{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} -- | An HLS plugin to provide code lenses for type signatures module Development.IDE.Plugin.TypeLenses ( descriptor, suggestSignature, typeLensCommandId, GlobalBindingTypeSig (..), GetGlobalBindingTypeSigs (..), GlobalBindingTypeSigsResult (..), ) where import Avail (availsToNameSet) import Control.DeepSeq (rwhnf) import Control.Monad (mzero) import Control.Monad.Extra (whenMaybe) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO)) import Data.Aeson.Types (Value (..), toJSON) import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as A import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map import Data.List (find) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust) import qualified Data.Text as T import Development.IDE (GhcSession (..), HscEnvEq (hscEnv), RuleResult, Rules, define, srcSpanToRange) import Development.IDE.Core.Compile (TcModuleResult (..)) import Development.IDE.Core.RuleTypes (GetBindings (GetBindings), TypeCheck (TypeCheck)) import Development.IDE.Core.Rules (IdeState, runAction) import Development.IDE.Core.Service (getDiagnostics) import Development.IDE.Core.Shake (getHiddenDiagnostics, use) import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat import Development.IDE.GHC.Util (printName) import Development.IDE.Graph.Classes import Development.IDE.Spans.Common (safeTyThingType) import Development.IDE.Spans.LocalBindings (Bindings, getFuzzyScope) import Development.IDE.Types.Location (Position (Position, _character, _line), Range (Range, _end, _start), toNormalizedFilePath', uriToFilePath') import GHC.Generics (Generic) import GhcPlugins (GlobalRdrEnv, HscEnv (hsc_dflags), SDoc, elemNameSet, getSrcSpan, idName, lookupTypeEnv, mkRealSrcLoc, realSrcLocSpan, tidyOpenType) import HscTypes (mkPrintUnqualified) import Ide.Plugin.Config (Config) import Ide.Plugin.Properties import Ide.PluginUtils (mkLspCommand, usePropertyLsp) import Ide.Types (CommandFunction, CommandId (CommandId), PluginCommand (PluginCommand), PluginDescriptor (..), PluginId, configCustomConfig, defaultConfigDescriptor, defaultPluginDescriptor, mkCustomConfig, mkPluginHandler) import qualified Language.LSP.Server as LSP import Language.LSP.Types (ApplyWorkspaceEditParams (ApplyWorkspaceEditParams), CodeLens (CodeLens), CodeLensParams (CodeLensParams, _textDocument), Diagnostic (..), List (..), ResponseError, SMethod (..), TextDocumentIdentifier (TextDocumentIdentifier), TextEdit (TextEdit), WorkspaceEdit (WorkspaceEdit)) import Outputable (showSDocForUser) import PatSyn (patSynName) import TcEnv (tcInitTidyEnv) import TcRnMonad (initTcWithGbl) import TcRnTypes (TcGblEnv (..)) import Text.Regex.TDFA ((=~), (=~~)) typeLensCommandId :: T.Text typeLensCommandId = "typesignature.add" descriptor :: PluginId -> PluginDescriptor IdeState descriptor plId = (defaultPluginDescriptor plId) { pluginHandlers = mkPluginHandler STextDocumentCodeLens codeLensProvider , pluginCommands = [PluginCommand (CommandId typeLensCommandId) "adds a signature" commandHandler] , pluginRules = rules , pluginConfigDescriptor = defaultConfigDescriptor {configCustomConfig = mkCustomConfig properties} } properties :: Properties '[ 'PropertyKey "mode" ('TEnum Mode)] properties = emptyProperties & defineEnumProperty #mode "Control how type lenses are shown" [ (Always, "Always displays type lenses of global bindings") , (Exported, "Only display type lenses of exported global bindings") , (Diagnostics, "Follows error messages produced by GHC about missing signatures") ] Always codeLensProvider :: IdeState -> PluginId -> CodeLensParams -> LSP.LspM Config (Either ResponseError (List CodeLens)) codeLensProvider ideState pId CodeLensParams{_textDocument = TextDocumentIdentifier uri} = do mode <- usePropertyLsp #mode pId properties fmap (Right . List) $ case uriToFilePath' uri of Just (toNormalizedFilePath' -> filePath) -> liftIO $ do tmr <- runAction "codeLens.TypeCheck" ideState (use TypeCheck filePath) bindings <- runAction "codeLens.GetBindings" ideState (use GetBindings filePath) gblSigs <- runAction "codeLens.GetGlobalBindingTypeSigs" ideState (use GetGlobalBindingTypeSigs filePath) diag <- getDiagnostics ideState hDiag <- getHiddenDiagnostics ideState let toWorkSpaceEdit tedit = WorkspaceEdit (Just $ Map.singleton uri $ List tedit) Nothing Nothing generateLensForGlobal sig@GlobalBindingTypeSig{..} = do range <- srcSpanToRange $ gbSrcSpan sig tedit <- gblBindingTypeSigToEdit sig let wedit = toWorkSpaceEdit [tedit] pure $ generateLens pId range (T.pack gbRendered) wedit gblSigs' = maybe [] (\(GlobalBindingTypeSigsResult x) -> x) gblSigs generateLensFromDiags f = sequence [ pure $ generateLens pId _range title edit | (dFile, _, dDiag@Diagnostic{_range = _range}) <- diag ++ hDiag , dFile == filePath , (title, tedit) <- f dDiag , let edit = toWorkSpaceEdit tedit ] case mode of Always -> pure (catMaybes $ generateLensForGlobal <$> gblSigs') <> generateLensFromDiags (suggestLocalSignature False tmr bindings) -- we still need diagnostics for local bindings Exported -> pure $ catMaybes $ generateLensForGlobal <$> filter gbExported gblSigs' Diagnostics -> generateLensFromDiags $ suggestSignature False gblSigs tmr bindings Nothing -> pure [] generateLens :: PluginId -> Range -> T.Text -> WorkspaceEdit -> CodeLens generateLens pId _range title edit = let cId = mkLspCommand pId (CommandId typeLensCommandId) title (Just [toJSON edit]) in CodeLens _range (Just cId) Nothing commandHandler :: CommandFunction IdeState WorkspaceEdit commandHandler _ideState wedit = do _ <- LSP.sendRequest SWorkspaceApplyEdit (ApplyWorkspaceEditParams Nothing wedit) (\_ -> pure ()) return $ Right Null -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- suggestSignature :: Bool -> Maybe GlobalBindingTypeSigsResult -> Maybe TcModuleResult -> Maybe Bindings -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])] suggestSignature isQuickFix mGblSigs mTmr mBindings diag = suggestGlobalSignature isQuickFix mGblSigs diag <> suggestLocalSignature isQuickFix mTmr mBindings diag suggestGlobalSignature :: Bool -> Maybe GlobalBindingTypeSigsResult -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])] suggestGlobalSignature isQuickFix mGblSigs Diagnostic{_message, _range} | _message =~ ("(Top-level binding|Pattern synonym) with no type signature" :: T.Text) , Just (GlobalBindingTypeSigsResult sigs) <- mGblSigs , Just sig <- find (\x -> sameThing (gbSrcSpan x) _range) sigs , signature <- T.pack $ gbRendered sig , title <- if isQuickFix then "add signature: " <> signature else signature , Just action <- gblBindingTypeSigToEdit sig = [(title, [action])] | otherwise = [] suggestLocalSignature :: Bool -> Maybe TcModuleResult -> Maybe Bindings -> Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, [TextEdit])] suggestLocalSignature isQuickFix mTmr mBindings Diagnostic{_message, _range = _range@Range{..}} | Just (_ :: T.Text, _ :: T.Text, _ :: T.Text, [identifier]) <- (T.unwords . T.words $ _message) =~~ ("Polymorphic local binding with no type signature: (.*) ::" :: T.Text) , Just bindings <- mBindings , localScope <- getFuzzyScope bindings _start _end , -- we can't use srcspan to lookup scoped bindings, because the error message reported by GHC includes the entire binding, instead of simply the name Just (name, ty) <- find (\(x, _) -> printName x == T.unpack identifier) localScope >>= \(name, mTy) -> (name,) <$> mTy , Just TcModuleResult{tmrTypechecked = TcGblEnv{tcg_rdr_env, tcg_sigs}} <- mTmr , -- not a top-level thing, to avoid duplication not $ name `elemNameSet` tcg_sigs , tyMsg <- showSDocForUser unsafeGlobalDynFlags (mkPrintUnqualified unsafeGlobalDynFlags tcg_rdr_env) $ pprSigmaType ty , signature <- T.pack $ printName name <> " :: " <> tyMsg , startCharacter <- _character _start , startOfLine <- Position (_line _start) startCharacter , beforeLine <- Range startOfLine startOfLine , title <- if isQuickFix then "add signature: " <> signature else signature , action <- TextEdit beforeLine $ signature <> "\n" <> T.replicate startCharacter " " = [(title, [action])] | otherwise = [] sameThing :: SrcSpan -> Range -> Bool sameThing s1 s2 = (_start <$> srcSpanToRange s1) == (_start <$> Just s2) gblBindingTypeSigToEdit :: GlobalBindingTypeSig -> Maybe TextEdit gblBindingTypeSigToEdit GlobalBindingTypeSig{..} | Just Range{..} <- srcSpanToRange $ getSrcSpan gbName , startOfLine <- Position (_line _start) 0 , beforeLine <- Range startOfLine startOfLine = Just $ TextEdit beforeLine $ T.pack gbRendered <> "\n" | otherwise = Nothing data Mode = -- | always displays type lenses of global bindings, no matter what GHC flags are set Always | -- | similar to 'Always', but only displays for exported global bindings Exported | -- | follows error messages produced by GHC Diagnostics deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Enum) instance A.ToJSON Mode where toJSON Always = "always" toJSON Exported = "exported" toJSON Diagnostics = "diagnostics" instance A.FromJSON Mode where parseJSON = A.withText "Mode" $ \case "always" -> pure Always "exported" -> pure Exported "diagnostics" -> pure Diagnostics _ -> mzero -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- showDocRdrEnv :: DynFlags -> GlobalRdrEnv -> SDoc -> String showDocRdrEnv dflags rdrEnv = showSDocForUser dflags (mkPrintUnqualified dflags rdrEnv) data GetGlobalBindingTypeSigs = GetGlobalBindingTypeSigs deriving (Generic, Show, Eq, Ord, Hashable, NFData, Binary) data GlobalBindingTypeSig = GlobalBindingTypeSig { gbName :: Name , gbRendered :: String , gbExported :: Bool } gbSrcSpan :: GlobalBindingTypeSig -> SrcSpan gbSrcSpan GlobalBindingTypeSig{gbName} = getSrcSpan gbName newtype GlobalBindingTypeSigsResult = GlobalBindingTypeSigsResult [GlobalBindingTypeSig] instance Show GlobalBindingTypeSigsResult where show _ = "" instance NFData GlobalBindingTypeSigsResult where rnf = rwhnf type instance RuleResult GetGlobalBindingTypeSigs = GlobalBindingTypeSigsResult rules :: Rules () rules = do define $ \GetGlobalBindingTypeSigs nfp -> do tmr <- use TypeCheck nfp -- we need session here for tidying types hsc <- use GhcSession nfp result <- liftIO $ gblBindingType (hscEnv <$> hsc) (tmrTypechecked <$> tmr) pure ([], result) gblBindingType :: Maybe HscEnv -> Maybe TcGblEnv -> IO (Maybe GlobalBindingTypeSigsResult) gblBindingType (Just hsc) (Just gblEnv) = do let exports = availsToNameSet $ tcg_exports gblEnv sigs = tcg_sigs gblEnv binds = collectHsBindsBinders $ tcg_binds gblEnv patSyns = tcg_patsyns gblEnv dflags = hsc_dflags hsc rdrEnv = tcg_rdr_env gblEnv showDoc = showDocRdrEnv dflags rdrEnv hasSig :: (Monad m) => Name -> m a -> m (Maybe a) hasSig name f = whenMaybe (name `elemNameSet` sigs) f bindToSig id = do let name = idName id hasSig name $ do env <- tcInitTidyEnv let (_, ty) = tidyOpenType env (idType id) pure $ GlobalBindingTypeSig name (printName name <> " :: " <> showDoc (pprSigmaType ty)) (name `elemNameSet` exports) patToSig p = do let name = patSynName p -- we don't use pprPatSynType, since it always prints forall ty = fromJust $ lookupTypeEnv (tcg_type_env gblEnv) name >>= safeTyThingType hasSig name $ pure $ GlobalBindingTypeSig name ("pattern " <> printName name <> " :: " <> showDoc (pprSigmaType ty)) (name `elemNameSet` exports) (_, maybe [] catMaybes -> bindings) <- initTcWithGbl hsc gblEnv (realSrcLocSpan $ mkRealSrcLoc "" 1 1) $ mapM bindToSig binds patterns <- catMaybes <$> mapM patToSig patSyns pure . Just . GlobalBindingTypeSigsResult $ bindings <> patterns gblBindingType _ _ = pure Nothing