module System.Glib.GDateTime (
) where
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import System.Glib.FFI
import System.Glib.UTFString
type GTimeValPart = (CLong)
data GTimeVal = GTimeVal { gTimeValSec :: GTimeValPart
, gTimeValUSec :: GTimeValPart }
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Storable GTimeVal where
sizeOf _ = 8
alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CString)
peek ptr =
do sec <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 0 ::IO CLong}) ptr
uSec <- (\ptr -> do {peekByteOff ptr 4 ::IO CLong}) ptr
return $ GTimeVal sec uSec
poke ptr (GTimeVal sec uSec) =
do (\ptr val -> do {pokeByteOff ptr 0 (val::CLong)}) ptr sec
(\ptr val -> do {pokeByteOff ptr 4 (val::CLong)}) ptr uSec
gGetCurrentTime :: IO GTimeVal
gGetCurrentTime =
alloca $ \ptr ->
do g_get_current_time $ castPtr ptr
peek ptr
gUSleep :: GTimeValPart
-> IO ()
gUSleep microseconds =
g_usleep $ fromIntegral microseconds
gTimeValAdd :: GTimeVal
-> GTimeValPart
-> GTimeVal
gTimeValAdd time microseconds =
unsafePerformIO $ with time $ \ptr ->
do g_time_val_add (castPtr ptr) microseconds
peek ptr
gTimeValFromISO8601 :: String
-> Maybe GTimeVal
gTimeValFromISO8601 isoDate =
unsafePerformIO $ withUTFString isoDate $ \cISODate ->
alloca $ \ptr ->
do success <- liftM toBool $ g_time_val_from_iso8601 cISODate $ castPtr ptr
if success
then liftM Just $ peek ptr
else return Nothing
gTimeValToISO8601 :: GTimeVal
-> String
gTimeValToISO8601 time =
unsafePerformIO $ with time $ \ptr ->
g_time_val_to_iso8601 (castPtr ptr) >>= readUTFString
newtype GDateDay = GDateDay (CUChar)
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Bounded GDateDay where
minBound = GDateDay 1
maxBound = GDateDay 31
data GDateMonth = GDateBadMonth
| GDateJanuary
| GDateFebruary
| GDateMarch
| GDateApril
| GDateMay
| GDateJune
| GDateJuly
| GDateAugust
| GDateSeptember
| GDateOctober
| GDateNovember
| GDateDecember
deriving (Eq,Ord)
instance Enum GDateMonth where
fromEnum GDateBadMonth = 0
fromEnum GDateJanuary = 1
fromEnum GDateFebruary = 2
fromEnum GDateMarch = 3
fromEnum GDateApril = 4
fromEnum GDateMay = 5
fromEnum GDateJune = 6
fromEnum GDateJuly = 7
fromEnum GDateAugust = 8
fromEnum GDateSeptember = 9
fromEnum GDateOctober = 10
fromEnum GDateNovember = 11
fromEnum GDateDecember = 12
toEnum 0 = GDateBadMonth
toEnum 1 = GDateJanuary
toEnum 2 = GDateFebruary
toEnum 3 = GDateMarch
toEnum 4 = GDateApril
toEnum 5 = GDateMay
toEnum 6 = GDateJune
toEnum 7 = GDateJuly
toEnum 8 = GDateAugust
toEnum 9 = GDateSeptember
toEnum 10 = GDateOctober
toEnum 11 = GDateNovember
toEnum 12 = GDateDecember
toEnum unmatched = error ("GDateMonth.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)
succ GDateBadMonth = GDateJanuary
succ GDateJanuary = GDateFebruary
succ GDateFebruary = GDateMarch
succ GDateMarch = GDateApril
succ GDateApril = GDateMay
succ GDateMay = GDateJune
succ GDateJune = GDateJuly
succ GDateJuly = GDateAugust
succ GDateAugust = GDateSeptember
succ GDateSeptember = GDateOctober
succ GDateOctober = GDateNovember
succ GDateNovember = GDateDecember
succ _ = undefined
pred GDateJanuary = GDateBadMonth
pred GDateFebruary = GDateJanuary
pred GDateMarch = GDateFebruary
pred GDateApril = GDateMarch
pred GDateMay = GDateApril
pred GDateJune = GDateMay
pred GDateJuly = GDateJune
pred GDateAugust = GDateJuly
pred GDateSeptember = GDateAugust
pred GDateOctober = GDateSeptember
pred GDateNovember = GDateOctober
pred GDateDecember = GDateNovember
pred _ = undefined
enumFromTo x y | fromEnum x == fromEnum y = [ y ]
| otherwise = x : enumFromTo (succ x) y
enumFrom x = enumFromTo x GDateDecember
enumFromThen _ _ = error "Enum GDateMonth: enumFromThen not implemented"
enumFromThenTo _ _ _ = error "Enum GDateMonth: enumFromThenTo not implemented"
instance Bounded GDateMonth where
minBound = GDateJanuary
maxBound = GDateDecember
newtype GDateYear = GDateYear (CUShort)
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Bounded GDateYear where
minBound = GDateYear 1
maxBound = GDateYear (maxBound :: (CUShort))
type GDateJulianDay = (CUInt)
newtype GDate = GDate { gDateJulianDay :: GDateJulianDay }
deriving (Eq)
instance Storable GDate where
sizeOf _ = 5
alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CString)
peek =
(liftM (GDate . fromIntegral)) . g_date_get_julian . castPtr
poke ptr val =
g_date_set_julian (castPtr ptr) $ gDateJulianDay val
data GDateWeekday = GDateBadWeekday
| GDateMonday
| GDateTuesday
| GDateWednesday
| GDateThursday
| GDateFriday
| GDateSaturday
| GDateSunday
deriving (Eq,Ord)
instance Enum GDateWeekday where
fromEnum GDateBadWeekday = 0
fromEnum GDateMonday = 1
fromEnum GDateTuesday = 2
fromEnum GDateWednesday = 3
fromEnum GDateThursday = 4
fromEnum GDateFriday = 5
fromEnum GDateSaturday = 6
fromEnum GDateSunday = 7
toEnum 0 = GDateBadWeekday
toEnum 1 = GDateMonday
toEnum 2 = GDateTuesday
toEnum 3 = GDateWednesday
toEnum 4 = GDateThursday
toEnum 5 = GDateFriday
toEnum 6 = GDateSaturday
toEnum 7 = GDateSunday
toEnum unmatched = error ("GDateWeekday.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)
succ GDateBadWeekday = GDateMonday
succ GDateMonday = GDateTuesday
succ GDateTuesday = GDateWednesday
succ GDateWednesday = GDateThursday
succ GDateThursday = GDateFriday
succ GDateFriday = GDateSaturday
succ GDateSaturday = GDateSunday
succ _ = undefined
pred GDateMonday = GDateBadWeekday
pred GDateTuesday = GDateMonday
pred GDateWednesday = GDateTuesday
pred GDateThursday = GDateWednesday
pred GDateFriday = GDateThursday
pred GDateSaturday = GDateFriday
pred GDateSunday = GDateSaturday
pred _ = undefined
enumFromTo x y | fromEnum x == fromEnum y = [ y ]
| otherwise = x : enumFromTo (succ x) y
enumFrom x = enumFromTo x GDateSunday
enumFromThen _ _ = error "Enum GDateWeekday: enumFromThen not implemented"
enumFromThenTo _ _ _ = error "Enum GDateWeekday: enumFromThenTo not implemented"
instance Bounded GDateWeekday where
minBound = GDateMonday
maxBound = GDateSunday
gDateValidJulian :: GDateJulianDay
-> Bool
gDateValidJulian =
toBool . g_date_valid_julian
gDateValidDMY :: GDateDay
-> GDateMonth
-> GDateYear
-> Bool
gDateValidDMY (GDateDay day) month (GDateYear year) =
toBool $ g_date_valid_dmy day
(fromIntegral $ fromEnum month)
gDateNewJulian :: GDateJulianDay
-> Maybe GDate
gDateNewJulian julian =
if gDateValidJulian julian
then Just $ GDate julian
else Nothing
gDateNewDMY :: GDateDay
-> GDateMonth
-> GDateYear
-> Maybe GDate
gDateNewDMY day month year =
if gDateValidDMY day month year
then Just $ unsafePerformIO $ alloca $ \ptr ->
do let GDateDay day' = day
GDateYear year' = year
g_date_set_dmy (castPtr ptr)
(fromIntegral $ fromEnum month)
peek ptr
else Nothing
gDateSetDay :: GDate
-> GDateDay
-> Maybe GDate
gDateSetDay date (GDateDay day) =
unsafePerformIO $ with date $ \ptr ->
do g_date_set_day (castPtr ptr) day
valid <- liftM toBool $ g_date_valid $ castPtr ptr
if valid
then liftM Just $ peek ptr
else return Nothing
gDateSetMonth :: GDate
-> GDateMonth
-> Maybe GDate
gDateSetMonth date month =
unsafePerformIO $ with date $ \ptr ->
do g_date_set_month (castPtr ptr) $ fromIntegral $ fromEnum month
valid <- liftM toBool $ g_date_valid $ castPtr ptr
if valid
then liftM Just $ peek ptr
else return Nothing
gDateSetYear :: GDate
-> GDateYear
-> Maybe GDate
gDateSetYear date (GDateYear year) =
unsafePerformIO $ with date $ \ptr ->
do g_date_set_year (castPtr ptr) year
valid <- liftM toBool $ g_date_valid $ castPtr ptr
if valid
then liftM Just $ peek ptr
else return Nothing
gDateNewTimeVal :: GTimeVal
-> GDate
gDateNewTimeVal timeVal =
unsafePerformIO $ alloca $ \ptr ->
with timeVal $ \timeValPtr ->
do g_date_set_time_val (castPtr ptr) $ castPtr timeValPtr
peek ptr
gDateParse :: String
-> IO (Maybe GDate)
gDateParse str =
alloca $ \ptr ->
do withUTFString str $ g_date_set_parse $ castPtr ptr
valid <- liftM toBool $ g_date_valid $ castPtr ptr
if valid
then liftM Just $ peek ptr
else return Nothing
gDateAddDays :: GDate
-> Word
-> GDate
gDateAddDays date nDays =
unsafePerformIO $ with date $ \ptr ->
do g_date_add_days (castPtr ptr) $ fromIntegral nDays
peek ptr
gDateSubtractDays :: GDate
-> Word
-> GDate
gDateSubtractDays date nDays =
unsafePerformIO $ with date $ \ptr ->
do g_date_subtract_days (castPtr ptr) $ fromIntegral nDays
peek ptr
gDateAddMonths :: GDate
-> Word
-> GDate
gDateAddMonths date nMonths =
unsafePerformIO $ with date $ \ptr ->
do g_date_add_months (castPtr ptr) $ fromIntegral nMonths
peek ptr
gDateSubtractMonths :: GDate
-> Word
-> GDate
gDateSubtractMonths date nMonths =
unsafePerformIO $ with date $ \ptr ->
do g_date_subtract_months (castPtr ptr) $ fromIntegral nMonths
peek ptr
gDateAddYears :: GDate
-> Word
-> GDate
gDateAddYears date nYears =
unsafePerformIO $ with date $ \ptr ->
do g_date_add_years (castPtr ptr) $ fromIntegral nYears
peek ptr
gDateSubtractYears :: GDate
-> Word
-> GDate
gDateSubtractYears date nYears =
unsafePerformIO $ with date $ \ptr ->
do g_date_subtract_years (castPtr ptr) $ fromIntegral nYears
peek ptr
gDateDaysBetween :: GDate
-> GDate
-> Int
gDateDaysBetween date1 date2 =
fromIntegral $ unsafePerformIO $ with date1 $ \ptr1 ->
with date2 $ \ptr2 ->
g_date_days_between (castPtr ptr1) $ castPtr ptr2
gDateCompare :: GDate
-> GDate
-> Ordering
gDateCompare date1 date2 =
let result = fromIntegral $ unsafePerformIO $ with date1 $ \ptr1 ->
with date2 $ \ptr2 ->
g_date_compare (castPtr ptr1) $ castPtr ptr2
ordering | result < 0 = LT
| result > 0 = GT
| otherwise = EQ
in ordering
instance Ord GDate where
compare = gDateCompare
gDateClamp :: GDate
-> GDate
-> GDate
-> GDate
gDateClamp date minDate maxDate =
unsafePerformIO $ with date $ \ptr ->
with minDate $ \minPtr ->
with maxDate $ \maxPtr ->
do g_date_clamp (castPtr ptr) (castPtr minPtr) $ castPtr maxPtr
peek ptr
gDateDay :: GDate
-> GDateDay
gDateDay date =
GDateDay $ unsafePerformIO $ with date $ g_date_get_day . castPtr
gDateMonth :: GDate
-> GDateMonth
gDateMonth date =
toEnum $ fromIntegral $ unsafePerformIO $ with date $ g_date_get_month . castPtr
gDateYear :: GDate
-> GDateYear
gDateYear date =
GDateYear $ unsafePerformIO $ with date $ g_date_get_year . castPtr
gDateWeekday :: GDate
-> GDateWeekday
gDateWeekday date =
toEnum $ fromIntegral $ unsafePerformIO $ with date $ g_date_get_weekday . castPtr
foreign import ccall safe "g_get_current_time"
g_get_current_time :: ((Ptr ()) -> (IO ()))
foreign import ccall safe "g_usleep"
g_usleep :: (CULong -> (IO ()))
foreign import ccall safe "g_time_val_add"
g_time_val_add :: ((Ptr ()) -> (CLong -> (IO ())))
foreign import ccall safe "g_time_val_from_iso8601"
g_time_val_from_iso8601 :: ((Ptr CChar) -> ((Ptr ()) -> (IO CInt)))
foreign import ccall safe "g_time_val_to_iso8601"
g_time_val_to_iso8601 :: ((Ptr ()) -> (IO (Ptr CChar)))
foreign import ccall safe "g_date_get_julian"
g_date_get_julian :: ((Ptr ()) -> (IO CUInt))
foreign import ccall safe "g_date_set_julian"
g_date_set_julian :: ((Ptr ()) -> (CUInt -> (IO ())))
foreign import ccall safe "g_date_valid_julian"
g_date_valid_julian :: (CUInt -> CInt)
foreign import ccall safe "g_date_valid_dmy"
g_date_valid_dmy :: (CUChar -> (CInt -> (CUShort -> CInt)))
foreign import ccall safe "g_date_set_dmy"
g_date_set_dmy :: ((Ptr ()) -> (CUChar -> (CInt -> (CUShort -> (IO ())))))
foreign import ccall safe "g_date_set_day"
g_date_set_day :: ((Ptr ()) -> (CUChar -> (IO ())))
foreign import ccall safe "g_date_valid"
g_date_valid :: ((Ptr ()) -> (IO CInt))
foreign import ccall safe "g_date_set_month"
g_date_set_month :: ((Ptr ()) -> (CInt -> (IO ())))
foreign import ccall safe "g_date_set_year"
g_date_set_year :: ((Ptr ()) -> (CUShort -> (IO ())))
foreign import ccall safe "g_date_set_time_val"
g_date_set_time_val :: ((Ptr ()) -> ((Ptr ()) -> (IO ())))
foreign import ccall safe "g_date_set_parse"
g_date_set_parse :: ((Ptr ()) -> ((Ptr CChar) -> (IO ())))
foreign import ccall safe "g_date_add_days"
g_date_add_days :: ((Ptr ()) -> (CUInt -> (IO ())))
foreign import ccall safe "g_date_subtract_days"
g_date_subtract_days :: ((Ptr ()) -> (CUInt -> (IO ())))
foreign import ccall safe "g_date_add_months"
g_date_add_months :: ((Ptr ()) -> (CUInt -> (IO ())))
foreign import ccall safe "g_date_subtract_months"
g_date_subtract_months :: ((Ptr ()) -> (CUInt -> (IO ())))
foreign import ccall safe "g_date_add_years"
g_date_add_years :: ((Ptr ()) -> (CUInt -> (IO ())))
foreign import ccall safe "g_date_subtract_years"
g_date_subtract_years :: ((Ptr ()) -> (CUInt -> (IO ())))
foreign import ccall safe "g_date_days_between"
g_date_days_between :: ((Ptr ()) -> ((Ptr ()) -> (IO CInt)))
foreign import ccall safe "g_date_compare"
g_date_compare :: ((Ptr ()) -> ((Ptr ()) -> (IO CInt)))
foreign import ccall safe "g_date_clamp"
g_date_clamp :: ((Ptr ()) -> ((Ptr ()) -> ((Ptr ()) -> (IO ()))))
foreign import ccall safe "g_date_get_day"
g_date_get_day :: ((Ptr ()) -> (IO CUChar))
foreign import ccall safe "g_date_get_month"
g_date_get_month :: ((Ptr ()) -> (IO CInt))
foreign import ccall safe "g_date_get_year"
g_date_get_year :: ((Ptr ()) -> (IO CUShort))
foreign import ccall safe "g_date_get_weekday"
g_date_get_weekday :: ((Ptr ()) -> (IO CInt))