{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {- | Functions for performing whole heap census in the style of the normal - heap profiling -} module GHC.Debug.Profile( profile , censusClosureType , census2LevelClosureType , closureCensusBy , CensusByClosureType , writeCensusByClosureType , CensusStats(..) , mkCS , Count(..) , closureToKey ) where import GHC.Debug.Client.Monad import GHC.Debug.Client import GHC.Debug.Trace import GHC.Debug.ParTrace import GHC.Debug.Profile.Types import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Control.Monad.State import Data.List (sortBy) import Data.Ord import Control.Concurrent import Eventlog.Types import Eventlog.Data import Eventlog.Total import Eventlog.HtmlTemplate import Eventlog.Args (defaultArgs) import Data.Text (pack, Text, unpack) import Data.Semigroup import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Map.Monoidal.Strict as MMap import Data.Bitraversable type CensusByClosureType = Map.Map Text CensusStats -- | Perform a heap census in the same style as the -hT profile. censusClosureType :: [ClosurePtr] -> DebugM CensusByClosureType censusClosureType = closureCensusBy go where go :: ClosurePtr -> SizedClosure -> DebugM (Maybe (Text, CensusStats)) go _ s = do d <- quintraverse pure pure dereferenceConDesc pure pure s let siz :: Size siz = dcSize d v = mkCS siz return $ Just (closureToKey (noSize d), v) closureToKey :: DebugClosure srt a ConstrDesc c d -> Text closureToKey d = case d of ConstrClosure { constrDesc = ConstrDesc a b c } -> pack a <> ":" <> pack b <> ":" <> pack c _ -> pack (show (tipe (decodedTable (info d)))) -- | General function for performing a heap census in constant memory closureCensusBy :: forall k v . (Semigroup v, Ord k) => (ClosurePtr -> SizedClosure -> DebugM (Maybe (k, v))) -> [ClosurePtr] -> DebugM (Map.Map k v) closureCensusBy f cps = do () <$ precacheBlocks MMap.getMonoidalMap <$> traceParFromM funcs (map (ClosurePtrWithInfo ()) cps) where funcs = TraceFunctionsIO { papTrace = const (return ()) , srtTrace = const (return ()) , stackTrace = const (return ()) , closTrace = closAccum , visitedVal = const (const (return MMap.empty)) , conDescTrace = const (return ()) } -- Add cos closAccum :: ClosurePtr -> SizedClosure -> () -> DebugM ((), MMap.MonoidalMap k v, a -> a) closAccum cp s () = do r <- f cp s return . (\s' -> ((), s', id)) $ case r of Just (k, v) -> MMap.singleton k v Nothing -> MMap.empty -- | Perform a 2-level census where the keys are the type of the closure -- in addition to the type of ptrs of the closure. This can be used to -- distinguish between lists of different type for example. census2LevelClosureType :: [ClosurePtr] -> DebugM CensusByClosureType census2LevelClosureType cps = snd <$> runStateT (traceFromM funcs cps) Map.empty where funcs = TraceFunctions { papTrace = const (return ()) , srtTrace = const (return ()) , stackTrace = const (return ()) , closTrace = closAccum , visitedVal = const (return ()) , conDescTrace = const (return ()) } -- Add cos closAccum :: ClosurePtr -> SizedClosure -> (StateT CensusByClosureType DebugM) () -> (StateT CensusByClosureType DebugM) () closAccum _ s k = do s' <- lift $ quintraverse dereferenceSRT dereferencePapPayload dereferenceConDesc (bitraverse dereferenceSRT pure <=< dereferenceStack) pure s pts <- lift $ mapM dereferenceClosure (allClosures (noSize s')) pts' <- lift $ mapM (quintraverse pure pure dereferenceConDesc pure pure) pts modify' (go s' pts') k go d args = let k = closureToKey (noSize d) kargs = map (closureToKey . noSize) args final_k :: Text final_k = k <> "[" <> T.intercalate "," kargs <> "]" in Map.insertWith (<>) final_k (mkCS (dcSize d)) {- -- | Parallel heap census parCensus :: [RawBlock] -> [ClosurePtr] -> DebugM (Map.Map Text CensusStats) parCensus bs cs = do MMap.getMonoidalMap <$> (traceParFromM bs funcs (map (ClosurePtrWithInfo ()) cs)) where nop = const (return ()) funcs = TraceFunctionsIO nop nop clos (const (const (return mempty))) nop clos :: ClosurePtr -> SizedClosure -> () -> DebugM ((), MMap.MonoidalMap Text CensusStats, DebugM () -> DebugM ()) clos _cp sc () = do d <- quintraverse pure dereferenceConDesc pure pure sc let s :: Size s = dcSize sc v = mkCS s return $ ((), MMap.singleton (closureToKey (noSize d)) v, id) -} writeCensusByClosureType :: FilePath -> CensusByClosureType -> IO () writeCensusByClosureType outpath c = do let res = sortBy (flip (comparing (cssize . snd))) (Map.toList c) showLine (k, CS (Count n) (Size s) (Max (Size mn))) = concat [unpack k, ":", show s,":", show n, ":", show mn,":", show @Double (fromIntegral s / fromIntegral n)] writeFile outpath (unlines $ "key, total, count, max, avg" : map showLine res) -- | Peform a profile at the given interval (in seconds), the result will -- be rendered after each iteration using @eventlog2html@. profile :: FilePath -> Int -> Debuggee -> IO () profile outpath interval e = loop [(0, Map.empty)] 0 where loop :: [(Int, CensusByClosureType)] -> Int -> IO () loop ss i = do threadDelay (interval * 1_000_000) pause e r <- runTrace e $ do precacheBlocks rs <- gcRoots traceWrite (length rs) census2LevelClosureType rs resume e writeCensusByClosureType outpath r let new_data = ((i + 1) * interval, r) : ss renderProfile new_data loop new_data (i + 1) mkFrame :: (Int, CensusByClosureType) -> Frame mkFrame (t, m) = Frame (fromIntegral t / 10e6) (Map.foldrWithKey (\k v r -> mkSample k v : r) [] m) mkSample :: Text -> CensusStats -> Sample mkSample k (CS _ (Size v) _) = Sample (Bucket k) (fromIntegral v) mkProfData :: [(Int, CensusByClosureType)] -> ProfData mkProfData raw_fs = let fs = map mkFrame raw_fs (counts, totals) = total fs -- Heap profiles don't contain any other information than the simple bucket name binfo = Map.mapWithKey (\(Bucket k) (t,s,g) -> BucketInfo k Nothing t s g) totals -- Heap profiles do not support traces header = Header "ghc-debug" "" (Just HeapProfBreakdownClosureType) "" "" "" counts Nothing in ProfData header binfo mempty fs [] (HeapInfo [] [] []) mempty renderProfile :: [(Int, CensusByClosureType)] -> IO () renderProfile ss = do let pd = mkProfData ss as <- defaultArgs "unused" (header, data_json, descs, closure_descs) <- generateJsonData as pd let html = templateString header data_json descs closure_descs as writeFile "profile/ht.html" html return ()