P1) Starting point of seg.

-> Point

(P2) Final point of seg.

-> Extent

Extent convering the whole tree.

-> QuadTree a

The tree.

-> Maybe (Point, Extent, a)

Intersection point, extent of cell, value of cell (if any).

The quadtree contains cells of unit extent (NetHack style). Given a line segement (P1-P2) through the tree, get the cell closest to P1 that intersects the segment, if any.

traceSegIntoCellularQuadTree Source #


:: Point

(P1) Starting point of seg.

-> Point

(P2) Final point of seg.

-> Extent

Extent covering the whole tree.

-> QuadTree a

The tree.

-> [(Point, Extent, a)]

Intersection point, extent of cell, value of cell.

The quadtree contains cells of unit extent (NetHack style). Given a line segment (P1-P2) through the tree, return the list of cells that intersect the segment.