{-# LANGUAGE Safe, FlexibleContexts, UnicodeSyntax #-}

-- | Gitson is a simple document store library for Git + JSON.
module Gitson (
, createRepo
, transaction
, saveDocument
, saveNextDocument
, saveDocumentById
, saveDocumentByName
, listCollections
, listDocumentKeys
, listEntries
, readDocument
, readDocumentById
, readDocumentByName
, documentIdFromName
, documentNameFromId
) where

import           System.Directory
import           System.Lock.FLock
import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Exception (try, IOException)
import           Control.Error.Util (hush)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Writer
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import           Control.Monad (liftM)
import           Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import           Data.List (find, isSuffixOf)
import           Text.Printf (printf)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import           Gitson.Util
import           Gitson.Json

-- | A transaction monad.
type TransactionWriter = WriterT [IO ()]

type IdAndName = (Int, String)
type FileName = String
type Finder = [(IdAndName, FileName)]  Maybe (IdAndName, FileName)

splitFindDocument  (MonadIO i, Functor i)  FilePath  Finder  i (Maybe (IdAndName, FileName))
splitFindDocument collection finder = 
  finder . mapMaybe (\x  intoFunctor (maybeReadIntString x) x) <$> listDocumentKeys collection

documentFullKey  (MonadIO i, Functor i)  FilePath  Finder  i (Maybe FileName)
documentFullKey collection finder = (snd <$>) <$> splitFindDocument collection finder

findById  Int  Finder
findById i = find $ (== i) . fst . fst

findByName  String  Finder
findByName n = find $ isSuffixOf n . snd . fst

-- | Creates a git repository under a given path.
createRepo  FilePath  IO ()
createRepo path = do
  createDirectoryIfMissing True path
  insideDirectory path $ shell "git" ["init"]

-- | Executes a blocking transaction on a repository, committing the results to git.
transaction  (MonadIO i, Functor i, MonadBaseControl IO i)  FilePath  TransactionWriter i ()  i ()
transaction repoPath action =
  insideDirectory repoPath $ do
    liftIO $ writeFile lockPath ""
    withLock lockPath Exclusive Block $ do
      writeActions  execWriterT action
      shell "git" ["stash"] -- it's totally ok to do this without changes
      liftIO $ sequence_ writeActions
      shell "git" ["add", "--all"]
      shell "git" ["commit", "-m", "Gitson transaction"]
      shell "git" ["stash", "pop"]

combineKey  IdAndName  FileName
combineKey (n, s) = printf "%06d-%s" n s

writeDocument  ToJSON a  FilePath  FileName  a  IO ()
writeDocument collection key content = BL.writeFile (documentPath collection key) (encode content)

-- | Adds a write action to a transaction.
saveDocument  (MonadIO i, Functor i, ToJSON a)  FilePath  FileName  a  TransactionWriter i ()
saveDocument collection key content =
  tell [createDirectoryIfMissing True collection,
        writeDocument collection key content]

-- | Adds a write action to a transaction.
-- The key will start with a numeric id, incremented from the last id in the collection.
saveNextDocument  (MonadIO i, Functor i, ToJSON a)  FilePath  FileName  a  TransactionWriter i ()
saveNextDocument collection key content =
  tell [createDirectoryIfMissing True collection,
        listDocumentKeys collection >>=
        return . nextKeyId >>=
        \nextId  writeDocument collection (combineKey (nextId, key)) content]

-- | Adds a write action to a transaction.
-- Will update the document with the given numeric id.
saveDocumentById  (MonadIO i, Functor i, ToJSON a)  FilePath  Int  a  TransactionWriter i ()
saveDocumentById collection i content =
  tell [documentFullKey collection (findById i) >>=
        \k  case k of
          Just key  writeDocument collection key content
          Nothing  return ()]

-- | Adds a write action to a transaction.
-- Will update the document with the given numeric id.
saveDocumentByName  (MonadIO i, Functor i, ToJSON a)  FilePath  String  a  TransactionWriter i ()
saveDocumentByName collection n content =
  tell [documentFullKey collection (findByName n) >>=
        \k  case k of
          Just key  writeDocument collection key content
          Nothing  return ()]

-- | Lists collections in the current repository.
listCollections  (MonadIO i, Functor i)  i [FilePath]
listCollections = liftIO $ do
  contents  try (getDirectoryContents =<< getCurrentDirectory)  IO (Either IOException [FilePath])
  filterDirs $ fromMaybe [] $ hush contents

-- | Lists document keys in a collection.
listDocumentKeys  (MonadIO i, Functor i)  FilePath  i [FileName]
listDocumentKeys collection = liftIO $ do
  contents  try (getDirectoryContents collection)  IO (Either IOException [String])
  return . filterFilenamesAsKeys . fromMaybe [] $ hush contents

-- | Lists entries in a collection.
listEntries  (MonadIO i, Functor i, FromJSON a)  FilePath  i [a]
listEntries collection = liftIO $ do
  maybes  mapM (readDocument collection) =<< listDocumentKeys collection
  return . fromMaybe [] $ sequence maybes

-- | Reads a document from a collection by key.
readDocument  (MonadIO i, Functor i, FromJSON a)  FilePath  FileName  i (Maybe a)
readDocument collection key = liftIO $ do
  jsonString  try (BL.readFile $ documentPath collection key)  IO (Either IOException BL.ByteString)
  return $ decode =<< hush jsonString

readDocument'  (MonadIO i, Functor i, FromJSON a)  FilePath  Maybe FileName  i (Maybe a)
readDocument' collection key = liftIO $ case key of
  Just key  readDocument collection key
  Nothing  return Nothing

-- | Reads a document from a collection by numeric id (for example, key "00001-hello" has id 1).
readDocumentById  (MonadIO i, Functor i, FromJSON a)  FilePath  Int  i (Maybe a)
readDocumentById collection i =
  readDocument' collection =<< documentFullKey collection (findById i)

-- | Reads a document from a collection by name (for example, key "00001-hello" has name "hello").
readDocumentByName  (MonadIO i, Functor i, FromJSON a)  FilePath  String  i (Maybe a)
readDocumentByName collection n =
  readDocument' collection =<< documentFullKey collection (findByName n)

-- | Returns a document's id by name (for example, "hello" will return 23 when key "00023-hello" exists).
-- Does not read the document!
documentIdFromName  (MonadIO i, Functor i)  FilePath  String  i (Maybe Int)
documentIdFromName collection n =
  (fst <$> fst <$>) <$> splitFindDocument collection (findByName n)

-- | Returns a document's name by id (for example, 23 will return "hello" when key "00023-hello" exists).
-- Does not read the document!
documentNameFromId  (MonadIO i, Functor i)  FilePath  Int  i (Maybe String)
documentNameFromId collection i =
  (drop 1 . snd <$> fst <$>) <$> splitFindDocument collection (findById i)