-- Copyright (c) 2019 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved. -- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 module Arguments(Arguments(..), getArguments) where import Development.IDE (IdeState) import Development.IDE.Main (Command (..), commandP) import Ide.Types (IdePlugins) import Options.Applicative data Arguments = Arguments {argsCwd :: Maybe FilePath ,argsVersion :: Bool ,argsShakeProfiling :: Maybe FilePath ,argsOTMemoryProfiling :: Bool ,argsTesting :: Bool ,argsDisableKick :: Bool ,argsVerifyCoreFile :: Bool ,argsThreads :: Int ,argsVerbose :: Bool ,argsCommand :: Command ,argsConservativeChangeTracking :: Bool } getArguments :: IdePlugins IdeState -> IO Arguments getArguments plugins = execParser opts where opts = info (arguments plugins <**> helper) ( fullDesc <> header "ghcide - the core of a Haskell IDE") arguments :: IdePlugins IdeState -> Parser Arguments arguments plugins = Arguments <$> optional (strOption $ long "cwd" <> metavar "DIR" <> help "Change to this directory") <*> switch (long "version" <> help "Show ghcide and GHC versions") <*> optional (strOption $ long "shake-profiling" <> metavar "DIR" <> help "Dump profiling reports to this directory (env var: GHCIDE_BUILD_PROFILING)") <*> switch (long "ot-memory-profiling" <> help "Record OpenTelemetry info to the eventlog. Needs the -l RTS flag to have an effect") <*> switch (long "test" <> help "Enable additional lsp messages used by the testsuite") <*> switch (long "test-no-kick" <> help "Disable kick. Useful for testing cancellation") <*> switch (long "verify-core-file" <> help "Verify core trips by roundtripping after serialization. Slow, only useful for testing purposes") <*> option auto (short 'j' <> help "Number of threads (0: automatic)" <> metavar "NUM" <> value 0 <> showDefault) <*> switch (short 'd' <> long "verbose" <> help "Include internal events in logging output") <*> (commandP plugins <|> lspCommand <|> checkCommand) <*> switch (long "conservative-change-tracking" <> help "disable reactive change tracking (for testing/debugging)") where checkCommand = Check <$> many (argument str (metavar "FILES/DIRS...")) lspCommand = LSP <$ flag' True (long "lsp" <> help "Start talking to an LSP client")