{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} module Development.IDE.Types.Exports ( IdentInfo(..), ExportsMap(..), rendered, moduleNameText, occNameText, renderOcc, mkTypeOcc, mkVarOrDataOcc, isDatacon, createExportsMap, createExportsMapMg, buildModuleExportMapFrom, createExportsMapHieDb, size, exportsMapSize, updateExportsMapMg ) where import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..), force, ($!!)) import Control.Monad import Data.Char (isUpper) import Data.Hashable (Hashable) import Data.HashSet (HashSet) import qualified Data.HashSet as Set import Data.List (isSuffixOf) import Data.Text (Text, uncons) import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8, encodeUtf8) import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat import Development.IDE.GHC.Orphans () import GHC.Generics (Generic) import HieDb hiding (withHieDb) import Prelude hiding (mod) data ExportsMap = ExportsMap { getExportsMap :: !(OccEnv (HashSet IdentInfo)) , getModuleExportsMap :: !(ModuleNameEnv (HashSet IdentInfo)) } instance NFData ExportsMap where rnf (ExportsMap a b) = nonDetFoldOccEnv (\c d -> rnf c `seq` d) (seqEltsUFM rnf b) a instance Show ExportsMap where show (ExportsMap occs mods) = unwords [ "ExportsMap { getExportsMap =" , printWithoutUniques $ mapOccEnv (textDoc . show) occs , "getModuleExportsMap =" , printWithoutUniques $ mapUFM (textDoc . show) mods , "}" ] -- | `updateExportsMap old new` results in an export map containing -- the union of old and new, but with all the module entries new overriding -- those in old. updateExportsMap :: ExportsMap -> ExportsMap -> ExportsMap updateExportsMap old new = ExportsMap { getExportsMap = delListFromOccEnv (getExportsMap old) old_occs `plusOccEnv` getExportsMap new -- plusOccEnv is right biased , getModuleExportsMap = getModuleExportsMap old `plusUFM` getModuleExportsMap new -- plusUFM is right biased } where old_occs = concat [map name $ Set.toList (lookupWithDefaultUFM_Directly (getModuleExportsMap old) mempty m_uniq) | m_uniq <- nonDetKeysUFM (getModuleExportsMap new)] size :: ExportsMap -> Int size = sum . map Set.size . nonDetOccEnvElts . getExportsMap mkVarOrDataOcc :: Text -> OccName mkVarOrDataOcc t = mkOcc $ mkFastStringByteString $ encodeUtf8 t where mkOcc | Just (c,_) <- uncons t , c == ':' || isUpper c = mkDataOccFS | otherwise = mkVarOccFS mkTypeOcc :: Text -> OccName mkTypeOcc t = mkTcOccFS $ mkFastStringByteString $ encodeUtf8 t exportsMapSize :: ExportsMap -> Int exportsMapSize = nonDetFoldOccEnv (\_ x -> x+1) 0 . getExportsMap instance Semigroup ExportsMap where ExportsMap a b <> ExportsMap c d = ExportsMap (plusOccEnv_C (<>) a c) (plusUFM_C (<>) b d) instance Monoid ExportsMap where mempty = ExportsMap emptyOccEnv emptyUFM rendered :: IdentInfo -> Text rendered = occNameText . name -- | Render an identifier as imported or exported style. -- TODO: pattern synonymoccNameText :: OccName -> Text occNameText :: OccName -> Text occNameText name | isSymOcc name = "(" <> renderedOcc <> ")" | isTcOcc name && isSymOcc name = "type (" <> renderedOcc <> ")" | otherwise = renderedOcc where renderedOcc = renderOcc name renderOcc :: OccName -> Text renderOcc = decodeUtf8 . bytesFS . occNameFS moduleNameText :: IdentInfo -> Text moduleNameText = moduleNameText' . identModuleName moduleNameText' :: ModuleName -> Text moduleNameText' = decodeUtf8 . bytesFS . moduleNameFS data IdentInfo = IdentInfo { name :: !OccName , parent :: !(Maybe OccName) , identModuleName :: !ModuleName } deriving (Generic, Show) deriving anyclass Hashable isDatacon :: IdentInfo -> Bool isDatacon = isDataOcc . name instance Eq IdentInfo where a == b = name a == name b && parent a == parent b && identModuleName a == identModuleName b instance NFData IdentInfo where rnf IdentInfo{..} = -- deliberately skip the rendered field rnf name `seq` rnf parent `seq` rnf identModuleName mkIdentInfos :: ModuleName -> AvailInfo -> [IdentInfo] mkIdentInfos mod (AvailName n) = [IdentInfo (nameOccName n) Nothing mod] mkIdentInfos mod (AvailFL fl) = [IdentInfo (nameOccName n) Nothing mod] where n = flSelector fl mkIdentInfos mod (AvailTC parent (n:nn) flds) -- Following the GHC convention that parent == n if parent is exported | n == parent = [ IdentInfo (nameOccName name) (Just $! nameOccName parent) mod | name <- nn ++ map flSelector flds ] ++ [ IdentInfo (nameOccName n) Nothing mod] mkIdentInfos mod (AvailTC _ nn flds) = [ IdentInfo (nameOccName n) Nothing mod | n <- nn ++ map flSelector flds ] createExportsMap :: [ModIface] -> ExportsMap createExportsMap modIface = do let exportList = concatMap doOne modIface let exportsMap = mkOccEnv_C (<>) $ map (\(a,_,c) -> (a, c)) exportList force $ ExportsMap exportsMap $ buildModuleExportMap $ map (\(_,b,c) -> (b, c)) exportList -- UFM is lazy, so need to seq where doOne modIFace = do let getModDetails = unpackAvail $ moduleName $ mi_module modIFace concatMap getModDetails (mi_exports modIFace) createExportsMapMg :: [ModGuts] -> ExportsMap createExportsMapMg modGuts = do let exportList = concatMap doOne modGuts let exportsMap = mkOccEnv_C (<>) $ map (\(a,_,c) -> (a, c)) exportList force $ ExportsMap exportsMap $ buildModuleExportMap $ map (\(_,b,c) -> (b, c)) exportList -- UFM is lazy, so need to seq where doOne mi = do let getModuleName = moduleName $ mg_module mi concatMap (unpackAvail getModuleName) (mg_exports mi) updateExportsMapMg :: [ModGuts] -> ExportsMap -> ExportsMap updateExportsMapMg modGuts old = updateExportsMap old new where new = createExportsMapMg modGuts nonInternalModules :: ModuleName -> Bool nonInternalModules = not . (".Internal" `isSuffixOf`) . moduleNameString type WithHieDb = forall a. (HieDb -> IO a) -> IO a createExportsMapHieDb :: WithHieDb -> IO ExportsMap createExportsMapHieDb withHieDb = do mods <- withHieDb getAllIndexedMods idents' <- forM (filter (nonInternalModules . modInfoName . hieModInfo) mods) $ \m -> do let mn = modInfoName $ hieModInfo m fmap (unwrap mn) <$> withHieDb (\hieDb -> getExportsForModule hieDb mn) let idents = concat idents' let exportsMap = mkOccEnv_C (<>) (keyWith name idents) return $!! ExportsMap exportsMap $ buildModuleExportMap (keyWith identModuleName idents) -- UFM is lazy so need to seq where unwrap m ExportRow{..} = IdentInfo exportName exportParent m keyWith f xs = [(f x, Set.singleton x) | x <- xs] unpackAvail :: ModuleName -> IfaceExport -> [(OccName, ModuleName, HashSet IdentInfo)] unpackAvail mn | nonInternalModules mn = map f . mkIdentInfos mn | otherwise = const [] where f identInfo@IdentInfo {..} = (name, mn, Set.singleton identInfo) identInfoToKeyVal :: IdentInfo -> (ModuleName, IdentInfo) identInfoToKeyVal identInfo = (identModuleName identInfo, identInfo) buildModuleExportMap:: [(ModuleName, HashSet IdentInfo)] -> ModuleNameEnv (HashSet IdentInfo) buildModuleExportMap exportsMap = do let lst = concatMap (Set.toList . snd) exportsMap let lstThree = map identInfoToKeyVal lst sortAndGroup lstThree buildModuleExportMapFrom:: [ModIface] -> ModuleNameEnv (HashSet IdentInfo) buildModuleExportMapFrom modIfaces = do let exports = map extractModuleExports modIfaces listToUFM_C (<>) exports extractModuleExports :: ModIface -> (ModuleName, HashSet IdentInfo) extractModuleExports modIFace = do let modName = moduleName $ mi_module modIFace let functionSet = Set.fromList $ concatMap (mkIdentInfos modName) $ mi_exports modIFace (modName, functionSet) sortAndGroup :: [(ModuleName, IdentInfo)] -> ModuleNameEnv (HashSet IdentInfo) sortAndGroup assocs = listToUFM_C (<>) [(k, Set.singleton v) | (k, v) <- assocs]