{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} module Plugin.GhcTags ( plugin, Options (..) ) where import Control.Exception import Control.Monad.State.Strict import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BB #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 808 import Data.Functor (void, (<$)) #endif import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..)) import Data.List (sortBy) import Data.Foldable (traverse_) import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text import System.Directory import System.FilePath import System.IO import Options.Applicative.Types (ParserFailure (..)) import Pipes ((~>)) import qualified Pipes as Pipes import Pipes.Safe (SafeT) import qualified Pipes.Safe as Pipes.Safe import qualified Pipes.ByteString as Pipes.BS import qualified Pipes.Text.Encoding as Pipes.Text import GhcPlugins ( CommandLineOption , DynFlags , Hsc , HsParsedModule (..) , Located , Module , ModSummary (..) , ModLocation (..) , Plugin (..) ) import qualified GhcPlugins import HsExtension (GhcPs) import HsSyn (HsModule (..)) import Outputable (($+$), ($$)) import qualified Outputable as Out import qualified PprColour import GhcTags.Ghc import GhcTags.Tag import GhcTags.Stream import qualified GhcTags.CTag as CTag import qualified GhcTags.ETag as ETag import Plugin.GhcTags.Options import Plugin.GhcTags.FileLock import qualified Plugin.GhcTags.CTag as CTag -- | The GhcTags plugin. It will run for every compiled module and have access -- to parsed syntax tree. It will inspect it and: -- -- * update a global mutable state variable, which stores a tag map. -- It is shared across modules compiled in the same `ghc` run. -- * update 'tags' file. -- -- The global mutable variable save us from parsing the tags file for every -- compiled module. -- -- __The syntax tree is left unchanged.__ -- -- The tags file will contain location information about: -- -- * /top level terms/ -- * /data types/ -- * /record fields/ -- * /type synonyms/ -- * /type classes/ -- * /type class members/ -- * /type class instances/ -- * /type families/ /(standalone and associated)/ -- * /type family instances/ /(standalone and associated)/ -- * /data type families/ /(standalone and associated)/ -- * /data type families instances/ /(standalone and associated)/ -- * /data type family instances constructors/ /(standalone and associated)/ -- plugin :: Plugin plugin = GhcPlugins.defaultPlugin { parsedResultAction = ghcTagsPlugin, pluginRecompile = GhcPlugins.purePlugin } -- | IOExcption wrapper; it is useful for the user to know that it's the plugin -- not `ghc` that thrown the error. -- data GhcTagsPluginException = GhcTagsPluginIOExceptino IOException deriving Show instance Exception GhcTagsPluginException -- | The plugin does not change the 'HsParedModule', it only runs side effects. -- ghcTagsPlugin :: [CommandLineOption] -> ModSummary -> HsParsedModule -> Hsc HsParsedModule ghcTagsPlugin options moduleSummary hsParsedModule@HsParsedModule {hpm_module} = hsParsedModule <$ case runOptionParser options of Success opts -> GhcPlugins.liftIO (updateTags opts moduleSummary hpm_module) Failure (ParserFailure f) -> GhcPlugins.liftIO $ putDocLn (ms_hspp_opts moduleSummary) (messageDoc OptionParserFailure (ms_mod moduleSummary) (show $ case f "" of (h, _, _) -> h)) CompletionInvoked {} -> error "ghc-tags-plugin: impossible happend" data ExceptionType = ReadException | ParserException | WriteException | UnhandledException | OptionParserFailure instance Show ExceptionType where show ReadException = "read error" show ParserException = "tags parser error" show WriteException = "write error" show UnhandledException = "unhandled error" show OptionParserFailure = "plugin options parser error" -- | Extract tags from a module and update tags file -- updateTags :: Options Identity -> ModSummary -> Located (HsModule GhcPs) -> IO () updateTags Options { etags, filePath = Identity tagsFile } ModSummary {ms_mod, ms_location, ms_hspp_opts = dynFlags} lmodule = -- wrap 'IOException's handle (\ioerr -> do putDocLn dynFlags (messageDoc UnhandledException ms_mod (displayException ioerr)) throwIO $ GhcTagsPluginIOExceptino ioerr) $ flip finally (void $ try @IOException $ removeFile sourceFile) $ -- Take advisory exclusive lock (a BSD lock using `flock`) on the tags -- file. This is needed when `cabal` compiles in parallel. -- We take the lock on the copy, otherwise the lock would be removed when -- we move the file. withFileLock lockFile ExclusiveLock WriteMode $ \_ -> do tagsFileExists <- doesFileExist tagsFile when tagsFileExists $ renameFile tagsFile sourceFile withFile tagsFile WriteMode $ \writeHandle -> withFile sourceFile ReadWriteMode $ \readHandle -> do cwd <- getCurrentDirectory -- absolute directory path of the tags file; we need canonical path -- (without ".." and ".") to make 'makeRelative' works. tagsDir <- canonicalizePath (fst $ splitFileName tagsFile) case (etags, ml_hs_file ms_location) of -- -- ctags -- (False, Nothing) -> pure () (False, Just sourcePath) -> do let -- text parser producer :: Pipes.Producer Text (SafeT IO) () producer | tagsFileExists = void (Pipes.Text.decodeUtf8 (Pipes.BS.fromHandle readHandle)) `Pipes.Safe.catchP` \(e :: IOException) -> Pipes.lift $ Pipes.liftIO $ -- don't re-throw; this would kill `ghc`, error -- loudly and continue. putDocLn dynFlags (messageDoc ReadException ms_mod (displayException e)) | otherwise = pure () -- gags pipe pipe :: Pipes.Effect (StateT [CTag] (SafeT IO)) () pipe = Pipes.for (Pipes.hoist Pipes.lift (tagParser (either (const Nothing) Just <$> CTag.parseTagLine) producer) `Pipes.Safe.catchP` \(e :: IOException) -> Pipes.lift $ Pipes.liftIO $ -- don't re-throw; this would kill `ghc`, error -- loudly and continue. putDocLn dynFlags $ messageDoc ParserException ms_mod (displayException e) ) $ -- normalise paths (\tag -> Pipes.yield tag { tagFilePath = normalise (tagFilePath tag) }) ~> -- merge tags (\tag -> runCombineTagsPipe writeHandle CTag.compareTags CTag.formatTag (fixFilePath cwd tagsDir sourcePath) tag `Pipes.Safe.catchP` \(e :: IOException) -> Pipes.lift $ Pipes.liftIO $ -- don't re-throw; this would kill `ghc`, error -- loudly and continue. putDocLn dynFlags $ messageDoc WriteException ms_mod (displayException e) ) let tags :: [CTag] tags = map (fixTagFilePath cwd tagsDir) -- fix file names . sortBy compareTags -- sort . mapMaybe (ghcTagToTag SingCTag dynFlags) -- translate 'GhcTag' to 'Tag' . getGhcTags -- generate 'GhcTag's $ lmodule -- Write header BSL.hPut writeHandle (BB.toLazyByteString (foldMap CTag.formatHeader CTag.headers)) -- update tags file / run 'pipe' tags' <- Pipes.Safe.runSafeT $ execStateT ((Pipes.runEffect pipe)) tags -- write the remaining tags' traverse_ (BSL.hPut writeHandle . BB.toLazyByteString . CTag.formatTag) tags' -- -- etags -- (True, Nothing) -> pure () (True, Just sourcePath) -> try @IOException (Text.decodeUtf8 <$> BS.hGetContents readHandle) >>= \case Left err -> putDocLn dynFlags $ messageDoc ReadException ms_mod (displayException err) Right txt -> do pres <- try @IOException $ ETag.parseTagsFile txt case pres of Left err -> putDocLn dynFlags $ messageDoc ParserException ms_mod (displayException err) Right (Left err) -> printMessageDoc dynFlags ParserException ms_mod err Right (Right tags) -> do -- read the source file to calculate byteoffsets ll <- map (succ . BS.length) . BSC.lines <$> BS.readFile sourcePath let tags' :: [ETag] tags' = combineTags ETag.compareTags (fixFilePath cwd tagsDir sourcePath) (sortBy ETag.compareTags . map ( ETag.withByteOffset ll . fixTagFilePath cwd tagsDir ) . mapMaybe (ghcTagToTag SingETag dynFlags) . getGhcTags $ lmodule) (sortBy ETag.compareTags tags) BB.hPutBuilder writeHandle (ETag.formatETagsFile tags') where sourceFile = case splitFileName tagsFile of (dir, name) -> dir "." ++ name lockFile = sourceFile ++ ".lock" fixFilePath :: FilePath -- curent directory -> FilePath -- tags directory -> FilePath -> FilePath fixFilePath cwd tagsDir = normalise . makeRelative tagsDir . (cwd ) fixTagFilePath :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Tag tk -> Tag tk fixTagFilePath cwd tagsDir tag@Tag { tagFilePath } = tag { tagFilePath = fixFilePath cwd tagsDir tagFilePath } -- -- Error Formatting -- data MessageSeverity = Warning | Error messageDoc :: ExceptionType -> Module -> String -> Out.SDoc messageDoc errorType mod_ errorMessage = Out.blankLine $+$ Out.coloured PprColour.colBold ((Out.text "GhcTagsPlugin: ") Out.<> (Out.coloured messageColour (Out.text $ show errorType ++ ":"))) $$ Out.coloured PprColour.colBold (Out.nest 4 $ Out.ppr mod_) $$ (Out.nest 8 $ Out.coloured messageColour (Out.text errorMessage)) $+$ Out.blankLine $+$ case severity of Error -> Out.coloured PprColour.colBold (Out.text "Please report this bug to: ") Out.<> Out.text "https://github.com/coot/ghc-tags-plugin/issues" $+$ Out.blankLine Warning -> Out.blankLine where severity = case errorType of ReadException -> Error ParserException -> Error WriteException -> Error UnhandledException -> Error OptionParserFailure -> Warning messageColour = case severity of Error -> PprColour.colRedFg Warning -> PprColour.colBlueFg putDocLn :: DynFlags -> Out.SDoc -> IO () putDocLn dynFlags sdoc = putStrLn $ Out.renderWithStyle dynFlags sdoc (Out.setStyleColoured True $ Out.defaultErrStyle dynFlags) printMessageDoc :: DynFlags -> ExceptionType -> Module -> String -> IO () printMessageDoc dynFlags = (fmap . fmap . fmap) (putDocLn dynFlags) messageDoc