{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} module Development.IDE.Spans.LocalBindings ( Bindings , getLocalScope , getFuzzyScope , getDefiningBindings , getFuzzyDefiningBindings , bindings ) where import Control.DeepSeq import Control.Monad import Data.Bifunctor import Data.IntervalMap.FingerTree (Interval (..), IntervalMap) import qualified Data.IntervalMap.FingerTree as IM import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat (Name, NameEnv, RealSrcSpan, RefMap, Scope (..), Type, getBindSiteFromContext, getScopeFromContext, identInfo, identType, isSystemName, nonDetNameEnvElts, realSrcSpanEnd, realSrcSpanStart, unitNameEnv) import Development.IDE.GHC.Error import Development.IDE.Types.Location ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Turn a 'RealSrcSpan' into an 'Interval'. realSrcSpanToInterval :: RealSrcSpan -> Interval Position realSrcSpanToInterval rss = Interval (realSrcLocToPosition $ realSrcSpanStart rss) (realSrcLocToPosition $ realSrcSpanEnd rss) bindings :: RefMap Type -> Bindings bindings = uncurry Bindings . localBindings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Compute which identifiers are in scope at every point in the AST. Use -- 'getLocalScope' to find the results. localBindings :: RefMap Type -> ( IntervalMap Position (NameEnv (Name, Maybe Type)) , IntervalMap Position (NameEnv (Name, Maybe Type)) ) localBindings refmap = bimap mk mk $ unzip $ do (ident, refs) <- M.toList refmap Right name <- pure ident (_, ident_details) <- refs let ty = identType ident_details info <- S.toList $ identInfo ident_details pure ( do Just scopes <- pure $ getScopeFromContext info scope <- scopes >>= \case LocalScope scope -> pure $ realSrcSpanToInterval scope _ -> [] pure ( scope , unitNameEnv name (name,ty) ) , do Just scope <- pure $ getBindSiteFromContext info pure ( realSrcSpanToInterval scope , unitNameEnv name (name,ty) ) ) where mk = L.foldl' (flip (uncurry IM.insert)) mempty . join ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | The available bindings at every point in a Haskell tree. data Bindings = Bindings { getLocalBindings :: IntervalMap Position (NameEnv (Name, Maybe Type)) , getBindingSites :: IntervalMap Position (NameEnv (Name, Maybe Type)) } instance Semigroup Bindings where Bindings a1 b1 <> Bindings a2 b2 = Bindings (a1 <> a2) (b1 <> b2) instance Monoid Bindings where mempty = Bindings mempty mempty instance NFData Bindings where rnf = rwhnf instance Show Bindings where show _ = "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Given a 'Bindings' get every identifier in scope at the given -- 'RealSrcSpan', getLocalScope :: Bindings -> RealSrcSpan -> [(Name, Maybe Type)] getLocalScope bs rss = nonDetNameEnvElts $ foldMap snd $ IM.dominators (realSrcSpanToInterval rss) $ getLocalBindings bs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Given a 'Bindings', get every binding currently active at a given -- 'RealSrcSpan', getDefiningBindings :: Bindings -> RealSrcSpan -> [(Name, Maybe Type)] getDefiningBindings bs rss = nonDetNameEnvElts $ foldMap snd $ IM.dominators (realSrcSpanToInterval rss) $ getBindingSites bs -- | Lookup all names in scope in any span that intersects the interval -- defined by the two positions. -- This is meant for use with the fuzzy `PositionRange` returned by `PositionMapping` getFuzzyScope :: Bindings -> Position -> Position -> [(Name, Maybe Type)] getFuzzyScope bs a b = filter (not . isSystemName . fst) $ nonDetNameEnvElts $ foldMap snd $ IM.intersections (Interval a b) $ getLocalBindings bs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Given a 'Bindings', get every binding that intersects the interval defined -- by the two positions. -- This is meant for use with the fuzzy `PositionRange` returned by -- `PositionMapping` getFuzzyDefiningBindings :: Bindings -> Position -> Position -> [(Name, Maybe Type)] getFuzzyDefiningBindings bs a b = nonDetNameEnvElts $ foldMap snd $ IM.intersections (Interval a b) $ getBindingSites bs