module Network.Gitit.Export ( exportFormats ) where
import Text.Pandoc hiding (HTMLMathMethod(..))
import qualified Text.Pandoc as Pandoc
import Text.Pandoc.PDF (makePDF)
import Text.Pandoc.SelfContained as SelfContained
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (readDataFileUTF8)
import Network.Gitit.Server
import Network.Gitit.Framework (pathForPage, getWikiBase)
import Network.Gitit.State (getConfig)
import Network.Gitit.Types
import Network.Gitit.Cache (cacheContents, lookupCache)
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Text.XHtml (noHtml)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 (fromString, toString)
import System.FilePath ((</>), takeDirectory)
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import Text.HTML.SanitizeXSS
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.RTF (writeRTFWithEmbeddedImages)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Text.Highlighting.Kate (styleToCss, pygments)
import Paths_gitit (getDataFileName)
defaultRespOptions :: WriterOptions
defaultRespOptions = def { writerStandalone = True, writerHighlight = True }
respond :: String
-> String
-> (Pandoc -> IO L.ByteString)
-> String
-> Pandoc
-> Handler
respond mimetype ext fn page doc = liftIO (fn doc) >>=
ok . setContentType mimetype .
(if null ext then id else setFilename (page ++ "." ++ ext)) .
toResponseBS B.empty
respondX :: String -> String -> String
-> (WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> IO L.ByteString)
-> WriterOptions -> String -> Pandoc -> Handler
respondX templ mimetype ext fn opts page doc = do
cfg <- getConfig
template' <- liftIO $ getDefaultTemplate (pandocUserData cfg) templ
template <- case template' of
Right t -> return t
Left e -> liftIO $ throwIO e
doc' <- if ext `elem` ["odt","pdf","beamer","epub","docx","rtf"]
then fixURLs page doc
else return doc
respond mimetype ext (fn opts{writerTemplate = template
,writerUserDataDir = pandocUserData cfg})
page doc'
respondS :: String -> String -> String -> (WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> String)
-> WriterOptions -> String -> Pandoc -> Handler
respondS templ mimetype ext fn =
respondX templ mimetype ext (\o d -> return $ fromString $ fn o d)
respondSlides :: String -> HTMLSlideVariant -> String -> Pandoc -> Handler
respondSlides templ slideVariant page doc = do
cfg <- getConfig
base' <- getWikiBase
let math = case mathMethod cfg of
MathML -> Pandoc.MathML Nothing
WebTeX u -> Pandoc.WebTeX u
JsMathScript -> Pandoc.JsMath
(Just $ base' ++ "/js/jsMath/easy/load.js")
_ -> Pandoc.PlainMath
let opts' = defaultRespOptions {
writerSlideVariant = slideVariant
,writerIncremental = True
,writerHtml5 = templ == "dzslides"
,writerHTMLMathMethod = math}
Pandoc meta blocks <- fixURLs page doc
let body' = writeHtmlString opts'{writerStandalone = False}
(Pandoc meta blocks)
let body'' = T.unpack
$ (if xssSanitize cfg then sanitizeBalance else id)
$ T.pack body'
variables' <- if mathMethod cfg == MathML
then do
s <- liftIO $ readDataFileUTF8 (pandocUserData cfg)
return [("mathml-script", s)]
else return []
template' <- liftIO $ getDefaultTemplate (pandocUserData cfg) templ
template <- case template' of
Right t -> return t
Left e -> liftIO $ throwIO e
dzcore <- if templ == "dzslides"
then do
dztempl <- liftIO $ readDataFileUTF8 (pandocUserData cfg)
$ "dzslides" </> "template.html"
return $ unlines
$ dropWhile (not . isPrefixOf "<!-- {{{{ dzslides core")
$ lines dztempl
else return ""
let opts'' = opts'{
writerVariables =
,writerTemplate = template
,writerUserDataDir = pandocUserData cfg
let h = writeHtmlString opts'' (Pandoc meta [])
#if MIN_VERSION_pandoc(1,13,0)
h' <- liftIO $ makeSelfContained opts'' h
h' <- liftIO $ makeSelfContained (pandocUserData cfg) h
ok . setContentType "text/html;charset=UTF-8" .
toResponseBS B.empty $ fromString h'
respondLaTeX :: String -> Pandoc -> Handler
respondLaTeX = respondS "latex" "application/x-latex" "tex"
writeLaTeX defaultRespOptions
respondConTeXt :: String -> Pandoc -> Handler
respondConTeXt = respondS "context" "application/x-context" "tex"
writeConTeXt defaultRespOptions
respondRTF :: String -> Pandoc -> Handler
respondRTF = respondX "rtf" "application/rtf" "rtf"
(\o d -> fromString `fmap` writeRTFWithEmbeddedImages o d) defaultRespOptions
respondRST :: String -> Pandoc -> Handler
respondRST = respondS "rst" "text/plain; charset=utf-8" ""
writeRST defaultRespOptions{writerReferenceLinks = True}
respondMarkdown :: String -> Pandoc -> Handler
respondMarkdown = respondS "markdown" "text/plain; charset=utf-8" ""
writeMarkdown defaultRespOptions{writerReferenceLinks = True}
#if MIN_VERSION_pandoc(1,14,0)
respondCommonMark :: String -> Pandoc -> Handler
respondCommonMark = respondS "commonmark" "text/plain; charset=utf-8" ""
writeCommonMark defaultRespOptions{writerReferenceLinks = True}
respondPlain :: String -> Pandoc -> Handler
respondPlain = respondS "plain" "text/plain; charset=utf-8" ""
writePlain defaultRespOptions
respondMan :: String -> Pandoc -> Handler
respondMan = respondS "man" "text/plain; charset=utf-8" ""
writeMan defaultRespOptions
respondTexinfo :: String -> Pandoc -> Handler
respondTexinfo = respondS "texinfo" "application/x-texinfo" "texi"
writeTexinfo defaultRespOptions
respondDocbook :: String -> Pandoc -> Handler
respondDocbook = respondS "docbook" "application/docbook+xml" "xml"
writeDocbook defaultRespOptions
respondOrg :: String -> Pandoc -> Handler
respondOrg = respondS "org" "text/plain; charset=utf-8" ""
writeOrg defaultRespOptions
respondICML :: String -> Pandoc -> Handler
respondICML = respondS "icml" "application/xml; charset=utf-8" ""
writeICML defaultRespOptions
respondTextile :: String -> Pandoc -> Handler
respondTextile = respondS "textile" "text/plain; charset=utf-8" ""
writeTextile defaultRespOptions
respondAsciiDoc :: String -> Pandoc -> Handler
respondAsciiDoc = respondS "asciidoc" "text/plain; charset=utf-8" ""
writeAsciiDoc defaultRespOptions
respondMediaWiki :: String -> Pandoc -> Handler
respondMediaWiki = respondS "mediawiki" "text/plain; charset=utf-8" ""
writeMediaWiki defaultRespOptions
respondODT :: String -> Pandoc -> Handler
respondODT = respondX "opendocument" "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text"
"odt" writeODT defaultRespOptions
respondEPUB :: String -> Pandoc -> Handler
respondEPUB = respondX "html" "application/epub+zip" "epub" writeEPUB
respondDocx :: String -> Pandoc -> Handler
respondDocx = respondX "native"
"docx" writeDocx defaultRespOptions
respondPDF :: Bool -> String -> Pandoc -> Handler
respondPDF useBeamer page old_pndc = fixURLs page old_pndc >>= \pndc -> do
cfg <- getConfig
unless (pdfExport cfg) $ error "PDF export disabled"
let cacheName = pathForPage page (defaultExtension cfg) ++ ".export.pdf"
cached <- if useCache cfg
then lookupCache cacheName
else return Nothing
pdf' <- case cached of
Just (_modtime, bs) -> return $ Right $ L.fromChunks [bs]
Nothing -> do
template' <- liftIO $ getDefaultTemplate (pandocUserData cfg)
$ if useBeamer then "beamer" else "latex"
template <- liftIO $ either throwIO return template'
let toc = tableOfContents cfg
res <- liftIO $ makePDF "pdflatex" writeLaTeX
defaultRespOptions{writerTemplate = template
,writerSourceURL = Just $ baseUrl cfg
,writerTableOfContents = toc
,writerBeamer = useBeamer} pndc
return res
case pdf' of
Left logOutput -> simpleErrorHandler ("PDF creation failed:\n"
++ toString logOutput)
Right pdfBS -> do
case cached of
Nothing ->
cacheContents cacheName $ B.concat . L.toChunks $ pdfBS
_ -> return ()
ok $ setContentType "application/pdf" $ setFilename (page ++ ".pdf") $
(toResponse noHtml) {rsBody = pdfBS}
fixURLs :: String -> Pandoc -> GititServerPart Pandoc
fixURLs page pndc = do
cfg <- getConfig
defaultStatic <- liftIO $ getDataFileName $ "data" </> "static"
let static = staticDir cfg
let repoPath = repositoryPath cfg
let go (Image ils (url, title)) = do
fixedURL <- fixURL url
return $ Image ils (fixedURL, title)
go x = return x
fixURL ('/':url) = resolve url
fixURL url = resolve $ takeDirectory page </> url
resolve p = do
sp <- doesFileExist $ static </> p
dsp <- doesFileExist $ defaultStatic </> p
return (if sp then static </> p
else (if dsp then defaultStatic </> p
else repoPath </> p))
liftIO $ bottomUpM go pndc
exportFormats :: Config -> [(String, String -> Pandoc -> Handler)]
exportFormats cfg = if pdfExport cfg
then ("PDF", respondPDF False) :
("Beamer", respondPDF True) :
else rest
where rest = [ ("LaTeX", respondLaTeX)
, ("ConTeXt", respondConTeXt)
, ("Texinfo", respondTexinfo)
, ("reST", respondRST)
, ("Markdown", respondMarkdown)
#if MIN_VERSION_pandoc(1,14,0)
, ("CommonMark",respondCommonMark)
, ("Plain text",respondPlain)
, ("MediaWiki", respondMediaWiki)
, ("Org-mode", respondOrg)
, ("ICML", respondICML)
, ("Textile", respondTextile)
, ("AsciiDoc", respondAsciiDoc)
, ("Man page", respondMan)
, ("DocBook", respondDocbook)
, ("DZSlides", respondSlides "dzslides" DZSlides)
, ("Slidy", respondSlides "slidy" SlidySlides)
, ("S5", respondSlides "s5" S5Slides)
, ("EPUB", respondEPUB)
, ("ODT", respondODT)
, ("DOCX", respondDocx)
, ("RTF", respondRTF) ]
pygmentsCss :: String
pygmentsCss = styleToCss pygments