{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Main where import GHC.RTS.Events import GHC.RTS.Events.Incremental import GHC.RTS.Events.Merge import GHC.RTS.Events.Analysis import GHC.RTS.Events.Analysis.SparkThread import GHC.RTS.Events.Analysis.Thread import GHC.RTS.Events.Analysis.Capability import System.Environment (getArgs) import Data.Either (rights) import qualified Data.Map as M import System.IO import System.Exit main :: IO () main = getArgs >>= command command :: [String] -> IO () command ["--help"] = putStr usage command ["inc", file] = printEventsIncremental False file command ["inc", "force", file] = printEventsIncremental True file command ["show", file] = do evtLog <- readLogOrDie file putStrLn $ ppEventLog evtLog command ["show", "threads", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let eventTypeMap = buildEventTypeMap . eventTypes . header $ eventLog evts = sortEvents $ events $ dat eventLog mappings = rights . validates capabilityThreadRunMachine $ evts indexes = zipWith capabilityThreadIndexer mappings evts threadMap = M.fromListWith (++) . reverse $ zip indexes (map return evts) putStrLn "Event Types:" putStrLn . unlines . map ppEventType . eventTypes . header $ eventLog putStrLn "Thread Indexed Events:" putStrLn . showMap ((++ "\n") . show) (unlines . map ((" " ++) . ppEvent eventTypeMap)) $ threadMap command ["show", "caps", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let eventTypeMap = buildEventTypeMap . eventTypes . header $ eventLog let evts = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog indexes = map evCap evts capMap = M.fromListWith (++) . reverse $ zip indexes (map return evts) putStrLn "Event Types:" putStrLn . unlines . map ppEventType . eventTypes . header $ eventLog putStrLn "Cap Indexed Events:" putStrLn . showMap ((++ "\n") . show) (unlines . map ((" " ++) . ppEvent eventTypeMap)) $ capMap command ["merge", out, file1, file2] = do log1 <- readLogOrDie file1 log2 <- readLogOrDie file2 let m = mergeEventLogs log1 log2 writeEventLogToFile out m command ["validate", "threads", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let evts = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = validate (routeM capabilityThreadRunMachine capabilityThreadIndexer (refineM evSpec threadMachine)) evts putStrLn $ showValidate (\(m, n) -> "\nThread States:\n" ++ showIndexed show show m ++ "\nCap States:\n" ++ showIndexed show show n) show result command ["validate", "threadpool", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let evts = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = validate capabilityThreadPoolMachine evts putStrLn $ showValidate show show result command ["validate", "threadrun", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let evts = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = validate capabilityThreadRunMachine evts putStrLn $ showValidate show show result command ["validate", "taskpool", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let evts = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = validate capabilityTaskPoolMachine evts putStrLn $ showValidate show show result command ["validate", "tasks", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let evts = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = validate capabilityTaskOSMachine evts putStrLn $ showValidate show show result command ["validate", "sparks", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let evts = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = validate (routeM capabilitySparkThreadMachine capabilitySparkThreadIndexer (refineM evSpec sparkThreadMachine)) evts putStrLn $ showValidate show show result command ["simulate", "threads", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let evts = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = simulate (routeM capabilityThreadRunMachine capabilityThreadIndexer (refineM evSpec threadMachine)) evts putStrLn . showProcess $ result command ["simulate", "threadpool", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let evts = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = simulate capabilityThreadPoolMachine evts putStrLn . showProcess $ result command ["simulate", "threadrun", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let evts = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = simulate capabilityThreadRunMachine evts putStrLn . showProcess $ result command ["simulate", "taskpool", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let evts = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = simulate capabilityTaskPoolMachine evts putStrLn . showProcess $ result command ["simulate", "tasks", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let evts = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = simulate capabilityTaskOSMachine evts putStrLn . showProcess $ result command ["simulate", "sparks", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let evts = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = simulate (routeM capabilitySparkThreadMachine capabilitySparkThreadIndexer (refineM evSpec sparkThreadMachine)) evts putStrLn . showProcess $ result command ["profile", "threads", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let evts = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = profileRouted (refineM evSpec threadMachine) capabilityThreadRunMachine capabilityThreadIndexer evTime evts putStrLn . showProcess $ result command ["profile", "sparks", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let evts = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = profileRouted (refineM evSpec sparkThreadMachine) capabilitySparkThreadMachine capabilitySparkThreadIndexer evTime evts putStrLn . showProcess $ result command _ = putStr usage >> die "Unrecognized command" readLogOrDie :: FilePath -> IO EventLog readLogOrDie file = do e <- readEventLogFromFile file case e of Left s -> die ("Failed to parse " ++ file ++ ": " ++ s) Right evtLog -> return evtLog usage :: String usage = unlines $ map pad strings where align = 4 + (maximum . map (length . fst) $ strings) pad (x, y) = zipWith const (x ++ repeat ' ') (replicate align ()) ++ y strings = [ ("ghc-events --help:", "Display this help.") , ("ghc-events inc <file>:", "Pretty print an event log incrementally") , ("ghc-events inc force <file>:", "Pretty print an event log incrementally. Retry on incomplete input (aka 'tail -f').") , ("ghc-events show <file>:", "Pretty print an event log.") , ("ghc-events show threads <file>:", "Pretty print an event log, ordered by threads.") , ("ghc-events show caps <file>:", "Pretty print an event log, ordered by capabilities.") , ("ghc-events merge <out> <in1> <in2>:", "Merge two event logs.") , ("ghc-events sparks-csv <file>:", "Print spark information in CSV.") , ("ghc-events validate threads <file>:", "Validate thread states.") , ("ghc-events validate threadpool <file>:", "Validate thread pool state.") , ("ghc-events validate threadrun <file>:", "Validate thread running state.") , ("ghc-events validate tasks <file>:", "Validate task states.") , ("ghc-events validate sparks <file>:", "Validate spark thread states.") , ("ghc-events simulate threads <file>:", "Simulate thread states.") , ("ghc-events simulate threadpool <file>:", "Simulate thread pool state.") , ("ghc-events simulate threadrun <file>:", "Simulate thread running state.") , ("ghc-events simulate tasks <file>:", "Simulate task states.") , ("ghc-events simulate sparks <file>:", "Simulate spark thread states.") , ("ghc-events profile threads <file>:", "Profile thread states.") , ("ghc-events profile sparks <file>:", "Profile spark thread states.") ] showValidate :: (s -> String) -> (i -> String) -> Either (s, i) s -> String showValidate showState showInput (Left (state, input)) = "Invalid eventlog:" ++ "\nState:\n" ++ showState state ++ "\nInput:\n" ++ showInput input showValidate showState _ (Right state) = "Valid eventlog: " ++ showState state showProcess :: (Show e, Show a) => Process e a -> String showProcess process = "Trace:\n" ++ (unlines . map show . toList) process ++ "\n" ++ (maybe "Valid." (("Invalid:\n" ++) . show) . toMaybe) process showIndexed :: (k -> String) -> (v -> String) -> M.Map k v -> String showIndexed showKey showValue m | M.null m = "Empty map\n" | otherwise = "Indexed output:\n" ++ concatMap (\(k, v) -> "Key: " ++ showKey k ++ ", Value: " ++ showValue v ++ "\n") (M.toList m) showMap :: Ord k => (k -> String) -> (a -> String) -> M.Map k a -> String showMap showKey showValue m = concat $ zipWith (++) (map showKey . M.keys $ m :: [String]) (map (showValue . (M.!) m) . M.keys $ m :: [String]) #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) die :: String -> IO a die err = hPutStrLn stderr err >> exitFailure #endif