module GF.Infra.Option ( -- * Option types Options, Flags(..), Mode(..), Phase(..), Verbosity(..), OutputFormat(..), SISRFormat(..), Optimization(..), CFGTransform(..), HaskellOption(..), Dump(..), Printer(..), Recomp(..), outputFormatsExpl, -- * Option parsing parseOptions, parseModuleOptions, fixRelativeLibPaths, -- * Option pretty-printing optionsGFO, optionsPGF, -- * Option manipulation addOptions, concatOptions, noOptions, modifyFlags, helpMessage, -- * Checking specific options flag, cfgTransform, haskellOption, readOutputFormat, isLexicalCat, isLiteralCat, renameEncoding, -- * Setting specific options setOptimization, setCFGTransform, -- * Convenience methods for checking options verbAtLeast, dump ) where import Control.Monad import Data.Char (toLower, isDigit) import Data.List import Data.Maybe import GF.Infra.Ident import GF.Infra.GetOpt import GF.Grammar.Predef --import System.Console.GetOpt import System.FilePath import System.IO import GF.Data.ErrM import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS usageHeader :: String usageHeader = unlines ["Usage: gfc [OPTIONS] [FILE [...]]", "", "How each FILE is handled depends on the file name suffix:", "", ".gf Normal or old GF source, will be compiled.", ".gfo Compiled GF source, will be loaded as is.", ".gfe Example-based GF source, will be converted to .gf and compiled.", ".ebnf Extended BNF format, will be converted to .gf and compiled.", ".cf Context-free (BNF) format, will be converted to .gf and compiled.", "", "If multiple FILES are given, they must be normal GF source, .gfo or .gfe files.", "For the other input formats, only one file can be given.", "", "Command-line options:"] helpMessage :: String helpMessage = usageInfo usageHeader optDescr -- FIXME: do we really want multi-line errors? errors :: [String] -> Err a errors = fail . unlines -- Types data Mode = ModeVersion | ModeHelp | ModeInteractive | ModeRun | ModeCompiler deriving (Show,Eq,Ord) data Verbosity = Quiet | Normal | Verbose | Debug deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Enum,Bounded) data Phase = Preproc | Convert | Compile | Link deriving (Show,Eq,Ord) data OutputFormat = FmtPGFPretty | FmtJavaScript | FmtHaskell | FmtProlog | FmtProlog_Abs | FmtLambdaProlog | FmtBNF | FmtEBNF | FmtRegular | FmtNoLR | FmtSRGS_XML | FmtSRGS_XML_NonRec | FmtSRGS_ABNF | FmtSRGS_ABNF_NonRec | FmtJSGF | FmtGSL | FmtVoiceXML | FmtSLF | FmtRegExp | FmtFA deriving (Eq,Ord) data SISRFormat = -- | SISR Working draft 1 April 2003 -- SISR_WD20030401 | SISR_1_0 deriving (Show,Eq,Ord) data Optimization = OptStem | OptCSE | OptExpand | OptParametrize deriving (Show,Eq,Ord) data CFGTransform = CFGNoLR | CFGRegular | CFGTopDownFilter | CFGBottomUpFilter | CFGStartCatOnly | CFGMergeIdentical | CFGRemoveCycles deriving (Show,Eq,Ord) data HaskellOption = HaskellNoPrefix | HaskellGADT | HaskellLexical deriving (Show,Eq,Ord) data Warning = WarnMissingLincat deriving (Show,Eq,Ord) data Dump = DumpSource | DumpRebuild | DumpExtend | DumpRename | DumpTypeCheck | DumpRefresh | DumpOptimize | DumpCanon deriving (Show,Eq,Ord) -- | Pretty-printing options data Printer = PrinterStrip -- ^ Remove name qualifiers. deriving (Show,Eq,Ord) data Recomp = AlwaysRecomp | RecompIfNewer | NeverRecomp deriving (Show,Eq,Ord) data Flags = Flags { optMode :: Mode, optStopAfterPhase :: Phase, optVerbosity :: Verbosity, optProf :: Bool, optShowCPUTime :: Bool, optEmitGFO :: Bool, optOutputFormats :: [OutputFormat], optSISR :: Maybe SISRFormat, optHaskellOptions :: Set HaskellOption, optLexicalCats :: Set String, optLiteralCats :: Set Ident, optGFODir :: Maybe FilePath, optOutputFile :: Maybe FilePath, optOutputDir :: Maybe FilePath, optGFLibPath :: Maybe FilePath, optRecomp :: Recomp, optPrinter :: [Printer], optProbsFile :: Maybe FilePath, optRetainResource :: Bool, optName :: Maybe String, optAbsName :: Maybe String, optCncName :: Maybe String, optResName :: Maybe String, optPreprocessors :: [String], optEncoding :: String, optOptimizations :: Set Optimization, optOptimizePGF :: Bool, optCFGTransforms :: Set CFGTransform, optLibraryPath :: [FilePath], optStartCat :: Maybe String, optSpeechLanguage :: Maybe String, optLexer :: Maybe String, optUnlexer :: Maybe String, optWarnings :: [Warning], optDump :: [Dump] } deriving (Show) newtype Options = Options (Flags -> Flags) instance Show Options where show (Options o) = show (o defaultFlags) -- Option parsing parseOptions :: [String] -- ^ list of string arguments -> Err (Options, [FilePath]) parseOptions args | not (null errs) = errors errs | otherwise = do opts <- liftM concatOptions $ sequence optss return (opts, files) where (optss, files, errs) = getOpt RequireOrder optDescr args parseModuleOptions :: [String] -- ^ list of string arguments -> Err Options parseModuleOptions args = do (opts,nonopts) <- parseOptions args if null nonopts then return opts else errors $ map ("Non-option among module options: " ++) nonopts fixRelativeLibPaths curr_dir lib_dir (Options o) = Options (fixPathFlags . o) where fixPathFlags f@(Flags{optLibraryPath=path}) = f{optLibraryPath=concatMap (\dir -> [curr_dir dir, lib_dir dir]) path} -- Showing options -- | Pretty-print the options that are preserved in .gfo files. optionsGFO :: Options -> [(String,String)] optionsGFO opts = optionsPGF opts ++ [("coding", flag optEncoding opts)] -- | Pretty-print the options that are preserved in .pgf files. optionsPGF :: Options -> [(String,String)] optionsPGF opts = maybe [] (\x -> [("language",x)]) (flag optSpeechLanguage opts) ++ maybe [] (\x -> [("startcat",x)]) (flag optStartCat opts) -- Option manipulation flag :: (Flags -> a) -> Options -> a flag f (Options o) = f (o defaultFlags) addOptions :: Options -> Options -> Options addOptions (Options o1) (Options o2) = Options (o2 . o1) noOptions :: Options noOptions = Options id concatOptions :: [Options] -> Options concatOptions = foldr addOptions noOptions modifyFlags :: (Flags -> Flags) -> Options modifyFlags = Options -- Default options defaultFlags :: Flags defaultFlags = Flags { optMode = ModeInteractive, optStopAfterPhase = Compile, optVerbosity = Normal, optProf = False, optShowCPUTime = False, optEmitGFO = True, optOutputFormats = [], optSISR = Nothing, optHaskellOptions = Set.empty, optLiteralCats = Set.fromList [cString,cInt,cFloat,cVar], optLexicalCats = Set.empty, optGFODir = Nothing, optOutputFile = Nothing, optOutputDir = Nothing, optGFLibPath = Nothing, optRecomp = RecompIfNewer, optPrinter = [], optProbsFile = Nothing, optRetainResource = False, optName = Nothing, optAbsName = Nothing, optCncName = Nothing, optResName = Nothing, optPreprocessors = [], optEncoding = "latin1", optOptimizations = Set.fromList [OptStem,OptCSE,OptExpand,OptParametrize], optOptimizePGF = False, optCFGTransforms = Set.fromList [CFGRemoveCycles, CFGBottomUpFilter, CFGTopDownFilter, CFGMergeIdentical], optLibraryPath = [], optStartCat = Nothing, optSpeechLanguage = Nothing, optLexer = Nothing, optUnlexer = Nothing, optWarnings = [], optDump = [] } -- Option descriptions optDescr :: [OptDescr (Err Options)] optDescr = [ Option ['?','h'] ["help"] (NoArg (mode ModeHelp)) "Show help message.", Option ['V'] ["version"] (NoArg (mode ModeVersion)) "Display GF version number.", Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (OptArg verbosity "N") "Set verbosity (default 1). -v alone is the same as -v 2.", Option ['q','s'] ["quiet"] (NoArg (verbosity (Just "0"))) "Quiet, same as -v 0.", Option [] ["batch"] (NoArg (mode ModeCompiler)) "Run in batch compiler mode.", Option [] ["interactive"] (NoArg (mode ModeInteractive)) "Run in interactive mode (default).", Option [] ["run"] (NoArg (mode ModeRun)) "Run in interactive mode, showing output only (no other messages).", Option ['E'] [] (NoArg (phase Preproc)) "Stop after preprocessing (with --preproc).", Option ['C'] [] (NoArg (phase Convert)) "Stop after conversion to .gf.", Option ['c'] [] (NoArg (phase Compile)) "Stop after compiling to .gfo (default) .", Option [] ["make"] (NoArg (liftM2 addOptions (mode ModeCompiler) (phase Link))) "Build .pgf file and other output files and exit.", Option [] ["prof"] (NoArg (prof True)) "Dump profiling information when compiling to PMCFG", Option [] ["cpu"] (NoArg (cpu True)) "Show compilation CPU time statistics.", Option [] ["no-cpu"] (NoArg (cpu False)) "Don't show compilation CPU time statistics (default).", Option [] ["emit-gfo"] (NoArg (emitGFO True)) "Create .gfo files (default).", Option [] ["no-emit-gfo"] (NoArg (emitGFO False)) "Do not create .gfo files.", Option [] ["gfo-dir"] (ReqArg gfoDir "DIR") "Directory to put .gfo files in (default = '.').", Option ['f'] ["output-format"] (ReqArg outFmt "FMT") (unlines ["Output format. FMT can be one of:", "Multiple concrete: pgf (default), gar, js, prolog, ...", "Single concrete only: cf, bnf, lbnf, gsl, srgs_xml, srgs_abnf, ...", "Abstract only: haskell, prolog_abs, ..."]), Option [] ["sisr"] (ReqArg sisrFmt "FMT") (unlines ["Include SISR tags in generated speech recognition grammars.", "FMT can be one of: old, 1.0"]), Option [] ["haskell"] (ReqArg hsOption "OPTION") ("Turn on an optional feature when generating Haskell data types. OPTION = " ++ concat (intersperse " | " (map fst haskellOptionNames))), Option [] ["lexical"] (ReqArg lexicalCat "CAT[,CAT[...]]") "Treat CAT as a lexical category.", Option [] ["literal"] (ReqArg literalCat "CAT[,CAT[...]]") "Treat CAT as a literal category.", Option ['o'] ["output-file"] (ReqArg outFile "FILE") "Save output in FILE (default is out.X, where X depends on output format.", Option ['D'] ["output-dir"] (ReqArg outDir "DIR") "Save output files (other than .gfo files) in DIR.", Option [] ["gf-lib-path"] (ReqArg gfLibPath "DIR") "Overides the value of GF_LIB_PATH.", Option [] ["src","force-recomp"] (NoArg (recomp AlwaysRecomp)) "Always recompile from source.", Option [] ["gfo","recomp-if-newer"] (NoArg (recomp RecompIfNewer)) "(default) Recompile from source if the source is newer than the .gfo file.", Option [] ["gfo","no-recomp"] (NoArg (recomp NeverRecomp)) "Never recompile from source, if there is already .gfo file.", Option [] ["strip"] (NoArg (printer PrinterStrip)) "Remove name qualifiers when pretty-printing.", Option [] ["retain"] (NoArg (set $ \o -> o { optRetainResource = True })) "Retain opers.", Option [] ["probs"] (ReqArg probsFile "file.probs") "Read probabilities from file.", Option ['n'] ["name"] (ReqArg name "NAME") (unlines ["Use NAME as the name of the output. This is used in the output file names, ", "with suffixes depending on the formats, and, when relevant, ", "internally in the output."]), Option [] ["abs"] (ReqArg absName "NAME") ("Use NAME as the name of the abstract syntax module generated from " ++ "a grammar in GF 1 format."), Option [] ["cnc"] (ReqArg cncName "NAME") ("Use NAME as the name of the concrete syntax module generated from " ++ "a grammar in GF 1 format."), Option [] ["res"] (ReqArg resName "NAME") ("Use NAME as the name of the resource module generated from " ++ "a grammar in GF 1 format."), Option ['i'] [] (ReqArg addLibDir "DIR") "Add DIR to the library search path.", Option [] ["path"] (ReqArg setLibPath "DIR:DIR:...") "Set the library search path.", Option [] ["preproc"] (ReqArg preproc "CMD") (unlines ["Use CMD to preprocess input files.", "Multiple preprocessors can be used by giving this option multiple times."]), Option [] ["coding"] (ReqArg coding "ENCODING") ("Character encoding of the source grammar, ENCODING = utf8, latin1, cp1251, ..."), Option [] ["startcat"] (ReqArg startcat "CAT") "Grammar start category.", Option [] ["language"] (ReqArg language "LANG") "Set the speech language flag to LANG in the generated grammar.", Option [] ["lexer"] (ReqArg lexer "LEXER") "Use lexer LEXER.", Option [] ["unlexer"] (ReqArg unlexer "UNLEXER") "Use unlexer UNLEXER.", Option [] ["optimize"] (ReqArg optimize "OPT") "Select an optimization package. OPT = all | values | parametrize | none", Option [] ["optimize-pgf"] (NoArg (optimize_pgf True)) "Enable or disable global grammar optimization. This could significantly reduce the size of the final PGF file", Option [] ["stem"] (onOff (toggleOptimize OptStem) True) "Perform stem-suffix analysis (default on).", Option [] ["cse"] (onOff (toggleOptimize OptCSE) True) "Perform common sub-expression elimination (default on).", Option [] ["cfg"] (ReqArg cfgTransform "TRANS") "Enable or disable specific CFG transformations. TRANS = merge, no-merge, bottomup, no-bottomup, ...", dumpOption "source" DumpSource, dumpOption "rebuild" DumpRebuild, dumpOption "extend" DumpExtend, dumpOption "rename" DumpRename, dumpOption "tc" DumpTypeCheck, dumpOption "refresh" DumpRefresh, dumpOption "opt" DumpOptimize, dumpOption "canon" DumpCanon ] where phase x = set $ \o -> o { optStopAfterPhase = x } mode x = set $ \o -> o { optMode = x } verbosity mv = case mv of Nothing -> set $ \o -> o { optVerbosity = Verbose } Just v -> case readMaybe v >>= toEnumBounded of Just i -> set $ \o -> o { optVerbosity = i } Nothing -> fail $ "Bad verbosity: " ++ show v prof x = set $ \o -> o { optProf = x } cpu x = set $ \o -> o { optShowCPUTime = x } emitGFO x = set $ \o -> o { optEmitGFO = x } gfoDir x = set $ \o -> o { optGFODir = Just x } outFmt x = readOutputFormat x >>= \f -> set $ \o -> o { optOutputFormats = optOutputFormats o ++ [f] } sisrFmt x = case x of "old" -> set $ \o -> o { optSISR = Just SISR_WD20030401 } "1.0" -> set $ \o -> o { optSISR = Just SISR_1_0 } _ -> fail $ "Unknown SISR format: " ++ show x hsOption x = case lookup x haskellOptionNames of Just p -> set $ \o -> o { optHaskellOptions = Set.insert p (optHaskellOptions o) } Nothing -> fail $ "Unknown Haskell option: " ++ x ++ " Known: " ++ show (map fst haskellOptionNames) literalCat x = set $ \o -> o { optLiteralCats = foldr Set.insert (optLiteralCats o) ((map (identC . BS.pack) . splitBy (==',')) x) } lexicalCat x = set $ \o -> o { optLexicalCats = foldr Set.insert (optLexicalCats o) (splitBy (==',') x) } outFile x = set $ \o -> o { optOutputFile = Just x } outDir x = set $ \o -> o { optOutputDir = Just x } gfLibPath x = set $ \o -> o { optGFLibPath = Just x } recomp x = set $ \o -> o { optRecomp = x } printer x = set $ \o -> o { optPrinter = x : optPrinter o } probsFile x = set $ \o -> o { optProbsFile = Just x } name x = set $ \o -> o { optName = Just x } absName x = set $ \o -> o { optAbsName = Just x } cncName x = set $ \o -> o { optCncName = Just x } resName x = set $ \o -> o { optResName = Just x } addLibDir x = set $ \o -> o { optLibraryPath = x:optLibraryPath o } setLibPath x = set $ \o -> o { optLibraryPath = splitInModuleSearchPath x } preproc x = set $ \o -> o { optPreprocessors = optPreprocessors o ++ [x] } coding x = set $ \o -> o { optEncoding = x } startcat x = set $ \o -> o { optStartCat = Just x } language x = set $ \o -> o { optSpeechLanguage = Just x } lexer x = set $ \o -> o { optLexer = Just x } unlexer x = set $ \o -> o { optUnlexer = Just x } optimize x = case lookup x optimizationPackages of Just p -> set $ \o -> o { optOptimizations = p } Nothing -> fail $ "Unknown optimization package: " ++ x optimize_pgf x = set $ \o -> o { optOptimizePGF = x } toggleOptimize x b = set $ setOptimization' x b cfgTransform x = let (x', b) = case x of 'n':'o':'-':rest -> (rest, False) _ -> (x, True) in case lookup x' cfgTransformNames of Just t -> set $ setCFGTransform' t b Nothing -> fail $ "Unknown CFG transformation: " ++ x' ++ " Known: " ++ show (map fst cfgTransformNames) dumpOption s d = Option [] ["dump-"++s] (NoArg (set $ \o -> o { optDump = d:optDump o})) ("Dump output of the " ++ s ++ " phase.") set = return . Options outputFormats :: [(String,OutputFormat)] outputFormats = map fst outputFormatsExpl outputFormatsExpl :: [((String,OutputFormat),String)] outputFormatsExpl = [(("pgf_pretty", FmtPGFPretty),"human-readable pgf"), (("js", FmtJavaScript),"JavaScript (whole grammar)"), (("haskell", FmtHaskell),"Haskell (abstract syntax)"), (("prolog", FmtProlog),"Prolog (whole grammar)"), (("prolog_abs", FmtProlog_Abs),"Prolog (abstract syntax)"), (("lambda_prolog",FmtLambdaProlog),"LambdaProlog (abstract syntax)"), (("bnf", FmtBNF),"BNF (context-free grammar)"), (("ebnf", FmtEBNF),"Extended BNF"), (("regular", FmtRegular),"* regular grammar"), (("nolr", FmtNoLR),"* context-free with no left recursion"), (("srgs_xml", FmtSRGS_XML),"SRGS speech recognition format in XML"), (("srgs_xml_nonrec", FmtSRGS_XML_NonRec),"SRGS XML, recursion eliminated"), (("srgs_abnf", FmtSRGS_ABNF),"SRGS speech recognition format in ABNF"), (("srgs_abnf_nonrec", FmtSRGS_ABNF_NonRec),"SRGS ABNF, recursion eliminated"), (("jsgf", FmtJSGF),"JSGF speech recognition format"), (("gsl", FmtGSL),"Nuance speech recognition format"), (("vxml", FmtVoiceXML),"Voice XML based on abstract syntax"), (("slf", FmtSLF),"SLF speech recognition format"), (("regexp", FmtRegExp),"regular expression"), (("fa", FmtFA),"finite automaton in graphviz format") ] instance Show OutputFormat where show = lookupShow outputFormats instance Read OutputFormat where readsPrec = lookupReadsPrec outputFormats optimizationPackages :: [(String, Set Optimization)] optimizationPackages = [("all", Set.fromList [OptStem,OptCSE,OptExpand,OptParametrize]), ("values", Set.fromList [OptStem,OptCSE,OptExpand]), ("noexpand", Set.fromList [OptStem,OptCSE]), -- deprecated ("all_subs", Set.fromList [OptStem,OptCSE,OptExpand,OptParametrize]), ("parametrize", Set.fromList [OptStem,OptCSE,OptExpand,OptParametrize]), ("none", Set.fromList [OptStem,OptCSE,OptExpand]) ] cfgTransformNames :: [(String, CFGTransform)] cfgTransformNames = [("nolr", CFGNoLR), ("regular", CFGRegular), ("topdown", CFGTopDownFilter), ("bottomup", CFGBottomUpFilter), ("startcatonly", CFGStartCatOnly), ("merge", CFGMergeIdentical), ("removecycles", CFGRemoveCycles)] haskellOptionNames :: [(String, HaskellOption)] haskellOptionNames = [("noprefix", HaskellNoPrefix), ("gadt", HaskellGADT), ("lexical", HaskellLexical)] -- | This is for bacward compatibility. Since GHC 6.12 we -- started using the native Unicode support in GHC but it -- uses different names for the code pages. renameEncoding :: String -> String renameEncoding "utf8" = "UTF-8" renameEncoding "latin1" = "CP1252" renameEncoding ('c':'p':s) | all isDigit s = 'C':'P':s renameEncoding s = s lookupShow :: Eq a => [(String,a)] -> a -> String lookupShow xs z = fromMaybe "lookupShow" $ lookup z [(y,x) | (x,y) <- xs] lookupReadsPrec :: [(String,a)] -> Int -> ReadS a lookupReadsPrec xs _ s = [(z,rest) | (x,rest) <- lex s, (y,z) <- xs, y == x] onOff :: Monad m => (Bool -> m a) -> Bool -> ArgDescr (m a) onOff f def = OptArg g "[on,off]" where g ma = maybe (return def) readOnOff ma >>= f readOnOff x = case map toLower x of "on" -> return True "off" -> return False _ -> fail $ "Expected [on,off], got: " ++ show x readOutputFormat :: Monad m => String -> m OutputFormat readOutputFormat s = maybe (fail $ "Unknown output format: " ++ show s) return $ lookup s outputFormats -- FIXME: this is a copy of the function in GF.Devel.UseIO. splitInModuleSearchPath :: String -> [FilePath] splitInModuleSearchPath s = case break isPathSep s of (f,_:cs) -> f : splitInModuleSearchPath cs (f,_) -> [f] where isPathSep :: Char -> Bool isPathSep c = c == ':' || c == ';' -- -- * Convenience functions for checking options -- verbAtLeast :: Options -> Verbosity -> Bool verbAtLeast opts v = flag optVerbosity opts >= v dump :: Options -> Dump -> Bool dump opts d = flag ((d `elem`) . optDump) opts cfgTransform :: Options -> CFGTransform -> Bool cfgTransform opts t = Set.member t (flag optCFGTransforms opts) haskellOption :: Options -> HaskellOption -> Bool haskellOption opts o = Set.member o (flag optHaskellOptions opts) isLiteralCat :: Options -> Ident -> Bool isLiteralCat opts c = Set.member c (flag optLiteralCats opts) isLexicalCat :: Options -> String -> Bool isLexicalCat opts c = Set.member c (flag optLexicalCats opts) -- -- * Convenience functions for setting options -- setOptimization :: Optimization -> Bool -> Options setOptimization o b = modifyFlags (setOptimization' o b) setOptimization' :: Optimization -> Bool -> Flags -> Flags setOptimization' o b f = f { optOptimizations = toggle o b (optOptimizations f)} setCFGTransform :: CFGTransform -> Bool -> Options setCFGTransform t b = modifyFlags (setCFGTransform' t b) setCFGTransform' :: CFGTransform -> Bool -> Flags -> Flags setCFGTransform' t b f = f { optCFGTransforms = toggle t b (optCFGTransforms f) } toggle :: Ord a => a -> Bool -> Set a -> Set a toggle o True = Set.insert o toggle o False = Set.delete o -- -- * General utilities -- readMaybe :: Read a => String -> Maybe a readMaybe s = case reads s of [(x,"")] -> Just x _ -> Nothing toEnumBounded :: (Bounded a, Enum a, Ord a) => Int -> Maybe a toEnumBounded i = let mi = minBound ma = maxBound `asTypeOf` mi in if i >= fromEnum mi && i <= fromEnum ma then Just (toEnum i `asTypeOf` mi) else Nothing splitBy :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]] splitBy _ [] = [] splitBy p s = case break p s of (l, _ : t@(_ : _)) -> l : splitBy p t (l, _) -> [l] instance Functor OptDescr where fmap f (Option cs ss d s) = Option cs ss (fmap f d) s instance Functor ArgDescr where fmap f (NoArg x) = NoArg (f x) fmap f (ReqArg g s) = ReqArg (f . g) s fmap f (OptArg g s) = OptArg (f . g) s