github-0.23: Access to the GitHub API, v3.

MaintainerOleg Grenrus <>
Safe HaskellNone



The reviews API as described on



pullRequestReviews :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id PullRequest -> IO (Either Error (Vector Review)) Source #

All reviews for a pull request given the repo owner, repo name and the pull request id.

pullRequestReviews "thoughtbot" "paperclip" (Id 101)

pullRequestReviews' :: Maybe Auth -> Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id PullRequest -> IO (Either Error (Vector Review)) Source #

All reviews for a pull request given the repo owner, repo name and the pull request id. With authentication.

pullRequestReviews' (Just $ BasicAuth "github-username" "github-password") "thoughtbot" "paperclip" (Id 101)

pullRequestReview :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id PullRequest -> Id Review -> IO (Either Error Review) Source #

A detailed review on a pull request given the repo owner, repo name, pull request id and review id.

pullRequestReview "thoughtbot" "factory_girl" (Id 301819) (Id 332)

pullRequestReview' :: Maybe Auth -> Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id PullRequest -> Id Review -> IO (Either Error Review) Source #

A detailed review on a pull request given the repo owner, repo name, pull request id and review id. With authentication.

pullRequestReview' (Just $ BasicAuth "github-username" "github-password")
"thoughtbot" "factory_girl" (Id 301819) (Id 332)

pullRequestReviewCommentsIO :: Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id PullRequest -> Id Review -> IO (Either Error [ReviewComment]) Source #

All comments for a review on a pull request given the repo owner, repo name, pull request id and review id.

pullRequestReviewComments "thoughtbot" "factory_girl" (Id 301819) (Id 332)

pullRequestReviewCommentsIO' :: Maybe Auth -> Name Owner -> Name Repo -> Id PullRequest -> Id Review -> IO (Either Error [ReviewComment]) Source #

All comments for a review on a pull request given the repo owner, repo name, pull request id and review id. With authentication.

pullRequestReviewComments' (Just $ BasicAuth "github-username" "github-password") "thoughtbot" "factory_girl" (Id 301819) (Id 332)