{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module Development.IDE.GHC.ExactPrint ( Graft(..), graftDecls, graftDeclsWithM, annotate, annotateDecl, hoistGraft, graftWithM, graftExprWithM, genericGraftWithSmallestM, genericGraftWithLargestM, graftSmallestDeclsWithM, transform, transformM, useAnnotatedSource, annotateParsedSource, getAnnotatedParsedSourceRule, GetAnnotatedParsedSource(..), ASTElement (..), ExceptStringT (..), Annotated(..), TransformT, Anns, Annotate, setPrecedingLinesT, ) where import BasicTypes (appPrec) import Control.Applicative (Alternative) import Control.Arrow import Control.Monad import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.Except import Control.Monad.Zip import Data.Bool (bool) import qualified Data.DList as DL import Data.Either.Extra (mapLeft) import Data.Foldable (Foldable (fold)) import Data.Functor.Classes import Data.Functor.Contravariant import Data.Monoid (All (All), getAll) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Traversable (for) import Development.IDE.Core.RuleTypes import Development.IDE.Core.Service (runAction) import Development.IDE.Core.Shake import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat hiding (parseExpr) import Development.IDE.Graph (RuleResult, Rules) import Development.IDE.Graph.Classes import Development.IDE.Types.Location import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC import Generics.SYB import Generics.SYB.GHC import Ide.PluginUtils import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Parsers import Language.LSP.Types import Language.LSP.Types.Capabilities (ClientCapabilities) import Outputable (Outputable, ppr, showSDoc) import Parser (parseIdentifier) import Retrie.ExactPrint hiding (parseDecl, parseExpr, parsePattern, parseType) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data GetAnnotatedParsedSource = GetAnnotatedParsedSource deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, GHC.Generic) instance Hashable GetAnnotatedParsedSource instance NFData GetAnnotatedParsedSource instance Binary GetAnnotatedParsedSource type instance RuleResult GetAnnotatedParsedSource = Annotated ParsedSource -- | Get the latest version of the annotated parse source with comments. getAnnotatedParsedSourceRule :: Rules () getAnnotatedParsedSourceRule = define $ \GetAnnotatedParsedSource nfp -> do pm <- use GetParsedModuleWithComments nfp return ([], fmap annotateParsedSource pm) annotateParsedSource :: ParsedModule -> Annotated ParsedSource annotateParsedSource = fixAnns useAnnotatedSource :: String -> IdeState -> NormalizedFilePath -> IO (Maybe (Annotated ParsedSource)) useAnnotatedSource herald state nfp = runAction herald state (use GetAnnotatedParsedSource nfp) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {- | A transformation for grafting source trees together. Use the semigroup instance to combine 'Graft's, and run them via 'transform'. -} newtype Graft m a = Graft { runGraft :: DynFlags -> a -> TransformT m a } hoistGraft :: (forall x. m x -> n x) -> Graft m a -> Graft n a hoistGraft h (Graft f) = Graft (fmap (hoistTransform h) . f) newtype ExceptStringT m a = ExceptStringT {runExceptString :: ExceptT String m a} deriving newtype ( MonadTrans , Monad , Functor , Applicative , Alternative , Foldable , Contravariant , MonadIO , Eq1 , Ord1 , Show1 , Read1 , MonadZip , MonadPlus , Eq , Ord , Show , Read ) instance Monad m => Fail.MonadFail (ExceptStringT m) where fail = ExceptStringT . ExceptT . pure . Left instance Monad m => Semigroup (Graft m a) where Graft a <> Graft b = Graft $ \dflags -> a dflags >=> b dflags instance Monad m => Monoid (Graft m a) where mempty = Graft $ const pure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Convert a 'Graft' into a 'WorkspaceEdit'. transform :: DynFlags -> ClientCapabilities -> Uri -> Graft (Either String) ParsedSource -> Annotated ParsedSource -> Either String WorkspaceEdit transform dflags ccs uri f a = do let src = printA a a' <- transformA a $ runGraft f dflags let res = printA a' pure $ diffText ccs (uri, T.pack src) (T.pack res) IncludeDeletions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Convert a 'Graft' into a 'WorkspaceEdit'. transformM :: Monad m => DynFlags -> ClientCapabilities -> Uri -> Graft (ExceptStringT m) ParsedSource -> Annotated ParsedSource -> m (Either String WorkspaceEdit) transformM dflags ccs uri f a = runExceptT $ runExceptString $ do let src = printA a a' <- transformA a $ runGraft f dflags let res = printA a' pure $ diffText ccs (uri, T.pack src) (T.pack res) IncludeDeletions -- | Returns whether or not this node requires its immediate children to have -- be parenthesized and have a leading space. -- -- A more natural type for this function would be to return @(Bool, Bool)@, but -- we use 'All' instead for its monoid instance. needsParensSpace :: HsExpr GhcPs -> -- | (Needs parens, needs space) (All, All) needsParensSpace HsLam{} = (All False, All False) needsParensSpace HsLamCase{} = (All False, All False) needsParensSpace HsApp{} = mempty needsParensSpace HsAppType{} = mempty needsParensSpace OpApp{} = mempty needsParensSpace HsPar{} = (All False, All False) needsParensSpace SectionL{} = (All False, All False) needsParensSpace SectionR{} = (All False, All False) needsParensSpace ExplicitTuple{} = (All False, All False) needsParensSpace ExplicitSum{} = (All False, All False) needsParensSpace HsCase{} = (All False, All True) needsParensSpace HsIf{} = (All False, All False) needsParensSpace HsMultiIf{} = (All False, All False) needsParensSpace HsLet{} = (All False, All True) needsParensSpace HsDo{} = (All False, All False) needsParensSpace ExplicitList{} = (All False, All False) needsParensSpace RecordCon{} = (All False, All True) needsParensSpace RecordUpd{} = mempty needsParensSpace _ = mempty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {- | Construct a 'Graft', replacing the node at the given 'SrcSpan' with the given @Located ast@. The node at that position must already be a @Located ast@, or this is a no-op. -} graft' :: forall ast a. (Data a, ASTElement ast) => -- | Do we need to insert a space before this grafting? In do blocks, the -- answer is no, or we will break layout. But in function applications, -- the answer is yes, or the function call won't get its argument. Yikes! -- -- More often the answer is yes, so when in doubt, use that. Bool -> SrcSpan -> Located ast -> Graft (Either String) a graft' needs_space dst val = Graft $ \dflags a -> do (anns, val') <- annotate dflags needs_space val modifyAnnsT $ mappend anns pure $ everywhere' ( mkT $ \case (L src _ :: Located ast) | src == dst -> val' l -> l ) a -- | Like 'graft', but specialized to 'LHsExpr', and intelligently inserts -- parentheses if they're necessary. graftExpr :: forall a. (Data a) => SrcSpan -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> Graft (Either String) a graftExpr dst val = Graft $ \dflags a -> do let (needs_space, mk_parens) = getNeedsSpaceAndParenthesize dst a runGraft (graft' needs_space dst $ mk_parens val) dflags a getNeedsSpaceAndParenthesize :: (ASTElement ast, Data a) => SrcSpan -> a -> (Bool, Located ast -> Located ast) getNeedsSpaceAndParenthesize dst a = -- Traverse the tree, looking for our replacement node. But keep track of -- the context (parent HsExpr constructor) we're in while we do it. This -- lets us determine wehther or not we need parentheses. let (needs_parens, needs_space) = everythingWithContext (Nothing, Nothing) (<>) ( mkQ (mempty, ) $ \x s -> case x of (L src _ :: LHsExpr GhcPs) | src == dst -> (s, s) L _ x' -> (mempty, Just *** Just $ needsParensSpace x') ) a in ( maybe True getAll needs_space , bool id maybeParensAST $ maybe False getAll needs_parens ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ graftExprWithM :: forall m a. (Fail.MonadFail m, Data a) => SrcSpan -> (LHsExpr GhcPs -> TransformT m (Maybe (LHsExpr GhcPs))) -> Graft m a graftExprWithM dst trans = Graft $ \dflags a -> do let (needs_space, mk_parens) = getNeedsSpaceAndParenthesize dst a everywhereM' ( mkM $ \case val@(L src _ :: LHsExpr GhcPs) | src == dst -> do mval <- trans val case mval of Just val' -> do (anns, val'') <- hoistTransform (either Fail.fail pure) (annotate @(HsExpr GhcPs) dflags needs_space (mk_parens val')) modifyAnnsT $ mappend anns pure val'' Nothing -> pure val l -> pure l ) a graftWithM :: forall ast m a. (Fail.MonadFail m, Data a, ASTElement ast) => SrcSpan -> (Located ast -> TransformT m (Maybe (Located ast))) -> Graft m a graftWithM dst trans = Graft $ \dflags a -> do everywhereM' ( mkM $ \case val@(L src _ :: Located ast) | src == dst -> do mval <- trans val case mval of Just val' -> do (anns, val'') <- hoistTransform (either Fail.fail pure) $ annotate dflags True $ maybeParensAST val' modifyAnnsT $ mappend anns pure val'' Nothing -> pure val l -> pure l ) a -- | Run the given transformation only on the smallest node in the tree that -- contains the 'SrcSpan'. genericGraftWithSmallestM :: forall m a ast. (Monad m, Data a, Typeable ast) => -- | The type of nodes we'd like to consider when finding the smallest. Proxy (Located ast) -> SrcSpan -> (DynFlags -> GenericM (TransformT m)) -> Graft m a genericGraftWithSmallestM proxy dst trans = Graft $ \dflags -> smallestM (genericIsSubspan proxy dst) (trans dflags) -- | Run the given transformation only on the largest node in the tree that -- contains the 'SrcSpan'. genericGraftWithLargestM :: forall m a ast. (Monad m, Data a, Typeable ast) => -- | The type of nodes we'd like to consider when finding the largest. Proxy (Located ast) -> SrcSpan -> (DynFlags -> GenericM (TransformT m)) -> Graft m a genericGraftWithLargestM proxy dst trans = Graft $ \dflags -> largestM (genericIsSubspan proxy dst) (trans dflags) graftDecls :: forall a. (HasDecls a) => SrcSpan -> [LHsDecl GhcPs] -> Graft (Either String) a graftDecls dst decs0 = Graft $ \dflags a -> do decs <- forM decs0 $ \decl -> do annotateDecl dflags decl let go [] = DL.empty go (L src e : rest) | src == dst = DL.fromList decs <> DL.fromList rest | otherwise = DL.singleton (L src e) <> go rest modifyDeclsT (pure . DL.toList . go) a graftSmallestDeclsWithM :: forall a. (HasDecls a) => SrcSpan -> (LHsDecl GhcPs -> TransformT (Either String) (Maybe [LHsDecl GhcPs])) -> Graft (Either String) a graftSmallestDeclsWithM dst toDecls = Graft $ \dflags a -> do let go [] = pure DL.empty go (e@(L src _) : rest) | dst `isSubspanOf` src = toDecls e >>= \case Just decs0 -> do decs <- forM decs0 $ \decl -> annotateDecl dflags decl pure $ DL.fromList decs <> DL.fromList rest Nothing -> (DL.singleton e <>) <$> go rest | otherwise = (DL.singleton e <>) <$> go rest modifyDeclsT (fmap DL.toList . go) a graftDeclsWithM :: forall a m. (HasDecls a, Fail.MonadFail m) => SrcSpan -> (LHsDecl GhcPs -> TransformT m (Maybe [LHsDecl GhcPs])) -> Graft m a graftDeclsWithM dst toDecls = Graft $ \dflags a -> do let go [] = pure DL.empty go (e@(L src _) : rest) | src == dst = toDecls e >>= \case Just decs0 -> do decs <- forM decs0 $ \decl -> hoistTransform (either Fail.fail pure) $ annotateDecl dflags decl pure $ DL.fromList decs <> DL.fromList rest Nothing -> (DL.singleton e <>) <$> go rest | otherwise = (DL.singleton e <>) <$> go rest modifyDeclsT (fmap DL.toList . go) a class (Data ast, Outputable ast) => ASTElement ast where parseAST :: Parser (Located ast) maybeParensAST :: Located ast -> Located ast {- | Construct a 'Graft', replacing the node at the given 'SrcSpan' with the given @Located ast@. The node at that position must already be a @Located ast@, or this is a no-op. -} graft :: forall a. (Data a) => SrcSpan -> Located ast -> Graft (Either String) a graft dst = graft' True dst . maybeParensAST instance p ~ GhcPs => ASTElement (HsExpr p) where parseAST = parseExpr maybeParensAST = parenthesize graft = graftExpr instance p ~ GhcPs => ASTElement (Pat p) where #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ == 808 parseAST = fmap (fmap $ right $ second dL) . parsePattern maybeParensAST = dL . parenthesizePat appPrec . unLoc #else parseAST = parsePattern maybeParensAST = parenthesizePat appPrec #endif instance p ~ GhcPs => ASTElement (HsType p) where parseAST = parseType maybeParensAST = parenthesizeHsType appPrec instance p ~ GhcPs => ASTElement (HsDecl p) where parseAST = parseDecl maybeParensAST = id instance p ~ GhcPs => ASTElement (ImportDecl p) where parseAST = parseImport maybeParensAST = id instance ASTElement RdrName where parseAST df fp = parseWith df fp parseIdentifier maybeParensAST = id ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Dark magic I stole from retrie. No idea what it does. fixAnns :: ParsedModule -> Annotated ParsedSource fixAnns ParsedModule {..} = let ranns = relativiseApiAnns pm_parsed_source pm_annotations in unsafeMkA pm_parsed_source ranns 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Given an 'LHSExpr', compute its exactprint annotations. -- Note that this function will throw away any existing annotations (and format) annotate :: ASTElement ast => DynFlags -> Bool -> Located ast -> TransformT (Either String) (Anns, Located ast) annotate dflags needs_space ast = do uniq <- show <$> uniqueSrcSpanT let rendered = render dflags ast (anns, expr') <- lift $ mapLeft show $ parseAST dflags uniq rendered let anns' = setPrecedingLines expr' 0 (bool 0 1 needs_space) anns pure (anns', expr') -- | Given an 'LHsDecl', compute its exactprint annotations. annotateDecl :: DynFlags -> LHsDecl GhcPs -> TransformT (Either String) (LHsDecl GhcPs) -- The 'parseDecl' function fails to parse 'FunBind' 'ValD's which contain -- multiple matches. To work around this, we split the single -- 'FunBind'-of-multiple-'Match'es into multiple 'FunBind's-of-one-'Match', -- and then merge them all back together. annotateDecl dflags (L src ( ValD ext fb@FunBind { fun_matches = mg@MG { mg_alts = L alt_src alts@(_:_)} })) = do let set_matches matches = ValD ext fb { fun_matches = mg { mg_alts = L alt_src matches }} (anns', alts') <- fmap unzip $ for alts $ \alt -> do uniq <- show <$> uniqueSrcSpanT let rendered = render dflags $ set_matches [alt] lift (mapLeft show $ parseDecl dflags uniq rendered) >>= \case (ann, L _ (ValD _ FunBind { fun_matches = MG { mg_alts = L _ [alt']}})) -> pure (setPrecedingLines alt' 1 0 ann, alt') _ -> lift $ Left "annotateDecl: didn't parse a single FunBind match" modifyAnnsT $ mappend $ fold anns' pure $ L src $ set_matches alts' annotateDecl dflags ast = do uniq <- show <$> uniqueSrcSpanT let rendered = render dflags ast (anns, expr') <- lift $ mapLeft show $ parseDecl dflags uniq rendered let anns' = setPrecedingLines expr' 1 0 anns modifyAnnsT $ mappend anns' pure expr' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Print out something 'Outputable'. render :: Outputable a => DynFlags -> a -> String render dflags = showSDoc dflags . ppr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Put parentheses around an expression if required. parenthesize :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs parenthesize = parenthesizeHsExpr appPrec