Event Types: 0: Create thread (size 4) 1: Run thread (size 4) 2: Stop thread (size 10) 3: Thread runnable (size 4) 4: Migrate thread (size 6) 8: Wakeup thread (size 6) 9: Starting GC (size 0) 10: Finished GC (size 0) 11: Request sequential GC (size 0) 12: Request parallel GC (size 0) 15: Create spark thread (size 4) 16: Log message (size variable) 18: Block marker (size 14) 19: User message (size variable) 20: GC idle (size 0) 21: GC working (size 0) 22: GC done (size 0) 25: Create capability set (size 6) 26: Delete capability set (size 4) 27: Add capability to capability set (size 6) 28: Remove capability from capability set (size 6) 29: RTS name and version (size variable) 30: Program arguments (size variable) 31: Program environment variables (size variable) 32: Process ID (size 8) 33: Parent process ID (size 8) 34: Spark counters (size 56) 35: Spark create (size 0) 36: Spark dud (size 0) 37: Spark overflow (size 0) 38: Spark run (size 0) 39: Spark steal (size 2) 40: Spark fizzle (size 0) 41: Spark GC (size 0) 43: Wall clock time (size 16) 44: Thread label (size variable) 45: Create capability (size 2) 46: Delete capability (size 2) 47: Disable capability (size 2) 48: Enable capability (size 2) 49: Total heap mem ever allocated (size 12) 50: Current heap size (size 12) 51: Current heap live data (size 12) 52: Heap static parameters (size 38) 53: GC statistics (size 50) 54: Synchronise stop-the-world GC (size 0) 55: Task create (size 18) 56: Task migrate (size 12) 57: Task delete (size 8) 58: User marker (size variable) 59: Empty event for bug #9003 (size 0) 160: Start of heap profile (size variable) 161: Cost center definition (size variable) 162: Start of heap profile sample (size 8) 163: Heap profile cost-centre sample (size variable) 164: Heap profile string sample (size variable) Events: 108251: created capset 0 of type CapsetOsProcess 110486: created capset 1 of type CapsetClockDomain 114676: created cap 0 115654: assigned cap 0 to capset 0 116492: assigned cap 0 to capset 1 117540: cap 0: spark stats: 0 created, 0 converted, 0 remaining (0 overflowed, 0 dud, 0 GC'd, 0 fizzled) 122429: capset 1: wall clock time 1496042127s 89877000ns (unix epoch) 123336: capset 0: pid 30307 125711: capset 0: parent pid 27111 128924: capset 0: RTS version "GHC- rts_thr_p" 131577: capset 0: args: ["./sleep","+RTS","-l","-hd"] 135279: capset 0: env: ["ADOTDIR=/home/maoe/.antigen","ANTIGEN_COMPDUMPFILE=/home/maoe/.zcompdump","ANTIGEN_DEFAULT_REPO_URL=https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh.git","AUTOJUMP_ERROR_PATH=/home/maoe/.local/share/autojump/errors.log","AUTOJUMP_SOURCED=1","CLUTTER_IM_MODULE=xim","DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-ioIEQwU7Ny","DEFAULTS_PATH=/usr/share/gconf/gnome.default.path","DERBY_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/db","DESKTOP_SESSION=gnome","DISPLAY=:0","EDITOR=vim","GDMSESSION=gnome","GDM_LANG=en","GJS_DEBUG_OUTPUT=stderr","GJS_DEBUG_TOPICS=JS ERROR;JS LOG","GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID=this-is-deprecated","GNOME_KEYRING_CONTROL=","GNOME_KEYRING_PID=","GOPATH=/home/maoe/.go","GPG_AGENT_INFO=/home/maoe/.gnupg/S.gpg-agent:0:1","GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus","HOME=/home/maoe","IM_CONFIG_PHASE=1","INSTANCE=","J2REDIR=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre","J2SDKDIR=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle","JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle","JOB=dbus","LANG=en_US.UTF-8","LANGUAGE=en","LC_ADDRESS=en_US.UTF-8","LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8","LC_IDENTIFICATION=en_US.UTF-8","LC_MEASUREMENT=en_US.UTF-8","LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8","LC_NAME=en_US.UTF-8","LC_NUMERIC=en_US.UTF-8","LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8","LC_TELEPHONE=en_US.UTF-8","LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8","LESS=-R","LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI=qemu:///system","LOGNAME=maoe","LS_COLORS=di=34:ln=35:so=32:pi=33:ex=31:bd=46;34:cd=43;34:su=41;30:sg=46;30:tw=42;30:ow=43;30","MANDATORY_PATH=/usr/share/gconf/gnome.mandatory.path","NODE_PATH=/usr/lib/nodejs:/usr/lib/node_modules:/usr/share/javascript","OLDPWD=/home/maoe/src/github.com/haskell/ghc-events","PAGER=less","PAPERSIZE=letter","PATH=/usr/local/ghc/ghc-8.2.0-rc2/bin:/home/maoe/.npm-packages/bin:/home/maoe/Downloads/google-cloud-sdk/bin:/home/maoe/src/github.com/phacility/arcanist/bin:/home/maoe/.cargo/bin:/home/maoe/.local/bin:/home/maoe/.cabal/bin:/home/maoe/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/home/maoe/.npm-packages/bin:/home/maoe/Downloads/google-cloud-sdk/bin:/home/maoe/src/github.com/phacility/arcanist/bin:/home/maoe/.cargo/bin:/home/maoe/.local/bin:/home/maoe/.cabal/bin:/home/maoe/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/home/maoe/.cargo/bin:/home/maoe/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/db/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/bin","PWD=/home/maoe/src/github.com/haskell/ghc-events","QT4_IM_MODULE=ibus","QT_ACCESSIBILITY=1","QT_IM_MODULE=ibus","QT_LINUX_ACCESSIBILITY_ALWAYS_ON=1","SESSION=gnome","SESSIONTYPE=gnome-session","SESSION_MANAGER=local/vangelis.tsuru.it:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/5489,unix/vangelis.tsuru.it:/tmp/.ICE-unix/5489","SHELL=/bin/zsh","SHLVL=2","SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/run/user/2016/keyring/ssh","TERM=screen-256color","TMUX=/tmp/tmux-2016/default,10542,3","TMUX_PANE=%93","UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=libappmenu.so","UPSTART_SESSION=unix:abstract=/com/ubuntu/upstart-session/2016/5282","USER=maoe","VTE_VERSION=4205","WINDOWID=71468690","XAUTHORITY=/home/maoe/.Xauthority","XDG_CONFIG_DIRS=/etc/xdg/xdg-gnome:/usr/share/upstart/xdg:/etc/xdg","XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME","XDG_DATA_DIRS=/usr/share/gnome:/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/","XDG_GREETER_DATA_DIR=/var/lib/lightdm-data/maoe","XDG_MENU_PREFIX=gnome-","XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/2016","XDG_SEAT=seat0","XDG_SEAT_PATH=/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Seat0","XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP=gnome","XDG_SESSION_ID=c2","XDG_SESSION_PATH=/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Session0","XDG_SESSION_TYPE=x11","XDG_VTNR=7","XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus","ZSH=/home/maoe/.antigen/repos/https-COLON--SLASH--SLASH-github.com-SLASH-robbyrussell-SLASH-oh-my-zsh.git","ZSH_CACHE_DIR=/home/maoe/.antigen/repos/https-COLON--SLASH--SLASH-github.com-SLASH-robbyrussell-SLASH-oh-my-zsh.git/cache/","_=/home/maoe/src/github.com/haskell/ghc-events/./sleep","_ANTIGEN_BUNDLE_RECORD=\nhttps://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh.git lib plugin true \nhttps://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh.git plugins/git plugin true \nhttps://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh.git plugins/pass plugin true \nhttps://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting.git / plugin true \nhttps://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh.git themes/kphoen.zsh-theme theme true ","_ANTIGEN_LOG_PATH=/home/maoe/.antigen/antigen.log","_ZCACHE_BUNDLES_PATH=/home/maoe/.antigen/.cache/.zcache-bundles","_ZCACHE_CACHE_LOADED=true","_ZCACHE_CACHE_VERSION=v1.4.1","_ZCACHE_EXTENSION_BUNDLE=false","_ZCACHE_EXTENSION_CLEAN_FUNCTIONS=true","_ZCACHE_PATH=/home/maoe/.antigen/.cache","_ZCACHE_PAYLOAD_PATH=/home/maoe/.antigen/.cache/.zcache-payload","LSCOLORS=Gxfxcxdxbxegedabagacad","MANPATH=/home/maoe/.npm-packages/share/man:/home/maoe/.local/share/man:/home/maoe/.cabal/share/man:/usr/local/man:/usr/local/share/man:/usr/share/man:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/man"] 178789: heap stats for heap capset 0: generations 2, 0 bytes max heap size, 1048576 bytes alloc area size, 1048576 bytes mblock size, 4096 bytes block size 326848: start heap profiling 0 at sampling period 100000000 broken down by closure description 328664: cost centre 110 IDLE in IDLE at <built-in> 329921: cost centre 109 PINNED in SYSTEM at <built-in> 330829: cost centre 108 DONT_CARE in MAIN at <built-in> 331667: cost centre 107 OVERHEAD_of in PROFILING at <built-in> 332575: cost centre 106 GC in GC at <built-in> 333413: cost centre 105 SYSTEM in SYSTEM at <built-in> 334251: cost centre 104 MAIN in MAIN at <built-in> 335159: cost centre 103 CAF in GHC.Types at <entire-module> CAF 336067: cost centre 102 CAF in GHC.Tuple at <entire-module> CAF 337045: cost centre 101 CAF in GHC.Classes at <entire-module> CAF 337952: cost centre 100 CAF in GHC.CString at <entire-module> CAF 338930: cost centre 99 CAF in GHC.Integer.Type at <entire-module> CAF 339768: cost centre 98 CAF in GHC.Integer.Logarithms.Internals at <entire-module> CAF 340746: cost centre 97 CAF in GHC.Integer.Logarithms at <entire-module> CAF 341654: cost centre 96 CAF in GHC.Event.Array at <entire-module> CAF 342562: cost centre 95 CAF in GHC.Event.Arr at <entire-module> CAF 343330: cost centre 94 CAF in Data.Proxy at <entire-module> CAF 344308: cost centre 93 CAF in GHC.Event.Poll at <entire-module> CAF 345146: cost centre 92 CAF in GHC.Event.PSQ at <entire-module> CAF 346054: cost centre 91 CAF in GHC.Event.Manager at <entire-module> CAF 347101: cost centre 90 CAF in GHC.Event.IntTable at <entire-module> CAF 348009: cost centre 89 CAF in GHC.Event.EPoll at <entire-module> CAF 348847: cost centre 88 CAF in GHC.Event.Control at <entire-module> CAF 349685: cost centre 87 CAF in System.Posix.Types at <entire-module> CAF 350733: cost centre 86 CAF in GHC.Storable at <entire-module> CAF 351571: cost centre 85 CAF in GHC.Natural at <entire-module> CAF 352479: cost centre 84 CAF in GHC.IO.FD at <entire-module> CAF 353387: cost centre 83 CAF in GHC.IO.Device at <entire-module> CAF 354295: cost centre 82 CAF in GHC.IO.BufferedIO at <entire-module> CAF 355063: cost centre 81 CAF in GHC.Generics at <entire-module> CAF 355971: cost centre 80 CAF in GHC.Float.RealFracMethods at <entire-module> CAF 356809: cost centre 79 CAF in GHC.Float.ConversionUtils at <entire-module> CAF 357647: cost centre 78 CAF in GHC.Float at <entire-module> CAF 358485: cost centre 77 CAF in GHC.Enum at <entire-module> CAF 359323: cost centre 76 CAF in GHC.Char at <entire-module> CAF 360231: cost centre 75 CAF in GHC.Arr at <entire-module> CAF 361139: cost centre 74 CAF in Foreign.Storable at <entire-module> CAF 362047: cost centre 73 CAF in Foreign.Marshal.Array at <entire-module> CAF 362955: cost centre 72 CAF in Foreign.Marshal.Alloc at <entire-module> CAF 363793: cost centre 71 CAF in Foreign.C.Types at <entire-module> CAF 364631: cost centre 70 CAF in Foreign.C.String at <entire-module> CAF 365539: cost centre 69 CAF in Foreign.C.Error at <entire-module> CAF 366517: cost centre 68 CAF in Data.Type.Equality at <entire-module> CAF 367285: cost centre 67 CAF in Data.Tuple at <entire-module> CAF 368123: cost centre 66 CAF in Data.Maybe at <entire-module> CAF 368961: cost centre 65 CAF in Data.Dynamic at <entire-module> CAF 369799: cost centre 64 CAF in Data.Bits at <entire-module> CAF 370567: cost centre 63 CAF in Control.Monad.Fail at <entire-module> CAF 371475: cost centre 62 CAF in GHC.Event.Unique at <entire-module> CAF 372383: cost centre 61 CAF in GHC.Event.TimerManager at <entire-module> CAF 373431: cost centre 60 CAF in GHC.Event.Thread at <entire-module> CAF 374269: cost centre 59 CAF in GHC.Event.Internal at <entire-module> CAF 375177: cost centre 58 CAF in Data.Typeable.Internal at <entire-module> CAF 376085: cost centre 57 CAF in Data.OldList at <entire-module> CAF 376853: cost centre 56 CAF in Text.Read.Lex at <entire-module> CAF 377900: cost centre 55 CAF in Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec at <entire-module> CAF 378739: cost centre 54 CAF in Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP at <entire-module> CAF 379577: cost centre 53 CAF in System.Posix.Internals at <entire-module> CAF 380415: cost centre 52 CAF in System.IO at <entire-module> CAF 381183: cost centre 51 CAF in Numeric at <entire-module> CAF 382230: cost centre 50 CAF in GHC.Word at <entire-module> CAF 383138: cost centre 49 CAF in GHC.Weak at <entire-module> CAF 383976: cost centre 48 CAF in GHC.Unicode at <entire-module> CAF 384884: cost centre 47 CAF in GHC.TopHandler at <entire-module> CAF 385722: cost centre 46 CAF in GHC.Stack.Types at <entire-module> CAF 388586: cost centre 45 CAF in GHC.Stack.CCS at <entire-module> CAF 389424: cost centre 44 CAF in GHC.Stable at <entire-module> CAF 390262: cost centre 43 CAF in GHC.Show at <entire-module> CAF 391100: cost centre 42 CAF in GHC.STRef at <entire-module> CAF 391868: cost centre 41 CAF in GHC.ST at <entire-module> CAF 392776: cost centre 40 CAF in GHC.Real at <entire-module> CAF 393614: cost centre 39 CAF in GHC.Read at <entire-module> CAF 394452: cost centre 38 CAF in GHC.Ptr at <entire-module> CAF 395290: cost centre 37 CAF in GHC.Pack at <entire-module> CAF 396128: cost centre 36 CAF in GHC.Num at <entire-module> CAF 396967: cost centre 35 CAF in GHC.MVar at <entire-module> CAF 397874: cost centre 34 CAF in GHC.List at <entire-module> CAF 398713: cost centre 33 CAF in GHC.Int at <entire-module> CAF 399551: cost centre 32 CAF in GHC.IORef at <entire-module> CAF 400389: cost centre 31 CAF in GHC.IO.Unsafe at <entire-module> CAF 401366: cost centre 30 CAF in GHC.IO.IOMode at <entire-module> CAF 402344: cost centre 29 CAF in GHC.IO.Handle.Types at <entire-module> CAF 403182: cost centre 28 CAF in GHC.IO.Handle.Text at <entire-module> CAF 404020: cost centre 27 CAF in GHC.IO.Handle.Internals at <entire-module> CAF 405208: cost centre 26 CAF in GHC.IO.Handle.FD at <entire-module> CAF 406116: cost centre 25 CAF in GHC.IO.Handle at <entire-module> CAF 407023: cost centre 24 CAF in GHC.IO.Exception at <entire-module> CAF 407931: cost centre 23 CAF in GHC.IO.Encoding.UTF8 at <entire-module> CAF 408839: cost centre 22 CAF in GHC.IO.Encoding.UTF32 at <entire-module> CAF 409817: cost centre 21 CAF in GHC.IO.Encoding.UTF16 at <entire-module> CAF 410725: cost centre 20 CAF in GHC.IO.Encoding.Types at <entire-module> CAF 411633: cost centre 19 CAF in GHC.IO.Encoding.Latin1 at <entire-module> CAF 412471: cost centre 18 CAF in GHC.IO.Encoding.Iconv at <entire-module> CAF 413518: cost centre 17 CAF in GHC.IO.Encoding.Failure at <entire-module> CAF 414357: cost centre 16 CAF in GHC.IO.Encoding at <entire-module> CAF 415264: cost centre 15 CAF in GHC.IO.Buffer at <entire-module> CAF 416103: cost centre 14 CAF in GHC.IO at <entire-module> CAF 417360: cost centre 13 CAF in GHC.ForeignPtr at <entire-module> CAF 418268: cost centre 12 CAF in GHC.Foreign at <entire-module> CAF 419175: cost centre 11 CAF in GHC.Fingerprint.Type at <entire-module> CAF 420014: cost centre 10 CAF in GHC.Fingerprint at <entire-module> CAF 420991: cost centre 9 CAF in GHC.Exception at <entire-module> CAF 421899: cost centre 8 CAF in GHC.Err at <entire-module> CAF 422807: cost centre 7 CAF in GHC.Conc.Sync at <entire-module> CAF 423715: cost centre 6 CAF in GHC.Conc.Signal at <entire-module> CAF 424693: cost centre 5 CAF in GHC.Conc.IO at <entire-module> CAF 425531: cost centre 4 CAF in GHC.Base at <entire-module> CAF 426299: cost centre 3 CAF in Data.Either at <entire-module> CAF 427137: cost centre 2 CAF in Control.Exception.Base at <entire-module> CAF 427975: cost centre 1 CAF in Main at <entire-module> CAF 483777: task 0x7ff63b736740 created on cap 0 with OS kernel thread 30307 488177: cap 0: creating thread 1 491599: cap 0: running thread 1 534131: cap 0: stopping thread 1 (stack overflow) 538670: cap 0: running thread 1 558365: cap 0: creating thread 2 570377: cap 0: stopping thread 1 (thread yielding) 647480: task 0x7ff6393ef700 created on cap 0 with OS kernel thread 30309 649785: cap 0: running thread 2 665778: cap 0: stopping thread 2 (thread yielding) 676952: cap 0: running thread 1 694063: cap 0: thread 2 has label "IOManager on cap 0" 716132: cap 0: creating thread 3 719344: cap 0: stopping thread 1 (thread yielding) 729960: cap 0: running thread 2 734220: cap 0: stopping thread 2 (making a foreign call) 808739: task 0x7ff638bee700 created on cap 0 with OS kernel thread 30310 810834: cap 0: running thread 3 829411: cap 0: stopping thread 3 (making a foreign call) 839258: cap 0: running thread 1 845684: cap 0: thread 3 has label "TimerManager" 847220: cap 0: stopping thread 1 (thread finished) 1082159: task 0x7ff63b736740 deleted 1116800: task 0x7ff633fff700 created on cap 0 with OS kernel thread 30311 1156398: task 0x7ff63b736740 created on cap 0 with OS kernel thread 30307 1162963: cap 0: creating thread 4 1164430: cap 0: running thread 4 1201445: cap 0: stopping thread 4 (blocked on an MVar) 1233291: cap 0: running thread 3 1245723: cap 0: stopping thread 3 (making a foreign call) 302580179: cap 0: running thread 3 302602876: cap 0: stopping thread 3 (thread yielding) 302606159: cap 0: running thread 3 302630603: cap 0: stopping thread 3 (making a foreign call) 302700791: cap 0: requesting parallel GC 302707635: cap 0: starting GC 302719578: cap 0: GC working 302930003: cap 0: GC idle 302931260: cap 0: GC done 302936568: cap 0: GC idle 302937476: cap 0: GC done 302938943: cap 0: GC idle 302939851: cap 0: GC done 302960314: cap 0: allocated on heap capset 0: 75736 total bytes till now 302963526: cap 0: finished GC 302964853: cap 0: all caps stopped for GC 302966040: cap 0: GC stats for heap capset 0: generation 1, 19984 bytes copied, 8728 bytes slop, 925696 bytes fragmentation, 1 par threads, 0 bytes max par copied, 19984 bytes total par copied 302967717: cap 0: live data in heap capset 0: 19944 bytes 302968694: cap 0: size of heap capset 0: 2097152 bytes 302971069: cap 0: spark stats: 0 created, 0 converted, 0 remaining (0 overflowed, 0 dud, 0 GC'd, 0 fizzled) 5006421365: cap 0: running thread 3 5006434984: cap 0: waking up thread 4 on cap 0 5006442736: cap 0: stopping thread 3 (making a foreign call) 5006509083: cap 0: running thread 4 5006512575: cap 0: stopping thread 4 (thread finished) 5006515508: task 0x7ff63b736740 deleted 5006525216: task 0x7ff63b736740 created on cap 0 with OS kernel thread 30307 5006528149: cap 0: creating thread 5 5006530594: cap 0: running thread 5 5006560694: cap 0: stopping thread 5 (thread yielding) 5006566212: cap 0: requesting parallel GC 5006571659: cap 0: starting GC 5006579621: cap 0: GC working 5006733337: cap 0: GC idle 5006734245: cap 0: GC done 5006737178: cap 0: GC idle 5006737876: cap 0: GC done 5006738924: cap 0: GC idle 5006739622: cap 0: GC done 5006778383: start heap prof sample 0 5006781945: heap prof sample 0, residency 16, label <GHC.IO.Encoding.sat_s4Vf> 5006784180: heap prof sample 0, residency 16, label <GHC.IO.Encoding.sat_s4Vj> 5006785158: heap prof sample 0, residency 96, label W 5006786345: heap prof sample 0, residency 32, label <GHC.Event.TimerManager.sat_s8M3> 5006787392: heap prof sample 0, residency 32, label <GHC.Event.Manager.sat_saVW> 5006788440: heap prof sample 0, residency 72, label <GHC.Event.TimerManager.sat_s8QJ> 5006789418: heap prof sample 0, residency 80, label <GHC.Event.TimerManager.go_s8OV> 5006790465: heap prof sample 0, residency 24, label EPoll 5006791513: heap prof sample 0, residency 80, label TimerManager 5006792561: heap prof sample 0, residency 288, label MUT_ARR_PTRS_FROZEN 5006793608: heap prof sample 0, residency 80, label STArray 5006794656: heap prof sample 0, residency 72, label <GHC.Event.Manager.sat_sb6N> 5006795634: heap prof sample 0, residency 24, label <GHC.Event.Manager.go_sb5Z> 5006796611: heap prof sample 0, residency 112, label EventManager 5006797589: heap prof sample 0, residency 16, label <GHC.Event.Manager.sat_sb5s> 5006798706: heap prof sample 0, residency 32, label PlainPtr 5006799754: heap prof sample 0, residency 24, label Poll 5006800802: heap prof sample 0, residency 72, label (,) 5006802129: heap prof sample 0, residency 96, label <GHC.CString.sat_sEi> 5006803106: heap prof sample 0, residency 48, label ARR_WORDS 5006804154: heap prof sample 0, residency 96, label Backend 5006805201: heap prof sample 0, residency 24, label <GHC.Event.Array.sat_s70L> 5006806179: heap prof sample 0, residency 24, label <GHC.Event.Array.sat_s702> 5006807157: heap prof sample 0, residency 560, label MVar 5006808135: heap prof sample 0, residency 48, label DEAD_WEAK 5006809043: heap prof sample 0, residency 96, label WEAK 5006810020: heap prof sample 0, residency 1024, label IT 5006811208: heap prof sample 0, residency 16, label <GHC.TopHandler.sat_s6UU> 5006812116: heap prof sample 0, residency 16, label <GHC.TopHandler.sat_s6UK> 5006813163: heap prof sample 0, residency 24, label Dynamic 5006814211: heap prof sample 0, residency 1184, label MVAR 5006815258: heap prof sample 0, residency 32, label ThreadId 5006816166: heap prof sample 0, residency 768, label MallocPtr 5006817144: heap prof sample 0, residency 3664, label MUT_ARR_PTRS_CLEAN 5006818261: heap prof sample 0, residency 16, label PlainForeignPtr 5006819309: heap prof sample 0, residency 24, label <GHC.IO.Encoding.sat_s4Tr> 5006820357: heap prof sample 0, residency 72, label ForeignPtr 5006821334: heap prof sample 0, residency 80, label Just 5006822312: heap prof sample 0, residency 96, label AC 5006823430: heap prof sample 0, residency 96, label <GHC.IO.Handle.Internals.cont_saII> 5006824407: heap prof sample 0, residency 48, label BLACKHOLE 5006827760: heap prof sample 0, residency 816, label : 5006828807: heap prof sample 0, residency 64, label <GHC.CString.unpack_sEd> 5006829715: heap prof sample 0, residency 1232, label MUT_VAR_CLEAN 5006830763: heap prof sample 0, residency 32, label <GHC.Event.TimerManager.sat_s8NL> 5006831740: heap prof sample 0, residency 608, label STRef 5006876298: cap 0: allocated on heap capset 0: 81112 total bytes till now 5006877625: cap 0: finished GC 5006878672: cap 0: all caps stopped for GC 5006879650: cap 0: GC stats for heap capset 0: generation 1, 21824 bytes copied, 7432 bytes slop, 954368 bytes fragmentation, 1 par threads, 0 bytes max par copied, 21824 bytes total par copied 5006881117: cap 0: live data in heap capset 0: 21240 bytes 5006881955: cap 0: size of heap capset 0: 2097152 bytes 5006883352: cap 0: spark stats: 0 created, 0 converted, 0 remaining (0 overflowed, 0 dud, 0 GC'd, 0 fizzled) 5006885167: cap 0: running thread 5 5006912544: cap 0: stopping thread 5 (thread finished) 5006914011: task 0x7ff63b736740 deleted 5006936779: cap 0: requesting sequential GC 5006938664: cap 0: starting GC 5006940899: cap 0: GC working 5006995863: cap 0: GC idle 5006996631: cap 0: GC done 5006999075: cap 0: GC idle 5006999774: cap 0: GC done 5007000682: cap 0: GC idle 5007001380: cap 0: GC done 5007008992: cap 0: allocated on heap capset 0: 119504 total bytes till now 5007010319: cap 0: finished GC 5007011157: cap 0: all caps stopped for GC 5007011856: cap 0: GC stats for heap capset 0: generation 1, 23152 bytes copied, 26368 bytes slop, 856064 bytes fragmentation, 1 par threads, 0 bytes max par copied, 23152 bytes total par copied 5007012764: cap 0: live data in heap capset 0: 55552 bytes 5007013462: cap 0: size of heap capset 0: 2097152 bytes 5007014510: cap 0: spark stats: 0 created, 0 converted, 0 remaining (0 overflowed, 0 dud, 0 GC'd, 0 fizzled) 5007060883: cap 0: running thread 3 5007086235: cap 0: stopping thread 3 (thread finished) 5007091123: task 0x7ff638bee700 deleted 5007098037: cap 0: running thread 2 5007122970: cap 0: stopping thread 2 (thread finished) 5007129675: task 0x7ff6393ef700 deleted 5007163197: task 0x7ff633fff700 deleted 5007170321: cap 0: spark stats: 0 created, 0 converted, 0 remaining (0 overflowed, 0 dud, 0 GC'd, 0 fizzled) 5007576785: cap 0: allocated on heap capset 0: 121184 total bytes till now 5007583979: removed cap 0 from capset 0 5007585166: removed cap 0 from capset 1 5007586284: deleted cap 0 5007587401: deleted capset 0 5007588449: deleted capset 1