{-# LANGUAGE CPP                        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances       #-}
module GHCJS.HPlay.View(
  -- * Running it
  , module Transient.Move.Utils
  , runBody
  , addHeader
  , render
  , runWidget'
  , addSData
  -- * Widget Combinators and Modifiers
  , (<<)
  , (<<<)
  , (<!)
  , (<++)
  , (++>)
  , validate
  , wcallback
  -- * Basic Widgets
  , option
  , wprint
  , getString
  , inputString
  , getInteger
  , inputInteger
  , getInt
  , inputInt
  , inputFloat
  , inputDouble
  , getPassword
  , inputPassword
  , setRadio
  , setRadioActive
  , getRadio
  , setCheckBox
  , getCheckBoxes
  , getTextBox
  , getMultilineText
  , textArea
  , getBool
  , getSelect
  , setOption
  , setSelectedOption
  , wlabel
  , resetButton
  , inputReset
  , submitButton
  , inputSubmit
  , wbutton
  , wlink
  , noWidget
  , wraw
  , rawHtml
  , isEmpty
  -- * Events
  , BrowserEvent(..)
  -- * Out of Flow Updates
  , UpdateMethod(..)
  , at
  -- * Reactive and Events
  , IsEvent(..)
  , EventData(..)
  , EvData(..)
  , resetEventData
  , getEventData
  , setEventData
  , raiseEvent
  , fire
  , wake
  , pass
  , continueIf
  -- * Low-level and Internals
  , ElemID
  , FormInput(..)
  , getNextId
  , genNewId
  , continuePerch
  , getParam
  , getCont
  , runCont
  , elemById
  , withElem
  , getProp
  , setProp
  , alert
  , fromJSString
  , toJSString
  , getValue
  -- * Re-exported
  , module Control.Applicative
  , module GHCJS.Perch
  -- remove
)  where

import           Transient.Internals     hiding (input, option)
import           Transient.Logged
import           Transient.Move.Utils

import           Control.Concurrent.MVar
import           Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Map                as M

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Concurrent
import           Data.Dynamic
import           Data.IORef
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Typeable
import           Prelude                 hiding (id, span)
import           System.IO.Unsafe
import           Unsafe.Coerce

#ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS
import           GHCJS.Foreign
import           GHCJS.Foreign.Callback
import           GHCJS.Marshal
import           GHCJS.Perch             hiding (JsEvent (..), eventName,
import           GHCJS.Types
import           Transient.Move          hiding (pack)

import           Data.JSString           as JS hiding (empty, span, strip)
import           GHCJS.Perch             hiding (JSVal, JsEvent (..), eventName,
import           Transient.Move          hiding (JSString, pack)

#ifndef ghcjs_HOST_OS
type JSString = String

---- | if invoked from the browser, run A computation in the web server and return to the browser
--atServer :: Loggable a => Cloud a -> Cloud a
--atServer proc= do
--     server <- onAll getSData <|> error "server not set, use 'setData serverNode'"
--     runAt server  proc

toJSString :: (Show a, Typeable a) => a -> JSString
toJSString x =
  if typeOf x == typeOf (undefined :: String )
  then pack $ unsafeCoerce x
  else pack $ show x

fromJSString :: (Typeable a,Read a) => JSString -> a
fromJSString s = x
     x | typeOf x == typeOf (undefined :: JSString) =
         unsafeCoerce x            --  !> "unsafecoerce"
       | typeOf x == typeOf (undefined :: String) =
         unsafeCoerce $ pack $ unsafeCoerce x            -- !!> "packcoerce"
       | otherwise = read $ unpack s            -- !> "readunpack"

getValue :: MonadIO m => Elem -> m (Maybe String)
getName :: MonadIO m => Elem -> m (Maybe String)
#ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS
getValue e = liftIO $ do
   s <- getValueDOM e
   fromJSVal s -- return $ JS.unpack s

getName e = liftIO $ do
   s <- getNameDOM e
   fromJSVal s
getValue = undefined
getName = undefined

elemById :: MonadIO m  => JSString -> m (Maybe Elem)
#ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS
elemById id= liftIO $ do
   re <- elemByIdDOM id
   fromJSVal re
elemById _= return Nothing

withElem :: ElemID -> (Elem -> IO a) -> IO a
withElem id f= do
  me <- elemById id
  case me of
     Nothing -> error ("withElem: not found"++ fromJSString id)
     Just e -> f e

atElem :: ElemID -> Perch -> Perch
atElem id f = Perch $ \ _ -> do
  me <- elemById id
  case me of
     Nothing -> error ("withElem: not found"++ fromJSString id)
     Just e -> build f e

data NeedForm= HasForm | HasElems  | NoElems deriving Show

type ElemID= JSString
newtype Widget a=  Widget{ norender :: TransientIO a} deriving(Monad,Alternative,MonadIO,MonadPlus)

instance   Functor Widget where
  fmap f mx=   Widget. Transient $ fmap (fmap f) . runTrans $ norender mx

instance Applicative Widget where
  pure= return

  Widget (Transient x) <*> Widget (Transient y) = Widget . Transient $ do
      mx <- x --  !> "mx"
      my <- y --  !> "my"
      return $ mx <*> my

instance Monoid a => Monoid (Widget a) where
  mempty= return mempty
  mappend x y= (<>) <$> x <*> y

instance AdditionalOperators Widget where

    (<**)  x y= Widget $  norender x <**  norender y

    (<***) x y= Widget $  norender x <*** norender y

    (**>)  x y= Widget $  norender x **>  norender y

runView :: Widget a -> StateIO (Maybe a)
runView  = runTrans . norender

-- | It is a callback in the view monad. The rendering of the second parameter substitutes the rendering
-- of the first paramenter when the latter validates without afecting the rendering of other widgets.
-- This allow the simultaneous execution of different dynamic behaviours in different page locations
-- at the same page.
  ::  Widget a -> (a ->Widget b) -> Widget b

wcallback x f= Widget $ Transient $ do
   nid <-  genNewId
   runView $ do
             r <-  at nid Insert x
             at nid Insert $ f r

instance Monoid view => MonadTrans (View view) where
  lift f = Transient $  (lift  f) >>= \x ->  returnFormElm mempty $ Just x

type Name= JSString
type Type= JSString
type Value= JSString
type Checked= Bool
type OnClick1= Maybe JSString

-- | Minimal interface for defining the basic form and link elements. The core of MFlow is agnostic
-- about the rendering package used. Every formatting (either HTML or not) used with MFlow must have an
-- instance of this class.
-- See "MFlow.Forms.Blaze.Html for the instance for blaze-html" "MFlow.Forms.XHtml" for the instance
-- for @Text.XHtml@ and MFlow.Forms.HSP for the instance for Haskell Server Pages.
class (Monoid view,Typeable view)   => FormInput view where
    fromStr :: JSString -> view
    fromStrNoEncode :: String -> view
    ftag :: JSString -> view  -> view
    inred   :: view -> view
    flink ::  JSString -> view -> view
    flink1:: JSString -> view
    flink1 verb = flink verb (fromStr verb)
    finput :: Name -> Type -> Value -> Checked -> OnClick1 -> view
    ftextarea :: JSString -> JSString -> view
    fselect :: JSString -> view -> view
    foption :: JSString -> view -> Bool -> view
    foption1 :: JSString -> Bool -> view
    foption1   val msel= foption val (fromStr val) msel
    formAction  :: JSString -> JSString -> view -> view
    attrs :: view -> Attribs -> view

type Attribs= [(JSString, JSString)]

data ParamResult v a= NoParam | NotValidated String v | Validated a deriving (Read, Show)

valToMaybe (Validated x)= Just x
valToMaybe _= Nothing

isValidated (Validated x)= True
isValidated _= False

fromValidated (Validated x)= x
fromValidated NoParam= error "fromValidated : NoParam"
fromValidated (NotValidated s err)= error $ "fromValidated: NotValidated "++ s

getParam1 :: ( Typeable a, Read a, Show a)
          => JSString ->  StateIO (ParamResult Perch a)
getParam1 par = do
   me <- elemById par                        -- !> ("looking for " ++ show par)
   case me of
     Nothing -> return  NoParam
     Just e ->  do
       v <- getValue e                       -- !!> ("exist" ++ show par)
       readParam v                           -- !!> ("getParam for "++ show v)

type Params= Attribs

readParam :: (Typeable a, Read a, Show a)=> Maybe String -> StateIO (ParamResult Perch a)
readParam Nothing = return NoParam
readParam (Just x1) = r
 r= maybeRead x1

 getType ::  m (ParamResult v a) -> a
 getType= undefined
 x= getType r

 maybeRead str= do
   let typeofx = typeOf x
   if typeofx == typeOf  ( undefined :: String)   then
           return . Validated $ unsafeCoerce str            -- !!> ("maybread string " ++ str)
    else case reads $ str  of          --            -- !!> ("read " ++ str) of
              [(x,"")] ->  return $ Validated x            -- !!> ("readsprec" ++ show x)
              _ -> do
                   let err= inred . fromStr $ toJSString $ "can't read \"" ++ str ++ "\" as type " ++  show (typeOf x)
                   return $ NotValidated str err

-- | Validates a form or widget result against a validating procedure
-- @getOdd= getInt Nothing `validate` (\x -> return $ if mod x 2==0 then  Nothing else Just "only odd numbers, please")@
  :: Widget a
     -> (a -> StateIO  (Maybe Perch))
     -> Widget a
validate  w val=  do
   idn <- Widget $ Transient $ Just <$> genNewId
   rawHtml $ span ! id idn $ noHtml
   x <-  w
   Widget $ Transient $ do
          me <- val x
          case me of
             Just str -> do
                  liftIO $ withElem idn $ build $ clear >> inred  str
                  return Nothing
             Nothing  -> do
                  liftIO $ withElem idn $ build clear
                  return $ Just x

-- | Generate a new string. Useful for creating tag identifiers and other attributes.
-- if the page is refreshed, the identifiers generated are the same.

#ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS
genNewId ::  StateIO  JSString
genNewId=  do
      Prefix pre <- getData `onNothing` return (Prefix "")
      n <- genId
      return  $ pre <> (toJSString $ {-'p':  (show $ Prelude.length log)++-} ('n':show n))
--      return  $  (toJSString $ {-'p':  (show $ Prelude.length log)++-} ('n':show n))

getPrev ::  StateIO  JSString
getPrev= do
      n' <- getPrevId
      let n= n'-1
      Prefix pre <- getData `onNothing` return (Prefix "")

      return  $ pre <> (toJSString $ {-'p':  (show $ Prelude.length log)++-} ('n':show n))
genNewId ::  StateIO  JSString
genNewId= return $ pack ""

getPrev ::  StateIO  JSString
getPrev= return $ pack ""

--addPrefix= Transient $ do
--   n <- genId
--   Prefix s <- getData `onNothing` return ( Prefix "")
--   setData $ Prefix (toJSString( 's': show n)<> s)
--   return $ Just ()

-- | get the next ideitifier that will be created by genNewId
getNextId :: MonadState EventF  m  =>  m JSString
getNextId=  do
      n <- gets mfSequence

      return $ toJSString $ 'p':show n

-- | Display a text box and return a non empty String
getString  ::  Maybe String -> Widget String
getString = getTextBox
--     `validate`
--     \s -> if Prelude.null s then return (Just $ fromStr "")
--                    else return Nothing

inputString  :: Maybe String -> Widget String
inputString= getString

-- | Display a text box and return an Integer (if the value entered is not an Integer, fails the validation)
getInteger :: Maybe Integer -> Widget  Integer
getInteger =  getTextBox

inputInteger ::  Maybe Integer -> Widget  Integer
inputInteger= getInteger

-- | Display a text box and return a Int (if the value entered is not an Int, fails the validation)
getInt :: Maybe Int -> Widget Int
getInt =  getTextBox

inputInt :: Maybe Int -> Widget Int
inputInt =  getInt

inputFloat :: Maybe Float -> Widget Float
inputFloat =  getTextBox

inputDouble :: Maybe Double -> Widget Double
inputDouble =  getTextBox

-- | Display a password box
getPassword :: Widget String
getPassword = getParam Nothing "password" Nothing

inputPassword ::   Widget String
inputPassword= getPassword

newtype Radio a= Radio a deriving Monoid

-- | Implement a radio button
-- the parameter is the name of the radio group
setRadio :: (Typeable a, Eq a, Show a) =>
            a ->  Widget  (Radio a)
setRadio v = Widget $ Transient $ do
  RadioId n <- getData `onNothing` error "setRadio out of getRadio"
  id <- genNewId
  st <- get
--  setData HasElems       -- only for MFlow
  me <- liftIO $ elemById id
  checked <-  case me  of
       Nothing -> return ""
       Just e  -> liftIO $ getProp e "checked"
  let strs= if  checked=="true" then Just v else Nothing
--  let mn= if null strs then False else True
      ret= fmap  Radio  strs
      str = if typeOf v == typeOf(undefined :: String)
                   then unsafeCoerce v else show v

      ( finput id "radio" (toJSString str) ( isJust strs ) Nothing `attrs` [("name",n)] :: Perch)

  return ret

setRadioActive :: (Typeable a, Eq a, Show a) =>
                    a -> Widget (Radio a)
setRadioActive rs = setRadio rs `raiseEvent` OnClick

data RadioId= RadioId JSString deriving Typeable

-- | encloses a set of Radio boxes. Return the option selected
  :: Monoid a => [Widget (Radio a)] -> Widget a
getRadio ws = Widget $ Transient $ do
   id <- genNewId
   setData $ RadioId id
   fs <- mapM runView  ws
   let mx = mconcat fs
   delData $ RadioId id
   return $ fmap (\(Radio r) -> r) mx

data CheckBoxes a= CheckBoxes [a] deriving Show

instance Monoid (CheckBoxes a) where
  mappend (CheckBoxes xs) (CheckBoxes ys)= CheckBoxes $ xs ++ ys
  mempty= CheckBoxes []

-- | Display a text box and return the value entered if it is readable( Otherwise, fail the validation)
setCheckBox :: (Typeable a , Show a) =>
                Bool -> a -> Widget  (CheckBoxes a)
setCheckBox checked' v= Widget . Transient $ do
  n  <- genNewId
  st <- get
--  setData HasElems
  me <- liftIO $ elemById n

  let showv= toJSString (if typeOf v == typeOf (undefined :: String)
                             then unsafeCoerce v
                             else show v)

  addSData $  ( finput n "checkbox" showv  checked' Nothing :: Perch)

  case me of
       Nothing -> return Nothing
       Just e -> do
            checked <- liftIO $ getProp e "checked"
            return . Just . CheckBoxes $ if  checked=="true"  then [v] else []

getCheckBoxes ::  Show a => Widget  (CheckBoxes a) ->  Widget  [a]
getCheckBoxes w = Widget $ Transient $ do
   mrs <- runView w
   case mrs of
     Nothing -> return Nothing
     Just(CheckBoxes rs ) ->   return $ Just rs

whidden :: (Read a, Show a, Typeable a) => a -> Widget a
whidden x= res where
 res= Widget . Transient $ do
      n <- genNewId
      let showx= case cast x of
                  Just x' -> x'
                  Nothing -> show x
      r <- getParam1 n  `asTypeOf` typef res
      addSData (finput n "hidden" (toJSString showx) False Nothing :: Perch)
      return (valToMaybe r)
      typef :: Widget a -> StateIO (ParamResult Perch a)
      typef = undefined

  :: (Typeable a,
      Show a,
      Read a) =>
     Maybe a ->  Widget a
getTextBox ms  = getParam Nothing "text" ms

  :: (Typeable a,
      Show a,
      Read a) =>
      Maybe JSString -> JSString -> Maybe a -> Widget  a
getParam look type1 mvalue= Widget . Transient $ getParamS look type1 mvalue

getParamS look type1 mvalue= do
    tolook <- case look of
       Nothing  -> genNewId
       Just n -> return n

    let nvalue x =  case x of
          Nothing -> mempty
          Just v  ->
              if (typeOf v== typeOf (undefined :: String)) then  pack (unsafeCoerce v)
              else if typeOf v== typeOf (undefined :: JSString) then unsafeCoerce v
              else toJSString $ show v             -- !!> "show"

    setData HasElems
    r <- getParam1 tolook

    case r of
       Validated x        -> do addSData (finput tolook type1 (nvalue $ Just x) False Nothing :: Perch) ; return $ Just x            -- !!> "validated"
       NotValidated s err -> do addSData (finput tolook type1  (toJSString s) False Nothing <> err :: Perch); return Nothing
       NoParam            -> do setData WasParallel;addSData (finput tolook type1 (nvalue mvalue) False Nothing :: Perch); return  Nothing

-- | Display a multiline text box and return its content
getMultilineText :: JSString
                 -> Widget String
getMultilineText nvalue =  res where
 res= Widget. Transient $ do
    tolook <- genNewId
    r <- getParam1 tolook  `asTypeOf` typef res
    case r of
       Validated x        -> do addSData (ftextarea tolook  $ toJSString x :: Perch); return $ Just x
       NotValidated s err -> do addSData (ftextarea tolook   (toJSString s) :: Perch); return  Nothing
       NoParam            -> do setData WasParallel;addSData (ftextarea tolook  nvalue :: Perch); return  Nothing
    typef :: Widget String -> StateIO (ParamResult Perch String)
    typef = undefined

-- | A synonim of getMultilineText
textArea ::  JSString ->Widget String
textArea= getMultilineText

getBool :: Bool -> String -> String -> Widget Bool
getBool mv truestr falsestr= do
   r <- getSelect $   setOption truestr (fromStr $ toJSString truestr)  <! (if mv then [("selected","true")] else [])
                  <|> setOption falsestr(fromStr $ toJSString falsestr) <! if not mv then [("selected","true")] else []
   if  r == truestr  then return True else return False

-- | Display a dropdown box with the options in the first parameter is optionally selected
-- . It returns the selected option.
getSelect :: (Typeable a, Read a,Show a) =>
      Widget (MFOption a) ->  Widget  a
getSelect opts = res where
  res= Widget . Transient $ do
    tolook <- genNewId
    st <- get
--    setData HasElems
    r <- getParam1 tolook `asTypeOf` typef res
--    setData $ fmap MFOption $ valToMaybe r
    runView $ fselect tolook <<< opts
    return $ valToMaybe r

    typef :: Widget a -> StateIO (ParamResult Perch a)
    typef = undefined

newtype MFOption a = MFOption a deriving (Typeable, Monoid)

-- | Set the option for getSelect. Options are concatenated with `<|>`
  :: (Show a, Eq a, Typeable a) =>
     a -> Perch -> Widget (MFOption a)
setOption n v = setOption1 n v False

-- | Set the selected option for getSelect. Options are concatenated with `<|>`
  :: (Show a, Eq a, Typeable a) =>
     a -> Perch -> Widget (MFOption a)
setSelectedOption n v= setOption1 n v True

setOption1 :: (Typeable a, Eq a, Show a) =>
      a -> Perch -> Bool ->  Widget  (MFOption a)
setOption1 nam  val check= Widget . Transient $ do
    let n = if typeOf nam == typeOf(undefined :: String)
                   then unsafeCoerce nam
                   else show nam

    addSData (foption (toJSString n) val check)

    return  Nothing -- (Just $ MFOption nam)

wlabel:: Perch -> Widget a -> Widget a
wlabel str w = Widget . Transient $ do
   id <- getNextId
   runView $ (ftag "label" str `attrs` [("for",id)] :: Perch) ++> w

-- passive reset button.
resetButton :: JSString -> Widget ()
resetButton label= Widget . Transient $ do
   addSData  (finput  "reset" "reset" label False Nothing :: Perch)
   return $ Just ()

inputReset :: JSString -> Widget ()
inputReset= resetButton

-- passive submit button. Submit a form, but it is not trigger any event.
-- Unless you attach it with `raiseEvent`
submitButton ::  (Read a, Show a, Typeable a) => a -> Widget a
submitButton label=  getParam Nothing "submit" $ Just label

inputSubmit ::  (Read a, Show a, Typeable a) => a -> Widget a
inputSubmit= submitButton

-- | active button. When clicked, return the first parameter
wbutton :: a -> JSString -> Widget a
wbutton x label= Widget $ Transient $ do
     idn <- genNewId
     runView $ do
        input  ! atr "type" "submit" ! id   idn ! atr "value" label `pass` OnClick
        return x
      `continuePerch`  idn

-- | when creating a complex widget with many tags, this call indentifies which tag will receive the attributes of the (!) operator.
continuePerch :: Widget a -> ElemID -> Widget a
continuePerch w eid=   c <<< w
      c f =Perch $ \e' ->  do
         build f e'
         elemid eid

      elemid id= elemById id >>=  return . fromJust

--      child  e = do
--             jsval <- firstChild e
--             fromJSValUnchecked jsval

-- | Present a link. Return the first parameter when clicked
wlink :: (Show a, Typeable a) => a -> Perch -> Widget a
wlink x v=  do
    (a ! href ( toJSString $ "#/"++ show1 x)   $ v)  `pass` OnClick

    return x            -- !!> "PASS"

   show1 x | typeOf x== typeOf (undefined :: String) = unsafeCoerce x
           | otherwise= show x

-- | show something enclosed in the <pre> tag, so ASCII formatting chars are honored
wprint :: ToElem a => a -> Widget ()
wprint = wraw . pre

-- | Enclose Widgets within some formating.
-- @view@ is intended to be instantiated to a particular format
-- NOTE: It has a infix priority : @infixr 5@ less than the one of @++>@ and @<++@ of the operators, so use parentheses when appropriate,
-- unless the we want to enclose all the widgets in the right side.
-- Most of the type errors in the DSL are due to the low priority of this operator.

(<<<) :: (Perch -> Perch)
         -> Widget a
         -> Widget a
(<<<) v form= Widget . Transient $ do
  rest <- getData `onNothing` return noHtml
  delData rest
  mx <- runView form
  f <- getData `onNothing` return noHtml
  setData $ rest <> v f
  return mx

infixr 5 <<<

-- | A parameter application with lower priority than ($) and direct function application
(<<) :: (Perch -> Perch) -> Perch -> Perch
(<<) tag content= tag $ toElem content

infixr 7 <<

-- | Append formatting code to a widget
-- @ getString "hi" <++ H1 << "hi there"@
-- It has a infix prority: @infixr 6@ higuer that '<<<' and most other operators
(<++) :: Widget a
      -> Perch
      -> Widget a
(<++) form v= Widget . Transient $ do
              mx <-  runView  form
              addSData v
              return mx

infixr 6  ++>
infixr 6 <++
-- | Prepend formatting code to a widget
-- @bold << "enter name" ++> getString Nothing @
-- It has a infix prority: @infixr 6@ higher that '<<<' and most other operators
(++>) :: Perch -> Widget a -> Widget a
html ++> w =
  Widget . Transient $ do
      addSData html
      runView w

-- | Add attributes to the topmost tag of a widget

--  it has a fixity @infix 8@
infixl 8 <!
widget <! attribs=  Widget . Transient $ do
      rest <- getData `onNothing` return mempty
      delData rest
      mx <- runView widget
      fs <- getData `onNothing` return mempty
      setData  $ rest <> (fs `attrs` attribs :: Perch)
      return mx

instance  Attributable (Widget a) where
 (!) widget atrib = Widget $ Transient $ do   -- widget <! [atrib]
              rest <- getData `onNothing` return (mempty:: Perch)
              delData rest
              mx <- runView widget
              fs <- getData `onNothing` return (mempty :: Perch)
              setData  $ do rest ; (child $ mspan fs) ! atrib :: Perch
              return mx
     child render = Perch $ \e -> do
             e'    <- build render e
             jsval <- firstChild e'
             fromJSValUnchecked jsval

mspan cont=  Perch $ \e -> do
        n <- liftIO $ getName e
--        alert $ toJSString $ show n
        if n == Just "EVENT"
           then build cont e
           else build (nelem "event" `child` cont) e

-- | Empty widget that does not validate. May be used as \"empty boxes\" inside larger widgets.
-- It returns a non valid value.
noWidget  :: Widget a
noWidget= Control.Applicative.empty

-- | Render raw view formatting. It is useful for displaying information.
wraw ::  Perch -> Widget ()
wraw x= Widget $ addSData x >> return () -- x ++> return ()

-- |  wraw synonym
rawHtml= wraw

-- | True if the widget has no valid input
isEmpty :: Widget a -> Widget Bool
isEmpty w= Widget $ Transient $ do
  mv <- runView w
  return $ Just $ isNothing mv

instance   FormInput Perch  where
    fromStr = toElem
    fromStrNoEncode  = toElem
    ftag n v =  nelem n `child` v

    attrs tag  [] = tag
    attrs tag (nv:attribs) = attrs (attr tag nv) attribs

    inred msg=  ftag "b" msg `attrs` [("style","color:red")]

    finput n t v f c=
        tag= ftag "input" mempty `attrs` [("type",  t), ("id",  n), ("value",  v)]
        tag1= if f then tag `attrs` [("checked", "")] else tag
       in case c of Just s -> tag1 `attrs` [("onclick", s)] ; _ -> tag1

    ftextarea nam text=
        ftag "textarea" mempty `attrs` [("id",  nam)] `child` text

    fselect nam list = ftag "select" mempty `attrs` [("id", nam)] `child` list
    foption  name v msel=
      let tag=  ftag "option" mempty `attrs` [("value", name)]  `child`  v
      in if msel then tag `attrs` [("selected", "")] else tag

    formAction action method1 form = ftag "form" mempty `attrs` [("acceptCharset", "UTF-8")
                                                         ,( "action", action)
                                                         ,("method",  method1)]
                                                         `child` form

    flink  v str = ftag "a" mempty `attrs` [("href",  v)] `child` str

data EvData =  NoData | Click Int (Int, Int) | Mouse (Int, Int) | MouseOut | Key Int deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable)

resetEventData :: Widget ()
resetEventData= Widget . Transient $ do
    setData $ EventData "Onload" $ toDyn NoData
    return $ Just ()            -- !!> "RESETEVENTDATA"

getEventData ::  Widget EventData
getEventData =  Widget getSData <|> return  (EventData "Onload" $ toDyn NoData) -- (error "getEventData: event type not expected")

setEventData ::   EventData -> Widget ()
setEventData =  Widget . setData

class IsEvent a where
   eventName :: a -> JSString
   buildHandler :: Elem -> a  ->(EventData -> IO()) -> IO()

data BrowserEvent= OnLoad | OnUnload | OnChange | OnFocus | OnMouseMove | OnMouseOver |
 OnMouseOut | OnClick | OnDblClick | OnMouseDown | OnMouseUp | OnBlur |
 OnKeyPress | OnKeyUp | OnKeyDown deriving Show

data EventData= EventData{ evName :: JSString, evData :: Dynamic} deriving (Show,Typeable)

--data OnLoad= OnLoad
instance  IsEvent  BrowserEvent  where
--  data EData _= EventData{ evName :: JSString, evData :: EvData} deriving (Show,Typeable)
  eventName e =
#ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS
    JS.toLower $ JS.drop 2 (toJSString $ show e) -- const "load"
  buildHandler elem e io =
    case e of
     OnLoad -> do
      cb <- syncCallback1 ContinueAsync (const $ setDat elem (io
                                           (EventData (eventName e) $ toDyn NoData)) )
      js_addEventListener elem (eventName e) cb

--data OnUnload = OnUnLoad
--instance  IsEvent  OnUnload   where
--  eventName= const "unload"
--  buildHandler elem e io = do
     OnUnload -> do
      cb <- syncCallback1 ContinueAsync (const $ setDat elem  $ io
                                           (EventData (eventName e) $ toDyn NoData) )
      js_addEventListener elem (eventName e) cb
--data OnChange= OnChange
--instance  IsEvent  OnChange   where
--  eventName= const "onchange"
--  buildHandler elem e io = do
     OnChange -> do
      cb <- syncCallback1 ContinueAsync (const $ setDat elem $ io
                                           (EventData (eventName e) $ toDyn NoData) )
      js_addEventListener elem (eventName e) cb

--data OnFocus= OnFocus
--instance  IsEvent  OnFocus   where
--  eventName= const "focus"
--  buildHandler elem e io = do
     OnFocus -> do
      cb <- syncCallback1 ContinueAsync (const $ setDat elem $ io
                                           (EventData (eventName e) $ toDyn NoData) )
      js_addEventListener elem (eventName e) cb

--data OnBlur= OnBlur
--instance  IsEvent  OnBlur   where
--  eventName= const "blur"
--  buildHandler elem e io = do
     OnBlur -> do
       cb <- syncCallback1 ContinueAsync (const $ setDat elem $ io
                                           (EventData (eventName e)$ toDyn NoData) )
       js_addEventListener elem (eventName e) cb

--data OnMouseMove= OnMouseMove Int Int
--instance  IsEvent  OnMouseMove  where
--  eventName= const "mousemove"
--  buildHandler elem e io= do
     OnMouseMove -> do
       cb <- syncCallback1 ContinueAsync
               (\r -> do
                 (x,y) <-fromJSValUnchecked r
                 stopPropagation r
                 setDat elem $ io $  EventData (eventName e) $  toDyn $ Mouse(x,y))
       js_addEventListener elem (eventName e) cb

--data OnMouseOver= OnMouseOver
--instance  IsEvent  OnMouseOver  where
--  eventName= const "mouseover"
--  buildHandler elem e io= do
     OnMouseOver -> do
       cb <- syncCallback1 ContinueAsync
                (\r -> do
                 (x,y) <-fromJSValUnchecked r
                 stopPropagation r
                 setDat elem $ io $ EventData (nevent e) $ toDyn $  Mouse(x,y))
       js_addEventListener elem (eventName e) cb

--data OnMouseOut= OnMouseOut
--instance  IsEvent  OnMouseOut   where
--  eventName= const "mouseout"
--  buildHandler elem e io = do
     OnMouseOut -> do
      cb <- syncCallback1 ContinueAsync (const $ setDat elem $ io
                                           (EventData (nevent e) $ toDyn $  NoData) )
      js_addEventListener elem (eventName e) cb

--data OnClick= OnClick
--instance  IsEvent  OnClick      where
--  eventName= const "click"
--  buildHandler elem e io= do
     OnClick -> do
      cb <- syncCallback1 ContinueAsync  $ \r -> do
          (i,x,y)<- fromJSValUnchecked r
          stopPropagation r
          setDat elem $ io $   EventData (nevent e) $ toDyn $  Click i (x,y)
      js_addEventListener elem (eventName e) cb

--data OnDblClick= OnDblClick
--instance  IsEvent  OnDblClick   where
--  eventName= const "dblclick"
--  buildHandler elem e io= do
     OnDblClick -> do
      cb <- syncCallback1 ContinueAsync  $ \r -> do
          (i,x,y)<- fromJSValUnchecked r
          stopPropagation r
          setDat elem $ io $   EventData (nevent e) $ toDyn $  Click i (x,y)
      js_addEventListener elem (eventName e) cb

--data OnMouseDown= OnMouseDown
--instance  IsEvent  OnMouseDown  where
--  eventName= const "mousedowm"
--  buildHandler elem e io= do
     OnMouseDown -> do
      cb <- syncCallback1 ContinueAsync $ \r -> do
          (i,x,y)<- fromJSValUnchecked r
          stopPropagation r
          setDat elem  $ io $   EventData (nevent e) $ toDyn $  Click i (x,y)
      js_addEventListener elem (eventName e) cb

--data OnMouseUp= OnMouseUp
--instance  IsEvent  OnMouseUp    where
--  eventName= const "mouseup"
--  buildHandler elem e io= do
     OnMouseUp -> do
      cb <- syncCallback1 ContinueAsync $ \r -> do
          (i,x,y)<- fromJSValUnchecked r
          stopPropagation r
          setDat elem $ io $   EventData (nevent e) $ toDyn $  Click i (x,y)
      js_addEventListener elem (eventName e) cb

--data OnKeyPress= OnKeyPress
--instance  IsEvent  OnKeyPress  where
--  eventName= const "keypress"
--  buildHandler elem e io = do
     OnKeyPress -> do
      cb <- syncCallback1 ContinueAsync $ \r -> do
            i <-  fromJSValUnchecked r
            stopPropagation r
            setDat elem  $ io $  EventData (nevent e) $ toDyn $  Key i
      js_addEventListener elem (eventName e) cb

--data OnKeyUp= OnKeyUp
--instance  IsEvent OnKeyUp    where
--  eventName= const "keyup"
--  buildHandler elem e io = do
     OnKeyUp -> do
      cb <- syncCallback1 ContinueAsync $ \r -> do
            i <-  fromJSValUnchecked r
            stopPropagation r
            setDat elem  $ io $ EventData (nevent e) $ toDyn $  Key i
      js_addEventListener elem (eventName e) cb

--data OnKeyDown= OnKeyDown
--instance  IsEvent  OnKeyDown   where
--  eventName= const "keydown"
--  buildHandler elem e io = do
     OnKeyDown -> do
      cb <- syncCallback1 ContinueAsync $ \r -> do
            i <-  fromJSValUnchecked r
            stopPropagation r
            setDat elem $ io $  EventData (nevent e) $ toDyn $ Key i
      js_addEventListener elem (eventName e) cb


   nevent =  eventName

   setDat ::  Elem -> IO()  -> IO ()
   setDat elem action  = do
         action            -- !!> "begin action"
         return ()            -- !!> "end action"

addSData :: (MonadState EventF m,Typeable a ,Monoid a) => a -> m ()
addSData y=  do
  x <- getData `onNothing` return  mempty
  setData (x <> y)

newtype IdLine= IdLine JSString deriving(Read,Show)
data Repeat= Repeat | RepH JSString deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

-- | triggers the event that happens in a widget. The effects are the following:
-- 1)The event reexecutes the monadic sentence where the widget is, (with no re-rendering)
-- 2) with the result of this reevaluaution of 1), the rest of the monadic computation is executed
-- 3) update the DOM tree with the rendering generated by the reevaluation of 2).
-- As usual, If one step of the monadic computation return `empty` (`stop`), the reevaluation finish
-- So the effect of an event can be restricted as much as you may need.
-- The part of the monadic expression that is before the event is not evaluated and his rendering is untouched.
-- (but, at any moment, you can choose the element to be updated in the page using `at`)

-- to store the identifier number of the form elements to be set for that event

newtype IDNUM = IDNUM Int deriving Show

raiseEvent ::  IsEvent event  => Widget a -> event -> Widget a
#ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS
raiseEvent w event = Widget . Transient $ do
       cont <- get
       let iohandler :: EventData -> IO ()
           iohandler eventdata =do
                runStateT (setData eventdata >> runCont' cont) cont   -- !!> "runCont INIT"
                return ()                                             -- !!> "runCont finished"
       runView $ addEvent event iohandler <<< w
--   return r
   runCont' cont= do

     mn <- getData

     when (isJust mn) $ let IDNUM n = fromJust mn in modify $  \s -> s{mfSequence=  n}

     setData Repeat                -- !> "INITCLOSURE"
     mr <- runClosure cont
     return ()
     case mr of
         Nothing -> return Nothing
         Just r -> runContinuation cont r -- !> "continue"

       -- create an element and add any event handler to it.
   addEvent :: IsEvent a =>  a -> (EventData -> IO()) -> Perch -> Perch
   addEvent event iohandler be= Perch $ \e -> do
            e' <- build (mspan be) e
            buildHandler e' event iohandler
            return e

raiseEvent w _ = w

#ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS
foreign import javascript unsafe
  stopPropagation :: JSVal -> IO ()
stopPropagation= undefined

-- | A shorter synonym for `raiseEvent`
fire ::   IsEvent event => Widget a -> event -> Widget a
fire = raiseEvent

-- | A shorter and smoother synonym for `raiseEvent`
wake ::   IsEvent event => Widget a -> event -> Widget a
wake = raiseEvent

-- | pass trough only if the event is fired in this DOM element.
-- Otherwise, if the code is executing from a previous event, the computation will stop
pass :: IsEvent event => Perch -> event -> Widget EventData
pass v event= do
        wraw v `wake` event              -- !!> "WAKE"
        e@(EventData typ _) <- getEventData              -- !!> "GETEVENTDATA"
        continueIf (eventName event== typ) e             -- !!> show(eventName event== typ)

-- | return empty and the monadic computation stop if the condition is false.
-- If true, return the second parameter.
continueIf :: Bool -> a -> Widget a
continueIf b x  = guard b >> return x

runWidgetId' ::  Widget b -> ElemID  -> TransIO b
runWidgetId' ac id1=  Transient  runWidget1
 runWidget1 = do

   me <- liftIO $ elemById id1                      --    !> ("RUNWIDGETID", id1)
   case me of
     Just e ->  do

          r <- runView $ runWidget' ac e       -- !!> show ("found",id1)
          return r             -- !!> show ( "END RUNWIDGETID", id1)

     Nothing -> -- runTrans ac !!> ( "ID NOT FOUND " ++ show id) -- runTrans ac
            body <- liftIO  getBody                   --  !> ( "ID NOT FOUND " ++ show id1)
            liftIO $ build (span ! id id1 $ noHtml) body

--            runTrans $ runWidget'  (  id1 <<<  ac) body

-- | run the widget as the content of a DOM element
-- the new rendering is added to the element
runWidget :: Widget b -> Elem  -> IO (Maybe b)
runWidget action e = do
     (mx, s) <- runTransient . norender $ runWidget' action e
     return mx

runWidget' :: Widget b -> Elem   -> Widget b
runWidget' action e  = Widget $ Transient $ do
--      liftIO $ clearChildren e    -- !> "clear 0"
      mx <- runView action                          -- !> "runVidget'"
      render <- getData `onNothing` (return  noHtml)

      liftIO $ build render e

      delData render
      return mx

-- | add a header in the <header> tag
addHeader :: Perch -> IO ()
addHeader format= do
    head <- getHead
    build format head
    return ()

-- | run the widget as the body of the HTML. It adds the rendering to the body of the document.
runBody :: Widget a -> IO (Maybe a)
runBody w= do
  body <- getBody
  runWidget  w body

-- #ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS
---- | use this instead of `Transient.Move.runCloud'` when running in the browser
--runCloudIO :: Cloud a -> IO ()
--runCloudIO (Cloud mx)=  runTransient  mx >> return ()
-- #endif
--teleport= do
--    copyData $ Prefix ""
--    copyData $ IdLine ""
--    copyData $ Repeat
--    copyCounter
--    TL.teleport
--    where
--    copyCounter= do
--      r <- local $ gets mfSequence
--      onAll $ modify $ \s -> s{mfSequence= r}

-- | executes the computation and  add the effect of "hanging" the generated rendering from the one generated by the
-- previous `render` sentence, or from the body of the document, if there isn't any. If an event happens within
-- the `render` parameter, it deletes the rendering of all subsequent ones.
-- so that the sucessive sequence of `render` in the code will reconstruct them again.
-- However the rendering of elements combined with `<|>` or `<>` or `<*>`  are independent.
-- This allows for full dynamic and composable client-side Web apps.
render :: Widget a -> TransIO a
#ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS
render  mx =  do

       id1 <- Transient $ do
                 me <- getData              -- !> "RENDER"
                 case me of
                     Just (IdLine id1) -> return $ Just id1
                     Nothing ->  Just <$> genNewId
       id2 <- Transient $ Just <$> genNewId

       n <- gets mfSequence
       setData $ IDNUM n

       setData $ IdLine id1
       runWidgetId' (mx' id2 <++ (span ! id id2 $ noHtml)) id1

  mx' id2= Widget $ do
     r <- norender mx                           -- !> "mx"
     (setData $ IdLine id2)            -- !!> show ("set",id2)

           re <- getSData        -- succed if is the result of an event
           case re    of                                               -- !>  "event" of
             Repeat -> do
              me <- liftIO $ elemById id2
              case me of
                 Just e ->  (liftIO $ clearChildren e)             --   !> show ("clear1",id2)
                 Nothing -> return ()
              setData $ RepH id2
              delData noHtml
             RepH  idx -> do
               me <- liftIO $ elemById idx
               case me of
                 Just e ->  (liftIO $ clearChildren e)             --   !> show ("clear2",idx)
                 Nothing -> return ()
               delData Repeat
           return r
        <|> return r                                                 -- !!> "NO DEL"

render (Widget x)= x

    --   st@(EventF eff e x (fs) d n  r applic  ch rc bs)  <- get

    --   let cont=  EventF eff e x fs  d n  r applic  ch rc bs
    --   put cont
    --   liftIO $ print ("length1",Prelude.length fs)

-- | use this instead of `Transient.Base.option` when runing in the browser
option :: (Typeable b, Show b) =>  b -> String -> Widget b
option x v=  wlink x (toElem v)<++ " "

--foreign import javascript unsafe "document.body" getBody :: IO Elem

data UpdateMethod= Append | Prepend | Insert deriving Show

-- | Run the widget as the content of the element with the given id. The content can
-- be appended, prepended to the previous content or it can be the only content depending on the
-- update method.
at ::  JSString -> UpdateMethod -> Widget a -> Widget  a
at id method w= set <<< w
 set :: Perch -> Perch
 set render = liftIO $ case method of
     Insert -> do
             forElems_ id $ clear >> render
             return ()
     Append -> do
             forElems_ id render
             return ()
     Prepend -> do
            forElems_ id $ Perch $ \e -> do
             jsval <- getChildren e
             es <- fromJSValUncheckedListOf jsval
             case es of
                       [] -> build render e >> return e
                       e':es -> do
                             span <- newElem "span"
                             addChildBefore span e e'
                             build render span
                             return e

#ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS

foreign import javascript unsafe  "$1[$2].toString()" getProp :: Elem -> JSString -> IO JSString

foreign import javascript unsafe  "$1[$2] = $3" setProp :: Elem -> JSString -> JSString -> IO ()

foreign import javascript unsafe  "alert($1)" alert ::  JSString -> IO ()

foreign import javascript unsafe  "document.getElementById($1)" elemByIdDOM  :: JSString -> IO JSVal

foreign import javascript unsafe  "$1.value" getValueDOM :: Elem -> IO JSVal
foreign import javascript unsafe  "$1.tagName" getNameDOM :: Elem -> IO JSVal
unpack= undefined
getProp :: Elem -> JSString -> IO JSString
getProp = undefined
setProp :: Elem -> JSString -> JSString -> IO ()
setProp = undefined
alert ::  JSString -> IO ()
alert= undefined
data Callback a= Callback a
data ContinueAsync=ContinueAsync
syncCallback1= undefined
fromJSValUnchecked= undefined
fromJSValUncheckedListOf= undefined

#ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS
foreign import javascript unsafe
  "$1.addEventListener($2, $3,false);"
  js_addEventListener :: Elem -> JSString -> Callback (JSVal -> IO ()) -> IO ()
js_addEventListener= undefined

#ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS
foreign import javascript unsafe "document.head" getHead :: IO Elem
getHead= undefined

#ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1.childNodes" getChildren :: Elem -> IO JSVal
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1.firstChild" firstChild :: Elem -> IO JSVal
foreign import javascript unsafe "$2.insertBefore($1, $3)" addChildBefore :: Elem -> Elem -> Elem -> IO()

type JSVal = ()
getChildren :: Elem -> IO JSVal
getChildren= undefined
firstChild :: Elem -> IO JSVal
firstChild= undefined
addChildBefore :: Elem -> Elem -> Elem -> IO()
addChildBefore= undefined