module GHC.TypeLits.Normalise
( plugin )
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Data.Either (rights)
import Data.List (intersect, mapAccumR)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import GHC.TcPluginM.Extra (tracePlugin)
import Outputable (Outputable (..), (<+>), ($$), text)
import Plugins (Plugin (..), defaultPlugin)
import TcEvidence (EvTerm (..))
import TcPluginM (TcPluginM, tcPluginTrace, zonkCt)
import TcRnTypes (Ct, TcPlugin (..), TcPluginResult(..), ctEvidence, ctEvPred,
isWanted, mkNonCanonical)
import Type (EqRel (NomEq), Kind, PredTree (EqPred), PredType,
classifyPredType, eqType, getEqPredTys, mkTyVarTy)
import TysWiredIn (typeNatKind)
import Coercion (CoercionHole, Role (..), mkForAllCos, mkHoleCo, mkInstCo,
mkNomReflCo, mkUnivCo)
import TcPluginM (newCoercionHole, newFlexiTyVar)
import TcRnTypes (CtEvidence (..), CtLoc, TcEvDest (..), ctLoc)
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,2,0)
import TcRnTypes (ShadowInfo (WDeriv))
import TyCoRep (UnivCoProvenance (..))
import Type (mkPrimEqPred)
import TcType (typeKind)
import TyCoRep (Type (..))
import TcTypeNats (typeNatAddTyCon, typeNatExpTyCon, typeNatMulTyCon,
import TcTypeNats (typeNatLeqTyCon)
import Type (mkNumLitTy,mkTyConApp)
import TysWiredIn (promotedFalseDataCon, promotedTrueDataCon)
import GHC.TypeLits.Normalise.Unify
plugin :: Plugin
plugin = defaultPlugin { tcPlugin = const $ Just normalisePlugin }
normalisePlugin :: TcPlugin
normalisePlugin = tracePlugin "ghc-typelits-natnormalise"
TcPlugin { tcPluginInit = return ()
, tcPluginSolve = const decideEqualSOP
, tcPluginStop = const (return ())
decideEqualSOP :: [Ct] -> [Ct] -> [Ct]
-> TcPluginM TcPluginResult
decideEqualSOP _givens _deriveds [] = return (TcPluginOk [] [])
decideEqualSOP givens _deriveds wanteds = do
let wanteds' = filter (isWanted . ctEvidence) wanteds
let unit_wanteds = catMaybes . snd $ mapAccumR toNatEquality [] wanteds'
case unit_wanteds of
[] -> return (TcPluginOk [] [])
_ -> do
unit_givens <- catMaybes . snd . mapAccumR toNatEquality [] <$> mapM zonkCt givens
sr <- simplifyNats unit_givens unit_wanteds
tcPluginTrace "normalised" (ppr sr)
case sr of
Simplified evs -> do
let solved = filter (isWanted . ctEvidence . (\((_,x),_) -> x)) evs
(solved',newWanteds) = second concat (unzip solved)
return (TcPluginOk solved' newWanteds)
Impossible eq -> return (TcPluginContradiction [fromNatEquality eq])
type NatEquality = (Ct,CoreSOP,CoreSOP)
type NatInEquality = (Ct,CoreSOP)
fromNatEquality :: Either NatEquality NatInEquality -> Ct
fromNatEquality (Left (ct, _, _)) = ct
fromNatEquality (Right (ct, _)) = ct
data SimplifyResult
= Simplified [((EvTerm,Ct),[Ct])]
| Impossible (Either NatEquality NatInEquality)
instance Outputable SimplifyResult where
ppr (Simplified evs) = text "Simplified" $$ ppr evs
ppr (Impossible eq) = text "Impossible" <+> ppr eq
:: [Either NatEquality NatInEquality]
-> [Either NatEquality NatInEquality]
-> TcPluginM SimplifyResult
simplifyNats givens wanteds =
let eqs = givens ++ wanteds
in tcPluginTrace "simplifyNats" (ppr eqs) >>
simples [] [] [] [] givens wanteds
:: [CoreUnify]
-> [((EvTerm, Ct), [Ct])]
-> [Either NatEquality NatInEquality]
-> [Either NatEquality NatInEquality]
-> [Either NatEquality NatInEquality]
-> [Either NatEquality NatInEquality]
-> TcPluginM SimplifyResult
simples _subst evs _eqGS _xs _eqG [] = return (Simplified evs)
simples subst evs eqGS xs (eq:eqs') ws
| Left (ct,u,v) <- eq = do
ur <- unifyNats ct (substsSOP subst u) (substsSOP subst v)
case ur of
Lose -> return (Impossible eq)
Draw subst'@(_:_) -> do
evM <- evMagic ct (map unifyItemToPredType subst')
case evM of
Nothing -> simples subst evs eqGS xs eqs' ws
Just ev ->
simples (substsSubst subst' subst ++ subst')
(ev:evs) eqGS xs eqs' ws
_ -> simples subst evs eqGS xs eqs' ws
| Right (ct,u) <- eq = do
let u' = substsSOP subst u
case isNatural u' of
Just False -> return (Impossible eq)
_ -> simples subst evs (Right (ct,u'):eqGS) xs eqs' ws
simples subst evs eqGS xs [] (eq:eqs')
| Left (ct,u,v) <- eq = do
ur <- unifyNats ct (substsSOP subst u) (substsSOP subst v)
case ur of
Win -> do
evs' <- maybe evs (:evs) <$> evMagic ct []
simples subst evs' eqGS [] [] (xs ++ eqs')
Lose -> return (Impossible eq)
Draw [] -> simples subst evs eqGS (eq:xs) [] eqs'
Draw subst' -> do
evM <- evMagic ct (map unifyItemToPredType subst')
case evM of
Nothing -> simples subst evs eqGS xs [] eqs'
Just ev ->
simples (substsSubst subst' subst ++ subst')
(ev:evs) eqGS [] [] (xs ++ eqs')
| Right (ct,u) <- eq = do
let u' = substsSOP subst u
case isNatural u' of
Just True -> do
evs' <- maybe evs (:evs) <$> evMagic ct []
simples subst evs' eqGS xs [] eqs'
Just False -> return (Impossible eq)
Nothing ->
if u' `elem` (map snd (rights eqGS))
then do
evs' <- maybe evs (:evs) <$> evMagic ct []
simples subst evs' eqGS xs [] eqs'
else simples subst evs eqGS (eq:xs) [] eqs'
:: [(CType,Bool)]
-> Ct
-> ([(CType,Bool)],Maybe (Either NatEquality NatInEquality))
toNatEquality a ct = case classifyPredType $ ctEvPred $ ctEvidence ct of
EqPred NomEq t1 t2
-> go t1 t2
_ -> (a,Nothing)
go (TyConApp tc xs) (TyConApp tc' ys)
| tc == tc'
, null ([tc,tc'] `intersect` [typeNatAddTyCon,typeNatSubTyCon
= case filter (not . uncurry eqType) (zip xs ys) of
[(x,y)] | isNatKind (typeKind x) && isNatKind (typeKind y)
-> (a,Just (Left (ct, normaliseNat x, normaliseNat y)))
_ -> (a,Nothing)
go (TyConApp tc xs) t2
| tc == typeNatLeqTyCon
, [x,y] <- xs
= let trueLEq = (a,Just (Right (ct,normaliseNat
(mkTyConApp typeNatSubTyCon [y,x]))))
falseLEq = (a,Just (Right (ct,normaliseNat
(mkTyConApp typeNatSubTyCon
[x,mkTyConApp typeNatAddTyCon
[y,mkNumLitTy 1]]))))
in case t2 of
TyConApp tc' _
| tc' == promotedTrueDataCon
-> trueLEq
| tc' == promotedFalseDataCon
-> falseLEq
_ | Just b <- lookup (CType t2) a
-> if b then trueLEq else falseLEq
| otherwise
-> (a,Nothing)
go x (TyConApp tc _)
| tc == promotedTrueDataCon
= ((CType x,True):a,Nothing)
| tc == promotedFalseDataCon
= ((CType x,False):a,Nothing)
go x y
| isNatKind (typeKind x) && isNatKind (typeKind y)
= (a,Just (Left (ct,normaliseNat x,normaliseNat y)))
| otherwise
= (a,Nothing)
isNatKind :: Kind -> Bool
isNatKind = (`eqType` typeNatKind)
unifyItemToPredType :: CoreUnify -> PredType
unifyItemToPredType ui =
mkPrimEqPred ty1 ty2
ty1 = case ui of
SubstItem {..} -> mkTyVarTy siVar
UnifyItem {..} -> reifySOP siLHS
ty2 = case ui of
SubstItem {..} -> reifySOP siSOP
UnifyItem {..} -> reifySOP siRHS
evMagic :: Ct -> [PredType] -> TcPluginM (Maybe ((EvTerm, Ct), [Ct]))
evMagic ct preds = case classifyPredType $ ctEvPred $ ctEvidence ct of
EqPred NomEq t1 t2 -> do
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,5,0)
holes <- mapM (newCoercionHole . uncurry mkPrimEqPred . getEqPredTys) preds
holes <- replicateM (length preds) newCoercionHole
let newWanted = zipWith (unifyItemToCt (ctLoc ct)) preds holes
ctEv = mkUnivCo (PluginProv "ghc-typelits-natnormalise") Nominal t1 t2
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,5,0)
holeEvs = map mkHoleCo holes
holeEvs = zipWith (\h p -> uncurry (mkHoleCo h Nominal) (getEqPredTys p)) holes preds
natReflCo = mkNomReflCo typeNatKind
natCoBndr = (,natReflCo) <$> (newFlexiTyVar typeNatKind)
forallEv <- mkForAllCos <$> (replicateM (length preds) natCoBndr) <*> pure ctEv
let finalEv = foldl mkInstCo forallEv holeEvs
return (Just ((EvCoercion finalEv, ct),newWanted))
_ -> return Nothing
unifyItemToCt :: CtLoc
-> PredType
-> CoercionHole
-> Ct
unifyItemToCt loc pred_type hole =
(HoleDest hole)
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,2,0)