{ {-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-overlapping-patterns #-} module GF.Grammar.Parser ( P, runP , pModDef , pModHeader , pExp ) where import GF.Infra.Ident import GF.Infra.Modules import GF.Infra.Option import GF.Data.Operations import GF.Grammar.Predef import GF.Grammar.Grammar import GF.Grammar.Macros import GF.Grammar.Lexer import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import GF.Compile.Update (buildAnyTree) } %name pModDef ModDef %partial pModHeader ModHeader %name pExp Exp -- no lexer declaration %monad { P } { >>= } { return } %lexer { lexer } { T_EOF } %tokentype { Token } %token '!' { T_exclmark } '#' { T_patt } '$' { T_int_label } '(' { T_oparen } ')' { T_cparen } '~' { T_tilde } '*' { T_star } '**' { T_starstar } '+' { T_plus } '++' { T_plusplus } ',' { T_comma } '-' { T_minus } '->' { T_rarrow } '.' { T_dot } '/' { T_alt } ':' { T_colon } ';' { T_semicolon } '<' { T_less } '=' { T_equal } '=>' { T_big_rarrow} '>' { T_great } '?' { T_questmark } '@' { T_at } '[' { T_obrack } ']' { T_cbrack } '{' { T_ocurly } '}' { T_ccurly } '\\' { T_lam } '\\\\' { T_lamlam } '_' { T_underscore} '|' { T_bar } 'PType' { T_PType } 'Str' { T_Str } 'Strs' { T_Strs } 'Tok' { T_Tok } 'Type' { T_Type } 'abstract' { T_abstract } 'case' { T_case } 'cat' { T_cat } 'concrete' { T_concrete } 'data' { T_data } 'def' { T_def } 'flags' { T_flags } 'fun' { T_fun } 'in' { T_in } 'incomplete' { T_incomplete} 'instance' { T_instance } 'interface' { T_interface } 'let' { T_let } 'lin' { T_lin } 'lincat' { T_lincat } 'lindef' { T_lindef } 'of' { T_of } 'open' { T_open } 'oper' { T_oper } 'param' { T_param } 'pattern' { T_pattern } 'pre' { T_pre } 'printname' { T_printname } 'resource' { T_resource } 'strs' { T_strs } 'table' { T_table } 'variants' { T_variants } 'where' { T_where } 'with' { T_with } Integer { (T_Integer $$) } Double { (T_Double $$) } String { (T_String $$) } LString { (T_LString $$) } Ident { (T_Ident $$) } %% ModDef :: { SourceModule } ModDef : ComplMod ModType '=' ModBody {% do let mstat = $1 (mtype,id) = $2 (extends,with,content) = $4 (opens,jments,opts) = case content of { Just c -> c; Nothing -> ([],[],noOptions) } jments <- mapM (checkInfoType mtype) jments defs <- case buildAnyTree id jments of Ok x -> return x Bad msg -> fail msg return (id, ModInfo mtype mstat opts extends with opens [] defs) } ModHeader :: { SourceModule } ModHeader : ComplMod ModType '=' ModHeaderBody { let { mstat = $1 ; (mtype,id) = $2 ; (extends,with,opens) = $4 } in (id, ModInfo mtype mstat noOptions extends with opens [] emptyBinTree) } ComplMod :: { ModuleStatus } ComplMod : {- empty -} { MSComplete } | 'incomplete' { MSIncomplete } ModType :: { (ModuleType,Ident) } ModType : 'abstract' Ident { (MTAbstract, $2) } | 'resource' Ident { (MTResource, $2) } | 'interface' Ident { (MTInterface, $2) } | 'concrete' Ident 'of' Ident { (MTConcrete $4, $2) } | 'instance' Ident 'of' Ident { (MTInstance $4, $2) } ModHeaderBody :: { ( [(Ident,MInclude)] , Maybe (Ident,MInclude,[(Ident,Ident)]) , [OpenSpec] ) } ModHeaderBody : ListIncluded '**' Included 'with' ListInst '**' ModOpen { ($1, Just (fst $3,snd $3,$5), $7) } | ListIncluded '**' Included 'with' ListInst { ($1, Just (fst $3,snd $3,$5), []) } | ListIncluded '**' ModOpen { ($1, Nothing, $3) } | ListIncluded { ($1, Nothing, []) } | Included 'with' ListInst '**' ModOpen { ([], Just (fst $1,snd $1,$3), $5) } | Included 'with' ListInst { ([], Just (fst $1,snd $1,$3), []) } | ModOpen { ([], Nothing, $1) } ModOpen :: { [OpenSpec] } ModOpen : { [] } | 'open' ListOpen { $2 } ModBody :: { ( [(Ident,MInclude)] , Maybe (Ident,MInclude,[(Ident,Ident)]) , Maybe ([OpenSpec],[(Ident,Info)],Options) ) } ModBody : ListIncluded '**' Included 'with' ListInst '**' ModContent { ($1, Just (fst $3,snd $3,$5), Just $7) } | ListIncluded '**' Included 'with' ListInst { ($1, Just (fst $3,snd $3,$5), Nothing) } | ListIncluded '**' ModContent { ($1, Nothing, Just $3) } | ListIncluded { ($1, Nothing, Nothing) } | Included 'with' ListInst '**' ModContent { ([], Just (fst $1,snd $1,$3), Just $5) } | Included 'with' ListInst { ([], Just (fst $1,snd $1,$3), Nothing) } | ModContent { ([], Nothing, Just $1) } | ModBody ';' { $1 } ModContent :: { ([OpenSpec],[(Ident,Info)],Options) } ModContent : '{' ListTopDef '}' { ([],[d | Left ds <- $2, d <- ds],concatOptions [o | Right o <- $2]) } | 'open' ListOpen 'in' '{' ListTopDef '}' { ($2,[d | Left ds <- $5, d <- ds],concatOptions [o | Right o <- $5]) } ListTopDef :: { [Either [(Ident,Info)] Options] } ListTopDef : {- empty -} { [] } | TopDef ListTopDef { $1 : $2 } ListOpen :: { [OpenSpec] } ListOpen : Open { [$1] } | Open ',' ListOpen { $1 : $3 } Open :: { OpenSpec } Open : Ident { OSimple $1 } | '(' Ident '=' Ident ')' { OQualif $2 $4 } ListInst :: { [(Ident,Ident)] } ListInst : Inst { [$1] } | Inst ',' ListInst { $1 : $3 } Inst :: { (Ident,Ident) } Inst : '(' Ident '=' Ident ')' { ($2,$4) } ListIncluded :: { [(Ident,MInclude)] } ListIncluded : Included { [$1] } | Included ',' ListIncluded { $1 : $3 } Included :: { (Ident,MInclude) } Included : Ident { ($1,MIAll ) } | Ident '[' ListIdent ']' { ($1,MIOnly $3) } | Ident '-' '[' ListIdent ']' { ($1,MIExcept $4) } TopDef :: { Either [(Ident,Info)] Options } TopDef : 'cat' ListCatDef { Left $2 } | 'fun' ListFunDef { Left $2 } | 'def' ListDefDef { Left $2 } | 'data' ListDataDef { Left $2 } | 'param' ListParamDef { Left $2 } | 'oper' ListOperDef { Left $2 } | 'lincat' ListTermDef { Left [(f, CncCat (Just e) Nothing Nothing ) | (f,e) <- $2] } | 'lindef' ListTermDef { Left [(f, CncCat Nothing (Just e) Nothing ) | (f,e) <- $2] } | 'lin' ListLinDef { Left $2 } | 'printname' 'cat' ListTermDef { Left [(f, CncCat Nothing Nothing (Just e)) | (f,e) <- $3] } | 'printname' 'fun' ListTermDef { Left [(f, CncFun Nothing Nothing (Just e)) | (f,e) <- $3] } | 'flags' ListFlagDef { Right $2 } CatDef :: { [(Ident,Info)] } CatDef : Posn Ident ListDDecl Posn { [($2, AbsCat (Just (mkL $1 $4 $3)))] } | Posn '[' Ident ListDDecl ']' Posn { listCatDef (mkL $1 $6 ($3,$4,0)) } | Posn '[' Ident ListDDecl ']' '{' Integer '}' Posn { listCatDef (mkL $1 $9 ($3,$4,fromIntegral $7)) } FunDef :: { [(Ident,Info)] } FunDef : Posn ListIdent ':' Exp Posn { [(fun, AbsFun (Just (mkL $1 $5 $4)) Nothing (Just []) (Just True)) | fun <- $2] } DefDef :: { [(Ident,Info)] } DefDef : Posn ListName '=' Exp Posn { [(f, AbsFun Nothing (Just 0) (Just [mkL $1 $5 ([],$4)]) Nothing) | f <- $2] } | Posn Name ListPatt '=' Exp Posn { [($2,AbsFun Nothing (Just (length $3)) (Just [mkL $1 $6 ($3,$5)]) Nothing)] } DataDef :: { [(Ident,Info)] } DataDef : Posn Ident '=' ListDataConstr Posn { ($2, AbsCat Nothing) : [(fun, AbsFun Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just True)) | fun <- $4] } | Posn ListIdent ':' Exp Posn { -- (snd (valCat $4), AbsCat Nothing) : [(fun, AbsFun (Just (mkL $1 $5 $4)) Nothing Nothing (Just True)) | fun <- $2] } ParamDef :: { [(Ident,Info)] } ParamDef : Ident '=' ListParConstr { ($1, ResParam (Just $3) Nothing) : [(f, ResValue (L loc (mkProdSimple co (Cn $1)))) | L loc (f,co) <- $3] } | Ident { [($1, ResParam Nothing Nothing)] } OperDef :: { [(Ident,Info)] } OperDef : Posn ListName ':' Exp Posn { [(i, info) | i <- $2, info <- mkOverload (Just (mkL $1 $5 $4)) Nothing ] } | Posn ListName '=' Exp Posn { [(i, info) | i <- $2, info <- mkOverload Nothing (Just (mkL $1 $5 $4))] } | Posn Name ListArg '=' Exp Posn { [(i, info) | i <- [$2], info <- mkOverload Nothing (Just (mkL $1 $6 (mkAbs $3 $5)))] } | Posn ListName ':' Exp '=' Exp Posn { [(i, info) | i <- $2, info <- mkOverload (Just (mkL $1 $7 $4)) (Just (mkL $1 $7 $6))] } LinDef :: { [(Ident,Info)] } LinDef : Posn ListName '=' Exp Posn { [(f, CncFun Nothing (Just (mkL $1 $5 $4)) Nothing) | f <- $2] } | Posn Name ListArg '=' Exp Posn { [($2, CncFun Nothing (Just (mkL $1 $6 (mkAbs $3 $5))) Nothing)] } TermDef :: { [(Ident,L Term)] } TermDef : Posn ListName '=' Exp Posn { [(i,mkL $1 $5 $4) | i <- $2] } FlagDef :: { Options } FlagDef : Posn Ident '=' Ident Posn {% case parseModuleOptions ["--" ++ showIdent $2 ++ "=" ++ showIdent $4] of Ok x -> return x Bad msg -> failLoc $1 msg } ListDataConstr :: { [Ident] } ListDataConstr : Ident { [$1] } | Ident '|' ListDataConstr { $1 : $3 } ParConstr :: { L Param } ParConstr : Posn Ident ListDDecl Posn { mkL $1 $4 ($2,$3) } ListLinDef :: { [(Ident,Info)] } ListLinDef : LinDef ';' { $1 } | LinDef ';' ListLinDef { $1 ++ $3 } ListDefDef :: { [(Ident,Info)] } ListDefDef : DefDef ';' { $1 } | DefDef ';' ListDefDef { $1 ++ $3 } ListOperDef :: { [(Ident,Info)] } ListOperDef : OperDef ';' { $1 } | OperDef ';' ListOperDef { $1 ++ $3 } ListCatDef :: { [(Ident,Info)] } ListCatDef : CatDef ';' { $1 } | CatDef ';' ListCatDef { $1 ++ $3 } ListFunDef :: { [(Ident,Info)] } ListFunDef : FunDef ';' { $1 } | FunDef ';' ListFunDef { $1 ++ $3 } ListDataDef :: { [(Ident,Info)] } ListDataDef : DataDef ';' { $1 } | DataDef ';' ListDataDef { $1 ++ $3 } ListParamDef :: { [(Ident,Info)] } ListParamDef : ParamDef ';' { $1 } | ParamDef ';' ListParamDef { $1 ++ $3 } ListTermDef :: { [(Ident,L Term)] } ListTermDef : TermDef ';' { $1 } | TermDef ';' ListTermDef { $1 ++ $3 } ListFlagDef :: { Options } ListFlagDef : FlagDef ';' { $1 } | FlagDef ';' ListFlagDef { addOptions $1 $3 } ListParConstr :: { [L Param] } ListParConstr : ParConstr { [$1] } | ParConstr '|' ListParConstr { $1 : $3 } ListIdent :: { [Ident] } ListIdent : Ident { [$1] } | Ident ',' ListIdent { $1 : $3 } ListIdent2 :: { [Ident] } ListIdent2 : Ident { [$1] } | Ident ListIdent2 { $1 : $2 } Name :: { Ident } Name : Ident { $1 } | '[' Ident ']' { mkListId $2 } ListName :: { [Ident] } ListName : Name { [$1] } | Name ',' ListName { $1 : $3 } LocDef :: { [(Ident, Maybe Type, Maybe Term)] } LocDef : ListIdent ':' Exp { [(lab,Just $3,Nothing) | lab <- $1] } | ListIdent '=' Exp { [(lab,Nothing,Just $3) | lab <- $1] } | ListIdent ':' Exp '=' Exp { [(lab,Just $3,Just $5) | lab <- $1] } ListLocDef :: { [(Ident, Maybe Type, Maybe Term)] } ListLocDef : {- empty -} { [] } | LocDef { $1 } | LocDef ';' ListLocDef { $1 ++ $3 } Exp :: { Term } Exp : Exp1 '|' Exp { FV [$1,$3] } | '\\' ListBind '->' Exp { mkAbs $2 $4 } | '\\\\' ListBind '=>' Exp { mkCTable $2 $4 } | Decl '->' Exp { mkProdSimple $1 $3 } | Exp3 '=>' Exp { Table $1 $3 } | 'let' '{' ListLocDef '}' 'in' Exp {% do defs <- mapM tryLoc $3 return $ mkLet defs $6 } | 'let' ListLocDef 'in' Exp {% do defs <- mapM tryLoc $2 return $ mkLet defs $4 } | Exp3 'where' '{' ListLocDef '}' {% do defs <- mapM tryLoc $4 return $ mkLet defs $1 } | 'in' Exp5 String { Example $2 $3 } | Exp1 { $1 } Exp1 :: { Term } Exp1 : Exp2 '++' Exp1 { C $1 $3 } | Exp2 { $1 } Exp2 :: { Term } Exp2 : Exp3 '+' Exp2 { Glue $1 $3 } | Exp3 { $1 } Exp3 :: { Term } Exp3 : Exp3 '!' Exp4 { S $1 $3 } | 'table' '{' ListCase '}' { T TRaw $3 } | 'table' Exp6 '{' ListCase '}' { T (TTyped $2) $4 } | 'table' Exp6 '[' ListExp ']' { V $2 $4 } | Exp3 '*' Exp4 { case $1 of RecType xs -> RecType (xs ++ [(tupleLabel (length xs+1),$3)]) t -> RecType [(tupleLabel 1,$1), (tupleLabel 2,$3)] } | Exp3 '**' Exp4 { ExtR $1 $3 } | Exp4 { $1 } Exp4 :: { Term } Exp4 : Exp4 Exp5 { App $1 $2 } | Exp4 '{' Exp '}' { App $1 (ImplArg $3) } | 'case' Exp 'of' '{' ListCase '}' { let annot = case $2 of Typed _ t -> TTyped t _ -> TRaw in S (T annot $5) $2 } | 'variants' '{' ListExp '}' { FV $3 } | 'pre' '{' ListCase '}' {% mkAlts $3 } | 'pre' '{' String ';' ListAltern '}' { Alts (K $3) $5 } | 'pre' '{' Ident ';' ListAltern '}' { Alts (Vr $3) $5 } | 'strs' '{' ListExp '}' { Strs $3 } | '#' Patt3 { EPatt $2 } | 'pattern' Exp5 { EPattType $2 } | 'lincat' Ident Exp5 { ELincat $2 $3 } | 'lin' Ident Exp5 { ELin $2 $3 } | Exp5 { $1 } Exp5 :: { Term } Exp5 : Exp5 '.' Label { P $1 $3 } | Exp6 { $1 } Exp6 :: { Term } Exp6 : Ident { Vr $1 } | Sort { Sort $1 } | String { K $1 } | Integer { EInt $1 } | Double { EFloat $1 } | '?' { Meta 0 } | '[' ']' { Empty } | '[' Ident Exps ']' { foldl App (Vr (mkListId $2)) $3 } | '[' String ']' { K $2 } | '{' ListLocDef '}' {% mkR $2 } | '<' ListTupleComp '>' { R (tuple2record $2) } | '<' Exp ':' Exp '>' { Typed $2 $4 } | LString { K $1 } | '(' Exp ')' { $2 } ListExp :: { [Term] } ListExp : {- empty -} { [] } | Exp { [$1] } | Exp ';' ListExp { $1 : $3 } Exps :: { [Term] } Exps : {- empty -} { [] } | Exp6 Exps { $1 : $2 } Patt :: { Patt } Patt : Patt '|' Patt1 { PAlt $1 $3 } | Patt '+' Patt1 { PSeq $1 $3 } | Patt1 { $1 } Patt1 :: { Patt } Patt1 : Ident ListPatt { PC $1 $2 } | Ident '.' Ident ListPatt { PP ($1,$3) $4 } | Patt3 '*' { PRep $1 } | Patt2 { $1 } Patt2 :: { Patt } Patt2 : Ident '@' Patt3 { PAs $1 $3 } | '-' Patt3 { PNeg $2 } | '~' Exp6 { PTilde $2 } | Patt3 { $1 } Patt3 :: { Patt } Patt3 : '?' { PChar } | '[' String ']' { PChars $2 } | '#' Ident { PMacro $2 } | '#' Ident '.' Ident { PM ($2,$4) } | '_' { PW } | Ident { PV $1 } | Ident '.' Ident { PP ($1,$3) [] } | Integer { PInt $1 } | Double { PFloat $1 } | String { PString $1 } | '{' ListPattAss '}' { PR $2 } | '<' ListPattTupleComp '>' { (PR . tuple2recordPatt) $2 } | '(' Patt ')' { $2 } PattAss :: { [(Label,Patt)] } PattAss : ListIdent '=' Patt { [(LIdent (ident2bs i),$3) | i <- $1] } Label :: { Label } Label : Ident { LIdent (ident2bs $1) } | '$' Integer { LVar (fromIntegral $2) } Sort :: { Ident } Sort : 'Type' { cType } | 'PType' { cPType } | 'Tok' { cTok } | 'Str' { cStr } | 'Strs' { cStrs } ListPattAss :: { [(Label,Patt)] } ListPattAss : {- empty -} { [] } | PattAss { $1 } | PattAss ';' ListPattAss { $1 ++ $3 } ListPatt :: { [Patt] } ListPatt : PattArg { [$1] } | PattArg ListPatt { $1 : $2 } PattArg :: { Patt } : Patt2 { $1 } | '{' Patt '}' { PImplArg $2 } Arg :: { [(BindType,Ident)] } Arg : Ident { [(Explicit,$1 )] } | '_' { [(Explicit,identW)] } | '{' ListIdent2 '}' { [(Implicit,v) | v <- $2] } ListArg :: { [(BindType,Ident)] } ListArg : Arg { $1 } | Arg ListArg { $1 ++ $2 } Bind :: { [(BindType,Ident)] } Bind : Ident { [(Explicit,$1 )] } | '_' { [(Explicit,identW)] } | '{' ListIdent '}' { [(Implicit,v) | v <- $2] } ListBind :: { [(BindType,Ident)] } ListBind : Bind { $1 } | Bind ',' ListBind { $1 ++ $3 } Decl :: { [Hypo] } Decl : '(' ListBind ':' Exp ')' { [(b,x,$4) | (b,x) <- $2] } | Exp4 { [mkHypo $1] } ListTupleComp :: { [Term] } ListTupleComp : {- empty -} { [] } | Exp { [$1] } | Exp ',' ListTupleComp { $1 : $3 } ListPattTupleComp :: { [Patt] } ListPattTupleComp : {- empty -} { [] } | Patt { [$1] } | Patt ',' ListPattTupleComp { $1 : $3 } Case :: { Case } Case : Patt '=>' Exp { ($1,$3) } ListCase :: { [Case] } ListCase : Case { [$1] } | Case ';' ListCase { $1 : $3 } Altern :: { (Term,Term) } Altern : Exp '/' Exp { ($1,$3) } ListAltern :: { [(Term,Term)] } ListAltern : Altern { [$1] } | Altern ';' ListAltern { $1 : $3 } DDecl :: { [Hypo] } DDecl : '(' ListBind ':' Exp ')' { [(b,x,$4) | (b,x) <- $2] } | Exp6 { [mkHypo $1] } ListDDecl :: { [Hypo] } ListDDecl : {- empty -} { [] } | DDecl ListDDecl { $1 ++ $2 } Posn :: { Posn } Posn : {- empty -} {% getPosn } { happyError :: P a happyError = fail "parse error" mkListId,mkConsId,mkBaseId :: Ident -> Ident mkListId = prefixId (BS.pack "List") mkConsId = prefixId (BS.pack "Cons") mkBaseId = prefixId (BS.pack "Base") prefixId :: BS.ByteString -> Ident -> Ident prefixId pref id = identC (BS.append pref (ident2bs id)) listCatDef :: L (Ident, Context, Int) -> [(Ident,Info)] listCatDef (L loc (id,cont,size)) = [catd,nilfund,consfund] where listId = mkListId id baseId = mkBaseId id consId = mkConsId id catd = (listId, AbsCat (Just (L loc cont'))) nilfund = (baseId, AbsFun (Just (L loc niltyp)) Nothing Nothing (Just True)) consfund = (consId, AbsFun (Just (L loc constyp)) Nothing Nothing (Just True)) cont' = [(b,mkId x i,ty) | (i,(b,x,ty)) <- zip [0..] cont] xs = map (\(b,x,t) -> Vr x) cont' cd = mkHypo (mkApp (Vr id) xs) lc = mkApp (Vr listId) xs niltyp = mkProdSimple (cont' ++ replicate size cd) lc constyp = mkProdSimple (cont' ++ [cd, mkHypo lc]) lc mkId x i = if isWildIdent x then (varX i) else x tryLoc (c,mty,Just e) = return (c,(mty,e)) tryLoc (c,_ ,_ ) = fail ("local definition of" +++ showIdent c +++ "without value") mkR [] = return $ RecType [] --- empty record always interpreted as record type mkR fs@(f:_) = case f of (lab,Just ty,Nothing) -> mapM tryRT fs >>= return . RecType _ -> mapM tryR fs >>= return . R where tryRT (lab,Just ty,Nothing) = return (ident2label lab,ty) tryRT (lab,_ ,_ ) = fail $ "illegal record type field" +++ showIdent lab --- manifest fields ?! tryR (lab,mty,Just t) = return (ident2label lab,(mty,t)) tryR (lab,_ ,_ ) = fail $ "illegal record field" +++ showIdent lab mkOverload pdt pdf@(Just (L loc df)) = case appForm df of (keyw, ts@(_:_)) | isOverloading keyw -> case last ts of R fs -> [ResOverload [m | Vr m <- ts] [(L loc ty,L loc fu) | (_,(Just ty,fu)) <- fs]] _ -> [ResOper pdt pdf] _ -> [ResOper pdt pdf] -- to enable separare type signature --- not type-checked mkOverload pdt@(Just (L _ df)) pdf = case appForm df of (keyw, ts@(_:_)) | isOverloading keyw -> case last ts of RecType _ -> [] _ -> [ResOper pdt pdf] _ -> [ResOper pdt pdf] mkOverload pdt pdf = [ResOper pdt pdf] isOverloading t = case t of Vr keyw | showIdent keyw == "overload" -> True -- overload is a "soft keyword" _ -> False checkInfoType mt jment@(id,info) = case info of AbsCat pcont -> ifAbstract mt (locPerh pcont) AbsFun pty _ pde _ -> ifAbstract mt (locPerh pty ++ maybe [] locAll pde) CncCat pty pd ppn -> ifConcrete mt (locPerh pty ++ locPerh pd ++ locPerh ppn) CncFun _ pd ppn -> ifConcrete mt (locPerh pd ++ locPerh ppn) ResParam pparam _ -> ifResource mt (maybe [] locAll pparam) ResValue ty -> ifResource mt (locL ty) ResOper pty pt -> ifOper mt pty pt ResOverload _ xs -> ifResource mt (concat [[loc1,loc2] | (L loc1 _,L loc2 _) <- xs]) where locPerh = maybe [] locL locAll xs = [loc | L loc x <- xs] locL (L loc x) = [loc] illegal ((s,e):_) = failLoc (Pn s 0) "illegal definition" illegal _ = return jment ifAbstract MTAbstract locs = return jment ifAbstract _ locs = illegal locs ifConcrete (MTConcrete _) locs = return jment ifConcrete _ locs = illegal locs ifResource (MTConcrete _) locs = return jment ifResource (MTInstance _) locs = return jment ifResource MTInterface locs = return jment ifResource MTResource locs = return jment ifResource _ locs = illegal locs ifOper MTAbstract pty pt = return (id,AbsFun pty (fmap (const 0) pt) (Just (maybe [] (\(L l t) -> [L l ([],t)]) pt)) (Just False)) ifOper _ pty pt = return jment mkAlts cs = case cs of _:_ -> do def <- mkDef (last cs) alts <- mapM mkAlt (init cs) return (Alts def alts) _ -> fail "empty alts" where mkDef (_,t) = return t mkAlt (p,t) = do ss <- mkStrs p return (t,ss) mkStrs p = case p of PAlt a b -> do Strs as <- mkStrs a Strs bs <- mkStrs b return $ Strs $ as ++ bs PString s -> return $ Strs [K s] PV x -> return (Vr x) --- for macros; not yet complete PMacro x -> return (Vr x) --- for macros; not yet complete PM c -> return (Q c) --- for macros; not yet complete _ -> fail "no strs from pattern" mkL :: Posn -> Posn -> x -> L x mkL (Pn l1 _) (Pn l2 _) x = L (l1,l2) x }