{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

Module      : GeoResolver
Description : Simple way to access Google's geocoding API. Using http-conduit.
Copyright   : (c) 2015, Markenwerk, Jan Greve
License     : MIT
Maintainer  : jg@markenwerk.net

This is supposed to offer an easy to use abstraction of the google geocoding
web service.

A minimum example of usage (with @OverloadedStrings@) is:

import GeoRequester
main = geoRequest "Lornsenstraße 43, Kiel" >>= putStrLn . show

While there are convenience functions for the most common use cases,
there are means to send arbitrary requests.

If you do so, please see "Geocoder.Parser" for ways to access the results.
As a hint, 'GoogleAnswer' is instance of 'Foldable' and 'Functor'.

Please note that this Package is also meant to demonstrate basic Haskell features
and thus not always takes the most elegant way but the most educational way.


module Network.Google.GeoResolver
      -- * Encoding
      -- * Decoding
      -- * Raw Requesting
    ) where
import Network.Google.GeoResolver.Requester
import Network.Google.GeoResolver.Parser
import Control.Monad
import Data.Text (pack, append)

-- | Encodes a given address into a coordinate.
geoEncode :: Maybe String -- ^ Optional API key to use if you intend to go over the courtesy limit
  -- Google imposes 
  -> String -- ^ The address to be looked up.
  -> IO (Either String (Double, Double)) -- ^ Either an error message or the result.
geoEncode mk x =
   liftM (parseAnswer >=> getLocation) (requestEncode (fmap pack mk) (pack x))

-- | Encodes a given address into a coordinate.
geoEncodeLanguage :: Maybe String -- ^ Optional API key to use if you intend to go over the courtesy limit
  -- Google imposes 
  -> String -- ^ The address to be looked up.
  -> String -- ^ Language to be used. cf. https://developers.google.com/maps/faq#languagesupport
  -> IO (Either String (Double, Double)) -- ^ Either an error message or the result.
geoEncodeLanguage Nothing addr lang =
    liftM (parseAnswer >=> getLocation)
        (requestRaw [("address", pack addr), ("language", pack lang)])

geoEncodeLanguage (Just k) addr lang =
    liftM (parseAnswer >=> getLocation)
        (requestRaw [("address", pack addr), ("language", pack lang), ("key", pack k)])

-- | Reverse geocoding of a given coordinate pair into an address.
geoDecode :: Maybe String -- ^ Optional API key to use if you intend to go over the courtesy limit
  -- Google imposes 
  -> (Double, Double) -- ^ coordinate to be decoded
  -> IO (Either String String) -- ^ Either an error message (Left) or the result (Right).
geoDecode mk x =
    liftM (parseAnswer >=> getAddress)
        (requestDecode (fmap pack mk) x)

-- | Reverse geocoding of a given coordinate pair into an address.
geoDecodeLanguage :: Maybe String -- ^ Optional API key to use if you intend to go over the courtesy limit
  -- Google imposes 
  -> (Double, Double) -- ^ coordinate to be decoded
  -> String -- ^ Language to be used. cf. https://developers.google.com/maps/faq#languagesupport
  -> IO (Either String String) -- ^ Either an error message (Left) or the result (Right).
geoDecodeLanguage Nothing (lat, lng) lang =
    liftM (parseAnswer >=> getAddress)
            [("latlng",pack (show lat) `append` pack (',' : show lng)), ("language", pack lang)])
geoDecodeLanguage (Just k) (lat, lng) lang =
    liftM (parseAnswer >=> getAddress)
            [("latlng",pack (show lat) `append` pack (',' : show lng)), ("language", pack lang), ("key", pack k)])

-- | Sends a request based on a 'GoogleRequest'.
geoRequest :: GoogleRequest -> IO (Either String (GoogleAnswer GoogleResult))
geoRequest r = liftM parseAnswer (requestRequest r)

-- | Sending a raw request to the api, if you want more control than the above methods offer.
-- Uses a pair of key-value pairs to generate the actual query.
-- See "GeoResolver.Parser" for a helping hand using the resulting 'GoogleAnswer'.
geoRaw :: [(String, String)] -> IO (Either String (GoogleAnswer GoogleResult))
geoRaw xs = liftM parseAnswer (requestRaw (map (\(k,v) -> (pack k, pack v)) xs))