concrete VerbPnb of Verb = CatPnb ** open ResPnb in { flags coding = utf8; flags optimize=all_subs ; lin UseV v = predV v ; SlashV2a v = predV v ** {c2 = {s = v.c2.s ; c = VTrans}} ; Slash2V3 v np = insertObjc (\\_ => np.s ! NPObj ++ v.c3 ) (predV v ** {c2 = {s = v.c2 ; c = VTrans}}) ; Slash3V3 v np = insertObjc (\\_ => checkPron np v.c2) (predV v ** {c2 = {s = v.c3 ; c = VTrans}}) ; -- ComplVV v vp = insertTrans (insertVV (infVV v.isAux vp ) (predV v) vp.embComp) VTransPost; -- ComplVV v vp = insertVV (infVV v.isAux vp ) (predV v) vp.embComp; ComplVV v vp = insertTrans (insertVV (infVV v.isAux vp) (predV v) vp.embComp vp) vp.subj; ComplVS v s = insertTrans (insertObj2 (conjThat ++ s.s) (predV v)) VTransPost ; ComplVQ v q = insertObj2 (conjThat ++ q.s ! QIndir) (predV v) ; ComplVA v ap = insertObj (\\a => ap.s ! giveNumber a ! giveGender a ! Dir ) (predV v) ; SlashV2V v vp = insertVV (infV2V v.isAux vp) (predV v) vp.embComp vp **{c2 = {s = "twN" ; c = VTransPost}} ; -- should creat a form at VP level which can be used in VP like 'swn da kyna' also check the c=VTransPost it is correct in case if second v is intrasitive, but not if trans like begged me to ead bread SlashV2S v s = insertObjc2 (conjThat ++ s.s) (predV v ** {c2 = {s = "twN" ; c = VTransPost}}) ; SlashV2Q v q = insertObjc2 (conjThat ++ q.s ! QIndir) (predV v ** {c2 = {s = "nwN" ; c = VTransPost}}) ; -- chek for VTransPost, as in this case , case should be ergative but agrement should be default SlashV2A v ap = insertObjc (\\a => ap.s ! giveNumber a ! giveGender a ! Dir ) (predV v ** {c2 = {s = "nwN" ; c = VTransPost}}) ; ---- ComplSlash vp np = insertObject np vp ; SlashVV vv vp = insertEmbCompl (insertObj (\\a => infVP vv.isAux vp a) (predV vv)) vp.embComp ** {c2 = vp.c2} ; SlashV2VNP vv np vp = insertObjPre (\\_ => np.s ! NPObj ) (insertObjc (\\a => infVP vv.isAux vp a) (predVc vv)) ** {c2 = vp.c2} ; UseComp comp = insertObj comp.s (predAux auxBe) ; AdvVP vp adv = insertObj (\\a => adv.s ! (fromAgr a).g) vp ; AdVVP adv vp = insertAdV adv.s vp ; ReflVP v = insertObjPre (\\_ => RefPron) v ; PassV2 v = predV v ; -- need to be fixed CompAP ap ={s = \\a => ap.s ! giveNumber a ! giveGender a ! Dir } ; CompNP np = {s = \\_ => np.s ! NPObj} ; CompAdv adv = {s = \\a => adv.s ! (fromAgr a).g } ; }