{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} #include "ghc-api-version.h" {-| The logic for setting up a ghcide session by tapping into hie-bios. -} module Development.IDE.Session (SessionLoadingOptions(..) ,CacheDirs(..) ,defaultLoadingOptions ,loadSession ,loadSessionWithOptions ,setInitialDynFlags ,getHieDbLoc ,runWithDb ) where -- Unfortunately, we cannot use loadSession with ghc-lib since hie-bios uses -- the real GHC library and the types are incompatible. Furthermore, when -- building with ghc-lib we need to make this Haskell agnostic, so no hie-bios! import Control.Concurrent.Async import Control.Concurrent.Extra import Control.Exception.Safe import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Extra import Control.Monad.IO.Class import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA1 as H import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Aeson import Data.Bifunctor import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16 import Data.Either.Extra import Data.Function import Data.Hashable import Data.List import Data.IORef import Data.Maybe import Data.Time.Clock import Data.Version import Development.IDE.Core.Shake import Development.IDE.Core.RuleTypes import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat hiding (Target, TargetModule, TargetFile) import qualified Development.IDE.GHC.Compat as GHC import Development.IDE.GHC.Util import Development.IDE.Session.VersionCheck import Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics import Development.IDE.Types.Exports import Development.IDE.Types.HscEnvEq (HscEnvEq, newHscEnvEqPreserveImportPaths, newHscEnvEq) import Development.IDE.Types.Location import Development.IDE.Types.Logger import Development.IDE.Types.Options import Development.Shake (Action) import GHC.Check import qualified HIE.Bios as HieBios import HIE.Bios.Environment hiding (getCacheDir) import HIE.Bios.Types import Hie.Implicit.Cradle (loadImplicitHieCradle) import Language.Haskell.LSP.Core import Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types import System.Directory import qualified System.Directory.Extra as IO import System.FilePath import System.Info import System.IO import GHCi import HscTypes (ic_dflags, hsc_IC, hsc_dflags, hsc_NC) import Linker import Module import NameCache import Packages import Control.Exception (evaluate) import Data.Void import Control.Applicative (Alternative((<|>))) import HieDb.Create import HieDb.Types import HieDb.Utils import Database.SQLite.Simple import Control.Concurrent.STM.TQueue import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically) import Maybes (MaybeT(runMaybeT)) import HIE.Bios.Cradle (yamlConfig) data CacheDirs = CacheDirs { hiCacheDir, hieCacheDir, oCacheDir :: Maybe FilePath} data SessionLoadingOptions = SessionLoadingOptions { findCradle :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath) , loadCradle :: FilePath -> IO (HieBios.Cradle Void) -- | Given the project name and a set of command line flags, -- return the path for storing generated GHC artifacts, -- or 'Nothing' to respect the cradle setting , getCacheDirs :: String -> [String] -> IO CacheDirs } defaultLoadingOptions :: SessionLoadingOptions defaultLoadingOptions = SessionLoadingOptions {findCradle = HieBios.findCradle ,loadCradle = HieBios.loadCradle ,getCacheDirs = getCacheDirsDefault } -- | Sets `unsafeGlobalDynFlags` on using the hie-bios cradle and returns the GHC libdir setInitialDynFlags :: IO (Maybe LibDir) setInitialDynFlags = do dir <- IO.getCurrentDirectory hieYaml <- runMaybeT $ yamlConfig dir cradle <- maybe (HieBios.loadImplicitCradle $ addTrailingPathSeparator dir) HieBios.loadCradle hieYaml libDirRes <- getRuntimeGhcLibDir cradle libdir <- case libDirRes of CradleSuccess libdir -> pure $ Just $ LibDir libdir CradleFail err -> do hPutStrLn stderr $ "Couldn't load cradle for libdir: " ++ show (err,dir,hieYaml,cradle) pure Nothing CradleNone -> do hPutStrLn stderr $ "Couldn't load cradle (CradleNone)" pure Nothing dynFlags <- mapM dynFlagsForPrinting libdir mapM_ setUnsafeGlobalDynFlags dynFlags pure libdir -- | Wraps `withHieDb` to provide a database connection for reading, and a `HieWriterChan` for -- writing. Actions are picked off one by one from the `HieWriterChan` and executed in serial -- by a worker thread using a dedicated database connection. -- This is done in order to serialize writes to the database, or else SQLite becomes unhappy runWithDb :: FilePath -> (HieDb -> IndexQueue -> IO ()) -> IO () runWithDb fp k = do -- Delete the database if it has an incompatible schema version withHieDb fp (const $ pure ()) `catch` \IncompatibleSchemaVersion{} -> removeFile fp withHieDb fp $ \writedb -> do initConn writedb chan <- newTQueueIO withAsync (writerThread writedb chan) $ \_ -> do withHieDb fp (flip k chan) where writerThread db chan = do -- Clear the index of any files that might have been deleted since the last run deleteMissingRealFiles db _ <- garbageCollectTypeNames db forever $ do k <- atomically $ readTQueue chan k db `catch` \e@SQLError{} -> do hPutStrLn stderr $ "SQLite error in worker, ignoring: " ++ show e `catchAny` \e -> do hPutStrLn stderr $ "Uncaught error in database worker, ignoring: " ++ show e getHieDbLoc :: FilePath -> IO FilePath getHieDbLoc dir = do let db = dirHash++"-"++takeBaseName dir++"-"++VERSION_ghc <.> "hiedb" dirHash = B.unpack $ B16.encode $ H.hash $ B.pack dir cDir <- IO.getXdgDirectory IO.XdgCache cacheDir createDirectoryIfMissing True cDir pure (cDir db) -- | Given a root directory, return a Shake 'Action' which setups an -- 'IdeGhcSession' given a file. -- Some of the many things this does: -- -- * Find the cradle for the file -- * Get the session options, -- * Get the GHC lib directory -- * Make sure the GHC compiletime and runtime versions match -- * Restart the Shake session -- -- This is the key function which implements multi-component support. All -- components mapping to the same hie.yaml file are mapped to the same -- HscEnv which is updated as new components are discovered. loadSession :: FilePath -> IO (Action IdeGhcSession) loadSession = loadSessionWithOptions defaultLoadingOptions loadSessionWithOptions :: SessionLoadingOptions -> FilePath -> IO (Action IdeGhcSession) loadSessionWithOptions SessionLoadingOptions{..} dir = do -- Mapping from hie.yaml file to HscEnv, one per hie.yaml file hscEnvs <- newVar Map.empty :: IO (Var HieMap) -- Mapping from a Filepath to HscEnv fileToFlags <- newVar Map.empty :: IO (Var FlagsMap) -- Mapping from a Filepath to its 'hie.yaml' location. -- Should hold the same Filepaths as 'fileToFlags', otherwise -- they are inconsistent. So, everywhere you modify 'fileToFlags', -- you have to modify 'filesMap' as well. filesMap <- newVar HM.empty :: IO (Var FilesMap) -- Version of the mappings above version <- newVar 0 let returnWithVersion fun = IdeGhcSession fun <$> liftIO (readVar version) let invalidateShakeCache = do modifyVar_ version (return . succ) -- This caches the mapping from Mod.hs -> hie.yaml cradleLoc <- liftIO $ memoIO $ \v -> do res <- findCradle v -- Sometimes we get C:, sometimes we get c:, and sometimes we get a relative path -- try and normalise that -- e.g. see https://github.com/haskell/ghcide/issues/126 res' <- traverse makeAbsolute res return $ normalise <$> res' dummyAs <- async $ return (error "Uninitialised") runningCradle <- newVar dummyAs :: IO (Var (Async (IdeResult HscEnvEq,[FilePath]))) return $ do extras@ShakeExtras{logger, eventer, restartShakeSession, withIndefiniteProgress, ideNc, knownTargetsVar } <- getShakeExtras IdeOptions{ optTesting = IdeTesting optTesting , optCheckProject = checkProject , optCustomDynFlags , optExtensions } <- getIdeOptions -- populate the knownTargetsVar with all the -- files in the project so that `knownFiles` can learn about them and -- we can generate a complete module graph let extendKnownTargets newTargets = do knownTargets <- forM newTargets $ \TargetDetails{..} -> case targetTarget of TargetFile f -> pure (targetTarget, [f]) TargetModule _ -> do found <- filterM (IO.doesFileExist . fromNormalizedFilePath) targetLocations return (targetTarget, found) modifyVar_ knownTargetsVar $ traverseHashed $ \known -> do let known' = HM.unionWith (<>) known $ HM.fromList knownTargets when (known /= known') $ logDebug logger $ "Known files updated: " <> T.pack(show $ (HM.map . map) fromNormalizedFilePath known') evaluate known' -- Create a new HscEnv from a hieYaml root and a set of options -- If the hieYaml file already has an HscEnv, the new component is -- combined with the components in the old HscEnv into a new HscEnv -- which contains the union. let packageSetup :: (Maybe FilePath, NormalizedFilePath, ComponentOptions, FilePath) -> IO (HscEnv, ComponentInfo, [ComponentInfo]) packageSetup (hieYaml, cfp, opts, libDir) = do -- Parse DynFlags for the newly discovered component hscEnv <- emptyHscEnv ideNc libDir (df, targets) <- evalGhcEnv hscEnv $ first optCustomDynFlags <$> setOptions opts (hsc_dflags hscEnv) let deps = componentDependencies opts ++ maybeToList hieYaml dep_info <- getDependencyInfo deps -- Now lookup to see whether we are combining with an existing HscEnv -- or making a new one. The lookup returns the HscEnv and a list of -- information about other components loaded into the HscEnv -- (unitId, DynFlag, Targets) modifyVar hscEnvs $ \m -> do -- Just deps if there's already an HscEnv -- Nothing is it's the first time we are making an HscEnv let oldDeps = Map.lookup hieYaml m let -- Add the raw information about this component to the list -- We will modify the unitId and DynFlags used for -- compilation but these are the true source of -- information. new_deps = RawComponentInfo (thisInstalledUnitId df) df targets cfp opts dep_info : maybe [] snd oldDeps -- Get all the unit-ids for things in this component inplace = map rawComponentUnitId new_deps new_deps' <- forM new_deps $ \RawComponentInfo{..} -> do -- Remove all inplace dependencies from package flags for -- components in this HscEnv let (df2, uids) = removeInplacePackages inplace rawComponentDynFlags let prefix = show rawComponentUnitId -- See Note [Avoiding bad interface files] let hscComponents = sort $ map show uids cacheDirOpts = hscComponents ++ componentOptions opts cacheDirs <- liftIO $ getCacheDirs prefix cacheDirOpts processed_df <- setCacheDirs logger cacheDirs df2 -- The final component information, mostly the same but the DynFlags don't -- contain any packages which are also loaded -- into the same component. pure $ ComponentInfo rawComponentUnitId processed_df uids rawComponentTargets rawComponentFP rawComponentCOptions rawComponentDependencyInfo -- Make a new HscEnv, we have to recompile everything from -- scratch again (for now) -- It's important to keep the same NameCache though for reasons -- that I do not fully understand logInfo logger (T.pack ("Making new HscEnv" ++ show inplace)) hscEnv <- emptyHscEnv ideNc libDir newHscEnv <- -- Add the options for the current component to the HscEnv evalGhcEnv hscEnv $ do _ <- setSessionDynFlags df getSession -- Modify the map so the hieYaml now maps to the newly created -- HscEnv -- Returns -- . the new HscEnv so it can be used to modify the -- FilePath -> HscEnv map (fileToFlags) -- . The information for the new component which caused this cache miss -- . The modified information (without -inplace flags) for -- existing packages pure (Map.insert hieYaml (newHscEnv, new_deps) m, (newHscEnv, head new_deps', tail new_deps')) let session :: (Maybe FilePath, NormalizedFilePath, ComponentOptions, FilePath) -> IO (IdeResult HscEnvEq,[FilePath]) session args@(hieYaml, _cfp, _opts, _libDir) = do (hscEnv, new, old_deps) <- packageSetup args -- Whenever we spin up a session on Linux, dynamically load libm.so.6 -- in. We need this in case the binary is statically linked, in which -- case the interactive session will fail when trying to load -- ghc-prim, which happens whenever Template Haskell is being -- evaluated or haskell-language-server's eval plugin tries to run -- some code. If the binary is dynamically linked, then this will have -- no effect. -- See https://github.com/haskell/haskell-language-server/issues/221 when (os == "linux") $ do initObjLinker hscEnv res <- loadDLL hscEnv "libm.so.6" case res of Nothing -> pure () Just err -> hPutStrLn stderr $ "Error dynamically loading libm.so.6:\n" <> err -- Make a map from unit-id to DynFlags, this is used when trying to -- resolve imports. (especially PackageImports) let uids = map (\ci -> (componentUnitId ci, componentDynFlags ci)) (new : old_deps) -- For each component, now make a new HscEnvEq which contains the -- HscEnv for the hie.yaml file but the DynFlags for that component -- New HscEnv for the component in question, returns the new HscEnvEq and -- a mapping from FilePath to the newly created HscEnvEq. let new_cache = newComponentCache logger optExtensions hieYaml _cfp hscEnv uids (cs, res) <- new_cache new -- Modified cache targets for everything else in the hie.yaml file -- which now uses the same EPS and so on cached_targets <- concatMapM (fmap fst . new_cache) old_deps let all_targets = cs ++ cached_targets modifyVar_ fileToFlags $ \var -> do pure $ Map.insert hieYaml (HM.fromList (concatMap toFlagsMap all_targets)) var modifyVar_ filesMap $ \var -> do evaluate $ HM.union var (HM.fromList (zip (map fst $ concatMap toFlagsMap all_targets) (repeat hieYaml))) extendKnownTargets all_targets -- Invalidate all the existing GhcSession build nodes by restarting the Shake session invalidateShakeCache restartShakeSession [] -- Typecheck all files in the project on startup unless (null cs || not checkProject) $ do cfps' <- liftIO $ filterM (IO.doesFileExist . fromNormalizedFilePath) (concatMap targetLocations cs) void $ shakeEnqueue extras $ mkDelayedAction "InitialLoad" Debug $ void $ do mmt <- uses GetModificationTime cfps' let cs_exist = catMaybes (zipWith (<$) cfps' mmt) modIfaces <- uses GetModIface cs_exist -- update exports map extras <- getShakeExtras let !exportsMap' = createExportsMap $ mapMaybe (fmap hirModIface) modIfaces liftIO $ modifyVar_ (exportsMap extras) $ evaluate . (exportsMap' <>) return (second Map.keys res) let consultCradle :: Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (IdeResult HscEnvEq, [FilePath]) consultCradle hieYaml cfp = do lfp <- flip makeRelative cfp <$> getCurrentDirectory logInfo logger $ T.pack ("Consulting the cradle for " <> show lfp) when (isNothing hieYaml) $ eventer $ notifyUserImplicitCradle lfp cradle <- maybe (loadImplicitHieCradle $ addTrailingPathSeparator dir) loadCradle hieYaml when optTesting $ eventer $ notifyCradleLoaded lfp -- Display a user friendly progress message here: They probably don't know what a cradle is let progMsg = "Setting up " <> T.pack (takeBaseName (cradleRootDir cradle)) <> " (for " <> T.pack lfp <> ")" eopts <- withIndefiniteProgress progMsg NotCancellable $ cradleToOptsAndLibDir cradle cfp logDebug logger $ T.pack ("Session loading result: " <> show eopts) case eopts of -- The cradle gave us some options so get to work turning them -- into and HscEnv. Right (opts, libDir) -> do installationCheck <- ghcVersionChecker libDir case installationCheck of InstallationNotFound{..} -> error $ "GHC installation not found in libdir: " <> libdir InstallationMismatch{..} -> return (([renderPackageSetupException cfp GhcVersionMismatch{..}], Nothing),[]) InstallationChecked _compileTime _ghcLibCheck -> session (hieYaml, toNormalizedFilePath' cfp, opts, libDir) -- Failure case, either a cradle error or the none cradle Left err -> do dep_info <- getDependencyInfo (maybeToList hieYaml) let ncfp = toNormalizedFilePath' cfp let res = (map (renderCradleError ncfp) err, Nothing) modifyVar_ fileToFlags $ \var -> do pure $ Map.insertWith HM.union hieYaml (HM.singleton ncfp (res, dep_info)) var modifyVar_ filesMap $ \var -> do evaluate $ HM.insert ncfp hieYaml var return (res, maybe [] pure hieYaml ++ concatMap cradleErrorDependencies err) -- This caches the mapping from hie.yaml + Mod.hs -> [String] -- Returns the Ghc session and the cradle dependencies let sessionOpts :: (Maybe FilePath, FilePath) -> IO (IdeResult HscEnvEq, [FilePath]) sessionOpts (hieYaml, file) = do v <- fromMaybe HM.empty . Map.lookup hieYaml <$> readVar fileToFlags cfp <- canonicalizePath file case HM.lookup (toNormalizedFilePath' cfp) v of Just (opts, old_di) -> do deps_ok <- checkDependencyInfo old_di if not deps_ok then do -- If the dependencies are out of date then clear both caches and start -- again. modifyVar_ fileToFlags (const (return Map.empty)) -- Keep the same name cache modifyVar_ hscEnvs (return . Map.adjust (\(h, _) -> (h, [])) hieYaml ) consultCradle hieYaml cfp else return (opts, Map.keys old_di) Nothing -> consultCradle hieYaml cfp -- The main function which gets options for a file. We only want one of these running -- at a time. Therefore the IORef contains the currently running cradle, if we try -- to get some more options then we wait for the currently running action to finish -- before attempting to do so. let getOptions :: FilePath -> IO (IdeResult HscEnvEq, [FilePath]) getOptions file = do ncfp <- toNormalizedFilePath' <$> canonicalizePath file cachedHieYamlLocation <- HM.lookup ncfp <$> readVar filesMap hieYaml <- cradleLoc file sessionOpts (join cachedHieYamlLocation <|> hieYaml, file) `catch` \e -> return (([renderPackageSetupException file e], Nothing), maybe [] pure hieYaml) returnWithVersion $ \file -> do opts <- liftIO $ join $ mask_ $ modifyVar runningCradle $ \as -> do -- If the cradle is not finished, then wait for it to finish. void $ wait as as <- async $ getOptions file return (as, wait as) pure opts -- | Run the specific cradle on a specific FilePath via hie-bios. -- This then builds dependencies or whatever based on the cradle, gets the -- GHC options/dynflags needed for the session and the GHC library directory cradleToOptsAndLibDir :: Show a => Cradle a -> FilePath -> IO (Either [CradleError] (ComponentOptions, FilePath)) cradleToOptsAndLibDir cradle file = do -- Start off by getting the session options let showLine s = hPutStrLn stderr ("> " ++ s) hPutStrLn stderr $ "Output from setting up the cradle " <> show cradle cradleRes <- runCradle (cradleOptsProg cradle) showLine file case cradleRes of CradleSuccess r -> do -- Now get the GHC lib dir libDirRes <- getRuntimeGhcLibDir cradle case libDirRes of -- This is the successful path CradleSuccess libDir -> pure (Right (r, libDir)) CradleFail err -> return (Left [err]) -- For the None cradle perhaps we still want to report an Info -- message about the fact that the file is being ignored. CradleNone -> return (Left []) CradleFail err -> return (Left [err]) -- Same here CradleNone -> return (Left []) emptyHscEnv :: IORef NameCache -> FilePath -> IO HscEnv emptyHscEnv nc libDir = do env <- runGhc (Just libDir) getSession initDynLinker env pure $ setNameCache nc env{ hsc_dflags = (hsc_dflags env){useUnicode = True } } data TargetDetails = TargetDetails { targetTarget :: !Target, targetEnv :: !(IdeResult HscEnvEq), targetDepends :: !DependencyInfo, targetLocations :: ![NormalizedFilePath] } fromTargetId :: [FilePath] -- ^ import paths -> [String] -- ^ extensions to consider -> TargetId -> IdeResult HscEnvEq -> DependencyInfo -> IO [TargetDetails] -- For a target module we consider all the import paths fromTargetId is exts (GHC.TargetModule mod) env dep = do let fps = [i moduleNameSlashes mod -<.> ext <> boot | ext <- exts , i <- is , boot <- ["", "-boot"] ] locs <- mapM (fmap toNormalizedFilePath' . canonicalizePath) fps return [TargetDetails (TargetModule mod) env dep locs] -- For a 'TargetFile' we consider all the possible module names fromTargetId _ _ (GHC.TargetFile f _) env deps = do nf <- toNormalizedFilePath' <$> canonicalizePath f return [TargetDetails (TargetFile nf) env deps [nf]] toFlagsMap :: TargetDetails -> [(NormalizedFilePath, (IdeResult HscEnvEq, DependencyInfo))] toFlagsMap TargetDetails{..} = [ (l, (targetEnv, targetDepends)) | l <- targetLocations] setNameCache :: IORef NameCache -> HscEnv -> HscEnv setNameCache nc hsc = hsc { hsc_NC = nc } -- | Create a mapping from FilePaths to HscEnvEqs newComponentCache :: Logger -> [String] -- File extensions to consider -> Maybe FilePath -- Path to cradle -> NormalizedFilePath -- Path to file that caused the creation of this component -> HscEnv -> [(InstalledUnitId, DynFlags)] -> ComponentInfo -> IO ( [TargetDetails], (IdeResult HscEnvEq, DependencyInfo)) newComponentCache logger exts cradlePath cfp hsc_env uids ci = do let df = componentDynFlags ci let hscEnv' = hsc_env { hsc_dflags = df , hsc_IC = (hsc_IC hsc_env) { ic_dflags = df } } let newFunc = maybe newHscEnvEqPreserveImportPaths newHscEnvEq cradlePath henv <- newFunc hscEnv' uids let targetEnv = ([], Just henv) targetDepends = componentDependencyInfo ci res = (targetEnv, targetDepends) logDebug logger ("New Component Cache HscEnvEq: " <> T.pack (show res)) let mk t = fromTargetId (importPaths df) exts (targetId t) targetEnv targetDepends ctargets <- concatMapM mk (componentTargets ci) -- A special target for the file which caused this wonderful -- component to be created. In case the cradle doesn't list all the targets for -- the component, in which case things will be horribly broken anyway. -- Otherwise, we will immediately attempt to reload this module which -- causes an infinite loop and high CPU usage. let special_target = TargetDetails (TargetFile cfp) targetEnv targetDepends [componentFP ci] return (special_target:ctargets, res) {- Note [Avoiding bad interface files] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Originally, we set the cache directory for the various components once on the first occurrence of the component. This works fine if these components have no references to each other, but you have components that depend on each other, the interface files are updated for each component. After restarting the session and only opening the component that depended on the other, suddenly the interface files of this component are stale. However, from the point of view of `ghcide`, they do not look stale, thus, not regenerated and the IDE shows weird errors such as: ``` typecheckIface Declaration for Rep_ClientRunFlags Axiom branches Rep_ClientRunFlags: Failed to load interface for ‘Distribution.Simple.Flag’ Use -v to see a list of the files searched for. ``` and ``` expectJust checkFamInstConsistency CallStack (from HasCallStack): error, called at compiler\\utils\\Maybes.hs:55:27 in ghc:Maybes expectJust, called at compiler\\typecheck\\FamInst.hs:461:30 in ghc:FamInst ``` To mitigate this, we set the cache directory for each component dependent on the components of the current `HscEnv`, additionally to the component options of the respective components. Assume two components, c1, c2, where c2 depends on c1, and the options of the respective components are co1, co2. If we want to load component c2, followed by c1, we set the cache directory for each component in this way: * Load component c2 * (Cache Directory State) - name of c2 + co2 * Load component c1 * (Cache Directory State) - name of c2 + name of c1 + co2 - name of c2 + name of c1 + co1 Overall, we created three cache directories. If we opened c1 first, then we create a fourth cache directory. This makes sure that interface files are always correctly updated. Since this causes a lot of recompilation, we only update the cache-directory, if the dependencies of a component have really changed. E.g. when you load two executables, they can not depend on each other. They should be filtered out, such that we dont have to re-compile everything. -} -- | Set the cache-directory based on the ComponentOptions and a list of -- internal packages. -- For the exact reason, see Note [Avoiding bad interface files]. setCacheDirs :: MonadIO m => Logger -> CacheDirs -> DynFlags -> m DynFlags setCacheDirs logger CacheDirs{..} dflags = do liftIO $ logInfo logger $ "Using interface files cache dir: " <> T.pack cacheDir pure $ dflags & maybe id setHiDir hiCacheDir & maybe id setHieDir hieCacheDir & maybe id setODir oCacheDir renderCradleError :: NormalizedFilePath -> CradleError -> FileDiagnostic renderCradleError nfp (CradleError _ _ec t) = ideErrorWithSource (Just "cradle") (Just DsError) nfp (T.unlines (map T.pack t)) -- See Note [Multi Cradle Dependency Info] type DependencyInfo = Map.Map FilePath (Maybe UTCTime) type HieMap = Map.Map (Maybe FilePath) (HscEnv, [RawComponentInfo]) -- | Maps a "hie.yaml" location to all its Target Filepaths and options. type FlagsMap = Map.Map (Maybe FilePath) (HM.HashMap NormalizedFilePath (IdeResult HscEnvEq, DependencyInfo)) -- | Maps a Filepath to its respective "hie.yaml" location. -- It aims to be the reverse of 'FlagsMap'. type FilesMap = HM.HashMap NormalizedFilePath (Maybe FilePath) -- This is pristine information about a component data RawComponentInfo = RawComponentInfo { rawComponentUnitId :: InstalledUnitId -- | Unprocessed DynFlags. Contains inplace packages such as libraries. -- We do not want to use them unprocessed. , rawComponentDynFlags :: DynFlags -- | All targets of this components. , rawComponentTargets :: [GHC.Target] -- | Filepath which caused the creation of this component , rawComponentFP :: NormalizedFilePath -- | Component Options used to load the component. , rawComponentCOptions :: ComponentOptions -- | Maps cradle dependencies, such as `stack.yaml`, or `.cabal` file -- to last modification time. See Note [Multi Cradle Dependency Info]. , rawComponentDependencyInfo :: DependencyInfo } -- This is processed information about the component, in particular the dynflags will be modified. data ComponentInfo = ComponentInfo { componentUnitId :: InstalledUnitId -- | Processed DynFlags. Does not contain inplace packages such as local -- libraries. Can be used to actually load this Component. , componentDynFlags :: DynFlags -- | Internal units, such as local libraries, that this component -- is loaded with. These have been extracted from the original -- ComponentOptions. , _componentInternalUnits :: [InstalledUnitId] -- | All targets of this components. , componentTargets :: [GHC.Target] -- | Filepath which caused the creation of this component , componentFP :: NormalizedFilePath -- | Component Options used to load the component. , _componentCOptions :: ComponentOptions -- | Maps cradle dependencies, such as `stack.yaml`, or `.cabal` file -- to last modification time. See Note [Multi Cradle Dependency Info] , componentDependencyInfo :: DependencyInfo } -- | Check if any dependency has been modified lately. checkDependencyInfo :: DependencyInfo -> IO Bool checkDependencyInfo old_di = do di <- getDependencyInfo (Map.keys old_di) return (di == old_di) -- Note [Multi Cradle Dependency Info] -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- Why do we implement our own file modification tracking here? -- The primary reason is that the custom caching logic is quite complicated and going into shake -- adds even more complexity and more indirection. I did try for about 5 hours to work out how to -- use shake rules rather than IO but eventually gave up. -- | Computes a mapping from a filepath to its latest modification date. -- See Note [Multi Cradle Dependency Info] why we do this ourselves instead -- of letting shake take care of it. getDependencyInfo :: [FilePath] -> IO DependencyInfo getDependencyInfo fs = Map.fromList <$> mapM do_one fs where tryIO :: IO a -> IO (Either IOException a) tryIO = try do_one :: FilePath -> IO (FilePath, Maybe UTCTime) do_one fp = (fp,) . eitherToMaybe <$> tryIO (getModificationTime fp) -- | This function removes all the -package flags which refer to packages we -- are going to deal with ourselves. For example, if a executable depends -- on a library component, then this function will remove the library flag -- from the package flags for the executable -- -- There are several places in GHC (for example the call to hptInstances in -- tcRnImports) which assume that all modules in the HPT have the same unit -- ID. Therefore we create a fake one and give them all the same unit id. removeInplacePackages :: [InstalledUnitId] -> DynFlags -> (DynFlags, [InstalledUnitId]) removeInplacePackages us df = (df { packageFlags = ps , thisInstalledUnitId = fake_uid }, uids) where (uids, ps) = partitionEithers (map go (packageFlags df)) fake_uid = toInstalledUnitId (stringToUnitId "fake_uid") go p@(ExposePackage _ (UnitIdArg u) _) = if toInstalledUnitId u `elem` us then Left (toInstalledUnitId u) else Right p go p = Right p -- | Memoize an IO function, with the characteristics: -- -- * If multiple people ask for a result simultaneously, make sure you only compute it once. -- -- * If there are exceptions, repeatedly reraise them. -- -- * If the caller is aborted (async exception) finish computing it anyway. memoIO :: Ord a => (a -> IO b) -> IO (a -> IO b) memoIO op = do ref <- newVar Map.empty return $ \k -> join $ mask_ $ modifyVar ref $ \mp -> case Map.lookup k mp of Nothing -> do res <- onceFork $ op k return (Map.insert k res mp, res) Just res -> return (mp, res) -- | Throws if package flags are unsatisfiable setOptions :: GhcMonad m => ComponentOptions -> DynFlags -> m (DynFlags, [GHC.Target]) setOptions (ComponentOptions theOpts compRoot _) dflags = do (dflags', targets') <- addCmdOpts theOpts dflags let targets = makeTargetsAbsolute compRoot targets' let dflags'' = disableWarningsAsErrors $ -- disabled, generated directly by ghcide instead flip gopt_unset Opt_WriteInterface $ -- disabled, generated directly by ghcide instead -- also, it can confuse the interface stale check dontWriteHieFiles $ setIgnoreInterfacePragmas $ setLinkerOptions $ disableOptimisation $ setUpTypedHoles $ makeDynFlagsAbsolute compRoot dflags' -- initPackages parses the -package flags and -- sets up the visibility for each component. -- Throws if a -package flag cannot be satisfied. (final_df, _) <- liftIO $ wrapPackageSetupException $ initPackages dflags'' return (final_df, targets) -- we don't want to generate object code so we compile to bytecode -- (HscInterpreted) which implies LinkInMemory -- HscInterpreted setLinkerOptions :: DynFlags -> DynFlags setLinkerOptions df = df { ghcLink = LinkInMemory , hscTarget = HscNothing , ghcMode = CompManager } setIgnoreInterfacePragmas :: DynFlags -> DynFlags setIgnoreInterfacePragmas df = gopt_set (gopt_set df Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas) Opt_IgnoreOptimChanges disableOptimisation :: DynFlags -> DynFlags disableOptimisation df = updOptLevel 0 df setHiDir :: FilePath -> DynFlags -> DynFlags setHiDir f d = -- override user settings to avoid conflicts leading to recompilation d { hiDir = Just f} setODir :: FilePath -> DynFlags -> DynFlags setODir f d = -- override user settings to avoid conflicts leading to recompilation d { objectDir = Just f} getCacheDirsDefault :: String -> [String] -> IO CacheDirs getCacheDirsDefault prefix opts = do dir <- Just <$> getXdgDirectory XdgCache (cacheDir prefix ++ "-" ++ opts_hash) return $ CacheDirs dir dir dir where -- Create a unique folder per set of different GHC options, assuming that each different set of -- GHC options will create incompatible interface files. opts_hash = B.unpack $ B16.encode $ H.finalize $ H.updates H.init (map B.pack opts) -- | Sub directory for the cache path cacheDir :: String cacheDir = "ghcide" notifyUserImplicitCradle:: FilePath -> FromServerMessage notifyUserImplicitCradle fp = NotShowMessage $ NotificationMessage "2.0" WindowShowMessage $ ShowMessageParams MtInfo $ "No [cradle](https://github.com/mpickering/hie-bios#hie-bios) found for " <> T.pack fp <> ".\n Proceeding with [implicit cradle](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/implicit-hie).\n" <> "You should ignore this message, unless you see a 'Multi Cradle: No prefixes matched' error." notifyCradleLoaded :: FilePath -> FromServerMessage notifyCradleLoaded fp = NotCustomServer $ NotificationMessage "2.0" (CustomServerMethod cradleLoadedMethod) $ toJSON fp cradleLoadedMethod :: T.Text cradleLoadedMethod = "ghcide/cradle/loaded" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data PackageSetupException = PackageSetupException { message :: !String } | GhcVersionMismatch { compileTime :: !Version , runTime :: !Version } | PackageCheckFailed !NotCompatibleReason deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable) instance Exception PackageSetupException -- | Wrap any exception as a 'PackageSetupException' wrapPackageSetupException :: IO a -> IO a wrapPackageSetupException = handleAny $ \case e | Just (pkgE :: PackageSetupException) <- fromException e -> throwIO pkgE e -> (throwIO . PackageSetupException . show) e showPackageSetupException :: PackageSetupException -> String showPackageSetupException GhcVersionMismatch{..} = unwords ["ghcide compiled against GHC" ,showVersion compileTime ,"but currently using" ,showVersion runTime ,"\nThis is unsupported, ghcide must be compiled with the same GHC version as the project." ] showPackageSetupException PackageSetupException{..} = unwords [ "ghcide compiled by GHC", showVersion compilerVersion , "failed to load packages:", message <> "." , "\nPlease ensure that ghcide is compiled with the same GHC installation as the project."] showPackageSetupException (PackageCheckFailed PackageVersionMismatch{..}) = unwords ["ghcide compiled with package " , packageName <> "-" <> showVersion compileTime ,"but project uses package" , packageName <> "-" <> showVersion runTime ,"\nThis is unsupported, ghcide must be compiled with the same GHC installation as the project." ] showPackageSetupException (PackageCheckFailed BasePackageAbiMismatch{..}) = unwords ["ghcide compiled with base-" <> showVersion compileTime <> "-" <> compileTimeAbi ,"but project uses base-" <> showVersion compileTime <> "-" <> runTimeAbi ,"\nThis is unsupported, ghcide must be compiled with the same GHC installation as the project." ] renderPackageSetupException :: FilePath -> PackageSetupException -> (NormalizedFilePath, ShowDiagnostic, Diagnostic) renderPackageSetupException fp e = ideErrorWithSource (Just "cradle") (Just DsError) (toNormalizedFilePath' fp) (T.pack $ showPackageSetupException e)