{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} -- Copyright (c) 2019 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved. -- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} #include "ghc-api-version.h" module Development.IDE.Spans.Documentation ( getDocumentation , getDocumentationTryGhc , getDocumentationsTryGhc , DocMap , mkDocMap ) where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Extra (findM) import Data.Either import Data.Foldable import Data.List.Extra import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Text as T import Development.IDE.Core.Compile import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat import Development.IDE.GHC.Error import Development.IDE.Spans.Common import Development.IDE.Core.RuleTypes import System.Directory import System.FilePath import FastString import SrcLoc (RealLocated) import GhcMonad import Packages import Name import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types (getUri, filePathToUri) import TcRnTypes import ExtractDocs import NameEnv import HscTypes (HscEnv(hsc_dflags)) mkDocMap :: HscEnv -> [ParsedModule] -> RefMap a -> TcGblEnv -> IO DocAndKindMap mkDocMap env sources rm this_mod = do let (_ , DeclDocMap this_docs, _) = extractDocs this_mod d <- foldrM getDocs (mkNameEnv $ M.toList $ fmap (`SpanDocString` SpanDocUris Nothing Nothing) this_docs) names k <- foldrM getType (tcg_type_env this_mod) names pure $ DKMap d k where getDocs n map | maybe True (mod ==) $ nameModule_maybe n = pure map -- we already have the docs in this_docs, or they do not exist | otherwise = do doc <- getDocumentationTryGhc env mod sources n pure $ extendNameEnv map n doc getType n map | isTcOcc $ occName n = do kind <- lookupKind env mod n pure $ maybe map (extendNameEnv map n) kind | otherwise = pure map names = rights $ S.toList idents idents = M.keysSet rm mod = tcg_mod this_mod lookupKind :: HscEnv -> Module -> Name -> IO (Maybe TyThing) lookupKind env mod = fmap (fromRight Nothing) . catchSrcErrors (hsc_dflags env) "span" . lookupName env mod getDocumentationTryGhc :: HscEnv -> Module -> [ParsedModule] -> Name -> IO SpanDoc getDocumentationTryGhc env mod deps n = head <$> getDocumentationsTryGhc env mod deps [n] getDocumentationsTryGhc :: HscEnv -> Module -> [ParsedModule] -> [Name] -> IO [SpanDoc] -- Interfaces are only generated for GHC >= 8.6. -- In older versions, interface files do not embed Haddocks anyway getDocumentationsTryGhc env mod sources names = do res <- catchSrcErrors (hsc_dflags env) "docs" $ getDocsBatch env mod names case res of Left _ -> mapM mkSpanDocText names Right res -> zipWithM unwrap res names where unwrap (Right (Just docs, _)) n = SpanDocString docs <$> getUris n unwrap _ n = mkSpanDocText n mkSpanDocText name = SpanDocText (getDocumentation sources name) <$> getUris name -- Get the uris to the documentation and source html pages if they exist getUris name = do let df = hsc_dflags env (docFu, srcFu) <- case nameModule_maybe name of Just mod -> liftIO $ do doc <- toFileUriText $ lookupDocHtmlForModule df mod src <- toFileUriText $ lookupSrcHtmlForModule df mod return (doc, src) Nothing -> pure (Nothing, Nothing) let docUri = (<> "#" <> selector <> showNameWithoutUniques name) <$> docFu srcUri = (<> "#" <> showNameWithoutUniques name) <$> srcFu selector | isValName name = "v:" | otherwise = "t:" return $ SpanDocUris docUri srcUri toFileUriText = (fmap . fmap) (getUri . filePathToUri) getDocumentation :: HasSrcSpan name => [ParsedModule] -- ^ All of the possible modules it could be defined in. -> name -- ^ The name you want documentation for. -> [T.Text] -- This finds any documentation between the name you want -- documentation for and the one before it. This is only an -- approximately correct algorithm and there are easily constructed -- cases where it will be wrong (if so then usually slightly but there -- may be edge cases where it is very wrong). -- TODO : Build a version of GHC exactprint to extract this information -- more accurately. getDocumentation sources targetName = fromMaybe [] $ do -- Find the module the target is defined in. targetNameSpan <- realSpan $ getLoc targetName tc <- find ((==) (Just $ srcSpanFile targetNameSpan) . annotationFileName) $ reverse sources -- TODO : Is reversing the list here really neccessary? -- Top level names bound by the module let bs = [ n | let L _ HsModule{hsmodDecls} = pm_parsed_source tc , L _ (ValD _ hsbind) <- hsmodDecls , Just n <- [name_of_bind hsbind] ] -- Sort the names' source spans. let sortedSpans = sortedNameSpans bs -- Now go ahead and extract the docs. let docs = ann tc nameInd <- elemIndex targetNameSpan sortedSpans let prevNameSpan = if nameInd >= 1 then sortedSpans !! (nameInd - 1) else zeroSpan $ srcSpanFile targetNameSpan -- Annoyingly "-- |" documentation isn't annotated with a location, -- so you have to pull it out from the elements. pure $ docHeaders $ filter (\(L target _) -> isBetween target prevNameSpan targetNameSpan) $ mapMaybe (\(L l v) -> L <$> realSpan l <*> pure v) $ join $ M.elems docs where -- Get the name bound by a binding. We only concern ourselves with -- @FunBind@ (which covers functions and variables). name_of_bind :: HsBind GhcPs -> Maybe (Located RdrName) name_of_bind FunBind {fun_id} = Just fun_id name_of_bind _ = Nothing -- Get source spans from names, discard unhelpful spans, remove -- duplicates and sort. sortedNameSpans :: [Located RdrName] -> [RealSrcSpan] sortedNameSpans ls = nubSort (mapMaybe (realSpan . getLoc) ls) isBetween target before after = before <= target && target <= after ann = snd . pm_annotations annotationFileName :: ParsedModule -> Maybe FastString annotationFileName = fmap srcSpanFile . listToMaybe . realSpans . ann realSpans :: M.Map SrcSpan [Located a] -> [RealSrcSpan] realSpans = mapMaybe (realSpan . getLoc) . join . M.elems -- | Shows this part of the documentation docHeaders :: [RealLocated AnnotationComment] -> [T.Text] docHeaders = mapMaybe (\(L _ x) -> wrk x) where wrk = \case -- When `Opt_Haddock` is enabled. AnnDocCommentNext s -> Just $ T.pack s -- When `Opt_KeepRawTokenStream` enabled. AnnLineComment s -> if "-- |" `isPrefixOf` s then Just $ T.pack s else Nothing _ -> Nothing -- These are taken from haskell-ide-engine's Haddock plugin -- | Given a module finds the local @doc/html/Foo-Bar-Baz.html@ page. -- An example for a cabal installed module: -- @~/.cabal/store/ghc-8.10.1/vctr- lookupDocHtmlForModule :: DynFlags -> Module -> IO (Maybe FilePath) lookupDocHtmlForModule = lookupHtmlForModule (\pkgDocDir modDocName -> pkgDocDir modDocName <.> "html") -- | Given a module finds the hyperlinked source @doc/html/src/Foo.Bar.Baz.html@ page. -- An example for a cabal installed module: -- @~/.cabal/store/ghc-8.10.1/vctr- lookupSrcHtmlForModule :: DynFlags -> Module -> IO (Maybe FilePath) lookupSrcHtmlForModule = lookupHtmlForModule (\pkgDocDir modDocName -> pkgDocDir "src" modDocName <.> "html") lookupHtmlForModule :: (FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath) -> DynFlags -> Module -> IO (Maybe FilePath) lookupHtmlForModule mkDocPath df m = do -- try all directories let mfs = fmap (concatMap go) (lookupHtmls df ui) html <- findM doesFileExist (concat . maybeToList $ mfs) -- canonicalize located html to remove /../ indirection which can break some clients -- (vscode on Windows at least) traverse canonicalizePath html where go pkgDocDir = map (mkDocPath pkgDocDir) mns ui = moduleUnitId m -- try to locate html file from most to least specific name e.g. -- first Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Uri.html and Language-Haskell-LSP-Types-Uri.html -- then Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.html and Language-Haskell-LSP-Types.html etc. mns = do chunks <- (reverse . drop1 . inits . splitOn ".") $ (moduleNameString . moduleName) m -- The file might use "." or "-" as separator map (`intercalate` chunks) [".", "-"] lookupHtmls :: DynFlags -> UnitId -> Maybe [FilePath] lookupHtmls df ui = -- use haddockInterfaces instead of haddockHTMLs: GHC treats haddockHTMLs as URL not path -- and therefore doesn't expand $topdir on Windows map takeDirectory . haddockInterfaces <$> lookupPackage df ui