# Changelog for the [`ghc-typelits-extra`](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/ghc-typelits-extra) package # 0.2.2 *January 15th 2017* * Reduce `Min n (n+1)` to `n` * Reduce `Max n (n+1)` to `n+1` * Reduce cases like `1 <=? Div 18 6` to `True` * Add a type-level division that rounds up: `type DivRU n d = Div (n + (d - 1)) d` * Add a type-level `divMod` : `DivMod :: Nat -> Nat -> '(Nat, Nat)` # 0.2.1 *September 29th 2016* * Reduce `Max n n` to `n` * Reduce `Min n n` to `n` # 0.2 *August 19th 2016* * New type-level operations: * `Max`: type-level `max` * `Min`: type-level `min` * `Div`: type-level `div` * `Mod`: type-level `mod` * `FLog`: floor of logBase * `Log`: exact integer logBase (i.e. where `floor (logBase b x) ~ ceiling (logBase b x)` holds) * `LCM`: type-level `lcm` * Fixes bugs: * `CLog b 1` doesn't reduce to `0` ## 0.1.3 *July 19th 2016* * Fixes bugs: * Rounding error in `CLog` calculation ## 0.1.2 *July 8th 2016* * Solve KnownNat constraints over CLog and GCD, i.e., KnownNat (CLog 2 4) ## 0.1.1 *January 20th 2016* * Compile on GHC 8.0+ ## 0.1 *October 21st 2015* * Initial release