{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module Main where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad (forever) import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Catch (bracket) import Control.Concurrent import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Ord (comparing) import qualified Data.Ord as Ord import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Graphics.Vty(defaultConfig, mkVty, defAttr) import qualified Graphics.Vty.Input.Events as Vty import Graphics.Vty.Input.Events (Key(..)) import Lens.Micro.Platform import System.Directory import System.FilePath import Data.Text (Text, pack) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Bifunctor import Data.Maybe import IOTree import TextCursor import Brick import Brick.BChan import Brick.Widgets.Border import Brick.Widgets.List import GHC.Debug.Client.Search as GD import Lib as GD import Model data Event = PollTick -- Used to perform arbitrary polling based tasks e.g. looking for new debuggees | DominatorTreeReady DominatorAnalysis -- A signal when the dominator tree has been computed | ReverseAnalysisReady ReverseAnalysis | HeapGraphReady (HeapGraph GD.Size) drawSetup :: Text -> Text -> GenericList Name Seq.Seq SocketInfo -> Widget Name drawSetup herald other_herald vals = let nKnownDebuggees = Seq.length $ (vals ^. listElementsL) in mainBorder "ghc-debug" $ vBox [ txt $ "Select a " <> herald <> " to debug (" <> pack (show nKnownDebuggees) <> " found):" , txt $ "Select " <> other_herald <> " with " , renderList (\elIsSelected socketPath -> hBox [ txt $ if elIsSelected then "*" else " " , txt " " , txt (socketName socketPath) , txt " - " , txt (renderSocketTime socketPath) ] ) True vals ] mainBorder :: Text -> Widget a -> Widget a mainBorder title = borderWithLabel (txt title) . padAll 1 myAppDraw :: AppState -> [Widget Name] myAppDraw (AppState majorState') = [ case majorState' of Setup setupKind' dbgs snaps -> case setupKind' of Socket -> drawSetup "process" "snapshot" dbgs Snapshot -> drawSetup "snapshot" "process" snaps Connected _socket _debuggee mode' -> case mode' of RunningMode -> mainBorder "ghc-debug - Running" $ vBox [ txt "Pause (p)" ] (PausedMode os@(OperationalState treeMode' fmode _ro _dtree _ _reverseTree _hg)) -> let in mainBorder "ghc-debug - Paused" $ vBox [ hBox [ border $ vBox ([ txt "Resume (F12)" , txt "Tree (F1)" , txt "Parent (<-)" , txt "Child (->)" , txt "Saved/GC Roots (F1)" , txt "Write Profile (F3)" , txt "Find Retainers (F4)" , txt "Find Retainers (Exact) (F6)" , txt "Take Snapshot (F5)" ]) , -- Current closure details borderWithLabel (txt "Closure Details") $ pauseModeTree (renderClosureDetails . ioTreeSelection) os ] , -- Tree borderWithLabel (txt $ case treeMode' of Dominator -> "Dominator Tree" SavedAndGCRoots -> "Root Closures" Reverse -> "Reverse Edges" Retainer {} -> "Retainers" ) (pauseModeTree renderIOTree os) , hBorder , footer fmode ] ] where renderClosureDetails :: Maybe (ClosureDetails pap s c) -> Widget Name renderClosureDetails (Just cd@(ClosureDetails {})) = vLimit 9 $ vBox $ renderInfoInfo (_info cd) ++ [ txt $ "Exclusive Size " <> maybe "" (pack . show @Int . GD.getSize) (Just $ _excSize cd) <> " bytes" , txt $ "Retained Size " <> maybe "" (pack . show @Int . GD.getRetainerSize) (_retainerSize cd) <> " bytes" , fill ' ' ] renderClosureDetails Nothing = emptyWidget renderClosureDetails (Just (LabelNode n)) = txt n renderClosureDetails (Just (InfoDetails info')) = vLimit 9 $ vBox $ renderInfoInfo info' renderInfoInfo info' = [ txt "SourceLocation " <+> txt (maybe "" renderSourceInformation (_sourceLocation info')) -- TODO these aren't actually implemented yet -- , txt $ "Type " -- <> fromMaybe "" (_closureType =<< cd) -- , txt $ "Constructor " -- <> fromMaybe "" (_constructor =<< cd) ] renderSourceInformation :: SourceInformation -> T.Text renderSourceInformation (SourceInformation name cty ty label' modu loc) = T.pack $ unlines [name, show cty, ty, label', modu, loc] footer :: FooterMode -> Widget Name footer m = vLimit 1 $ case m of FooterMessage t -> txt t FooterInfo -> txt "" FooterInput im t -> txt (formatFooterMode im) <+> drawTextCursor t updateListFrom :: MonadIO m => IO FilePath -> GenericList n Seq.Seq SocketInfo -> m (GenericList n Seq.Seq SocketInfo) updateListFrom dirIO llist = liftIO $ do dir :: FilePath <- dirIO debuggeeSocketFiles :: [FilePath] <- listDirectory dir <|> return [] -- Sort the sockets by the time they have been created, newest -- first. debuggeeSockets <- List.sortBy (comparing Ord.Down) <$> mapM (mkSocketInfo . (dir )) debuggeeSocketFiles let currentSelectedPathMay :: Maybe SocketInfo currentSelectedPathMay = fmap snd (listSelectedElement llist) newSelection :: Maybe Int newSelection = do currentSelectedPath <- currentSelectedPathMay List.findIndex ((currentSelectedPath ==)) debuggeeSockets return $ listReplace (Seq.fromList debuggeeSockets) (newSelection <|> (if Prelude.null debuggeeSockets then Nothing else Just 0)) llist myAppHandleEvent :: BChan Event -> AppState -> BrickEvent Name Event -> EventM Name (Next AppState) myAppHandleEvent eventChan appState@(AppState majorState') brickEvent = case brickEvent of _ -> case majorState' of Setup st knownDebuggees' knownSnapshots' -> case brickEvent of VtyEvent (Vty.EvKey KEsc []) -> halt appState VtyEvent event -> case event of -- Connect to the selected debuggee Vty.EvKey (KChar '\t') [] -> do continue $ appState & majorState . setupKind %~ toggleSetup Vty.EvKey KEnter _ -> case st of Snapshot | Just (_debuggeeIx, socket) <- listSelectedElement knownSnapshots' -> do debuggee' <- liftIO $ snapshotConnect (view socketLocation socket) continue $ appState & majorState .~ Connected { _debuggeeSocket = socket , _debuggee = debuggee' , _mode = RunningMode -- TODO should we query the debuggee for this? } Socket | Just (_debuggeeIx, socket) <- listSelectedElement knownDebuggees' -> do bracket (liftIO $ debuggeeConnect (view socketLocation socket)) (\debuggee' -> liftIO $ resume debuggee') (\debuggee' -> continue $ appState & majorState .~ Connected { _debuggeeSocket = socket , _debuggee = debuggee' , _mode = RunningMode -- TODO should we query the debuggee for this? }) _ -> continue appState -- Navigate through the list. _ -> do case st of Snapshot -> do newOptions <- handleListEventVi handleListEvent event knownSnapshots' continue $ appState & majorState . knownSnapshots .~ newOptions Socket -> do newOptions <- handleListEventVi handleListEvent event knownDebuggees' continue $ appState & majorState . knownDebuggees .~ newOptions AppEvent event -> case event of PollTick -> do -- Poll for debuggees knownDebuggees'' <- updateListFrom socketDirectory knownDebuggees' knownSnapshots'' <- updateListFrom snapshotDirectory knownSnapshots' continue $ appState & majorState . knownDebuggees .~ knownDebuggees'' & majorState . knownSnapshots .~ knownSnapshots'' DominatorTreeReady {} -> continue appState ReverseAnalysisReady {} -> continue appState HeapGraphReady {} -> continue appState _ -> continue appState Connected _socket' debuggee' mode' -> case mode' of RunningMode -> case brickEvent of -- Pause the debuggee VtyEvent (Vty.EvKey KEsc []) -> halt appState VtyEvent (Vty.EvKey (KChar 'p') []) -> do liftIO $ pause debuggee' -- _ <- liftIO $ initialiseViews (rootsTree, initRoots) <- liftIO $ mkSavedAndGCRootsIOTree Nothing continue (appState & majorState . mode .~ PausedMode (OperationalState SavedAndGCRoots FooterInfo (DefaultRoots initRoots) Nothing rootsTree Nothing Nothing)) _ -> continue appState PausedMode os -> case brickEvent of -- Once the computation is finished, store the result of the -- analysis in the state. AppEvent (DominatorTreeReady dt) -> do -- TODO: This should retain the state of the rootsTree, whilst -- adding the new information. -- rootsTree <- mkSavedAndGCRootsIOTree (Just (view getDominatorAnalysis dt)) continue (appState & majorState . mode . pausedMode . treeDominator .~ Just dt) AppEvent (ReverseAnalysisReady ra) -> do continue (appState & majorState . mode . pausedMode . treeReverse .~ Just ra) AppEvent (HeapGraphReady hg) -> do continue (appState & majorState . mode . pausedMode . heapGraph .~ Just hg) -- Resume the debuggee VtyEvent (Vty.EvKey (KFun 12) _) -> do liftIO $ resume debuggee' continue (appState & majorState . mode .~ RunningMode) VtyEvent (Vty.EvKey KEsc []) -> do liftIO $ resume debuggee' continue $ initialAppState _ -> liftHandler (majorState . mode) os PausedMode (handleMain debuggee') appState (() <$ brickEvent) where _initialiseViews = forkIO $ do !hg <- initialTraversal debuggee' writeBChan eventChan (HeapGraphReady hg) -- _ <- mkDominatorTreeIO hg -- _ <- mkReversalTreeIO hg return () -- This is really slow on big heaps, needs to be made more efficient -- or some progress/timeout indicator {- mkDominatorTreeIO hg = forkIO $ do !analysis <- runAnalysis debuggee' hg !rootClosures' <- liftIO $ mapM (getClosureDetails debuggee' (Just analysis) "" <=< fillConstrDesc debuggee') =<< GD.dominatorRootClosures debuggee' analysis let domIoTree = mkIOTree (Just analysis) rootClosures' (getChildren analysis) (List.sortOn (Ord.Down . _retainerSize)) writeBChan eventChan (DominatorTreeReady (DominatorAnalysis analysis domIoTree)) where getChildren analysis _dbg c = do cs <- closureDominatees debuggee' analysis c fmap (("",)) <$> mapM (fillConstrDesc debuggee') cs -} -- mkReversalTreeIO hg = forkIO $ do -- let !revg = mkReverseGraph hg -- let revIoTree = mkIOTree Nothing [] (reverseClosureReferences hg revg) id -- writeBChan eventChan (ReverseAnalysisReady (ReverseAnalysis revIoTree (lookupHeapGraph hg))) mkSavedAndGCRootsIOTree manalysis = do raw_roots <- take 1000 . map ("GC Roots",) <$> GD.rootClosures debuggee' rootClosures' <- liftIO $ mapM (completeClosureDetails debuggee' manalysis) raw_roots raw_saved <- map ("Saved Object",) <$> GD.savedClosures debuggee' savedClosures' <- liftIO $ mapM (completeClosureDetails debuggee' manalysis) raw_saved return $ (mkIOTree debuggee' manalysis (savedClosures' ++ rootClosures') getChildren id , fmap toPtr <$> (raw_roots ++ raw_saved)) where getChildren :: Debuggee -> DebugClosure PayloadCont ConstrDesc StackCont ClosurePtr -> IO [(String, ListItem PayloadCont ConstrDesc StackCont ClosurePtr)] getChildren d c = do children <- closureReferences d c traverse (traverse (fillListItem d)) children fillListItem :: Debuggee -> ListItem PayloadCont ConstrDescCont StackCont ClosurePtr -> IO (ListItem PayloadCont ConstrDesc StackCont ClosurePtr) fillListItem _ (ListOnlyInfo x) = return $ ListOnlyInfo x fillListItem d(ListFullClosure cd) = ListFullClosure <$> fillConstrDesc d cd fillListItem _ ListData = return ListData mkIOTree :: Show c => Debuggee -> Maybe Analysis -> [ClosureDetails pap s c] -> (Debuggee -> DebugClosure pap ConstrDesc s c -> IO [(String, ListItem pap ConstrDesc s c)]) -> ([ClosureDetails pap s c] -> [ClosureDetails pap s c]) -> IOTree (ClosureDetails pap s c) Name mkIOTree debuggee' manalysis cs getChildren sort = ioTree Connected_Paused_ClosureTree (sort cs) (\c -> do case c of LabelNode {} -> return [] InfoDetails {} -> return [] _ -> do children <- getChildren debuggee' (_closure c) cDets <- mapM (\(lbl, child) -> getClosureDetails debuggee' manalysis (pack lbl) child) children return (sort cDets) ) (\selected depth closureDesc -> hBox [ txt (T.replicate depth " ") , (if selected then visible . txt else txt) $ (if selected then "* " else " ") <> renderInlineClosureDesc closureDesc ] ) (\depth _closureDesc children -> if List.null children then txt $ T.replicate (depth + 2) " " <> "" else emptyWidget) renderInlineClosureDesc :: ClosureDetails pap s c -> Text renderInlineClosureDesc (LabelNode t) = t renderInlineClosureDesc (InfoDetails info') = _labelInParent info' <> " " <> _pretty info' renderInlineClosureDesc closureDesc = _labelInParent (_info closureDesc) <> " " <> pack (closureShowAddress (_closure closureDesc)) <> " " <> _pretty (_info closureDesc) completeClosureDetails :: Show c => Debuggee -> Maybe Analysis -> (Text, DebugClosure pap ConstrDescCont s c) -> IO (ClosureDetails pap s c) completeClosureDetails dbg manalysis (label', clos) = getClosureDetails dbg manalysis label' . ListFullClosure =<< fillConstrDesc dbg clos getClosureDetails :: Show c => Debuggee -> Maybe Analysis -> Text -> ListItem pap ConstrDesc s c -> IO (ClosureDetails pap s c) getClosureDetails debuggee' _ t (ListOnlyInfo info_ptr) = do info' <- getInfoInfo debuggee' t info_ptr return $ InfoDetails info' getClosureDetails _ _ t ListData = return $ LabelNode t getClosureDetails debuggee' manalysis label' (ListFullClosure c) = do let excSize' = closureExclusiveSize c retSize' = closureRetainerSize <$> manalysis <*> pure c sourceLoc <- maybe (return Nothing) (infoSourceLocation debuggee') (closureInfoPtr c) let pretty' = closurePretty c return ClosureDetails { _closure = c , _info = InfoInfo { _pretty = pack pretty' , _labelInParent = label' , _sourceLocation = sourceLoc , _closureType = Nothing , _constructor = Nothing } , _excSize = excSize' , _retainerSize = retSize' } getInfoInfo :: Debuggee -> Text -> InfoTablePtr -> IO InfoInfo getInfoInfo debuggee' label' infoPtr = do sourceLoc <- infoSourceLocation debuggee' infoPtr let pretty' = case sourceLoc of Just loc -> pack (infoPosition loc) Nothing -> "" return $ InfoInfo { _pretty = pretty' , _labelInParent = label' , _sourceLocation = sourceLoc , _closureType = Nothing , _constructor = Nothing } -- Event handling when the main window has focus handleMain :: Debuggee -> Handler OperationalState handleMain dbg os e = case view footerMode os of FooterInput fm tc -> inputFooterHandler dbg fm tc (handleMainWindowEvent dbg) os e _ -> handleMainWindowEvent dbg os e handleMainWindowEvent :: Debuggee -> Handler OperationalState handleMainWindowEvent _dbg os@(OperationalState treeMode' _footerMode _curRoots domTree rootsTree reverseA _hg) brickEvent = case brickEvent of -- Change Modes VtyEvent (Vty.EvKey (KFun 1) _) -> continue $ os & treeMode .~ SavedAndGCRoots VtyEvent (Vty.EvKey (KFun 2) _) -- Only switch if the dominator view is ready | Just {} <- domTree -> continue $ os & treeMode .~ Dominator {- VtyEvent (Vty.EvKey (KFun 3) _) -- Only switch if the reverse view is ready | Just ra <- reverseA -> do -- Get roots from rootTree and use those for the reverse view let rs = getIOTreeRoots rootsTree convert cd = cd & closure %~ do_one do_one cd = fromJust (view convertPtr ra $ _closurePtr cd) rs' = map convert rs continue $ os & treeMode .~ Reverse & treeReverse . _Just . reverseIOTree %~ setIOTreeRoots rs' -} VtyEvent (Vty.EvKey (KFun 8) _) -> continue $ os & footerMode .~ (FooterInput FSearch emptyTextCursor) VtyEvent (Vty.EvKey (KFun 3) _) -> continue $ os & footerMode .~ (FooterInput FProfile emptyTextCursor) VtyEvent (Vty.EvKey (KFun 4) _) -> continue $ os & footerMode .~ (FooterInput FRetainer emptyTextCursor) VtyEvent (Vty.EvKey (KFun 6) _) -> continue $ os & footerMode .~ (FooterInput FRetainerExact emptyTextCursor) VtyEvent (Vty.EvKey (KFun 5) _) -> continue $ os & footerMode .~ (FooterInput FSnapshot emptyTextCursor) -- Navigate the tree of closures VtyEvent event -> case treeMode' of Dominator -> do newTree <- traverseOf (_Just . getDominatorTree) (handleIOTreeEvent event) domTree continue (os & treeDominator .~ newTree) SavedAndGCRoots -> do newTree <- handleIOTreeEvent event rootsTree continue (os & treeSavedAndGCRoots .~ newTree) Reverse -> do newTree <- traverseOf (_Just . reverseIOTree) (handleIOTreeEvent event) reverseA continue (os & treeReverse .~ newTree) Retainer t -> do newTree <- handleIOTreeEvent event t continue (os & treeMode .~ Retainer newTree) _ -> continue os inputFooterHandler :: Debuggee -> FooterInputMode -> TextCursor -> Handler OperationalState -> Handler OperationalState inputFooterHandler dbg m tc _k l re@(VtyEvent e) = case e of Vty.EvKey KEsc [] -> continue (resetFooter l) Vty.EvKey KEnter [] -> dispatchFooterInput dbg m tc l _ -> handleTextCursorEvent (\tc' -> continue (set footerMode (FooterInput m tc') l)) tc re inputFooterHandler _ _ _ k l re = k l re -- | What happens when we press enter in footer input mode dispatchFooterInput :: Debuggee -> FooterInputMode -> TextCursor -> OperationalState -> EventM n (Next OperationalState) dispatchFooterInput dbg FSearch tc os = do cps <- map head <$> (liftIO $ retainersOfConstructor Nothing dbg (T.unpack (rebuildTextCursor tc))) let cps' = (zipWith (\n cp -> (T.pack (show n),cp)) [0 :: Int ..]) cps res <- liftIO $ mapM (completeClosureDetails dbg Nothing) cps' let new_roots = map (second toPtr) cps' root_details = res continue (os & resetFooter & rootsFrom .~ SearchedRoots new_roots & treeMode .~ SavedAndGCRoots & treeSavedAndGCRoots %~ setIOTreeRoots root_details) dispatchFooterInput dbg FProfile tc os = do liftIO $ profile dbg (T.unpack (rebuildTextCursor tc)) continue (os & resetFooter) dispatchFooterInput dbg FRetainer tc os = do let roots = mapMaybe go (map snd (currentRoots (view rootsFrom os))) go (CP p) = Just p go (SP p) = Nothing cps <- liftIO $ retainersOfConstructor (Just roots) dbg (T.unpack (rebuildTextCursor tc)) let cps' = map (zipWith (\n cp -> (T.pack (show n),cp)) [0 :: Int ..]) cps res <- liftIO $ mapM (mapM (completeClosureDetails dbg Nothing)) cps' let tree = mkRetainerTree dbg res continue (os & resetFooter & treeMode .~ Retainer tree) dispatchFooterInput dbg FRetainerExact tc os = do cps <- liftIO $ retainersOfConstructorExact dbg (T.unpack (rebuildTextCursor tc)) let cps' = map (zipWith (\n cp -> (T.pack (show n),cp)) [0 :: Int ..]) cps res <- liftIO $ mapM (mapM (completeClosureDetails dbg Nothing)) cps' let tree = mkRetainerTree dbg res continue (os & resetFooter & treeMode .~ Retainer tree) dispatchFooterInput dbg FSnapshot tc os = do liftIO $ snapshot dbg (T.unpack (rebuildTextCursor tc)) continue (os & resetFooter) mkRetainerTree :: Debuggee -> [[ClosureDetails PayloadCont StackCont ClosurePtr]] -> IOTree (ClosureDetails PayloadCont StackCont ClosurePtr) Name mkRetainerTree dbg stacks = do let stack_map = [ (cp, rest) | stack <- stacks, Just (cp, rest) <- [List.uncons stack]] roots = map fst stack_map info_map = M.fromList [(toPtr (_closure k), zipWith (\n cp -> ((show n), ListFullClosure (_closure cp))) [0 :: Int ..] v) | (k, v) <- stack_map] lookup_c _dbg dc = let ptr = toPtr dc in case M.lookup ptr info_map of Nothing -> return [] Just ss -> return ss mkIOTree dbg Nothing roots lookup_c id resetFooter :: OperationalState -> OperationalState resetFooter l = (set footerMode FooterInfo l) myAppStartEvent :: AppState -> EventM Name AppState myAppStartEvent = return myAppAttrMap :: AppState -> AttrMap myAppAttrMap _appState = attrMap defAttr [] main :: IO () main = do eventChan <- newBChan 10 _ <- forkIO $ forever $ do writeBChan eventChan PollTick -- 2s threadDelay 2_000_000 let buildVty = mkVty defaultConfig initialVty <- buildVty let app :: App AppState Event Name app = App { appDraw = myAppDraw , appChooseCursor = showFirstCursor , appHandleEvent = (myAppHandleEvent eventChan) , appStartEvent = myAppStartEvent , appAttrMap = myAppAttrMap } _finalState <- customMain initialVty buildVty (Just eventChan) app initialAppState return ()