{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DataKinds, GADTs, KindSignatures, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators, TypeApplications, TypeFamilies, TypeFamilyDependencies, FlexibleContexts #-} #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 805 {-# LANGUAGE NoStarIsType #-} #endif {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.Normalise #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.KnownNat.Solver #-} #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 802 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} #endif module Main where import Data.Kind (Type) import Data.Proxy import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(..)) #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 802 import GHC.TypeNats import Numeric.Natural #else import GHC.TypeLits #endif import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce) #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 806 import Data.Type.Bool (If) import GHC.TypeLits.KnownNat #endif import TestFunctions #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 802 instance Arbitrary Natural where arbitrary = fromInteger . abs <$> arbitrary #endif #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 802 type Number = Natural #else type Number = Integer #endif addT :: Number -> Number -> Number addT a b = withNat a $ \(Proxy :: Proxy a) -> withNat b $ \(Proxy :: Proxy b) -> natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (a + b)) subT :: Number -> Number -> Number subT a b | a >= b = withNat a $ \(Proxy :: Proxy a) -> withNat b $ \(Proxy :: Proxy b) -> case unsafeCoerce Refl of (Refl :: (b <=? a) :~: True) -> natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (a - b)) | otherwise = error "a - b < 0" mulT :: Number -> Number -> Number mulT a b = withNat a $ \(Proxy :: Proxy a) -> withNat b $ \(Proxy :: Proxy b) -> natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (a * b)) maxT :: Number -> Number -> Number maxT a b = withNat a $ \(Proxy :: Proxy a) -> withNat b $ \(Proxy :: Proxy b) -> natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Max a b)) logT :: Number -> Number logT n = withNat n $ \(Proxy :: Proxy n) -> natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Log n)) test1 :: forall n . KnownNat n => Proxy n -> Number test1 _ = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n) + natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (n+2)) test2 :: forall n . KnownNat n => Proxy n -> Number test2 _ = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (n*3)) test3 :: forall n m . (KnownNat n, KnownNat m) => Proxy n -> Proxy m -> Number test3 _ _ = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (n+m)) test4 :: forall n m . (KnownNat n, KnownNat m) => Proxy n -> Proxy m -> Number test4 _ _ = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (n*m)) test5 :: forall n m . (KnownNat n, KnownNat m) => Proxy n -> Proxy m -> Number test5 _ _ = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (n^m)) test6 :: forall n m . (KnownNat n, KnownNat m) => Proxy n -> Proxy m -> Number test6 _ _ = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy ((n^m)+(n*m))) test7 :: forall n m . (KnownNat m, KnownNat n) => Proxy n -> Proxy m -> Number test7 _ _ = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Max n m + 1)) test8 :: forall n m . (KnownNat (Min n m)) => Proxy n -> Proxy m -> Number test8 _ _ = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Min n m + 1)) test9 :: forall n m . (KnownNat m, KnownNat n, n <= m) => Proxy m -> Proxy n -> Number test9 _ _ = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (m-n)) test10 :: forall (n :: Nat) m . (KnownNat m) => Proxy m -> Proxy n -> Number test10 _ _ = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (m-n+n)) test11 :: forall m . (KnownNat m) => Proxy m -> Number test11 _ = natVal (Proxy @ (m*m)) test12 :: forall m . (KnownNat (m+1)) => Proxy m -> Number test12 = natVal test13 :: forall m . (KnownNat (m+3)) => Proxy m -> Number test13 = natVal test14 :: forall m . (KnownNat (4+m)) => Proxy (7+m) -> Number test14 = natVal type family Foo (m :: Nat) = (result :: Nat) | result -> m fakeFooEvidence :: 1 :~: Foo 1 fakeFooEvidence = unsafeCoerce Refl test15 :: KnownNat (4 + Foo 1) => Proxy (Foo 1) -> Proxy (4 + Foo 1) -> Number test15 _ _ = natVal (Proxy @ (Foo 1 + 7)) test16 :: KnownNat (4 + Foo 1 + Foo 1) => Proxy (Foo 1) -> Proxy (4 + Foo 1 + Foo 1) -> Number test16 _ _ = natVal (Proxy @ (Foo 1 + 7 + Foo 1)) test17 :: KnownNat (4 + 2 * Foo 1 + Foo 1) => Proxy (Foo 1) -> Proxy (4 + 2 * Foo 1 + Foo 1) -> Number test17 _ _ = natVal (Proxy @ (2 * Foo 1 + 7 + Foo 1)) data SNat :: Nat -> Type where SNat :: KnownNat n => SNat n instance Show (SNat n) where show s@SNat = show (natVal s) addSNat :: SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat (a + b) addSNat SNat SNat = SNat mulSNat :: SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat (a * b) mulSNat SNat SNat = SNat expSNat :: SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat (a ^ b) expSNat SNat SNat = SNat subSNat :: (b <= a) => SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat (a - b) subSNat SNat SNat = SNat test18 :: SNat (a+1) -> SNat a -> SNat 1 test18 = subSNat test19 :: SNat (a+b) -> SNat b -> SNat a test19 = subSNat test20 :: forall a . (KnownNat (3 * a - a)) => Proxy a -> Number test20 _ = natVal (Proxy @ (2 * a)) test21 :: forall m n . (KnownNat (m+n), KnownNat m) => Proxy (m+n) -> Proxy m -> Number test21 _ _ = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n) test22 :: forall x y . (KnownNat x, KnownNat y) => Proxy x -> Proxy y -> Number test22 _ _ = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (y*x*y)) test23 :: (1 <= addrSize) => SNat addrSize -> SNat ((addrSize + 1) - (addrSize - 1)) test23 SNat = SNat test24 :: (KnownNat n, n ~ (m+1)) => proxy m -> Number test24 = natVal #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 806 test25 :: forall n m . (KnownNat n, KnownNat m) => Proxy n -> Proxy m -> Bool test25 _ _ = boolVal (Proxy :: Proxy (n <=? m)) test26 :: forall n m . (KnownNat n, KnownNat m) => Proxy n -> Proxy m -> Natural test26 _ _ = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (If (n <=? m) m n)) test27 :: forall n m . (KnownNat n, KnownNat m) => Proxy n -> Proxy m -> Natural test27 _ _ = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (If (n <=? m) n m)) #endif tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "ghc-typelits-natnormalise" [ testGroup "Basic functionality" [ testCase "KnownNat 4 + KnownNat 6 ~ 10" $ show (test1 (Proxy @ 4)) @?= "10" , testCase "KnownNat 4 * KnownNat 3 ~ 12" $ show (test2 (Proxy @ 4)) @?= "12" , testCase "KnownNat 2 + KnownNat 7 ~ 9" $ show (test3 (Proxy @ 2) (Proxy @ 7)) @?= "9" , testCase "KnownNat 2 * KnownNat 7 ~ 14" $ show (test4 (Proxy @ 2) (Proxy @ 7)) @?= "14" , testCase "KnownNat 2 ^ KnownNat 7 ~ 128" $ show (test5 (Proxy @ 2) (Proxy @ 7)) @?= "128" , testCase "KnownNat 3 ^ KnownNat 7 ~ 2187" $ show (test5 (Proxy @ 3) (Proxy @ 7)) @?= "2187" , testCase "(KnownNat 2 ^ KnownNat 7) + (KnownNat 2 * KnownNat 7) ~ 142" $ show (test6 (Proxy @ 2) (Proxy @ 7)) @?= "142" , testCase "KnownNat (Max 7 5 + 1) ~ 8" $ show (test7 (Proxy @ 7) (Proxy @ 5)) @?= "8" , testCase "KnownNat (Min 7 5 + 1) ~ 6" $ show (test8 (Proxy @ 7) (Proxy @ 5)) @?= "6" , testCase "KnownNat (7 - 5) ~ 2" $ show (test9 (Proxy @ 7) (Proxy @ 5)) @?= "2" , testCase "KnownNat (y*x*y), x=3 y=4 ~ 48" $ show (test22 (Proxy @3) (Proxy @4))@?= "48" ], testGroup "Implications" [ testCase "KnownNat m => KnownNat (m*m); @ 5" $ show (test11 (Proxy @ 5)) @?= "25" , testCase "KnownNat (m+1) => KnownNat m; @ m ~ 5" $ show (test12 (Proxy @ 5)) @?= "5" , testCase "KnownNat (m+1) => KnownNat m; @ m ~ 0" $ show (test12 (Proxy @ 0)) @?= "0" , testCase "KnownNat (m+3) => KnownNat m; @ m ~ 0" $ show (test13 (Proxy @ 0)) @?= "0" , testCase "KnownNat (4+m) => KnownNat (7+m); @ m ~ 1" $ show (test14 (Proxy @ 8)) @?= "8" , testCase "KnownNat (4 + Foo 1) => KnownNat (Foo 1 + 7); @ Foo 1 ~ 1" $ (case fakeFooEvidence of Refl -> show $ test15 (Proxy @ (Foo 1)) (Proxy @ (4 + Foo 1))) @?= "8" , testCase "KnownNat (4 + Foo 1 + Foo 1) => KnownNat (Foo 1 + 7 + Foo 1); @ Foo 1 ~ 1" $ (case fakeFooEvidence of Refl -> show $ test16 (Proxy @ (Foo 1)) (Proxy @ (4 + Foo 1 + Foo 1))) @?= "9" , testCase "KnownNat (4 + 2 * Foo 1 + Foo 1) => KnownNat (2 * Foo 1 + 7 + Foo 1); @ Foo 1 ~ 1" $ (case fakeFooEvidence of Refl -> show $ test17 (Proxy @ (Foo 1)) (Proxy @ (4 + 2 * Foo 1 + Foo 1))) @?= "10" , testCase "KnownNat (3 * a - a) => KnownNat (2 * a); @ a ~ 4" $ show (test20 (Proxy @ 4)) @?= "8" , testCase "KnownNat (a + b), KnownNat b => KnownNat a; @ (a+b) ~ 8, b ~ 6" $ show (test21 (Proxy @ 8) (Proxy @ 6)) @?= "2" ], testGroup "Normalisation" [ testCase "KnownNat (m-n+n) ~ KnownNat m" $ show (test10 (Proxy @ 12) (Proxy @8)) @?= "12" , testCase "SNat (a+1) - SNat a = SNat 1" $ show (test18 (SNat @ 11) (SNat @10)) @?= "1" , testCase "SNat (a+b) - SNat b = SNat a" $ show (test19 (SNat @ 16) (SNat @10)) @?= "6" , testCase "SNat ((addrSize + 1) - (addrSize - 1)) = SNat 2" $ show (test23 (SNat @ 8)) @?= "2" , testCase "(KnownNat n, n ~ m + 1) ~ KnownNat m" $ show (test24 (Proxy @4)) @?= "4" ], #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 806 testGroup "KnownBool" [ testCase "KnownBool (X <=? Y) @2 @3 ~ True" $ show (test25 (Proxy @2) (Proxy @3)) @?= "True" , testCase "KnownBool (X <=? Y) @3 @2 ~ False" $ show (test25 (Proxy @3) (Proxy @2)) @?= "False" , testCase "KnownNat (If (X <=? Y) Y X) @2 @3 ~ 3" $ show (test26 (Proxy @2) (Proxy @3)) @?= "3" , testCase "KnownNat (If (X <=? Y) Y X) @3 @2 ~ 3" $ show (test26 (Proxy @3) (Proxy @2)) @?= "3" , testCase "KnownNat (If (X <=? Y) X Y) @2 @3 ~ 2" $ show (test27 (Proxy @2) (Proxy @3)) @?= "2" , testCase "KnownNat (If (X <=? Y) X Y) @3 @2 ~ 2" $ show (test27 (Proxy @3) (Proxy @2)) @?= "2" ], #endif testGroup "QuickCheck" [ testProperty "addT = (+)" $ (\a b -> (a >= 0 && b >= 0) ==> (addT a b === a + b)), testProperty "subT = (-)" $ (\a b -> (a >= b && b >= 0) ==> (subT a b === a - b)), testProperty "mulT = (*)" $ (\a b -> (a >= 0 && b >= 0) ==> (mulT a b === a * b)), testProperty "maxT = max" $ (\a b -> (a >= 0 && b >= 0) ==> (maxT a b === max a b)), testProperty "logT = logInt" $ (\a -> (a > 0) ==> (logT a == logInt a)) ] ] main :: IO () main = defaultMain tests