**What steps will reproduce the problem?** Create two annexes from the command line on two separate machines: mkdir ~/Files.annex cd ~/Files.annex git init git annex init git annex untrust . git annex direct Add remote to each one pointing to the other: git remote add [remote] [remote hostname]:Files.annex Start assistant on both repos: git annex assistant Fill one repository with a few text files, and wait for them to propagate. Edit one of the text files using vim, and save. **What is the expected output? What do you see instead?** Edited file should remain in the repo, but a significant portion of the time, the file disappeared from the repo in which it was edited (the file is present and properly synced on the other repo). **What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?** git-annex 4.20130323, Mac OS X on the repo where the file was edited, Arch Linux for the other paired repo. **Please provide any additional information below.** I have observed this problem setting up the repos through the webapp as well, so I don't think it is related to setting up the repos manually. I think the way vim is writing the files seems to be tickling a race condition (both command-line vim and MacVim produce the behavior). I started trying to work around it by switching to emacs to edit those files, and the files haven't disappeared from the edited repo (so far at least).