{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, StandaloneDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Github.Private where

import Github.Data
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy
import Data.Data
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Applicative
import Data.List
import Data.CaseInsensitive (mk)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS
import Network.HTTP.Types (Method, Status(..))
import Network.HTTP.Conduit
import Data.Conduit (ResourceT)
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

-- | user/password for HTTP basic access authentication
data GithubAuth = GithubBasicAuth BS.ByteString BS.ByteString
                | GithubOAuth String
                deriving (Show, Data, Typeable, Eq, Ord)

githubGet :: (FromJSON b, Show b) => [String] -> IO (Either Error b)
githubGet = githubGet' Nothing

githubGet' :: (FromJSON b, Show b) => Maybe GithubAuth -> [String] -> IO (Either Error b)
githubGet' auth paths =
  githubAPI (BS.pack "GET")
            (buildUrl paths)
            (Nothing :: Maybe Value)

githubGetWithQueryString :: (FromJSON b, Show b) => [String] -> String -> IO (Either Error b)
githubGetWithQueryString = githubGetWithQueryString' Nothing

githubGetWithQueryString' :: (FromJSON b, Show b) => Maybe GithubAuth -> [String] -> String -> IO (Either Error b)
githubGetWithQueryString' auth paths queryString =
  githubAPI (BS.pack "GET")
            (buildUrl paths ++ "?" ++ queryString)
            (Nothing :: Maybe Value)

githubPost :: (ToJSON a, Show a, FromJSON b, Show b) => GithubAuth -> [String] -> a -> IO (Either Error b)
githubPost auth paths body =
  githubAPI (BS.pack "POST")
            (buildUrl paths)
            (Just auth)
            (Just body)

githubPatch :: (ToJSON a, Show a, FromJSON b, Show b) => GithubAuth -> [String] -> a -> IO (Either Error b)
githubPatch auth paths body =
  githubAPI (BS.pack "PATCH")
            (buildUrl paths)
            (Just auth)
            (Just body)

buildUrl :: [String] -> String
buildUrl paths = "https://api.github.com/" ++ intercalate "/" paths

githubAPI :: (ToJSON a, Show a, FromJSON b, Show b) => BS.ByteString -> String
          -> Maybe GithubAuth -> Maybe a -> IO (Either Error b)
githubAPI method url auth body = do
  result <- doHttps method url auth (encodeBody body)
  case result of
      Left e     -> return (Left (HTTPConnectionError e))
      Right resp -> either Left (\x -> jsonResultToE (LBS.pack (show x))
                                                   (fromJSON x))
                          <$> handleBody resp

    encodeBody = Just . RequestBodyLBS . encode . toJSON

    handleBody resp = either (return . Left) (handleJson resp)
                             (parseJsonRaw (responseBody resp))

    -- This is an "escaping" version of "for", which returns (Right esc) if
    -- the value 'v' is Nothing; otherwise, it extracts the value from the
    -- Maybe, applies f, and return an IO (Either Error b).
    forE :: b -> Maybe a -> (a -> IO (Either Error b))
         -> IO (Either Error b)
    forE = flip . maybe . return . Right

    handleJson resp json@(Array ary) =
        -- Determine whether the output was paginated, and if so, we must
        -- recurse to obtain the subsequent pages, and append those result
        -- bodies to the current one.  The aggregate will then be parsed.
        forE json (lookup "Link" (responseHeaders resp)) $ \l ->
            forE json (getNextUrl (BS.unpack l)) $ \nu ->
                either (return . Left . HTTPConnectionError)
                       (\nextResp -> do
                             nextJson <- handleBody nextResp
                             return $ (\(Array x) -> Array (ary <> x))
                                          <$> nextJson)
                       =<< doHttps method nu auth Nothing
    handleJson _ json = return (Right json)

    getNextUrl l =
        if "rel=\"next\"" `isInfixOf` l
        then let s  = l
                 s' = Data.List.tail $ Data.List.dropWhile (/= '<') s
             in Just (Data.List.takeWhile (/= '>') s')
        else Nothing

doHttps :: Method -> String -> Maybe GithubAuth
        -> Maybe (RequestBody (ResourceT IO))
        -> IO (Either E.SomeException (Response LBS.ByteString))
doHttps method url auth body = do
  let requestBody = fromMaybe (RequestBodyBS $ BS.pack "") body
      requestHeaders = maybe [] getOAuth auth
      Just uri = parseUrl url
      request = uri { method = method
                    , secure = True
                    , port = 443
                    , requestBody = requestBody
                    , requestHeaders = requestHeaders
                    , checkStatus = successOrMissing
      authRequest = getAuthRequest auth request

  (getResponse authRequest >>= return . Right) `E.catches` [
      -- Re-throw AsyncException, otherwise execution will not terminate on
      -- SIGINT (ctrl-c).  All AsyncExceptions are re-thrown (not just
      -- UserInterrupt) because all of them indicate severe conditions and
      -- should not occur during normal operation.
      E.Handler (\e -> E.throw (e :: E.AsyncException)),
      E.Handler (\e -> (return . Left) (e :: E.SomeException))
    getAuthRequest (Just (GithubBasicAuth user pass)) = applyBasicAuth user pass
    getAuthRequest _ = id
    getBasicAuth (GithubBasicAuth user pass) = applyBasicAuth user pass
    getBasicAuth _ = id
    getOAuth (GithubOAuth token) = [(mk (BS.pack "Authorization"),
                                     BS.pack ("token " ++ token))]
    getOAuth _ = []
    getResponse request = withManager $ \manager -> httpLbs request manager
#if MIN_VERSION_http_conduit(1, 9, 0)
    successOrMissing s@(Status sci _) hs cookiejar
    successOrMissing s@(Status sci _) hs
      | (200 <= sci && sci < 300) || sci == 404 = Nothing
#if MIN_VERSION_http_conduit(1, 9, 0)
      | otherwise = Just $ E.toException $ StatusCodeException s hs cookiejar
      | otherwise = Just $ E.toException $ StatusCodeException s hs

parseJsonRaw :: LBS.ByteString -> Either Error Value
parseJsonRaw jsonString =
  let parsed = parse json jsonString in
  case parsed of
       Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy.Done _ jsonResult -> Right jsonResult
       (Fail _ _ e) -> Left $ ParseError e

jsonResultToE :: Show b => LBS.ByteString -> Data.Aeson.Result b
              -> Either Error b
jsonResultToE jsonString result = case result of
    Success s -> Right s
    Error e   -> Left $ JsonError $
                 e ++ " on the JSON: " ++ LBS.unpack jsonString

parseJson :: (FromJSON b, Show b) => LBS.ByteString -> Either Error b
parseJson jsonString = either Left (jsonResultToE jsonString . fromJSON)
                              (parseJsonRaw jsonString)