{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} module Main (main) where import Conflict (Conflict(..)) import qualified Conflict import qualified Control.Exception as E import Control.Monad (when, unless, filterM) import Data.Foldable (asum, traverse_) import Data.List (isPrefixOf) import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) import Environment (checkConflictStyle, openEditor, shouldUseColorByTerminal) import qualified Opts import Opts (Options(..)) import PPDiff (ppDiff, ColorEnable(..)) import Resolution (Result(..), NewContent(..), Untabify(..)) import qualified Resolution import SideDiff (getConflictDiffs, getConflictDiff2s) import StrUtils (ensureNewline, stripNewline, unprefix) import System.Directory (renameFile, removeFile, getCurrentDirectory) import System.Exit (ExitCode(..), exitWith) import System.FilePath ((<.>), makeRelative, joinPath, splitPath) import qualified System.FilePath as FilePath import System.IO (hPutStr, stderr) import qualified System.PosixCompat.Files as PosixFiles import System.Process (callProcess, readProcess, readProcessWithExitCode) import Prelude.Compat markerLine :: Char -> String -> String markerLine c str = Conflict.markerPrefix c ++ " " ++ str ++ "\n" gitAdd :: FilePath -> IO () gitAdd fileName = callProcess "git" ["add", "--", fileName] dumpDiffs :: ColorEnable -> Options -> FilePath -> Int -> (Int, Conflict) -> IO () dumpDiffs colorEnable opts filePath count (idx, conflict) = do putStrLn $ unwords ["### Conflict", show idx, "of", show count] when (shouldDumpDiffs opts) $ traverse_ dumpDiff $ getConflictDiffs conflict when (shouldDumpDiff2 opts) $ dumpDiff2 $ getConflictDiff2s conflict where dumpDiff (side, (lineNo, marker), diff) = do putStrLn $ concat [filePath, ":", show lineNo, ":Diff", show side, ": ", marker] putStr $ unlines $ map (ppDiff colorEnable) diff dumpDiff2 ((lineNoA, markerA), (lineNoB, markerB), diff) = do putStrLn $ concat [filePath, ":", show lineNoA, " <->", markerA] putStrLn $ concat [filePath, ":", show lineNoB, ": ", markerB] putStr $ unlines $ map (ppDiff colorEnable) diff dumpAndOpenEditor :: ColorEnable -> Options -> FilePath -> [Conflict] -> IO () dumpAndOpenEditor colorEnable opts path conflicts = do when (shouldDumpDiffs opts || shouldDumpDiff2 opts) $ traverse_ (dumpDiffs colorEnable opts path (length conflicts)) (zip [1..] conflicts) openEditor opts path overwrite :: FilePath -> String -> IO () overwrite fileName newContent = do renameFile fileName bkup writeFile fileName newContent removeFile bkup where bkup = fileName <.> "bk" handleFileResult :: ColorEnable -> Options -> FilePath -> NewContent -> IO () handleFileResult colorEnable opts fileName (NewContent result newContent) | successes == 0 && allGood = do putStrLn $ fileName ++ ": No conflicts, git-adding" gitAdd fileName | successes == 0 && reductions == 0 = do putStrLn $ concat [ fileName, ": Failed to resolve any of the " , show failures, " conflicts" ] doDump | successes == 0 = do putStrLn $ concat [ fileName, ": Reduced ", show reductions, " conflicts"] overwrite fileName newContent doDump | otherwise = do putStrLn $ concat [ fileName, ": Successfully resolved ", show successes , " conflicts (failed to resolve " ++ show (reductions + failures) ++ " conflicts)" , if allGood then ", git adding" else "" ] overwrite fileName newContent if allGood then gitAdd fileName else doDump where allGood = Resolution.fullySuccessful result doDump = dumpAndOpenEditor colorEnable opts fileName [ conflict | Right conflict <- Conflict.parse newContent ] Result { _resolvedSuccessfully = successes , _reducedConflicts = reductions , _failedToResolve = failures } = result resolve :: ColorEnable -> Options -> FilePath -> IO Result resolve colorEnable opts fileName = do resolutions <- Resolution.resolveContent (Untabify (Opts.untabify opts)) . Conflict.parse <$> readFile fileName _result resolutions <$ handleFileResult colorEnable opts fileName resolutions relativePath :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath relativePath base path | rel /= path = rel | revRel /= base = joinPath $ replicate (length (splitPath revRel)) ".." | otherwise = path where rel = makeRelative base path revRel = makeRelative path base () :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath "." p = p d p = d FilePath. p isDirectory :: FilePath -> IO Bool isDirectory x = PosixFiles.isDirectory <$> PosixFiles.getFileStatus x withAllStageFiles :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> IO b) -> IO b withAllStageFiles path action = do let stdin = "" [baseTmpRaw, localTmpRaw, remoteTmpRaw] <- take 3 . words <$> readProcess "git" ["checkout-index", "--stage=all", "--", path] stdin cdup <- takeWhile (/= '\0') . stripNewline <$> readProcess "git" ["rev-parse", "--show-cdup"] stdin let maybePath "." = Nothing maybePath p = Just (cdup p) let mLocalTmp = maybePath localTmpRaw mRemoteTmp = maybePath remoteTmpRaw baseTmp = cdup baseTmpRaw action baseTmp mLocalTmp mRemoteTmp `E.finally` do removeFile baseTmp traverse_ removeFile mLocalTmp traverse_ removeFile mRemoteTmp deleteModifyConflictAddMarkers :: FilePath -> IO () deleteModifyConflictAddMarkers path = withAllStageFiles path $ \baseTmp mLocalTmp mRemoteTmp -> do baseContent <- readFile baseTmp localContent <- maybe (return "") readFile mLocalTmp remoteContent <- maybe (return "") readFile mRemoteTmp overwrite path $ concat [ markerLine '<' "LOCAL" , ensureNewline localContent , markerLine '|' "BASE" , ensureNewline baseContent , markerLine '=' "" , ensureNewline remoteContent , markerLine '>' "REMOTE" ] deleteModifyConflictHandle :: FilePath -> IO () deleteModifyConflictHandle path = do marked <- any (Conflict.markerPrefix '<' `isPrefixOf`) . lines <$> readFile path unless marked $ do putStrLn $ show path ++ " has a delete/modify conflict. Adding conflict markers" deleteModifyConflictAddMarkers path removeFileIfEmpty :: FilePath -> IO () removeFileIfEmpty path = do isEmpty <- null <$> readFile path when isEmpty $ do removeFile path callProcess "git" ["add", "-u", "--", path] getStatusPorcelain :: IO String getStatusPorcelain = do (statusCode, statusPorcelain, statusStderr) <- readProcessWithExitCode "git" ["status", "--porcelain"] "" when (statusCode /= ExitSuccess) $ do -- Print git's error message. Usually - -- "fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git" hPutStr stderr statusStderr exitWith statusCode return statusPorcelain getGitRootDir :: IO FilePath getGitRootDir = do cwd <- getCurrentDirectory relativePath cwd . stripNewline <$> readProcess "git" ["rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"] "" makeFilesMatchingPrefixes :: IO ([String] -> IO [FilePath]) makeFilesMatchingPrefixes = do statusPorcelain <- getStatusPorcelain rootDir <- getGitRootDir let rootRelativeFiles = filterM (fmap not . isDirectory) . map (rootDir ) let firstMatchingPrefix :: [String] -> String -> Maybe String firstMatchingPrefix prefixes = asum . traverse unprefix prefixes let filesMatchingPrefixes :: [String] -> IO [FilePath] filesMatchingPrefixes prefixes = rootRelativeFiles . mapMaybe (firstMatchingPrefix prefixes) $ lines statusPorcelain pure filesMatchingPrefixes mediateAll :: ColorEnable -> Options -> IO Result mediateAll colorEnable opts = do filesMatchingPrefixes <- makeFilesMatchingPrefixes -- from git-diff manpage: -- Added (A), Copied (C), Deleted (D), Modified (M), Renamed (R), -- have their type (i.e. regular file, symlink, submodule, ...) changed (T), -- are Unmerged (U), are Unknown (X), or have had their pairing Broken (B) deleteModifyConflicts <- filesMatchingPrefixes ["DU ", "UD "] traverse_ deleteModifyConflictHandle deleteModifyConflicts result <- filesMatchingPrefixes ["UU ", "AA ", "DA ", "AD ", "DU ", "UD "] >>= foldMap (resolve colorEnable opts) -- Heuristically delete files that were remove/modify conflict -- and ended up with empty content traverse_ removeFileIfEmpty deleteModifyConflicts pure result exitCodeOf :: Result -> ExitCode exitCodeOf result | Resolution.fullySuccessful result = ExitSuccess | otherwise = ExitFailure 111 exitProcess :: Result -> IO () exitProcess = exitWith . exitCodeOf main :: IO () main = do opts <- Opts.getOpts colorEnable <- maybe shouldUseColorByTerminal return (shouldUseColor opts) checkConflictStyle opts case mergeSpecificFile opts of Nothing -> mediateAll colorEnable opts Just path -> resolve colorEnable opts path >>= exitProcess