{- Bench history A Shake script to analyze the performance of ghcide over the git history of the project Driven by a config file `bench/config.yaml` containing the list of Git references to analyze. Builds each one of them and executes a set of experiments using the ghcide-bench suite. The results of the benchmarks and the analysis are recorded in the file system with the following structure: bench-results ├── │  ├── ghc.path - path to ghc used to build the binary │  ├── ghcide - binary for this version ├─ │ ├── results.csv - aggregated results for all the versions │ └── │   ├── .gcStats.log - RTS -s output │   ├── .csv - stats for the experiment │   ├── .svg - Graph of bytes over elapsed time │   ├── .diff.svg - idem, including the previous version │   ├── .log - ghcide-bench output │   └── results.csv - results of all the experiments for the example ├── results.csv - aggregated results of all the experiments and versions └── .svg - graph of bytes over elapsed time, for all the included versions For diff graphs, the "previous version" is the preceding entry in the list of versions in the config file. A possible improvement is to obtain this info via `git rev-list`. To execute the script: > cabal/stack bench To build a specific analysis, enumerate the desired file artifacts > stack bench --ba "bench-results/HEAD/results.csv bench-results/HEAD/edit.diff.svg" > cabal bench --benchmark-options "bench-results/HEAD/results.csv bench-results/HEAD/edit.diff.svg" -} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies#-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# OPTIONS -Wno-orphans #-} import Data.Foldable (find) import Data.Yaml (FromJSON (..), decodeFileThrow) import Development.Benchmark.Rules import Development.Shake import Experiments.Types (Example, exampleToOptions) import qualified Experiments.Types as E import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Numeric.Natural (Natural) import Development.Shake.Classes import System.Console.GetOpt import Data.Maybe import Control.Monad.Extra configPath :: FilePath configPath = "bench/config.yaml" configOpt :: OptDescr (Either String FilePath) configOpt = Option [] ["config"] (ReqArg Right configPath) "config file" -- | Read the config without dependency readConfigIO :: FilePath -> IO (Config BuildSystem) readConfigIO = decodeFileThrow instance IsExample Example where getExampleName = E.getExampleName type instance RuleResult GetExample = Maybe Example type instance RuleResult GetExamples = [Example] shakeOpts :: ShakeOptions shakeOpts = shakeOptions{shakeChange = ChangeModtimeAndDigestInput, shakeThreads = 0} main :: IO () main = shakeArgsWith shakeOpts [configOpt] $ \configs wants -> pure $ Just $ do let config = fromMaybe configPath $ listToMaybe configs _configStatic <- createBuildSystem config case wants of [] -> want ["all"] _ -> want wants ghcideBuildRules :: MkBuildRules BuildSystem ghcideBuildRules = MkBuildRules findGhcForBuildSystem "ghcide" buildGhcide -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Config buildSystem = Config { experiments :: [Unescaped String], examples :: [Example], samples :: Natural, versions :: [GitCommit], -- | Output folder ('foo' works, 'foo/bar' does not) outputFolder :: String, buildTool :: buildSystem, profileInterval :: Maybe Double } deriving (Generic, Show) deriving anyclass (FromJSON) createBuildSystem :: FilePath -> Rules (Config BuildSystem ) createBuildSystem config = do readConfig <- newCache $ \fp -> need [fp] >> liftIO (readConfigIO fp) _ <- addOracle $ \GetExperiments {} -> experiments <$> readConfig config _ <- addOracle $ \GetVersions {} -> versions <$> readConfig config _ <- versioned 1 $ addOracle $ \GetExamples{} -> examples <$> readConfig config _ <- versioned 1 $ addOracle $ \(GetExample name) -> find (\e -> getExampleName e == name) . examples <$> readConfig config _ <- addOracle $ \GetBuildSystem {} -> buildTool <$> readConfig config _ <- addOracle $ \GetSamples{} -> samples <$> readConfig config configStatic <- liftIO $ readConfigIO config let build = outputFolder configStatic buildRules build ghcideBuildRules benchRules build (MkBenchRules (askOracle $ GetSamples ()) benchGhcide "ghcide") csvRules build svgRules build heapProfileRules build phonyRules "" "ghcide" NoProfiling build (examples configStatic) whenJust (profileInterval configStatic) $ \i -> do phonyRules "profiled-" "ghcide" (CheapHeapProfiling i) build (examples configStatic) return configStatic newtype GetSamples = GetSamples () deriving newtype (Binary, Eq, Hashable, NFData, Show) type instance RuleResult GetSamples = Natural -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- buildGhcide :: BuildSystem -> [CmdOption] -> FilePath -> Action () buildGhcide Cabal args out = do command_ args "cabal" ["install" ,"exe:ghcide" ,"--installdir=" ++ out ,"--install-method=copy" ,"--overwrite-policy=always" ,"--ghc-options=-rtsopts" ] buildGhcide Stack args out = command_ args "stack" ["--local-bin-path=" <> out ,"build" ,"ghcide:ghcide" ,"--copy-bins" ,"--ghc-options=-rtsopts" ] benchGhcide :: Natural -> BuildSystem -> [CmdOption] -> BenchProject Example -> Action () benchGhcide samples buildSystem args BenchProject{..} = do command_ args "ghcide-bench" $ [ "--timeout=300", "--no-clean", "-v", "--samples=" <> show samples, "--csv=" <> outcsv, "--ghcide=" <> exePath, "--ghcide-options=" <> unwords exeExtraArgs, "--select", unescaped (unescapeExperiment experiment) ] ++ exampleToOptions example ++ [ "--stack" | Stack == buildSystem ]