# gli [WIP] Goal is to fetch PR info etc. ## Setup 1. `stack setup` 2. `stack build` 3. `stack exec which gli` to get the binary path 4. `alias gli=binary_path` ## Flow 1. **Store the gitlab credentials on a file locally. (e.g. ~/.gli.yml)** sample file ``` accounts: my_hosted_gitlab: key: abcd1234xyz url: https://gitlab.dev.my_hosted_gitlab.com/api/v3 gitlab: key: xyz4321dcba url: https://gitlab.com/api/v3 ``` You can get the credentials from https://gitlab.com/profile/account 2. **Setup `gli` for a git repo** This will create a repo specific `gli.yml` file, which will store all the information regarding the repo, and will also be checked out from git. ``` $ cd my_gitlab_repo_path $ gli setup -f ~/.gli.yml $ cat gli.yml project: ssh_url_to_repo: git@gitlab.com:organization/repo_name.git name: repo_name id: 123 description: 'killer app 42' masterFileConfig: key: gitlab file: /Users/goromlagche/.gli.yml ``` 3. **Fetch all open PR related info** ``` $ gli prs ```