# Revision history for glirc2 ## 2.9 * Dynamically loadable extensions * Implement Lua scripting extension * Enable support for batch messages * Grow metadata lines to the right ## 2.8 * Support `vty-5.8` * Implement inital support for macros * Support `znc.in/self-message` ## 2.7 * Switch to regex-tdfa (easier to install on macOS than text-icu) * Tab-complete starts with most recent nick * Add `/reload` * Add custom palette entry for self highlights * Add ability to set background colors and styles in palette ## 2.6 * connect-cmds now use actual client commands instead of raw IRC messages. For example `msg user my message` or `join #mychannel` * Multiple lines can be held in the textbox at once. Pasting mutiple lines insert those lines into the textbox rather than sending them immediately. * Added `M-d` and `M-Enter` key bindings * Added `name` field to server configuration * Extract irc-core library again * Configurable self color ## 2.5 * Add facilities for hooks that can alter the irc message stream. * Implement a hook that handles the znc buffextras plugin. * Implement configurable nick color highlight palette. * Resolve relative paths starting at the home directory. * Significantly configurable UI colors ## 2.4 * Support XDG configuration directory, e.g. `~/.config/glirc/config` * Add more window names. Shift selects second set of names. * Add `/channel` and `/say` * Improve `/focus` tab completion ## 2.3 * Add commands `/znc` * Add initial support for ZNC's playback module and `/znc-playback` command * Don't consider message seen when in masklist, userlist, or channelinfo windows * Add terminal bell on command error ## 2.2 * Add commands `/ison`, `/userhost`, `/away`, `/notice`, `/ctcp`, `/links`, `/time`, `/stats` * Added context-sensitive completion to `/mode` * Render CTCP messages * Memory performance improvements * Improved logic on nick changes * Support for fractional flood settings * Fixed VTY formatting bug * Add counts to the mask and user lists ## 2.1 * Add red highlighting for own nick * Synchronize reply codes with Freenode * Add textual interpretation of reply codes * Add SASL support * Add `/channelinfo` command ## 2.0 * First version of glirc rewrite