{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-} {-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-} module Experiments ( Bench(..) , BenchRun(..) , Config(..) , Verbosity(..) , CabalStack(..) , SetupResult(..) , Example(..) , experiments , configP , defConfig , output , setup , runBench , exampleToOptions ) where import Control.Applicative.Combinators (skipManyTill) import Control.Exception.Safe import Control.Monad.Extra import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Data.Aeson (Value(Null)) import Data.List import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Version import Development.IDE.Plugin.Test import Experiments.Types import Language.Haskell.LSP.Test import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Capabilities import Numeric.Natural import Options.Applicative import System.Directory import System.Environment.Blank (getEnv) import System.FilePath ((), (<.>)) import System.Process import System.Time.Extra import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (readP_to_S) charEdit :: Position -> TextDocumentContentChangeEvent charEdit p = TextDocumentContentChangeEvent { _range = Just (Range p p), _rangeLength = Nothing, _text = "a" } data DocumentPositions = DocumentPositions { identifierP :: Maybe Position, stringLiteralP :: !Position, doc :: !TextDocumentIdentifier } allWithIdentifierPos :: Monad m => (DocumentPositions -> m Bool) -> [DocumentPositions] -> m Bool allWithIdentifierPos f docs = allM f (filter (isJust . identifierP) docs) experiments :: [Bench] experiments = [ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bench "hover" $ allWithIdentifierPos $ \DocumentPositions{..} -> isJust <$> getHover doc (fromJust identifierP), --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bench "edit" $ \docs -> do forM_ docs $ \DocumentPositions{..} -> changeDoc doc [charEdit stringLiteralP] waitForProgressDone -- TODO check that this waits for all of them return True, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bench "hover after edit" $ \docs -> do forM_ docs $ \DocumentPositions{..} -> changeDoc doc [charEdit stringLiteralP] flip allWithIdentifierPos docs $ \DocumentPositions{..} -> isJust <$> getHover doc (fromJust identifierP), --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bench "getDefinition" $ allWithIdentifierPos $ \DocumentPositions{..} -> not . null <$> getDefinitions doc (fromJust identifierP), --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bench "getDefinition after edit" $ \docs -> do forM_ docs $ \DocumentPositions{..} -> changeDoc doc [charEdit stringLiteralP] flip allWithIdentifierPos docs $ \DocumentPositions{..} -> not . null <$> getDefinitions doc (fromJust identifierP), --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bench "documentSymbols" $ allM $ \DocumentPositions{..} -> do fmap (either (not . null) (not . null)) . getDocumentSymbols $ doc, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bench "documentSymbols after edit" $ \docs -> do forM_ docs $ \DocumentPositions{..} -> changeDoc doc [charEdit stringLiteralP] flip allM docs $ \DocumentPositions{..} -> either (not . null) (not . null) <$> getDocumentSymbols doc, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bench "completions" $ \docs -> do flip allWithIdentifierPos docs $ \DocumentPositions{..} -> not . null <$> getCompletions doc (fromJust identifierP), --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bench "completions after edit" $ \docs -> do forM_ docs $ \DocumentPositions{..} -> changeDoc doc [charEdit stringLiteralP] flip allWithIdentifierPos docs $ \DocumentPositions{..} -> not . null <$> getCompletions doc (fromJust identifierP), --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- benchWithSetup "code actions" ( \docs -> do unless (any (isJust . identifierP) docs) $ error "None of the example modules is suitable for this experiment" forM_ docs $ \DocumentPositions{..} -> forM_ identifierP $ \p -> changeDoc doc [charEdit p] waitForProgressDone ) ( \docs -> not . null . catMaybes <$> forM docs (\DocumentPositions{..} -> forM identifierP $ \p -> getCodeActions doc (Range p p)) ), --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- benchWithSetup "code actions after edit" ( \docs -> do unless (any (isJust . identifierP) docs) $ error "None of the example modules is suitable for this experiment" forM_ docs $ \DocumentPositions{..} -> forM_ identifierP $ \p -> changeDoc doc [charEdit p] ) ( \docs -> do forM_ docs $ \DocumentPositions{..} -> changeDoc doc [charEdit stringLiteralP] waitForProgressDone not . null . catMaybes <$> forM docs (\DocumentPositions{..} -> do forM identifierP $ \p -> getCodeActions doc (Range p p)) ), --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- benchWithSetup "code actions after cradle edit" ( \docs -> do unless (any (isJust . identifierP) docs) $ error "None of the example modules is suitable for this experiment" forM_ docs $ \DocumentPositions{..} -> forM_ identifierP $ \p -> changeDoc doc [charEdit p] ) ( \docs -> do Just hieYaml <- uriToFilePath <$> getDocUri "hie.yaml" liftIO $ appendFile hieYaml "##\n" sendNotification WorkspaceDidChangeWatchedFiles $ DidChangeWatchedFilesParams $ List [ FileEvent (filePathToUri "hie.yaml") FcChanged ] forM_ docs $ \DocumentPositions{..} -> changeDoc doc [charEdit stringLiteralP] waitForProgressDone not . null . catMaybes <$> forM docs (\DocumentPositions{..} -> do forM identifierP $ \p -> getCodeActions doc (Range p p)) ), --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bench "hover after cradle edit" (\docs -> do Just hieYaml <- uriToFilePath <$> getDocUri "hie.yaml" liftIO $ appendFile hieYaml "##\n" sendNotification WorkspaceDidChangeWatchedFiles $ DidChangeWatchedFilesParams $ List [ FileEvent (filePathToUri "hie.yaml") FcChanged ] flip allWithIdentifierPos docs $ \DocumentPositions{..} -> isJust <$> getHover doc (fromJust identifierP) ) ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- examplesPath :: FilePath examplesPath = "bench/example" defConfig :: Config Success defConfig = execParserPure defaultPrefs (info configP fullDesc) [] quiet, verbose :: Config -> Bool verbose = (== All) . verbosity quiet = (== Quiet) . verbosity type HasConfig = (?config :: Config) configP :: Parser Config configP = Config <$> (flag' All (short 'v' <> long "verbose") <|> flag' Quiet (short 'q' <> long "quiet") <|> pure Normal ) <*> optional (strOption (long "shake-profiling" <> metavar "PATH")) <*> optional (strOption (long "ot-profiling" <> metavar "DIR" <> help "Enable OpenTelemetry and write eventlog for each benchmark in DIR")) <*> strOption (long "csv" <> metavar "PATH" <> value "results.csv" <> showDefault) <*> flag Cabal Stack (long "stack" <> help "Use stack (by default cabal is used)") <*> many (strOption (long "ghcide-options" <> help "additional options for ghcide")) <*> many (strOption (short 's' <> long "select" <> help "select which benchmarks to run")) <*> optional (option auto (long "samples" <> metavar "NAT" <> help "override sampling count")) <*> strOption (long "ghcide" <> metavar "PATH" <> help "path to ghcide" <> value "ghcide") <*> option auto (long "timeout" <> value 60 <> help "timeout for waiting for a ghcide response") <*> ( GetPackage <$> strOption (long "example-package-name" <> value "Cabal") <*> (some moduleOption <|> pure ["Distribution/Simple.hs"]) <*> option versionP (long "example-package-version" <> value (makeVersion [3,2,0,0])) <|> UsePackage <$> strOption (long "example-path") <*> some moduleOption ) where moduleOption = strOption (long "example-module" <> metavar "PATH") versionP :: ReadM Version versionP = maybeReader $ extract . readP_to_S parseVersion where extract parses = listToMaybe [ res | (res,"") <- parses] output :: (MonadIO m, HasConfig) => String -> m () output = if quiet?config then (\_ -> pure ()) else liftIO . putStrLn --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type Experiment = [DocumentPositions] -> Session Bool data Bench = Bench { name :: !String, enabled :: !Bool, samples :: !Natural, benchSetup :: [DocumentPositions] -> Session (), experiment :: Experiment } select :: HasConfig => Bench -> Bool select Bench {name, enabled} = enabled && (null mm || name `elem` mm) where mm = matches ?config benchWithSetup :: String -> ([DocumentPositions] -> Session ()) -> Experiment -> Bench benchWithSetup name benchSetup experiment = Bench {..} where enabled = True samples = 100 bench :: String -> Experiment -> Bench bench name = benchWithSetup name (const $ pure ()) runBenchmarksFun :: HasConfig => FilePath -> [Bench] -> IO () runBenchmarksFun dir allBenchmarks = do let benchmarks = [ b{samples = fromMaybe 100 (repetitions ?config) } | b <- allBenchmarks , select b ] whenJust (otMemoryProfiling ?config) $ \eventlogDir -> createDirectoryIfMissing True eventlogDir results <- forM benchmarks $ \b@Bench{name} -> do let run = runSessionWithConfig conf (cmd name dir) lspTestCaps dir (b,) <$> runBench run b -- output raw data as CSV let headers = [ "name" , "success" , "samples" , "startup" , "setup" , "userTime" , "delayedTime" , "totalTime" ] rows = [ [ name, show success, show samples, show startup, show runSetup', show userWaits, show delayedWork, show runExperiment ] | (Bench {name, samples}, BenchRun {..}) <- results, let runSetup' = if runSetup < 0.01 then 0 else runSetup ] csv = unlines $ map (intercalate ", ") (headers : rows) writeFile (outputCSV ?config) csv -- print a nice table let pads = map (maximum . map length) (transpose (headers : rowsHuman)) paddedHeaders = zipWith pad pads headers outputRow = putStrLn . intercalate " | " rowsHuman = [ [ name, show success, show samples, showDuration startup, showDuration runSetup', showDuration userWaits, showDuration delayedWork, showDuration runExperiment ] | (Bench {name, samples}, BenchRun {..}) <- results, let runSetup' = if runSetup < 0.01 then 0 else runSetup ] outputRow paddedHeaders outputRow $ (map . map) (const '-') paddedHeaders forM_ rowsHuman $ \row -> outputRow $ zipWith pad pads row where ghcideCmd dir = [ ghcide ?config, "--lsp", "--test", "--cwd", dir, "+RTS" ] cmd name dir = unwords $ ghcideCmd dir ++ case otMemoryProfiling ?config of Just dir -> ["-l", "-ol" ++ (dir map (\c -> if c == ' ' then '-' else c) name <.> "eventlog")] Nothing -> [] ++ [ "-RTS" ] ++ ghcideOptions ?config ++ concat [ ["--shake-profiling", path] | Just path <- [shakeProfiling ?config] ] ++ ["--verbose" | verbose ?config] ++ ["--ot-memory-profiling" | Just _ <- [otMemoryProfiling ?config]] lspTestCaps = fullCaps {_window = Just $ WindowClientCapabilities $ Just True} conf = defaultConfig { logStdErr = verbose ?config, logMessages = verbose ?config, logColor = False, messageTimeout = timeoutLsp ?config } data BenchRun = BenchRun { startup :: !Seconds, runSetup :: !Seconds, runExperiment :: !Seconds, userWaits :: !Seconds, delayedWork :: !Seconds, success :: !Bool } badRun :: BenchRun badRun = BenchRun 0 0 0 0 0 False -- | Wait for all progress to be done -- Needs at least one progress done notification to return waitForProgressDone :: Session () waitForProgressDone = loop where loop = do void (skipManyTill anyMessage message :: Session WorkDoneProgressEndNotification) done <- null <$> getIncompleteProgressSessions unless done loop runBench :: (?config :: Config) => (Session BenchRun -> IO BenchRun) -> Bench -> IO BenchRun runBench runSess b = handleAny (\e -> print e >> return badRun) $ runSess $ do case b of Bench{..} -> do (startup, docs) <- duration $ do (d, docs) <- duration $ setupDocumentContents ?config output $ "Setting up document contents took " <> showDuration d -- wait again, as the progress is restarted once while loading the cradle -- make an edit, to ensure this doesn't block let DocumentPositions{..} = head docs changeDoc doc [charEdit stringLiteralP] waitForProgressDone return docs liftIO $ output $ "Running " <> name <> " benchmark" (runSetup, ()) <- duration $ benchSetup docs let loop !userWaits !delayedWork 0 = return $ Just (userWaits, delayedWork) loop !userWaits !delayedWork n = do (t, res) <- duration $ experiment docs if not res then return Nothing else do output (showDuration t) -- Wait for the delayed actions to finish waitId <- sendRequest (CustomClientMethod "test") WaitForShakeQueue (td, resp) <- duration $ skipManyTill anyMessage $ responseForId waitId case resp of ResponseMessage{_result=Right Null} -> do loop (userWaits+t) (delayedWork+td) (n -1) _ -> -- Assume a ghcide build lacking the WaitForShakeQueue command loop (userWaits+t) delayedWork (n -1) (runExperiment, result) <- duration $ loop 0 0 samples let success = isJust result (userWaits, delayedWork) = fromMaybe (0,0) result return BenchRun {..} data SetupResult = SetupResult { runBenchmarks :: [Bench] -> IO (), -- | Path to the setup benchmark example benchDir :: FilePath, cleanUp :: IO () } callCommandLogging :: HasConfig => String -> IO () callCommandLogging cmd = do output cmd callCommand cmd setup :: HasConfig => IO SetupResult setup = do -- when alreadyExists $ removeDirectoryRecursive examplesPath benchDir <- case example ?config of UsePackage{..} -> return examplePath GetPackage{..} -> do let path = examplesPath package package = exampleName <> "-" <> showVersion exampleVersion alreadySetup <- doesDirectoryExist path unless alreadySetup $ case buildTool ?config of Cabal -> do let cabalVerbosity = "-v" ++ show (fromEnum (verbose ?config)) callCommandLogging $ "cabal get " <> cabalVerbosity <> " " <> package <> " -d " <> examplesPath writeFile (path "hie.yaml") ("cradle: {cabal: {component: " <> exampleName <> "}}") -- Need this in case there is a parent cabal.project somewhere writeFile (path "cabal.project") "packages: ." writeFile (path "cabal.project.local") "" Stack -> do let stackVerbosity = case verbosity ?config of Quiet -> "--silent" Normal -> "" All -> "--verbose" callCommandLogging $ "stack " <> stackVerbosity <> " unpack " <> package <> " --to " <> examplesPath -- Generate the stack descriptor to match the one used to build ghcide stack_yaml <- fromMaybe "stack.yaml" <$> getEnv "STACK_YAML" stack_yaml_lines <- lines <$> readFile stack_yaml writeFile (path stack_yaml) (unlines $ "packages: [.]" : [ l | l <- stack_yaml_lines , any (`isPrefixOf` l) ["resolver" ,"allow-newer" ,"compiler"] ] ) writeFile (path "hie.yaml") ("cradle: {stack: {component: " <> show (exampleName <> ":lib") <> "}}") return path whenJust (shakeProfiling ?config) $ createDirectoryIfMissing True let cleanUp = case example ?config of GetPackage{} -> removeDirectoryRecursive examplesPath UsePackage{} -> return () runBenchmarks = runBenchmarksFun benchDir return SetupResult{..} setupDocumentContents :: Config -> Session [DocumentPositions] setupDocumentContents config = forM (exampleModules $ example config) $ \m -> do doc <- openDoc m "haskell" -- Setup the special positions used by the experiments lastLine <- length . T.lines <$> documentContents doc changeDoc doc [TextDocumentContentChangeEvent { _range = Just (Range (Position lastLine 0) (Position lastLine 0)) , _rangeLength = Nothing , _text = T.unlines [ "_hygienic = \"hygienic\"" ] }] let -- Points to a string in the target file, -- convenient for hygienic edits stringLiteralP = Position lastLine 15 -- Find an identifier defined in another file in this project symbols <- getDocumentSymbols doc case symbols of Left [DocumentSymbol{_children = Just (List symbols)}] -> do let endOfImports = case symbols of DocumentSymbol{_kind = SkModule, _name = "imports", _range } : _ -> Position (succ $ _line $ _end _range) 4 DocumentSymbol{_range} : _ -> _start _range [] -> error "Module has no symbols" contents <- documentContents doc identifierP <- searchSymbol doc contents endOfImports return $ DocumentPositions{..} other -> error $ "symbols: " <> show other -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pad :: Int -> String -> String pad n [] = replicate n ' ' pad 0 _ = error "pad" pad n (x:xx) = x : pad (n-1) xx -- | Search for a position where: -- - get definition works and returns a uri other than this file -- - get completions returns a non empty list searchSymbol :: TextDocumentIdentifier -> T.Text -> Position -> Session (Maybe Position) searchSymbol doc@TextDocumentIdentifier{_uri} fileContents pos = do -- this search is expensive, so we cache the result on disk let cachedPath = fromJust (uriToFilePath _uri) <.> "identifierPosition" cachedRes <- liftIO $ try @_ @IOException $ read <$> readFile cachedPath case cachedRes of Left _ -> do result <- loop pos liftIO $ writeFile cachedPath $ show result return result Right res -> return res where loop pos | _line pos >= lll = return Nothing | _character pos >= lengthOfLine (_line pos) = loop (nextLine pos) | otherwise = do checks <- checkDefinitions pos &&^ checkCompletions pos if checks then return $ Just pos else loop (nextIdent pos) nextIdent p = p{_character = _character p + 2} nextLine p = Position (_line p + 1) 4 lengthOfLine n = if n >= lll then 0 else T.length (ll !! n) ll = T.lines fileContents lll = length ll checkDefinitions pos = do defs <- getDefinitions doc pos case defs of [Location uri _] -> return $ uri /= _uri _ -> return False checkCompletions pos = not . null <$> getCompletions doc pos