{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas #-} {-# HLINT ignore "Alternative law, right identity" #-} module Text.Gigaparsec.ErrorsTests where import Prelude hiding (fail) import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.ExpectedFailure import Text.Gigaparsec import Text.Gigaparsec.Char import Text.Gigaparsec.Combinator import Text.Gigaparsec.Errors.Combinator import Text.Gigaparsec.Internal.Test import Text.Gigaparsec.Internal.TestError import Data.Set qualified as Set (map) tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Errors" [ labelTests , hideTests , explainTests , emptyTests , failTests , unexpectedTests , lookAheadTests , notFollowedByTests , amendTests , entrenchTests , dislodgeTests , amendThenDislodgeTests , partialAmendTests , oneOfTests , noneOfTests , builderTests , regressionTests ] labelTests :: TestTree labelTests = testGroup "label should" [ testCase "affect base error messages" do testParse (char 'a' ["ay!"]) "b" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError (Just (Raw "b")) [Named "ay!"] [] 1)) testParse (char 'a' ["ay!", "see!"]) "b" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError (Just (Raw "b")) [Named "ay!", Named "see!"] [] 1)) , testCase "work across a recursion boundary" do let r = string "correct error message" <:> r let p = r ["nothing but this :)"] testParse p "" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError (Just EndOfInput) [Named "nothing but this :)"] [] 1)) testParse p "correct error message" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 22) (VanillaError (Just EndOfInput) [Raw "correct error message"] [] 1)) , testCase "replace everything under the label" do let s = label ["hi"] (optional (char 'a') *> optional (char 'b')) *> char 'c' testParse s "e" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError (Just (Raw "e")) [Named "hi", Raw "c"] [] 1)) let t = label ["hi"] (optional (char 'a') *> label ["bee"] (optional (char 'b'))) *> char 'c' testParse t "e" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError (Just (Raw "e")) [Named "hi", Raw "c"] [] 1)) testParse t "ae" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 2) (VanillaError (Just (Raw "e")) [Named "bee", Raw "c"] [] 1)) let v = label ["hi"] (hide (optional (char 'a')) *> label ["bee"] (optional (char 'b'))) *> char 'c' testParse v "e" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError (Just (Raw "e")) [Named "hi", Raw "c"] [] 1)) testParse v "ae" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 2) (VanillaError (Just (Raw "e")) [Named "bee", Raw "c"] [] 1)) , testCase "should not replace hints if input is consumed" do testParse ((many digit ["number"]) <* eof) "1e" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 2) (VanillaError (Just (Raw "e")) [Named "digit", EndOfInput] [] 1)) ] hideTests :: TestTree hideTests = testGroup "hide should" [ testCase "not produce any visible output" do testParse (hide (char 'a')) "" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError Nothing [] [] 0)) testParse (hide (string "a")) "" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError Nothing [] [] 0)) testParse (hide digit) "" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError Nothing [] [] 0)) , testCase "suppress hints even if input is consumed" do testParse (hide (many digit) <* eof) "1e" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 2) (VanillaError (Just (Raw "e")) [EndOfInput] [] 1)) , testCase "not allow hints to be unsuppressed by another label" do testParse (label ["hey"] (hide (many digit)) <* eof) "1e" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 2) (VanillaError (Just (Raw "e")) [EndOfInput] [] 1)) ] emptyTests :: TestTree emptyTests = testGroup "empty should" [ testCase "produce unknown error messages" do testParse @() empty "b" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError Nothing [] [] 0)) , testCase "produce no unknown message under influence of label" do testParse @() (empty ["something, at least"]) "b" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError Nothing [Named "something, at least"] [] 0)) , testCase "not produce an error message at end of <|> chain" do testParse (char 'a' <|> empty) "b" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError (Just (Raw "b")) [Raw "a"] [] 1)) , testCase "produce an expected error under the influence of label in <|> chain" do testParse (char 'a' <|> label ["something, at least"] empty) "b" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError (Just (Raw "b")) [Raw "a", Named "something, at least"] [] 1)) , expectFailBecause "no widening for carets in vanilla" $ testCase "have an effect if its caret is wider" do testParse (char 'a' <|> emptyWide 3) "bcd" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError (Just (Raw "bcd")) [Raw "a"] [] 3)) ] explainTests :: TestTree explainTests = testGroup "explain should" [ testCase "provide a message but only on failure" do testParse @Int (explain "oops!" empty) "" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError Nothing [] ["oops!"] 0)) testParse (explain "requires an a" (char 'a')) "b" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError (Just (Raw "b")) [Raw "a"] ["requires an a"] 1)) testParse (explain "an a" (char 'a') <|> explain "a b" (char 'b')) "c" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError (Just (Raw "c")) [Raw "a", Raw "b"] ["an a", "a b"] 1)) , testCase "not have any effect when more input has been consumed since it was added" do testParse (explain "should be absent" (char 'a') *> char 'b') "a" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 2) (VanillaError (Just EndOfInput) [Raw "b"] [] 1)) testParse (explain "should be absent" (char 'a') <|> (char 'b' *> digit)) "b" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 2) (VanillaError (Just EndOfInput) [Named "digit"] [] 1)) ] failTests :: TestTree failTests = testGroup "fail should" [ testCase "yield a raw message" do testParse @Int (fail ["hi"]) "b" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (SpecialisedError ["hi"] 1)) , expectFailBecause "no cross-error width merging" $ testCase "be flexible when the width is unspecified" do testParse (string "abc" <|> fail ["hi"]) "xyz" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (SpecialisedError ["hi"] 3)) , testCase "dominate otherwise" do testParse (string "abc" <|> failWide 2 ["hi"]) "xyz" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (SpecialisedError ["hi"] 2)) ] unexpectedTests :: TestTree unexpectedTests = testGroup "unexpected should" [ testCase "yield changes to unexpected messages" do testParse @() (unexpected "bee") "b" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError (Just (Named "bee")) [] [] 1)) , testCase "produce expected message under influence of label, along with original message" do testParse (char 'a' <|> label ["something less cute"] (unexpected "bee")) "b" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError (Just (Named "bee")) [Raw "a", Named "something less cute"] [] 1)) , expectFailBecause "no widening for carets in vanilla" $ testCase "be flexible when the width is unspecified" do testParse (string "abc" <|> unexpected "bee") "xyz" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError (Just (Named "bee")) [Raw "abc"] [] 3)) , testCase "dominate otherwise" do testParse (string "abc" <|> unexpectedWide 2 "bee") "xyz" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError (Just (Named "bee")) [Raw "abc"] [] 2)) ] lookAheadTests :: TestTree lookAheadTests = testGroup "lookAhead should" [ testCase "produce no hints following it" do let p = char 'a' <|> lookAhead (optional digit *> char 'c') <|> char 'b' testParse p "d" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError (Just (Raw "d")) [Raw "a", Raw "b", Raw "c", Named "digit"] [] 1)) let q = char 'a' <|> lookAhead (optional digit) *> char 'c' <|> char 'b' testParse q "d" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError (Just (Raw "d")) [Raw "a", Raw "b", Raw "c"] [] 1)) let r = char 'a' <|> lookAhead digit *> char 'c' <|> char 'b' testParse r "d" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError (Just (Raw "d")) [Raw "a", Raw "b", Named "digit"] [] 1)) ] notFollowedByTests :: TestTree notFollowedByTests = testGroup "notFollowedBy should" [ testCase "produce no hints" do let p = char 'a' <|> notFollowedBy (optional digit) *> char 'c' <|> char 'b' testParse p "d" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError (Just (Raw "d")) [Raw "a", Raw "b"] [] 1)) let q = char 'a' <|> notFollowedBy digit *> char 'c' <|> char 'b' testParse q "d" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError (Just (Raw "d")) [Raw "a", Raw "b", Raw "c"] [] 1)) ] eofTests :: TestTree eofTests = testGroup "eof should" [ testCase "produce expected end of input" do testParse eof "a" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError (Just (Raw "a")) [EndOfInput] [] 1)) , testCase "change message under the influence of label" do testParse (label ["something more"] eof) "a" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError (Just (Raw "a")) [Named "something more"] [] 1)) ] amendTests :: TestTree amendTests = testGroup "amend should" [ testCase "change error messages under it" do let p = char 'a' *> amend (char 'b' *> char 'c' *> char 'd') case testParse p "ab" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 2) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" case testParse p "abc" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 2) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" , testCase "not affect input consumption" do ensureFails (amend (char 'a' *> char 'b') <|> char 'a') "a" ] entrenchTests :: TestTree entrenchTests = testGroup "entrench should" [ testCase "prevent the change of error messages under it" do let p = char 'a' *> amend (char 'b' *> entrench (char 'c') *> char 'd') case testParse p "ab" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 3) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" case testParse p "abc" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 2) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" let q = char 'a' *> amend (char 'b' *> char 'c' *> entrench (char 'd')) case testParse q "ab" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 2) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" case testParse q "abc" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 4) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" , testCase "not prevent the action of amend inside it" do let p = char 'a' *> amend (char 'b' *> entrench (amend (char 'c' *> char 'd' *> entrench (char 'e'))) *> char 'f') case testParse p "ab" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 3) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" case testParse p "abc" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 3) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" case testParse p "abcd" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 5) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" case testParse p "abcde" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 2) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" ] dislodgeTests :: TestTree dislodgeTests = testGroup "dislodge should" [ testCase "undo an entrench so that amend works again" do let p = char 'a' *> amend (char 'b' *> dislodge (entrench (entrench (char 'c'))) *> char 'd') case testParse p "ab" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 2) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" case testParse p "abc" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 2) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" , testCase "not prevent another entrench from occurring" do let p = char 'a' *> amend (char 'b' *> entrench (dislodge (entrench (char 'c'))) *> char 'd') case testParse p "ab" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 3) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" case testParse p "abc" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 2) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" , testCase "only unwind as many as instructed if applicable" do let p = char 'a' *> amend (char 'b' *> dislodgeBy 1 (entrench (entrench (char 'c'))) *> char 'd') let q = char 'a' *> amend (char 'b' *> dislodgeBy 2 (entrench (entrench (char 'c'))) *> char 'd') case testParse p "ab" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 3) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" case testParse p "abc" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 2) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" case testParse q "ab" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 2) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" case testParse q "abc" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 2) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" ] amendThenDislodgeTests :: TestTree amendThenDislodgeTests = testGroup "amendThenDislodge should" [ testCase "amend only non-entrenched messages and dislodge those that are" do let p = char 'a' *> amendThenDislodge (char 'b' *> entrench (entrench (char 'c')) *> char 'd') let q = amend p case testParse p "ab" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 3) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" case testParse p "abc" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 2) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" case testParse q "ab" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 1) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" case testParse q "abc" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 1) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" , testCase "only unwind as many as instructed if applicable" do let p = char 'a' *> amendThenDislodgeBy 1 (char 'b' *> entrench (entrench (char 'c')) *> char 'd') let q = amend p let r = char 'a' *> amendThenDislodgeBy 2 (char 'b' *> entrench (entrench (char 'c')) *> char 'd') let s = amend r case testParse p "ab" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 3) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" case testParse p "abc" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 2) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" case testParse q "ab" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 3) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" case testParse q "abc" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 1) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" case testParse r "ab" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 3) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" case testParse r "abc" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 2) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" case testParse s "ab" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 1) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" case testParse s "abc" of Failure (TestError pos _) -> pos @?= (1, 1) _ -> assertFailure "parser must fail" ] partialAmendTests :: TestTree partialAmendTests = testGroup "partialAmend should" [ testCaseSteps "perform visual amendment but allow for domination" \step -> do let errorMaker n msg = atomic (exactly n (char 'a') *> (char 'b' <|> fail [msg])) step "a regular amend should lose against an even shallower error" let p = errorMaker 2 "small" <|> amend (errorMaker 3 "big") testParse p (replicate 4 'a') @?= Failure (TestError (1, 3) (SpecialisedError ["small"] 1)) step "a partial amend can win against an error at a lesser offset but greater presentation" let q = errorMaker 2 "small" <|> partialAmend (errorMaker 3 "big") testParse q (replicate 4 'a') @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (SpecialisedError ["big"] 1)) step "however, they do not win at equal underlying offset" let r = errorMaker 3 "first" <|> partialAmend (errorMaker 3 "second") testParse r (replicate 4 'a') @?= Failure (TestError (1, 4) (SpecialisedError ["first"] 1)) ] --TODO: filter tests oneOfTests :: TestTree oneOfTests = testGroup "oneOf should" [ testCase "incorporate range notation into the error" do testParse (oneOf ['0' .. '9']) "a" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError (Just (Raw "a")) [Named "one of \"0\" to \"9\""] [] 1)) , testCase "incorporate sets of characters into error" do testParse (oneOf ['0', '2' .. '9']) "a" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError (Just (Raw "a")) (Set.map (Named . show . (: [])) ['0', '2' .. '9']) [] 1)) ] noneOfTests :: TestTree noneOfTests = testGroup "noneOf should" [ testCase "incorporate range notation into the error" do testParse (noneOf ['0' .. '9']) "8" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError (Just (Raw "8")) [Named "anything outside of \"0\" to \"9\""] [] 1)) , expectFailBecause "no label applied yet" $ testCase "incorporate sets of characters into error" do testParse (noneOf ['0', '2' .. '9']) "8" @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError (Just (Raw "8")) [Named "anything except \"0\", \"1\", \"2\", \"3\", \"4\", \"5\", \"6\", \"7\", \"8\", or \"9\""] [] 1)) ] --TODO: patterns tests builderTests :: TestTree builderTests = testGroup "the default error builder should" [ testCase "not crash with vanilla errors" do notThrow (parse @String (explain "hello" (label ["hi"] (char 'a') <|> char 'b')) "c") notThrow (parse @String (char 'a' <|> char 'b' <|> char 'c') "d") notThrow (parse @String (char 'a' <|> char ',' <|> char 'c') "d") notThrow (parse @String (char ' ' <|> char '\BEL') "a") notThrow (parse @String (char 'a') " ") notThrow (parse @String (char 'a') "\BEL") , testCase "not crash with specialised errors" do notThrow (parse @String @() (fail ["hello", "world"] <|> fail ["!"]) "") ] regressionTests :: TestTree regressionTests = testGroup "thou shalt not regress" [ testGroup "hints should" [ testCase "incorporate only with errors at the same offset depth" do let p = atomic (char 'a' *> digit) let parser = optional (char 'b' ["b"]) *> label ["foo"] p case testParse parser "aa" of Failure (TestError (1, 2) (VanillaError _ expecteds _ 1)) -> do expecteds @?= [Named "digit"] err -> assertFailure $ "error message " ++ show err ++ " did not match" let q = amend (char 'a' *> digit) let qarser = optional (char 'b' ["b"]) *> label ["foo"] q case testParse qarser "aa" of Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError _ expecteds _ 1)) -> do expecteds @?= [Named "foo", Named "b"] err -> assertFailure $ "error message " ++ show err ++ " did not match" ] , testGroup "amend should" -- FIXME: unclear why this would be the case [ expectFail $ testCase "ensure that errors pick up a new unexpected token" do let greeting = string "hello world" <* char '!' testParse (amend greeting ["greeting"]) "hello world." @?= Failure (TestError (1, 1) (VanillaError (Just (Raw "h")) [Named "greeting"] [] 1)) ] ]