import MkExxTable import System import Char import List import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import qualified Data.Map as M ---import Debug.Trace ---- type Cats = [(String,String,String)] type Rules = [(String,String,String)] -- the file generated synopsis = "synopsis.txt" -- the language in which revealed examples are shown revealedLang = "Eng" -- all languages shown apiExxFiles = ["api-examples-" ++ lang ++ ".txt" | lang <- words "Bul Cat Dan Dut Eng Fin Fre Ger Ita Nor Pol Ron Rus Spa Swe Urd"] main = do xx <- getArgs let isLatex = case xx of "-tex":_ -> True _ -> False cs1 <- getCats commonAPI cs2 <- getCats catAPI let cs = sortCats (cs1 ++ cs2) writeFile synopsis "GF Resource Grammar Library: Synopsis" append "B. Bringert, T. Hallgren, and A. Ranta" space append "%!Encoding:utf-8" append "%!style(html): ./revealpopup.css" space append "%!postproc(html): '#divreveal' '
'" append "%!postproc(html): '#divpopup' ''" append "%!postproc(html): '#UL' ''" append "%!postproc(html): '#LI' '
  • '" append "%!postproc(html): '(SRC=\"categories.png\")' '\\1 USEMAP=\"#categories\"'" append "%!postproc(html): '#LParadigms' ''" append "%!postproc(tex): '#LParadigms' ''" delimit $ addToolTips cs include "synopsis-intro.txt" title "Categories" space link "Source 1:" commonAPI space link "Source 2:" catAPI space append "==A hierarchic view==\n" include "categories-intro.txt" append "==Explanations==\n" delimit $ mkCatTable isLatex cs space title "Syntax Rules and Structural Words" space link "Source 1:" syntaxAPI space link "Source 2:" structuralAPI space apiExx <- getApiExx apiExxFiles rs <- getRules apiExx syntaxAPI --- putStrLn $ unlines ["p -cat=" ++ last (words t) ++ --- " \"" ++ e ++ "\"" | (_,t,e) <- rs, not (null e)] ---- rs2 <- getRules apiExx structuralAPI let rss = rs ++ rs2 --- mapM_ putStrLn [f ++ " " ++ e | (f,_,e) <- rss] delimit $ mkSplitTables True isLatex apiExx cs rss space -- title "Structural Words" -- space -- link "Source:" structuralAPI -- space -- rs <- rulesTable False isLatex cs structuralAPI -- delimit rs space title "Lexical Paradigms" mapM_ (putParadigms isLatex cs) paradigmFiles space include "synopsis-browse.txt" space title "An Example of Usage" space include "synopsis-example.txt" space title "Table of Contents" space append "%%toc" space let format = if isLatex then "tex" else "html" system $ "txt2tags -t" ++ format ++ " " ++ " --toc " ++ synopsis if isLatex then (system $ "pdflatex synopsis.tex") >> return () else return () addToolTips :: Cats -> [String] addToolTips = map f where f (n,e,_) = "%!postproc(html): '(?i)(HREF=\"#" ++ n ++ "\")( TITLE=\"[^\"]*\")?' '\\1 TITLE=\"" ++ e' ++ "\"'" where e' = n ++ if null e then "" else " - " ++ e getCats :: FilePath -> IO Cats getCats file = do ss <- readFile file >>= return . lines return $ getrs [] ss where getrs rs ss = case ss of ('-':'-':'.':_):_ -> reverse rs [] -> reverse rs ('-':'-':_):ss2 -> getrs rs ss2 s:ss2 -> case words s of cat:";":"--":exp -> getrs ((cat,unwords expl, unwords (tail ex)):rs) ss2 where (expl,ex) = span (/="e.g.") exp _ -> getrs rs ss2 rulesTable :: ApiExx -> Bool -> Bool -> Cats -> FilePath -> IO [String] rulesTable aexx hasEx isLatex cs file = do rs <- getRules aexx file return $ mkTable hasEx isLatex aexx cs rs getRules :: ApiExx -> FilePath -> IO Rules getRules aexx file = do ss <- readFileC (coding file) file >>= return . filter (not . hiddenLine) . lines return $ getrs [] ss where getrs rs ss = case ss of ('-':'-':'.':_):_ -> reverse rs [] -> reverse rs ('-':'-':_):ss2 -> getrs rs ss2 s:ss2 -> case words s of _:_:"overload":_ -> getrs rs ss2 _:":":_ -> getrs (rule s:rs) ss2 _ -> getrs rs ss2 rule s = (name, typ, ex) where ws = takeWhile (flip notElem ["--#", "--:"]) $ words s name = head ws (t,e) = span (/="--") (tail ws) typ = unwords $ filtype (drop 1 t) filtype = filter (/=";") ex = if null e then "" else unwords $ unnumber $ drop 1 e unnumber e = case e of n:ws | last n == '.' && not (null (init n)) && all isDigit (init n) -> ws _ -> e putParadigms :: Bool -> Cats -> (String, FilePath) -> IO () putParadigms isLatex cs (lang,file) = do stitle ("Paradigms for " ++ lang) append "#LParadigms" space link "source" file space rs <- rulesTable M.empty False isLatex cs file space delimit rs space inChunks :: Int -> ([a] -> [String]) -> [a] -> [String] inChunks i f = concat . intersperse ["\n\n"] . map f . chunks i where chunks _ [] = [] chunks i xs = x : chunks i y where (x,y) = splitAt i xs -- Makes one table per result category. -- Adds a subsection header for each table. mkSplitTables :: Bool -> Bool -> ApiExx -> Cats -> Rules -> [String] mkSplitTables hasEx isLatex aexx cs = concatMap t . addLexicalCats cs . sortRules where t (c, xs) = [subtitle c expl] ++ tableOrLink where expl = case [e | (n,e,_) <- cs, n == c] of [] -> "" e:_ -> e tableOrLink = if null xs then parad else mkTable hasEx isLatex aexx cs xs parad = [ "Lexical category, constructors given in", "[lexical paradigms #RParadigms]." ] mkTable :: Bool -> Bool -> ApiExx -> Cats -> Rules -> [String] mkTable hasEx isLatex aexx cs = inChunks chsize (\rs -> header : map (unwords . row) rs) where chsize = if isLatex then 40 else 1000 header = if hasEx then "|| Function | Type | Example ||" else "|| Function | Type | Explanation ||" row (name,typ,ex) = let ntyp = mkIdent (name ++ " : " ++ typ) in if hasEx then ["|", name', "|", typ', "|", ex' ntyp, "|"] else ["|", name', "|", typ', "|", expl ntyp, "|"] where name' = ttf name typ' = showTyp cs typ ex' typ = let ex0 = if null ex then itf (takeWhile (/='_') name) else ex in case M.lookup typ aexx of Just es -> mkExample es ex0 _ -> itf ex0 expl typ = if null ex then itf "-" else itf ex -- make an example with hover-popup translations mkExample es ex = unwords [ "#divreveal", itf (maybe ex id (M.lookup revealedLang es)), "#divpopup", "#UL", unwords ["#LI" ++ e | e <- prApiEx es], "#EUL", "#ediv", "#ediv" ] -- makes mkUtt : QS -> Utt to mkUtt-QS-Utt mkIdent :: String -> String mkIdent = concatMap unspec where unspec c = case c of ' ' -> "" '>' -> "" '(' -> "" ')' -> "" ':' -> "-" _ -> [c] mkCatTable :: Bool -> Cats -> [String] mkCatTable isLatex cs = inChunks chsize (\rs -> header ++ map mk1 rs) cs where header = ["|| Category | Explanation | Example ||"] chsize = if isLatex then 40 else 1000 mk1 (name,expl,ex) = unwords ["|", showCat cs name, "|", expl, "|", typo ex, "|"] typo ex = if take 1 ex == "\"" then itf (init (tail ex)) else ex srcPath = ("../src" ++) commonAPI = srcPath "/abstract/" catAPI = srcPath "/abstract/" syntaxAPI = srcPath "/api/" structuralAPI = srcPath "/abstract/" paradigmFiles = [ ("Bulgarian", srcPath "/bulgarian/"), ("Catalan", srcPath "/catalan/"), ("Danish", srcPath "/danish/"), ("Dutch", srcPath "/dutch/"), ("English", srcPath "/english/"), ("Finnish", srcPath "/finnish/"), ("French", srcPath "/french/"), ("German", srcPath "/german/"), -- ("Interlingua", srcPath "/interlingua/"), ("Italian", srcPath "/italian/"), ("Norwegian", srcPath "/norwegian/"), ("Polish", srcPath "/polish/"), ("Romanian", srcPath "/romanian/"), ("Russian", srcPath "/russian/"), ("Spanish", srcPath "/spanish/"), ("Swedish", srcPath "/swedish/"), ("Urdu", srcPath "/urdu/") ] append s = appendFile synopsis ('\n':s) title s = append $ "=" ++ s ++ "=" stitle s = append $ "==" ++ s ++ "==" include s = append $ "%!include: " ++ s space = append "\n" delimit ss = mapM_ append ss link s f = append $ s ++ " [``" ++ f ++ "`` " ++ fa ++ "]" where fa = "" ++ dropWhile (=='.') f ttf s = "``" ++ s ++ "``" itf s = "//" ++ s ++ "//" hiddenLine s = case reverse (words s) of "--%":_ -> True _ -> False ----------------- -- sort category synopsis by category, retain one table sortCats :: Cats -> Cats sortCats = sortBy compareCat where compareCat (n1,_,_) (n2,_,_) = compare n1 n2 -- sort function synopsis by category, into separate tables sortRules :: Rules -> [Rules] sortRules = groupBy sameCat . sortBy compareRules where sameCat r1 r2 = resultCat r1 == resultCat r2 compareRules r1@(n1,_,_) r2@(n2,_,_) = compare (resultCat r1,n1) (resultCat r2,n2) addLexicalCats :: Cats -> [Rules] -> [(String,Rules)] addLexicalCats cs rss = map head $ groupBy fstEq $ sortBy (\x y -> compare (fst x) (fst y)) $ [ (resultCat r, rs) | rs@(r:_) <- rss] ++ [(n,[]) | (n,_,_) <- cs] where fstEq p1 p2 = fst p1 == fst p2 resultCat :: (String,String,String) -> String resultCat (_,t,_) = last (words t) subtitle cat expl = "==" ++ cat ++ e ++ "==" ++ "[" ++ cat ++ "]" where e = if null expl then "" else " - " ++ expl showCat :: Cats -> String -> String showCat cs cat = "[" ++ cat ++ " #" ++ cat ++ "]" showTyp :: Cats -> String -> String showTyp cs = unwords . map f . words where f s | head s == '(' && last s == ')' && isCat c = "(" ++ showCat cs c ++ ")" | isCat s = showCat cs s | otherwise = ttf s where c = init (tail s) isCat cat = cat `notElem` ["Str","Int"] && all (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c == '\'') cat && isUpper (head cat) -- to work around GHC 6.12 file input readFileC cod file = do let tmp = file ++ ".tmp" case cod of "utf8" -> readFile file _ -> do system $ "iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 " ++ file ++ " >" ++ tmp readFile tmp coding file = case language file of "Pol" -> "utf8" "Rus" -> "utf8" _ -> "latin1" language = reverse . take 3 . drop 3 . reverse